How to show UITabbar with large title - ios

I have 4 UITabbars which are showing 4 different view controllers. And those 4 UITabbars have the following name
NOW these titles are overlapping with each other and are really hard to see them on iPhone 6s plus. here is a picture of real device for reference. See the UI Tabbar and you will notice how bad it is looking
The main problem is my client is not ready to cut short these titles
and he want the bottom control (UITabbar)
I set all this by Storyboard. so there is no code to share. But I am very much amazed that apple has not managed to properly align these UITabbar titles.
If is there any way to do that please let me know. Thanks in advance.
I wonder why isnt there any more button and any slide applied by apple
developers by default for the following scenario. I think this can be
solved if there is any more button and showing only 2 View controller
on UITabbar and 2 inside the more button

The main problem is my client is not ready to cut short these titles and he want the bottom control (UITabbar).
In my view, the main problem is your client himself because tab bar items aren't made for displaying such titles: a better design approach needs to be done.
To try and convince your client, take a look at the Apple Human Interface Guidelines: it's better to use tab bar icons including a More button.
Besides, if you must implement the Dynamic Type feature, the Large Content Viewer will be your friend to enlarge your tab bar items.


How to make an iOS Side Navigation Drawer like the one in Gmail

I have checked out several libraries, videos and online blogs on how to make a side navigation drawer in iOS, but none of them have been able to provide a simple solution to create a side navigation drawer where you are not limited to just a TableView. I want to be able to add different UIViews to the side drawer. This is the kind of Side Drawer I am trying to create :
Most of the libraries cant allow custom views inside the side drawer, but I want to create a small view like this at the top of the drawer UITableView.
So far, I have tried these libraries but each of them lack an essential feature : : Only supports a list of items(basically only a tableview) and not custom views like the one I want to add and like the one gmail has, which displays the profile picture along with the email id. : Same Reason. : Animation is too fancy. : Only supports a TableView in the side drawer.
After having developed a few android applications, I was quite surprised that iOS didn't have an equivalent of the android DrawerLayout, and when I searched for libraries I could not find a single one that had the right classic design that is most used. I read somewhere that adding a side drawer was a bad design choice, but in my application, I have already used all of my screen space and need a way to give the user quick access to 20-25 list options along with a small view at the top. I figured adding a side drawer was the perfect way to do so, but unfortunately I haven't gotten very far trying to make it.
All help will be appreciated!
SlideMenuControllerSwift will let you stick any viewController with any layout you want into your menu. Its really not that hard to make your own slide out either. Your options are: 1. You make a container and every view in the app goes int he container along with the menu and the container animates the menu in an out. Or 2. You just make a menu singleton and when it gets triggered it adds its view on top of the main window, which will cover the current view controller.
You can try this one also, NavigationDrawer

Which UI element is suitable for drop down filter in iOS app?

Right now i am developing app. One of it's ViewControllers has tableview with list of blog posts. I want to put some control so user can select blog's categories and then app will show posts only from those selected categories.
I thought it would be nice if there will be "filter" button in top right corner of my app's viewcontroller. After pressing it dropdown list of category appears and user can select categories.
What custom UI element can handle it?
Really there's a ton of options at your disposal, not including all the custom elements you can probably grab from GitHub
For an iPad, you can use a UIPopoverController
Depending on the number of filters and the style of the design, a good starting point could even be a UIActionSheet.
If you want to do something really fancy, you could have a second UITableView hidden underneath by your main UITableView containing the blog posts, and then when the "Filter" button gets hit you can animate your blog UITableView slightly over revealing your filters menu (maybe even shaded slightly darker to give a feeling of depth to the app)
I searched for a while and can recommend CZPicker because it very nice and easy picker view for iOS that supports iOS 7 and is well working not only iPhones but whit iPads too.

Xcode 5 - Tabs at the top

I wanna put "tabs" at the top of the view and I don't find in object library... does anyone knows? Thanks for the help.
Examples here:
There's a difference between navigational tabs like the second screen shot has and just a "tabbed" division of information like the first. The first one stays a single screen while the second one could also be considered an application that has different subviews under that tabbed navigation. The first screen is trivial and you should do this with UIViews with UILabels nested into them.
The second screen is more interesting. I don't think it's a good idea to use the built in tabbed navigation handlers because it's just not a good fit for that kind of layout. You could do it but you're writing a lot of code to get it completely like you want it. But if you would want to you could divide the screen with custom containers and trigger segues in the bottom part from the UIButtons you put on top and it's a pretty good way to handle those kind of segues from within Interface Builder.
More information:

What do you call this stacked folders looking view in iOS?

What is this view called?
Its like stacked folders (Cupertino, New York, Austin, Your Location) that when you touch one.
It enlarges and shows more details, is it complicated to create?
And can someone please show me a link, on how to create one?
It looks a lot like an Accordion.
There are a number of Accordion projects on Cocoa Controls and Cocoapods.
This is just using a UITableView and customising what happens when you tap cells.
You don't need UIKit Dynamics for something like this. Nor would I put multiple UIViews on top of each other as if there are more than a handful you'll run into memory issues.
The transition to the next screen is a custom transition. You can read more about these in WWDC 2013 video. I think it's session 218.
Or possibly in the tech talk videos available from the website.
The iOS weather app uses a similar concept. I'm about 30% through trying to reverse engineer it. I believe it uses a UICollectionView with a layout-to-layout transition.
This is not a standard view controller layout. I think you could call this "Stacked View Controllers", as it is not per se a navigation controller (no push/pop), nor a tab bar controller, nor anything known.

How to create UIView like IMDB app

I'm trying to recreate a view.
I've seen in the IMDB app and have no idea how to do the same thing.
I'm fairly new at app building, so any advice would help.
In the IMDB app when you select pics of an actor, you get a grid view of photos.
If you tap one, it goes full screen.
If you tap full screen pic, 2 semi-transparent bars appear at top and bottom overlapping photo.
These bars contain buttons and text.
How would I recreate this in my own app? Is it a special view? Modal views I know appear from bottom and fill whole screen.
Can anyone help me?
This question is far too vague, you need to attempt this and post more specific questions as you run into problems, but here's some high-level insight to get you started: (Mind you, I haven't seen the IMDB app)
A grid view of photos could be done with a UITableView or a UICollectionView (either in a full size view controller, or placed into a UIPopoverController for iPad), and when someone taps on one you could launch a new view controller that consists of simply a UIImageView filling the screen (you could do this as a full-screen modal). In any case, this view will need to have 2 views (with backgrounds set to alpha < 1.0) which will contain your buttons and text. You will set those views to hidden until the user taps on the full screen image (which you can use a UITapGestureRecognizer for).
Take a whack at it yourself, and when you run into specific issues, post them here and the fine knowledgable people here at SO will be glad to help you.
You can show a modal view without having them come up from the bottom. pushViewController:animated:(if you're using a UINavigationController),presentModalViewController:animated:,presentViewController: animated:completion: all have a BOOL option to turn animated on or off. They probably just turned the animation off.
