Read data from PLC with Delphi and libnodave library - delphi

I’m here again with a new question; this time about PLC.
I start by saying I’m new of PLC and I’ve never saw one of them until a couple of month ago.
I’m asked to write a program that read, from Delphi, some data from a PLC Siemens S7-300 in order to archive them in a SQL Server database. I’m using the “libnodave” library.
The program is quite simple. I must verify a bit and when it is on I have to read the data from the PLC and set off the bit. With the library I’ve told about I can read and write without problems, but the data I have to read are stored in a group of byte (about 60 bytes), so I’ve to read some bytes, skip some others and read others bytes. Moreover the bit I must test is in the end of this group of bytes.
So I read the entire group of bytes I put the data red in a group of variables and then I test the bit and, if it is on, I store the data into the database.
In order to skip the byte I don’t have to read I use this kind of statements:
for i := 1 to 14 do
for i := 1 to 6 do
My questions are these:
There is a better way to read the data skipping the ones I don’t have
to read?
Is it convenient to read the entire group of bytes and after
test the bit or is better to make two reading separated?
I say this because I’ve found in internet that the read operations requires some time, so is better to make the minimum numbers of reading possible.

Communicating with a PLC involves some overhead.
You send a request and after some time you receive an answer.
Often the communication is through a serial line with limited bandwidth.
The timing then involves:
Time to send the request
Time for the PLC to respond
Time to transfer the response
It is difficult to give a definite answer to your questions, since we don't know how critical the timing is.
Anyway, polling the flag byte only seems like reasonable way to go.
When the flag is set, read the entire block in one command and then clear the flag.
Reading the data in small parts to avoid the gaps, is probably more time consuming than reading the entire block at once.
You can make the maths yourself since you know the specifications.
Lets say the baud rate is 9600 baud. This means roughly 1 byte per millisecond transfer time. The command to read is about 10 bytes long and the block answer about 70 bytes (assuming the protocol is binary). The PLC delay time about 50 ms. This adds to 130 ms, while reading the flag only adds to about 70 ms.
Only you can say if the additional polling time of 70 ms is acceptable.
Edit: In a comment it is stated that the communication is via ethernet on a 100+ MBit/s line. In that case, I suggest to read all data in one command and process it in the PC. Timing is of little concern with such bandwidth.


Why do you use `stream` for GRPC/protobuf file transfers?

I've seen a couple examples like this:
service Service{
rpc updload(stream Data) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {};
rpc download(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream Data) {};
message Data { bytes bytes = 1; }
What is the purpose of using stream, does it make the transfer more efficient?
In theory - yes - I obviously wan't to stream my file transfers but that's what happens over a connection... So, what is the actual benefit to this keyword, does it enforce some form of special buffering to reduce some overhead? Either way, the data is being transmitted, in full!
It's more efficient because, within a single call, multiple messages may be sent.
This avoids, not only re-establishing another (hopefully TLS i.e. even more work) connection with the server but also avoids spinning up client and server "stubs"; both the client and server are ready for more messages.
It's somewhat similar to being connected on a telephone call with your friend who, before hanging up, says "Oh, another thing...". Instead of hanging up the call and then, 5 minutes later, calling you back, interrupting dinner and causing you to pause a movie.
The answer is very similar to the gRPC + Image Upload question, although from a different perspective.
Doing a large download (10+ MB) as a single response message puts strong limits on the size of that download, as the entire response message is sent and processed at once. For most use cases, it is much better to chunk a 100 MB file into 1-10 MB chunks than require all 100 MB to be in memory at once. That also allows the downloader to begin processing the file before the entire file is acquired which reduces processing latency.
Without streaming, chunking would require multiple RPCs, which are annoying to coordinate and have performance complications. Because there is latency to complete RPCs, for reasonable performance you either have to do many RPCs in parallel (but how many?) or have a large batch size (but how big?). Multiple RPCs can also hit colder application caches, as each RPC goes to a different backend.
Using streaming provides the same throughput as the non-chunking approach without as many headaches of normal chunking approaches. Since streaming is pipelined (server can start sending next chunk as soon as previous chunk is sent) there's no added per-chunk latency between the client and server. This makes it much easier to choose a chunk size, as there is a wide range of "reasonable" sizes that will behave similarly and the system will naturally react as network performance varies.
While sending a message on an existing stream has less overhead than creating a new RPC, for many users the difference is negligible and it is generally better to structure your RPCs in a way that is architecturally beneficial to your application and not just to eek out small optimizations in gRPC. The reason to use the stream in this case is to make your application perform better at lower complexity.

iOS Bluetooth BLE read data maximum size

I have an iOS app that reads/writes on a BLE device. The device is sending me data over 20 bytes long and I see they get trimmed. Based on the following thread
Bluetooth LE maximum transmission size
it looks like iOS is trimming the data. That thread shows the solution on how to write bigger data sizes, but how do we read info larger than 20 bytes?
For anyone looking at this post years later like I am, we ran into this question as well at one point. I would like to share some helpful hints for data larger than 20 bytes.
Since the data is larger than one packet can handle, you will need to send it in multiple packets. It helps significantly if your data ALWAYS ends with some sort of END byte. For us, our end byte gives the size of the total byte array so we can check that at the end of reading.
Create a loop that checks for a packet constantly and stops when it receives that end byte (would also be good to have a timeout for that loop).
Make sure to clear the "buffer" when you start a new read.
It is nice to have an "isBusy" boolean to keep track of whether another function is currently waiting to read from the device. This prevents read overlaps. For us, if the port is currently busy, we wait a half second and try again.
Hope this helps!

Harddisk working principle

I have 10 bytes data to write to a file, after my program writes 9 bytes and 7 bits to hard disk, if electricity cuts, how many bytes can I read from this file after electricity arrives? 9 bytes or 10 bytes?
You can't say anything. There's too many layers of abstraction here. Your program often buffers, the OS buffers, the chipset buffers, the drive itself buffers, and at some point the data will be written.
When you ask for a hard sync on the data through something like fsync all you're getting is a confirmation that at least your data was written, no guarantee that nothing else was.
It takes non-zero amounts of time for this data to stream through all those layers and physically end up on your disk, SSD or otherwise. If power cuts at some point in this process and you haven't received a write confirmation the safe thing to assume is you do not know how much was written. You'll have to inspect whatever files you were writing to before and see what data is present.
When your system reboots it will probably have to recover from the journal anyway, and any uncommitted changes will be rolled back. In your example the number of bytes actually written is zero.

How accurate is Delphi's 'Now' timestamp

I'm going to be working on a project that will require (fairly) accurate time-stamping of incoming RS232 serial and network data from custom hardware. As the data will be coming from a number of independant hardware sources, I will need to timestamp all data so it can be deskewed/ interpolated to a nominal point in time.
My immediate though was just to use the inbuilt Now command to timestamp, however a quick Google seems to indicate that this is only going to be accurate to around 50 msecs or so.
Unfortunately, the more I read the more confused I become. There seems to be a lot of conflicting advice on GetTickCount and QueryPerformanceCounter, with complications due to todays multicore processors and CPU throttling. I have also seen posts recommending using the Windows multimedia timers, but I cannot seem to find any code snippets to do this.
So, can anyone advise me:
1) How accurate 'Now' will be.
2) Whether there is a simple, higher accuracy alternative.
Note: I would be hoping to timestamp to within, say , 10 milliseconds, and i am not looking for a timer as such, just a better time-stamping method. This will be running on a Windows 7 32 bit low-power micro-PC. I will be using either Delphi XE or Delphi 2007, if it makes any difference.
According to documentation, Now is as accurate only to the nearest second:
Although TDateTime values can represent milliseconds, Now is accurate only to the nearest second.
Despite this, looking at the current implementation, Now is as accurate as the GetLocalTime windows API could be.
Making a quick test, it shows Now returns values for each millisecond in the clock, for example:
System.SysUtils.FormatSettings.LongTimeFormat := 'hh:mm:ss.zzz';
for I := 1 to 5000 do
When I executed this console program from the command line project1 >times.txt, in a Windows 7 64 bits machine, I got a file that goes along 29 milliseconds continually (no one is missing in the file).
You have to face the fact that running in a Windows environment, your application/thread may get processor slices with varying time in between, depending on how busy is the system and the priority of your application/threads versus all the other threads running in the system.

OutOfMemoryException Processing Large File

We are loading a large flat file into BizTalk Server 2006 (Original release, not R2) - about 125 MB. We run a map against it and then take each row and make a call out to a stored procedure.
We receive the OutOfMemoryException during orchestration processing, the Windows Service restarts, uses full 2 GB memory, and crashes again.
The server is 32-bit and set to use the /3GB switch.
Also I've separated the flow into 3 hosts - one for receive, the other for orchestration, and the third for sends.
Anyone have any suggestions for getting this file to process wihout error?
If this is a flat file being sent through a map you are converting it to XML right? The increase in size could be huge. XML can easily add a factor of 5-10 times over a flat file. Especially if you use descriptive or long xml tag names (which normally you would).
Something simple you could try is to rename the xml nodes to shorter names, depending on the number of records (sounds like a lot) it might actually have a pretty significant impact on your memory footprint.
Perhaps a more enterprise approach, would be to subdivide this in a custom pipeline into separate message packets that can be fed through the system in more manageable chunks (similar to what Chris suggests). Then the system throttling and memory metrics could take over. Without knowing more about your data it would be hard to say how to best do this, but with a 125 MB file I am guessing that you probably have a ton of repeating rows that do not need to be processed sequentially.
Where does it crash? Does it make it past the Transform shape? Another suggestion to try is to run the transform in the Receive Port. For more efficient processing, you could even debatch the message and have multiple simultaneous orchestration instances be calling the stored procs. This would definately reduce the memory profile and increase performance.
