Laravel PubSubHubbub i have subscribed but couldn't receive updates - laravel-5.1

I am trying to get real time feed updates using the Pubsubhubbup and Laravel, i have created 2 functions one for subscribe and the other one is a callback function.
when the subscribe function called it worked and the callback function receives a confirmation from the hub and respond with the hub_challenge code, all this works OK but the callback function doesn't receive any feed updates after that although it should receive it from the hub when there are updates but this is not happen !!
can you help to find what is the problem ??
thanks for your time.
the functions
public function subscribe(Feed $feed)
$hub_url = "";
$callback_url = url('feed/getFeedUpdates');
$subscriber = new Subscriber($hub_url, $callback_url);
Flash::success('Feed has been saved.');
return redirect('feed');
public function getFeedUpdates(Request $request)
// Subscribe Confirmation
if ($request->has('hub_mode') && $request->hub_mode == 'subscribe') {
$response = new Response($request->hub_challenge, 200);
$response->header('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
return $response;
} else { // Receive Updates
$updates = file_get_contents("php://input");
// put the updates to the database


Unable to get Twilio sms status callbacks when sending proactive message

I'm trying to track the sms delivery status of the messages I send using the bot framework. I'm using Twilio, and sending proactive messages. Right now I'm trying to do so with twilio status callbacks
This is similar to this question, I tried that approach but I couldn't get it to work. I've added my url on the TwiML app and it is not firing. I have double and triple checked, and I suspect this url is somehow ignored or not going through with my current set up. I don't get any callbacks on the proactive message nor on the replies the bot sends to the user. However the flow works fine and I can reply and get proper responses from the bot. Edit: calling this "approach 1"
approach 2: I've also tried this doing some light modifications on Twilio adapter, to be able to add my callback just before create message. (I changed it so it uses a customized client wrapper that adds my callback url when creating the twilio resource) This does work, partially: when I reply a message from my bot, I get the status callbacks. But as the proactive message is sent using the default adapter, I don't get a callback on the initial message.
approach 3: Finally, I also tried using the TwilioAdapter when sending the proactive message but for some reason as soon as I send an activity, the TurnContext is disposed, so I can't save the state or do any subsequent actions. This leads me to believe twilio adapter is not intended to be used this way (can't be used on proactive messages), but I'm willing to explore this path if necessary.
Here is the modified Twilio Adapter:
public class TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler : TwilioAdapter
private const string TwilioNumberKey = "TwilioNumber";
private const string TwilioAccountSidKey = "TwilioAccountSid";
private const string TwilioAuthTokenKey = "TwilioAuthToken";
private const string TwilioValidationUrlKey = "TwilioValidationUrl";
public TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler(IConfiguration configuration, ILogger<TwilioAdapter> logger, TwilioAdapterOptions adapterOptions = null)
: base(
new TwilioClientWrapperWithCallback(new TwilioClientWrapperOptions(configuration[TwilioNumberKey], configuration[TwilioAccountSidKey], configuration[TwilioAuthTokenKey], new Uri(configuration[TwilioValidationUrlKey]))), adapterOptions, logger)
OnTurnError = async (turnContext, exception) =>
// Log any leaked exception from the application.
logger.LogError(exception, $"[OnTurnError] unhandled error : {exception.Message}");
Task[] tasks = {
// Send a message to the user
turnContext.SendActivityAsync("We're sorry but this bot encountered an error when processing your answer."),
// Send a trace activity, which will be displayed in the Bot Framework Emulator
turnContext.TraceActivityAsync("OnTurnError Trace", exception.Message, "", "TurnError")
Task all = Task.WhenAll(tasks); //task with the long running tasks
await Task.WhenAny(all, Task.Delay(5000)); //wait with a timeout
Modified client Wrapper:
public class TwilioClientWrapperWithCallback : TwilioClientWrapper
public TwilioClientWrapperWithCallback(TwilioClientWrapperOptions options) : base(options) { }
public async override Task<string> SendMessageAsync(TwilioMessageOptions messageOptions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var createMessageOptions = new CreateMessageOptions(messageOptions.To)
ApplicationSid = messageOptions.ApplicationSid,
MediaUrl = messageOptions.MediaUrl,
Body = messageOptions.Body,
From = messageOptions.From,
createMessageOptions.StatusCallback = new System.Uri("");
var messageResource = await MessageResource.CreateAsync(createMessageOptions).ConfigureAwait(false);
return messageResource.Sid;
Finally, here's my summarized code that sends the proactive message:
public async Task<IActionResult> StartConversation(long superBillId, int? campaignId)
ConversationReference conversationReference = this.GetConversationReference("+17545517768");
//Start a new conversation.
await ((BotAdapter)_adapter).ContinueConversationAsync(_appId, conversationReference, async (turnContext, token) =>
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync("proactive message 1");
//this code was edited for brevity. Here I would start a new dialog that would cascade into another, but the end result is the same, as soon as a message is sent, the turn context is disposed.
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync("proactive message 2"); //throws ObjectDisposedException
}, default(CancellationToken));
var result = new { status = "Initialized fine!" };
return new JsonResult(result);
private ConversationReference GetConversationReference(string targetNumber)
string fromNumber = "+18632704234";
return new ConversationReference
User = new ChannelAccount { Id = targetNumber, Role = "user" },
Bot = new ChannelAccount { Id = fromNumber, Role = "bot" },
Conversation = new ConversationAccount { Id = targetNumber },
//ChannelId = "sms",
ChannelId = "twilio-sms", //appparently when using twilio adapter we need to set this. if using TwiML app and not using Twilio Adapter, use the above. Otherwise the frameworks interprets answers from SMS as new conversations instead.
ServiceUrl = "",
(I can see that I could just call create conversation reference and do two callbacks, one for each message, but in my actual code I'm creating a dialog that sends one message and then invokes another dialog that starts another message)
Edit 2:
Some clarifications:
On approach 2, I'm using two adapters, as suggested by code sample and documentation on using twilio adapter. The controller that starts the proactive message uses an instance of a default adapter (similar to this one), and TwilioController (the one that gets the twilio incoming messages) uses TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler.
On approach 3, I excluded the default adapter, and both controllers use TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler.
Edit 3:
Here's a small repo with the issue.
I found a fix for this problem, around approach 3, by changing the overload I use for ContinueConversation. Replace this :
//Start a new conversation.
await ((BotAdapter)_adapter).ContinueConversationAsync(_appId, conversationReference, async (turnContext, token) =>
With this:
//Start a new conversation.
var twilioAdapter = (TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler)_adapter;
await twilioAdapter.ContinueConversationAsync(_appId, conversationReference, async (context, token) =>
This way, the context is not disposed, an I can use the twilio adapter for the proactive message and have status callbacks on all messages.

Send the parsed intent and slots back to the client from Amazon-Lex

Amazon Lex FAQ's mention that we can send the parsed intent and slots back to the client, so that we can place the business logic in the client. But am unable to find anything clear on this in the Lex documentation.
My use case:
Send text/voice data to Amazon lex, lex then parses the intent and slots and sends back the JSON with intent, slot and context data back the client which requested it, rather than sending it to Lambda or other backend API endpoint.
Can anyone please point out the right way/configuration for this?
If I'm understanding you correctly, you want your client to receive the LexResponse and handle it within the client rather than by Lambda or backend API. If this is correct, you can try the following implementation of Lex-Audio.
// This will handle the event when the mic button is clicked on your UI.
scope.audioClick = function () {
// Cognito Credentials for Lex Runtime Service
AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials(
{ IdentityPoolId: Settings.AWSIdentityPool },
{ region: Settings.AWSRegion }
AWS.config.region = Settings.AWSRegion;
config = {
lexConfig: { botName: Settings.BotName }
conversation = new LexAudio.conversation(config, function (state) {
scope.$apply(function () {
if (state === "Passive") {
scope.placeholder = Settings.PlaceholderWithMic;
else {
scope.placeholder = state + "...";
}, chatbotSuccess
, function (error) {
audTextContent = error;
}, function (timeDomain, bufferLength) {
The success function which is called after Lex has responded is as follows:
chatbotSuccess = function (data) {
var intent = data.intent;
var slots = data.slots;
// Do what you need with this data
Hopefully that gives you some idea of what you need to do. If you need the reference for Lex-Audio, there's a great post about it on the Amazon Blog which you should go check out:

putting an outgoing call from a twilio client to a phone on hold(Get phone side call Sid)

I am trying to implement 'hold call' functionality into my system. I have looked at this question and some twilio docs, and recommended way to do this is to dequeue the call, which will automatically play the hold music, and then retrieve from queue when hold is complete(un-hold).
This works perfectly fine, when I have an incoming call from a mobile, to my twilio client, and I can dequeue the call, and all works fine.
However when I do it with the outgoing call from the twilio client to the mobile, if I update the call to issue dequeue instruction, I get to hear the hold music on the client side itself, and the phone gets disconnected. I suppose this is because I have set the client leg of the call on hold. So the question is how do I get the call sid for the mobile leg of the call.
I have tried querying CallResource by ParentCallId, but that does not return anything in the case of outgoing calls. Any ideas?
Call is initiated on the client with:
var params = {
To: num
console.log('Calling ' + num + '...');
The connect API callback uses a simple Dial verb.
Client code for saving callid on connect:
Twilio.Device.connect(function (conn) {
if (conn._direction === 'OUTGOING') {
$scope.outgoing_call_sid = conn.parameters.CallSid;
$scope.number = conn.message.To;
} else {
$scope.incoming_call_sid = conn.parameters.CallSid;
$scope.number = conn.parameters.From;
$scope.message = 'In call with ' + $scope.number;
$scope.status = 'InCall';
Client code on hold button click:
$scope.hold = function () {
$scope.status = 'Hold';
$scope.message = 'Putting on hold...';
if ($scope.outgoing_call_sid) {
return $http.get(serviceBase + 'api/twilio/hold?callid=' + $scope.outgoing_call_sid);
Server side Hold API call:
public IHttpActionResult Hold(string callid) { /
//callid = GetLegCallId(callid); //Try to replace with child call
CallResource.Update(new UpdateCallOptions(callid) { Url = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ngrokUrl"] + "/api/twilio/enqueue", Method = HttpMethod.Get });
return Ok();
Code for getting any child calls:
public string GetLegCallId(string callId)
var calls = CallResource.Read(new ReadCallOptions() { ParentCallSid = callId });
if (calls.GetEnumerator().Current != null)
return calls.GetEnumerator().Current.Sid;
My bad. Twilio wasnt the issue. Issue was with usage of calls.GetEnumerator().Current != null.
Should do MoveNext on the Enumerator, before Current will have a value. Resolved by doing that. Stupid:(

Unity3D iOS device token is always null

I am trying to get push notifications to work on iOS, but I can not get access to the device token!
My Unity version is 5.4.1f1.
I have enabled the Push Notifications capability in XCode and all the certificates are setup correctly:
In my script in the start method I call this:
(UnityEngine.iOS.NotificationType.Alert | UnityEngine.iOS.NotificationType.Badge
| UnityEngine.iOS.NotificationType.Sound, true);
Then from the update method I call this method:
private bool RegisterTokenWithPlayfab( System.Action successCallback,
System.Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback )
byte[] token = UnityEngine.iOS.NotificationServices.deviceToken;
if(token != null)
// Registration on backend
string errorDescription = UnityEngine.iOS.NotificationServices.registrationError;
Debug.Log( "Push Notifications Registration failed with: " + errorDescription );
return false;
The token keeps being empty, so the else-branch is entered every call. Also, the registrationError keeps being empty.
Can someone point me in the right direction on this? What else can I try or how can I get more infos on what is going wrong??
Try this one
Go to your application target. Choose Capabilities and ensure that ‘Push Notifications’ is enabled there.
You need to check deviceToken in a Coroutine or Update.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;
using NotificationServices = UnityEngine.iOS.NotificationServices;
using NotificationType = UnityEngine.iOS.NotificationType;
public class NotificationRegistrationExample : MonoBehaviour
bool tokenSent;
void Start()
tokenSent = false;
NotificationType.Alert |
NotificationType.Badge |
NotificationType.Sound, true);
void Update()
if (!tokenSent)
byte[] token = NotificationServices.deviceToken;
if (token != null)
// send token to a provider
string token = System.BitConverter.ToString(token).Replace('-', '%');
tokenSent = true;
The implementation is horrible, but we don't have callbacks from Unity side so we need to keep listening that variable value.
Check the documentation:
Also seems to need internet. I guess there is an Apple service going on there.
Yes, registration error is empty even when user deniy permissions.
What i did is to use UniRX and set an Observable fron a Coroutine with a time out so it dont keep forever asking for it.
If you accepted and you do not received the token might be the internet conection. And i guess you are teying this on a real device.

Twilio Device.destroy() not releasing the device and event handlers

We are using Twilio in our application for voice communication.
When making voice call, we are setting up Twilio device as below.
If call is not successful, we are retrying few more time calling below function again.
My question is doesn't destroy function delete the event handlers as well? And why do I see in log "[Device] Found existing Device; using new token but ignoring options" when I call setup after calling destroy?
function setupTwilio(token) {
if (angular.isFunction(Twilio.Device.destroy)) {
console.log('Destroying Twilio device');
Twilio.Device.destroy(); // Destroy before setup incase we have already run this
startEventHandlers(); // add event handlers for Twilio events e.g. connect, disconnect
trySetup = function () {
var params = { debug: ( DEBUG ? true : false ) };
if (DEBUG) {
console.log('trying the twilio setup at ' + new Date());
// Twilio will not hit the handlers specified in startEventHandlers until a successful setup has been created, so run try catch here
try {
Twilio.Device.setup(token, params);
} catch (e) {
if (DEBUG) {
console.log('TwilioSetup uncaught error: ' + e);
if (angular.isDefined(token)) {
Destroy will trigger the offline event handler. Try setting up the device inside the offline event handler:
Twilio.Device.offline(function() {
Twilio.Device.setup(token, params);
