In Jenkins how to trigger another build job based on the build parameter passed to current build job? - jenkins

I have build jobs like a-build, a-deploy. b-build, b-deploy.
*-deploy are downstream job for *-build jobs. So they look like,
Now I have another job X-build. It accepts a-build, b-build etc as a parameter. So I if I run X-build with a-build as parameter it should complete with a post build action that triggers a-deploy. How can that be done?

You can accomplish this quite easily if you receive the job name in a parameter.
You can then use "Call/Trigger Builds on Other Projects" step, and use the Parameter you receive in the job name:
If the step is not available to you via Post Build menu, you can get to it via "Execute set of scripts" post-build step.


Jenkins build trigger

I used jenkins remote trigger build option at job A and triggered another job B. When I open job B build, I could see "Started by remote project <path to job A>". I am trying to get the value from job B after execution but I not working. I tried working with BuildUser plugin which gave null output. Could someone help me to find a way to find the information?
The Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin job setup options have a section Build Info with a field Parameters. Define parameters there like:
and use them accordingly in your job B.
See Jenkins Set Environment Variables for other available information.

How to execute single Jenkins job on multiple platforms with different parameters?

I have created one build job in Jenkins. I want to use that same job to run on multiple nodes but with different job parameter.
You can use
Create a new multyjob job, in the build section create a Multijob phase, and trigger your job with "Pre defined parameters" and "Node label parameter" to specify the node to run on, and the values of the parameters you want to trigger your job with.
Good luck!

How can I analyze console output data from a triggered jenkins job?

I have 2 jobs 'job1' and 'job2'. I will be triggering 'job2' from 'job1'. I need to get the console output of the 'job1' build which triggered 'job2' and want to process it in 'job2'.
The difficult part is to find out the build number of the upstream job (job1) that triggered the downstream job (job2). Once you have it, you can access the console log, e.g. via ${BUILD_URL}consoleOutput, as pointed out by ivoruJavaBoy.
How can a downstream build determine by what job and build number it has been triggered? This is surprisingly difficult in Jenkins:
Solution A ("explicit" approach): use the Parameterized Trigger Plugin to "manually" pass a build number parameter from job1 to job2. Apart from the administrational overhead, there is one bigger drawback with that approach: job1 and job2 will no longer run asynchronously; there will be exactly one run of job2 for each run of job1. If job2 is slower than job1, then you need to plan your resources to avoid builds of job2 piling up in the queue.
So, some solution "B" will be better, where you extract the implicit upstream information from Jenkins' internal data. You can use Groovy for that; a simpler approch may be to use the Job Exporter Plugin in job2. That plugin will create a "properties" (text) file in the workspace of a job2 build. That file contains two entries that contain exactly the information that you're looking for:
build.upstream.number Number of upstream job that triggered this job. Only filled if the build was triggered by an upstream project.
build.upstream.project Upstream project that triggered this job.
Read that file, then use the information to read the console log via the URL above.
You can use the Post Build Task plugin, then you can get the console output with a wget command:
wget -O console-output.log ${BUILD_URL}consoleOutput

Downstream Jenkins project gets wrong upstream run parameter

I'm having a problem with a Jenkins build pipeline. All jobs after the first one are parameterized with the "Run Parameter" of the first job. By default, this should reference the most recent stable build of the first job. Each subsequent job uses the "Run Parameter" of the first job to access saved artifacts from the first job. Each subsequent job triggers the next job of the pipeline as a parameterized build and passes the aforementioned "Run Parameter". The first job of the pipeline triggers the second job as a simple (i.e., not parameterized) build.
Here's a screenshot of the relevant configuration of a downstream job:
My problem is that the job number in the "Run Parameter" isn't the job number of the first job of the pipeline. Instead, it's the job number of the first job of the previous pipeline. Thus, if the first job is on build #11, then all subsequent job of that pipeline will access the archive of build #10 of the first job.
How can I get the subsequent jobs of the pipeline to access the archive directory of the first job of the pipeline?
I discovered the answer. Apparently, the reason the downstream job was using the artifacts from the upstream job of the previous pipeline was because I had set the "Run Parameter" filter in the configuration of the downstream job to "Stable Builds Only". Setting this filter to "All Builds" results in correct behavior.
It's as if Jenkins doesn't consider an upstream job to be stable when it's starting another build in its post-build section.
Quote: "By default, this should reference the most recent stable build of the first job."
Do you mean the last successful build of the Top job. Since in that case there might be a case where the last successful build of the top job was #7 and current build is #11. So you want the downstream jobs to look for #7 and not #10.
If that is the case then I will suggest putting a groovy build step. Install the groovy plugin for that. But before that test the script.
Open: YourJenkinsServerURL/script
Run this script.
def tmp = hudson.model.Hudson.instance
def myJobName="YourTopJobName";
tmp.getItems(hudson.model.Job).each {job ->
if(job.displayName == myJobName)
In groovy you can access and set an environment variable (injected via envInject plugin maybe) to this last successful build number and then pass on this variable to downstream job.
If that is not the case then I will suggest use Nant Script.
Use "int::parse()" to convert the string format build number to integer. Decrement the value and then pass on the value to the downstream job.

Can one Jenkins Trigger a job on a remote jenkins

I have 2 Jenkins hosts, and would like First Jenkins to trigger a job on remote Jenkins based on "SUCCESS" in result on the first one.
I have looked at various plugins , but they all seem to indicate ONE Jenkins host, where multiple jobs can be chained in this manner.
Meanwhile, a jenkins plugin became available which makes it a lot easier:
It's very easy to do using cURL requests, no need for plugins or master>slave relations. It took me 5 minutes from beginning to start.
Use the following manual:
You could set up a downstream job on host1 that only builds if first job on host1 succeeds.
In this job you would trigger a remote build much like i described it in this answer
Step 1: Install following plugins in both Jenkins.
Generic Webhook Trigger: Job can be triggered from http request.
HTTP Request Plugin: To send http request as build step
Any Build Step Plugin: To use any build step in post-build action.
Step 2: Configure job to be triggered(Jenkins B).
Select generic webhook trigger in build trigger and generate a token and paste.
After saving this job can be triggered by sending a http request to
Step 3: In master Jenkins(Jenkins A) configure flexible publish settings in configure system to allow use all build steps as post build actions.
Step 4: In post build actions add another step “Flexible publish”.
Using this any build action can be used as post-build action. Add a HTTP Request action.
Provide Jenkins B webhook url in url field and save.
Yes. Configure your Jenkins nodes and label them, say masterand slave (Manage Jenkins -> Manage Nodes).
1) Configure Job A and specify that it can only run on master ("Restrict where this project can be run" and in the label field put master).
2) Configure Job B so that it is only triggered if Job A is successful:
"Post-build Actions" -> "Trigger only if build succeeds"
3) Pin Job B to slave similar to step 1.
