Xcode 7: "No matching provisioning profiles found" - ios

I've changed the App ID and created a new provisioning profile for it. The new bundle ID and provisioning profile seem to be correctly set in the target's settings, and I get no warning when archiving it. But when I want to export the archive, Xcode shows me a dialog saying:
No matching provisioning profiles found for "Applications/MyApp.app"
And below it says that:
None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements: application-identifier, beta-reports-active, keychain-access-groups
What I'm missing to check/change?
EDIT: In the warning dialog I'm also shown the buttons "Visit Member Center" and "Import Developer Profile". Do I need to set a developer profile if I just want to export a distribution binary?

Go to Member Center and then "Certificates, identifier and profiles" then create a new developer profile. Download and double click on profile then clean you app. and run.
if not solve. see this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAdV16nRLp8

What resolved the issue was manually setting Provisioning Profile for Debug and Release to the appropriate values, as opposed to choosing Automatic (i.e., set values to your development and distribution provisioning profiles). Based on this SO answer.

This worked for me in Xcode 7.2:
Select your target, then the "General" tab. In the "Identity" section there was a warning that no provisioning profiles were found, and a button that said "Fix issue." I pressed it, and it fixed the issue.
In my case I was missing the automatically generated provisioning profiles because I had changed the bundle ID in an existing project.

I solved this by creating a provisioning profile with an explicit app Bundle ID rather than a Wildcard one.

For Xcode 8 ( As I tried it on 8 and it worked)
First of all clean the project
Select simulator as Generic IOS Device
Then again click on product --> Archive
After the archive is made xcode automatically takes you to orgaiser or else you can click on windows--> organiser.
here you can see all the archive you have made in past.
Now, the main part:
Select an archive you want to export.
Click on export. Its on right side under the "upload to store Button"
When You click it ask to select 1 out of 4 options, select--> Save for Development Deployment (4th option)
After This it fetch the account, Make sure you select the account by which you have made provisional profile or signing certificate.
Thats it, it will start preparing your IPA.
It ask to export your IPA to the preferred location & makes a folder their.
In my case it helped.
No other 3 option gave me same error about provisioning profile but not the 4th one.

If it is not userful by regenerating your Provisioning profile ,you can try to go to TARGETS/Build Settings/Packing/Product Bundle identifier,Maybe you forget change the bundle identifier.


Visual Studio 2019 Version 16.10.2 iOS when setting signing idenity no provisioning profiles found

When I build my Xamarin iOS app and select a signing identity in the project properties, I get "no matching profiles found" in the "Provisioning Profiles" dropdown. I can see the provisioning profiles in Tools->Options->Xamarin->Apple Accounts->Show Details. I've downloaded all the profiles in my developer account after signing in, yet nothing shows up in the "Provisioning Profiles" drop-down list. What am I doing wrong?
This is what I see in the bundle signing
As you can see, I have a ton of provisioning profiles. Yet none show up in the drop-down list. I've hit that download button a hundred times. Frustrating.
Find your actual download address and check if there is a "Provisioning Profiles" file. If there is no such file, try to download again.
If the download is unsuccessful, you can download it through Apple Developer.
If the "Provisioning Profiles" file exists in the physical address, click to try to open it and check whether it exists in the project.
Clean your Xamarin project and run it again.
Apparently I did not have a valid distribution profile for distribution to the apple store (even though you can see I did). I created a new distribution profile and can now see that profile. But (of course) I have another problem, archiving the bundle never completes. Look for that questing in another post. sigh ... it never ends ...

Ad Hoc application-identifier entitlement doesn't match?

I'm getting the following error message from Xcode 9 GM when trying to do an Ad Hoc distribution export of an iOS app archive from the Organizer.
Profile doesn't match the entitlement file's value for the
application-identifier entitlement.
The bundle identifier and the App ID do match. I never got this message for the same project with Xcode 8. So where is the new mismatch? Something I need to do in Xcode? Or is there some new setting when creating an App ID or Ad Hoc distribution provisioning profile in iTunes Connect?
The mismatch is in the provisioning profile being used. I can't tell you why, but the entitlements are being extracted from your provisioning profile during signing, based on the portal appID that profile was created from. There's a mismatch between the bundle ID of the target you built and the bundle ID of the portal's appID record that the signing provisioning profile was created with.
First, make sure that the profile is the one you're meaning to use (the AdHoc Distribution provProf for a portal appID that matches the bundle ID of your target, and if that looks right, consider regenerating the AdHoc provisioning profile and installing it using the Xcode>Preferences >Accounts "Download Manual Profiles" option.
Sometimes Xcode will get confused if you have old versions of provisioning profiles installed, and I've even seen times in the past where a wild card profile was matching instead of the intended one. So, there could be some Xcode confusion around the installed provProfs. The fact that you had no issues with Xcode 8 but do with Xcode 9 might explain that. Changes in Xcode can cause changes in behavior.
If regenerating the provProf and installing it doesn't help, I'd suggest deleting all of your installed mobile provProfs and then reinstalling them. To delete them, open a terminal window and enter
rm ~/Library/MobileDevice/"Provisioning Profiles"/*.mobileprovision
Then go back to the Xcode>Preferences>Accounts and do the "Download Manual Profiles" option to install them again. If it still doesn't work, you're missing something. See the debugging tip below.
Focus on the appID's bundle ID in the Dev portal, the bundle ID of your target, and the provisioning profile you're signing with (making sure it's for an AdHoc build of that appID). At least one of those isn't matching up.
One last debugging tip. Drag the provisioning profile you're signing with to TextEdit (I keep that in my dock for pretty much this reason.) TextEdit will display the information in the provProf, so you can check the entitlements and make sure they match what you're expecting.
Hopefully that's enough to sort this out.
Same issue appeared to me with both Jenkins and my local machine.
Not sure how it got fixed, but below one did the trick.
1: Navigated to build flavour in Target > General
2: Changed the provisioning profile to something else in that build flavour and archived.
3: Then selected back the actual provisioning profile. It worked like a charm.
Might not help in your case, but it worked for me.

Provisioning profile issue in Xcode 7.1.1?

Earlier I was using Xcode 7 it used to show me the provisioning profile for the IPA file which I selected under build settings. But now after update to 7.1.1 whenever I make IPA file then it always show me iOS Team provisioning under provisioning profile section even I have selected the correct provisioning profile.
See screenshot:
Please tell me how to resolve the issue.
In iOS Team Provisioning profile all the UDIDs are added which were previously added by me on developer account.
In developer.apple.com:
Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Provisioning Profiles
Delete any provisioning profiles that are no longer needed.
Pay careful attention to those that match your app's bundle ID, for example, com.yourdomain.yourappname.
Make sure you have at most one provisioning profile for Development and at most one provisioning profile for Distribution.
Download each provisioning profile and double-click on it in Finder so that it gets installed.
In Xcode:
Go to Your Target > Build Settings > Code Signing
Set all values to be iOS Developer.
Go to Your Target > Build Settings > Provisioning Profile
Set all values to be Automatic.
In Xcode:
To test the changes, create an archive using Product > Archive.
After the archive is built, open the Window > Organizer and Export the archive.
Choose Developer Deployment.
Choose your team.
The provisioning profile display should now be correct for your app in the Summary window, the one that you have shown in your question.
Please follow the steps.
1.Open Xcode
2. then goto Xcode section
3. Select Preferences
4. Account
5. Select your account details
6. Click View Detail
7 .Sync details.

No matching provisioning profiles found for WatchKit extension when submitting to App Store

I'm using xcode 6.3
xcode had created a provisioning profile "xxx.xxx.xxx.watchkitextension" automatically, in the code signing of watchkit extension target, I've tried choosing this profile or leaving it Automatic, they all giving me this error "Failed to locate or generate matching signing assets" when I submit it to App Store.
Any ideas? thanks.
This problem looks similar to this question.
Submit WatchKit Provisioning Error
I had the same problem. Here is the solution that worked for me.
Technical Q&A QA1830 The beta-reports-active Entitlement Q: How do I resolve the "beta-reports-active" code signing error? https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1830/_index.html
I had to regenerate the "Distribution" Provisioning Profile that I was using to submit my entire app, before I included the WatchKit extension. Specifically, these steps fixed my problem:
I logged onto developer.apple.com, selected "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles".
On the Certs IDs & Profiles website > Provisioning Profiles page, click the App Store profile.
Click 'Edit'
Click 'Generate'
Following steps help me out:
1.Make sure "App Groups" in Capabilities page in Container target and Extension target.
2.Goto Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > YOUR_ACCOUNT > View Details ..., CTRL+Click one of the Profiles and open in Finder. Move all Profiles to Trash.
3.Open "App Groups" in Container target and Extension target. Xcode will generate two profiles for you, just like iOSTeam Provisioning Profile: YOURAPPID and iOSTeam Provisioning Profile: YOURAPPID.watchkitextension.
(Make sure your container target and WatchKit App target choose the first one as PP,and your extension target choose the second one).
4.If everything goes well, you can do whatever build, run and submit.
I needed to revoke my certificates (preferences -> accounts). After that XCode offered to recreate them. All fine now. Not sure whether this has unwanted side effects as previous certificates are now invalid.
I had the same error message trying to submit an update to a Watch App that was previously rejected. Since i had previously uploaded, I did not see this error. I used a support incident to get help after exhausting all paths.
I got a response in just 1 or 2 business days -- which at first annoyed me. They said i needed to reset everything to use "team provisioning profiles" and all would be fine. I am an individual developer, so my "team profile" is just mine... but I did walk through all the steps and ta-da, much to my surprise, everything worked and the errors went away. Nothing really to do with any of the application specific or other provisioning profiles i had -- i must have changed a "signing identity" somewhere so Xcode's automatic resolution / fix up did not work.
Apple's message was:
Team-based signing should be used in Xcode 5 and later: it’s the recommended workflow and is what’s covered in App Distribution Guide. Team based code signing requires resetting of all code signing settings in each targets build settings to their defaults. Xcode will no longer use the Code Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile build settings, but instead choose the best combination of signing identities and provisioning profile for the scheme being built.
Technical Q&A QA1814 - Setting up Xcode to automatically manage your provisioning profiles
Which is quite clear and solved all my problems.

No identities were available - administrator request

I had problems while "archiving" my app. I think there are invalid profiles because of iPhone Update to 5.1 and XCode update to 4.2.2.
I've taken now more than 4 hours to get rid of certification issues while using this thread step by step 3 times (which costs a lot of time):
Getting "A valid signing identity matching this profile could not be found in your keychain" warning
I still have the following fault:
No identities were available
An administrator must request identities before they can be downloaded.
The "Download identities" button went back to this window after processing some seconds.
Do you know how to get out of this wood of certification documentations and solve that fault?
Visit Member Center
Go to "iOS Provisioning Portal" -> "Certificates" (Left sidebar) >> "Distribution" tab
Check field "Provisioning Profiles". If empty, next (4)
Go to "Provisioning" (Left sidebar) -> "Distribution" tab. Press "New Profile" and complete it.
Go back to (3) check the field again.
Download and "run" (double click) the new provisioning profile.
In your project's build settings select the NEW provisioning profile (it might have the same name as the old one)
In your project's build settings update your code signing identities (all of them) to the new one if there is one. (The old one was probably expired which is one of the biggest causes for the error message you saw)
Verify that your bundle ID is correct (CaSe SeNsEtIvE)
Back to XCode Organizer - Devices. Click TEAM (Left sidebar) and click "Refresh" (right-bottom). You will find XCode fetch the new profile. If new content loaded, repeat steps 6 and 7 (they will have been changed!) *If you can't find team because you are running a newer version of xCode, go to Xcode preferences (clicking "Xcode" on the mac toolbar on the top left corner of your screen) and go to account, select your team and click refresh. If new content loaded, repeat steps 6 and 7 (they will have been changed!)If you are in Preferences -> Accounts and you still can't refresh, then:
Click on the Accounts tab
Select an Apple ID in the list
Click "View Details" on the bottom right
Click on the refresh arrow on the bottom left
Xcode will now refresh the updated credentials, and you can proceed to validate or distribute your app.
Validate or distribute your app again. It should work.
If this didn't work then go to "TEAM" under project settings > targets and select "none"... Now that you have selected None you will need to repeat step 7 and change the code signing identities (all of them) and try archiving again.
Lastly, if none of the above worked. Simply create a new production certificate AND create a new provisioning profile with the same bundle ID. (Yes, this will work if you are updating an app that is already live). Download the cert and prov. profile and run both (double click). Now repeat step 6 and archive. This should work.
#Takoi's answer is correct. However, with my latest version of Xcode, there is no TEAM option in the Devices section of the Organizer. I had to do the following instead to refresh the credentials:
Go to Xcode->Preferences
Click on the Accounts tab
Select an Apple ID in the list
Click "View Details" on the bottom right
Click on the refresh arrow on the bottom left
Xcode will now refresh the updated credentials, and you can proceed to validate or distribute your app.
Hope this helps!
Make sure the bundle id in your .plist file in XCode is the same as the bundle id in itunesconnect, if it's off, it won't be able to match the archive to the profile on itunesconnect when validating/distributing.
This is a little easier now.
You go to the app itunesconnect and login
click "certificates"
Provisioning Profiles / Distribution
generate a profile,
download the profile
double click it
I am a member of 2 teams and had the same problem while uploading one of the projects.
Changing General -> Identity -> Team to None in project settings (XCode 5) allowed me to upload the application to iTunesConnect.
Screenshot is here
My certificate had expired which resulted in my provisioning profile being expired.
Once I -
Updated my certificate on the iOS web portal
Clicked Edited on the provision profile
Selected the new certificate and clicked generate
In Xcode I refreshed my provisioning profiles
Error went away
I guess it is written somewhere in the stream, I did not read all in detail. I just want to emphasise on this point:
Due to an annoying xCode behavior, once you've set up everything, you HAVE TO clean the project and Quit xCode.
Then relaunch and build. Now you know if it works or not.
It looks like you're going to have to request another developer cert. Go to the iOS dev center website and go to the provisioning portal. Click the certificates tab and follow the directions. https://developer.apple.com/ios/manage/certificates/team/howto.action
To be clear, you're problem doesnt seem to be provisioning related, it's specifically the developer cert. if you do get another cert, you'll have to create all new profiles to sign your apps with.
My bundle identifier was named differently. I had to change it from Nyquist.GasBro to com.Nyquist.GasBro which is what I had in the provisioning profile.
None of previous answers helped me, so I post my issue.
Dev Center: Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Provisioning Profile > Distribution
Make sure that there is a distribution provisioning profile, and App ID in it is exactly the same as Bundle ID of your app in Xcode (Project Settings > General > Identity > Bundle Identifier).
Xcode: Project Settings > Build Settings > Code Signing:
Provisioning profile - choose that Distribution provisioning profile name (not Development!)
Code Signing Identity - I choosed Automatic since I have only one.
P.S. Before doing this, I deleted all unused and expired provisioning profiles and signing identities from Dev Center and from Xcode. Then, refreshed as mentioned in other answers: Xcode: Preferences > Accounts > (my Apple ID) > View Details > Refresh.
The answer that you are looking for is that when you generate the certificate request for COMMON NAME you need to put your HUMAN NAME as in John Smith, not your app name. Apple uses this term Common Name in 2 different ways and doesn't tell you that the certificate is supposed to have your name on it whereas in another area they ask for common name and want the APP name.
I had the same problem.
Nothing mentioned on this page did not work for me until i was deleted everything from archive.
After that problem disappear.
For those who says that the Ad Hoc Distribution profile wont work this year 2014, I have to agree.
In Build Settings locate the Code Signing setting: for Release choose your Store Distribution and then select Menu>Product>Archive.
Later, in the Organizer Window, select your archive and clic in Validate. It will let you select the Ad Hoc profile and validate... then select Distribute, it will let you save as .ipa file.
