How to control Parse ACLs on public level - ios

Parse just updated to V 1.1.0 and this was listed as a change:
Converted PFACL's publicReadAccess and publicWriteAccess methods to
Now I don't know how to change ACLs on a public level. It used to be this:
How do I achieve these effects now?

acl.publicReadAccess = true
foo.ACL?.publicWriteAccess = true


DI - resolving instance using parameter (Prism using DryIoc)

I've been searching over the web how could I resolve instance using Prism DryIOC that uses parameter during runtime, but to luck yet.
For example, I have a class:
internal sealed class ItemInfoHelper : IItemInfoHelper
public ItemInfoHelper(Item item) {...}
public string GetSomething() {...}
And in registering service I need to register it.
protected override void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
containerRegistry.Register<IItemInfoHelper, ItemInfoHelper>();
If I do this, when I resolve it somewhere like:
var helperInstance = container.Resolve<IItemInfoHelper>();
it will be obviously resolved using empty Item (using default Item constructor). I have seen a lot of examples that register instances using some parameters that are known at compile time. But the case is that I would like to resolve instance being initialized dynamically using Item that would be a different one in different places (i.e. known at runtime only).
Is there a way to register/resolve it using such behavior if I use Prism + DryIoc?
Thanks in advance.
The simplest type-safe way to do so is to resolve the function of item:
var getHelperInstance = container.Resolve<Func<Item, IItemInfoHelper>>();
var helperInstance = getHelperInstance(myItem);

log4j2 and custom key value using JSONLayout

I would like to add to my log a String key and an Integer value using Log4j2.
Is there a way to do it? when I added properties to the ThreadContext I was able to add only String:String key and values but this does not help I have numbers that I need to present in Kibana (some graphs)
The built-in GelfLayout may be useful.
It's true that the default ThreadContext only supports String:String key-values. The work done in LOG4J2-1648 allows you to use other types in ThreadContext:
Tell Log4j to use a ThreadContext map implementation that implements the ObjectThreadContextMap interface. The simplest way to accomplish this is by setting system property log4j2.garbagefree.threadContextMap to true.
The standard ThreadContext facade only has methods for Strings, so you need to create your own facade. The below should work:
public class ObjectThreadContext {
public static boolean isSupported() {
return ThreadContext.getThreadContextMap() instanceof ObjectThreadContextMap;
public static Object getValue(String key) {
return getObjectMap().getValue(key);
public static void putValue(String key, Object value) {
getObjectMap().putValue(key, value);
private static ObjectThreadContextMap getObjectMap() {
if (!isSupported()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
return (ObjectThreadContextMap) ThreadContext.getThreadContextMap();
It is possible to avoid ThreadContext altogether by injecting key-value pairs from another source into the LogEvent. This is (briefly) mentioned under Custom Context Data Injectors (
I found default log4j2 implementation somewhat problematic for passing custom fields with values. In my opinion current java logging frameworks are not well suited for writing structured log events
If you like hacks, you can check . It's a library written for gelf. One of provided features is a layout (ExtGelfjLayout) that supports extracting custom fields (See FieldExtractor) from events. But... im order to send such event, you need to write your own logging facade on top of log4j2.

Datajs: How to modify rel-attribute?

I'm trying to post linked entries in atom-format to Odata service. Only thing missing from my payload is that rel-attribute should be: "". Currently it's automatically generated to ""
Heres my current linked entries:
<a:link href="SOItems" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"><m:inline><a:feed><a:entry><a:author><a:name></a:name></a:author><a:content type="application/xml"><m:properties><d:OrderId>0</d:OrderId><d:Item>000020</d:Item><d:Material>M-06</d:Material><d:Plant>1200</d:Plant><d:Quantity>200.000</d:Quantity><d:Description m:null="true"></d:Description><d:UoM m:null="true"></d:UoM><d:Value m:null="true"></d:Value></m:properties></a:content></a:entry><a:entry><a:author><a:name></a:name></a:author><a:content type="application/xml"><m:properties><d:OrderId>0</d:OrderId><d:Item>000020</d:Item><d:Material>M-06</d:Material><d:Plant>1200</d:Plant><d:Quantity>200.000</d:Quantity><d:Description m:null="true"></d:Description><d:UoM m:null="true"></d:UoM><d:Value m:null="true"></d:Value></m:properties></a:content></a:entry></a:feed></m:inline></a:link>
How can I set rel-attribute for linked entry with datajs.
the namespace of links "" is hard code on datajs code. Currently there is no public API that the application could use to change it. However, since the datajs is open source, there are still some methods to work around this issue by modifying the datajs code:
a) Change the value of local property “odataRelatedLinksPrefix” in data.js
b) Expose the local variable “odataRelatedLinksPrefix” to be public by adding odata.odataRelatedLinksPrefix = odataRelatedLinksPrefix in data.js code. After doing this, the application could change the namespace value by calling OData.odataRelatedLinksPrefix whenever and wherever.

Setting default maxLength for Grails GORM Strings?

I know you can set default constraints via the grails.gorm.default.constraints config property by name by:
grails.gorm.default.constraints = {
but is there a way to set it by type? I want to default all my strings to default to maxSize:2000 (primarily to force the default db mapping to not be to varchar(255))
I don't think there's any way to do this easily in Config.groovy. You can create a custom dialect for hibernate without too much trouble though. For example (using the Postgres dialect):
package mypackage;
import org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect;
import java.sql.Types;
public MyPostgresDialect extends PostgresSQLDialect {
public MyPostgresDialect() {
registerColumnType(Types.VARCHAR, "text");
Then update DataSource.groovy to use the new dialect:
datasource {
dialect = mypackage.MyPostgresDialect
Just to provide an additional answer I received from a co-worker - which wasn't applicable in this case, but might help others...
if you can follow a naming convention in your properties, then you could do a:
'*_s': (maxSize:2000)
I personally don't like cross-tying prop names and datatypes - but wanted to include this as an approach (even though I like the dialect answer by ataylor more...)

DynamicJasper(on Grails) Purposefully keep column or field blank(empty)

I want to generate a pdf report, where a column(or cell/field) is left blank(empty) on purpose. This column actually does have a value but, I'm choosing not to display it. The column title still needs to be displayed.
Example of where this could be useful:
Blank(empty) column: A comments or notes column down one side of a report.
Blank(empty) cell: A sudoku puzzle print-out.
Much appreciated. DynamicJasper is Awesome! Thanks to the dj-team.
Glad to announce, solution found for adding an 'empty' column - and in short, it's to create a customExpression.
def cb = ColumnBuilder.getInstance()
cb = cb.setTitle("Notes")
cb = cb.setCustomExpression(new BlankExpression())
AbstractColumn columnNotes =
Then add it to the rest of the report.
Class BlankExpression is
public class BlankExpression implements CustomExpression {
public BlankExpression() { }
public Object evaluate(Map fields, Map variables, Map parameters) {
return " ";
public String getClassName() {
return String.class.getName();
But there are a few issues relating to the use of customExpressions and grails.
1st issue: "getNew()" - The examples provided on the DJ website all use "getNew()" is an example of DynamicJasper v3.1.3 where as the Grails plugin is based on v.3.0.6 which only has a getInstance() method (deprecated in 3.1.3)
2nd issue: As far as I can see, groovy doesn't allow java-style inline class implementations, thus forcing us to create a separate class file. But this is not a big problem. I might be wrong about this, and please correct me.
Hope this helps you too.
