How to add UITableView section using interface builder - ios

I have a storyboard with UITableViewController subclass in it. It looks like this:
I inherited this project, so I didn't make the section inside table view by myself. I can't find a way to add table view section (blue box on the image) other than copy/pasting the existing one and modifying later.
The object library doesn't seem tho have this component.
I know that I can manipulate sections in code, but my question is can this section (blue box on the image) be added using IB only?

Simply select your UITableView in the document outline and increment the sections like so:

For static tables, you can click on tableview in view hierarchy and then from property inspector you can mention number of sections for tableview. As shown in image.


Static table cells with detail

I'm trying to make an iOS 'information' or 'guide' app in Swift. I wanted to utilise the Master Detail template so that when the user clicks a cell it will take them to a relevant ViewController with either basic text labels or a PDF file.
From what I understand, Dynamic Cells can be dynamically changed whilst the app runs however I want to set static cells from the storyboard (or programmatically) and their relevant content/PDF files so the user can view each one. I don't want any "new cell" or "editing" functionality.
How can I make this work? I would post my code so far but it's almost identical to the Master Detail template so I don't see any use. I know this is quite a vague question but I need help and don't know where to start.
Any help will be so appreciated!
A static table cell can entirely be created via storyboard. In the storyboard once you add a tableviewcpntroller you can prototype call added to it.You can add as many prototype cells to your table ( not necessarily every one should have common layout). After all cells are added you can assign individual tags to the cells if you need identify these cells from your code.You can add segue from each cells to move to different page.
Let me know if something more is needed.
In Interface Builder set the Content of the table view to Static Cells.
Drag as many table view cells as you need into the table view.
In the controller create IBOutlets for the labels and the other UI elements.
Connect the outlets in Interface Builder.
Rather than using the datasource methods assign the values directly to the UI elements via the outlets.

Xamarin.iOS - UITableView with more cells than can fit in Designer

In my Xamarin Studio storyboard, I have created a Table View (UITableView) that has one section containing a bunch of table view cells (static content). I need 6 rows (cells) but the 6th one does not fit the display area of the view controller. I can see this cell in the designer but I cannot drag anything on it as it is somehow placed outside of the view controller (under it).
For clarity, I am attaching an image explaining the situation.
I am wondering if it is possible to add more cells than the view area can hold as in my scenario... or am I now forced to place controls at runtime ?
This is a confirmed bug by the Xamarin team. The solution is to use the Interface Builder of XCode for this particular task.

Why can't I edit multiple dynamic prototypes in UITableView?

I'm creating a Table View in Interface Builder (Storyboard). I'd like to have a couple of different Dynamic Prototype cells with different sets of Labels and Images in them and so on, and I can give them different reuseIdentifiers so I can pick which ones I want at runtime.
In Interface Builder, I create several Dynamic Prototype cells in my UITableView, which is controlled by a UITableViewController.
In the first cell, I drag and drop in various views and so on.
In the second cell, IB will not let me drag any views into it? I can resize the second cell vertically, but can't put anything into it at all, either by dragging into the cell or into the object graph in the left-side bar.
If I copy and paste the first cell, a second Dynamic Prototype will appear with all of the same contents, but I won't be able to modify the copied cell (can't add or move subviews). However--and this is strange--I can select the constraints and modify their values to resize and shift objects in the second cell.
As a note, running XCode 5-DP3. Tried restarting it (didn't expect that to help, and it didn't). Otherwise, unsure what to try, and unsure if I'm doing something very braindead, or if this is a bug I need to report to Apple.
So, am I crazy? Has anyone experienced this/can anyone recreate this?
After further testing, if I stick a big UIView into the first cell, and then copy that cell, I can edit inside my added view. (Does this make sense?) I can't edit anything that lies within the second UITableViewCell, but if it contains a UIView copied over from the first cell, I can put new views into that view and move them around and so on. Super-strange.
For the sake of posterity, I'm answering my own question:
The way I solved this was to take a UITableViewCell object from the Object library and drag it onto the UITableView. Sounds simple, right?
The problem I was running into was only if I copied existing dynamic prototypes through Cmd+C & Cmd+V, or by incrementing the number in the Attributes inspector for the table view. The Storyboard Editor wouldn't allow me to modify those ones.
Dropping in new cells from the Object library let me tweak them all separately.
XCode 5-DP6 solved issues with not abling to resize cell's subviews.

drill down UITableView using storyboard in iOS program

I'm trying to develop an iOS app that has drill down UITable View. I got a drill down table view tutorial, but the number of UITableViews is static. What I need is a dynamic one. My requirement is simple. I need to access an FTP Server and get the directory hierarchy (I guess I need to store it in NSDictionary or in an xml file) and display the content in the UITableView. If it is a text file, I need to display it in some view, otherwise I need to display the selected folder's content in the same UITableView, and it goes on till the bottom of the directory hierarchy.
I need to use the storyboard.
I've had to make a something very similar to what your talking about in a previous application I worked on.
In that I created table views inside of table view cells with a button at the top to expand and collapse the view using the cell height.
This worked pretty well but since then I've found the best way to simply programmatically add ui elements to either your table view cells or view.
In both cases I created a management system using parent child architecture to hold your information.
I hope this puts you in the right direction :)

how do I set up a table view in interface builder for a 'settings' type interface

So I guess the table view has been designed around the idea of using dynamic data received at run time, but I want to make a settings type app where all of the cell values are known as I build it, so I was hoping to be able to set the section / row configuration, labels ect, as well as the properties for each cell (whether it has other views inside it like a switch, or whether it is a button etc) all in interface builder.
can I do that? how?
I am using xcode 4.4.1
To use static cell content you have to make sure that you are adding a UITableViewController not just a UITableView dragged into a UIViewController. The latter requires dynamic prototypes.
Once you've added the table view controller to your storyboard it is as simple as selecting "static cells" in the attributes inspector. From there you can drag and drop UITableViewCells and modify them as you wish.
