How can I get the default images used in navigation bar? - ios

Because I want to implement some custom animations in navigation bar I decided to use a custom view instead.
I want it to look exactly like a normal navigation bar though - so I have to use the same back button and "add" image. I have normal navigation bars in other places of the app and there should be no noticeable difference.
Can I get these images somehow? If not in the system maybe somewhere in the web? Looking for this delivers me a ton of results about how to use custom images in the navigation bar, which is not what I need...
Edit: I don't want to have to instantiate a navigation bar and traverse the view hierarchy based on index etc as this is error prone. Well I could theoretically do this once for every resolution and save the imgs somewhere... but meh...

It's not possible to fetch this images from the OS.
However, there is plenty of PSDs on the internet that help designers create UI/UX designs and mockups. You can use one of them and extract images you need. Check this one or this one for example.


How to create paging with a menu at the top?

I'm trying to create something similar to the following:
You see the dates at the top just underneath the search bar? Is that a nested tab view as I'm guessing? Is there a way to do it with the default components or do I need to create a custom view?
I'm not looking for a coding answer per se. I just want to know if there's a standard way of achieving this before trying to implement my own solution.
For future reference I found a library that does exactly this.
Apple's documentation states :
The tab bar interface displays tabs at the bottom of the window for selecting between the different modes and for displaying the views for that mode. This class is generally used as-is, but may also be subclassed.
So I would guess that it is a custom solution.

How to create compose bar button item like in Messages app

The Messages app on iOS places two bar button items next to the large title text "Messages" in the master view controller with a circled style.
How do you make your own bar button items in the navigation bar have this same behavior?
I think this demo project should give you enough hints to help you.
Addendum: You may be already aware of this, but in case you specifically wanted a search bar as well, there is also a UISearchController ViewController to help with getting user input and populating a TableView with results.
Addendum: Looking into it further, there’s already an SO answer covering this. Additionally, consulting the API reference show that setToolbarItems already supports adding an array of UIBarButtonItem
As far as custom buttons are concerned, check out this reference, there’s a section on customizing appearance. Additionally, the constructor for UIBarButtonItem conveniently supports taking a UIImage as well. If what’s there is insufficient to accomplish what you need, you can always subclass UIBarButtonItem and change the views there.

How to show UITabbar with large title

I have 4 UITabbars which are showing 4 different view controllers. And those 4 UITabbars have the following name
NOW these titles are overlapping with each other and are really hard to see them on iPhone 6s plus. here is a picture of real device for reference. See the UI Tabbar and you will notice how bad it is looking
The main problem is my client is not ready to cut short these titles
and he want the bottom control (UITabbar)
I set all this by Storyboard. so there is no code to share. But I am very much amazed that apple has not managed to properly align these UITabbar titles.
If is there any way to do that please let me know. Thanks in advance.
I wonder why isnt there any more button and any slide applied by apple
developers by default for the following scenario. I think this can be
solved if there is any more button and showing only 2 View controller
on UITabbar and 2 inside the more button
The main problem is my client is not ready to cut short these titles and he want the bottom control (UITabbar).
In my view, the main problem is your client himself because tab bar items aren't made for displaying such titles: a better design approach needs to be done.
To try and convince your client, take a look at the Apple Human Interface Guidelines: it's better to use tab bar icons including a More button.
Besides, if you must implement the Dynamic Type feature, the Large Content Viewer will be your friend to enlarge your tab bar items.

Making Customised UITabBarController

As simple as the question, I could't find a good answer to my question.
I want to make tab Bar items to be loaded from my NIB file, So I change it whenever I want.
I want my tab Bar to be something like that.
with my own custom fonts, alignment, as you can see there is no images it just Text only.
So any one can help here ?

iPad app designing

I need to create an app for ipad.Its something like the contacts app in ipad.(like an open book)
My doubts are whether they are using split view or two different views.
If splitview is used,how could we increase its width and style?
You can tell that they are not using a split view controller by turning the screen vertically: split view moves the master into a popover; contacts simply rotates, without popping the master portion out. I think that they use a single, highly customized, view for the contacts.
The background can be just a chunk of graphic or a picture. On top of that you'd add your own or Apples UI elements.
Each functional area should probably be implemented as a separate subview, ie. the UITableView on the left, the index on the right and so forth.
In your words - implement it as separate views not a split view.
If you want something like that (don't know why you would... the Contacts app is horrible) then you're going to look past the default set of UI elements provided to you by Apple.
UIViewController, UITableView are really the only two things you'd be reusing for something like that.
