phone number predicate on CNContactStore - ios

I am building an app in Swift. I would like to make predicate using a phoneNumber (as String) and retrieve the name of that contact -if it exists- from the CNContactStore. I can make a name predicate fairly easily by :
let pred = CNContact.predicateForContactsMatchingName(name: String)
But is there a way to do the same for a PhoneNumber. I can of course fetch the entire CNContactStore, loop through it and retrieve the contact. But I was wondering if there was any better way.

For anyone who sees this post.
In iOS11, Apple introduced this new method to fetch contact with phone number.

In short: you can't create a predicate to filter based on phone number. You have to pull all of the contacts and iterate. NOTE: For any given phone number, it 1) may not exist in contacts, or 2) exist more than once.
Check out this post:


Update existing 'Contacts' Phone number?

I have code to fetch and display User data from Contacts (various Name properties plus the array of Phone numbers). By making a CNMutableContact, I can update any of the Name properties. But I can only display Phone numbers (from CNLabeledValue via ".digits"). Is it possible to also update Phone numbers? I can't change "digits" in the CNMutableContact because it is 'read-only'. I have seen and understand cautions on accessing CNLabeledValue "digits", but would still like to proceed.
Maybe is a little late to answer this question. However, on the given exemple, you can only add phone numbers. So, to update phone you would, at best, replace removing phone numbers and add new ones.
Replacing a phonenumber entry in this approach would result in changing the phonenumber's identifier.
This should be not the behaviour you are expecting, since you are changing a phone number of an existing entry. And we want to keep the phone identifier intact.
You should use settingValue from CNLabeledValue see: Apple Documentation
// Clone to a mutable contact
let mutableContact = contact.mutableCopy() as! CNMutableContact
// Here's the catch
let updatedPhone = mutableContact.phoneNumbers[0].settingValue(CNPhoneNumber(stringValue: "newPhone"))
// Be aware that in this example, I only have on phone number. For multiple phones, would need to handle multiple phones properly in the array.
mutableContact.phoneNumbers = [updatedPhone]

Obtaining CNContact from CNContactRelation

I am trying to obtain all related contacts to a selected contact. The way to do this seems to be via mycontact.contactRelations. This gives an array of CNLabeledValue with each of those containing a CNContactRelation as their value. There is then a name property, but it appears nothing else.
The Xamarin documentation for CNContact.ContractRelations seems to suggest I should be able to obtain the corresponding CNContact from a CNContactRelation but I can see no way to do this in objc, other than searching for a contact with a matching name. This may or may not be the contact I'm after, even if they also have a relationship to a contact with the same name as mycontact.
The identifier on the CNLabeledValue seems to refer to the label rather than the related contact, or at least doesn't seem to match the identifier if I select that contact from a CNContactPickerViewController.
Is there a way to obtain the CNContact for the related contact in objc ?
The related names field in Contacts doesn't store linkages, just names. You'll notice this from a user perspective if you go to edit related names in the iOS or OS X Contacts app — it's just a freeform text field. Those apps (and other system apps) will recognize when a related name matches that of another contact (which is why you can ask Siri to call your mother, etc), but they also let you put down names for people you don't have contact info for.
So a CNContactRelation just contains a string, and the only way to find (if there are any) contacts matching a related name is to search the contact store. Use unifiedContactsMatchingPredicate:keysToFetch:error: to search, with a predicate constructed by calling predicateForContactsMatchingName:.

Query users by name or email address using Firebase (Swift)

I'm quite new to Firebase and Swift and I'm having some trouble when it comes to querying.
So there are basically two things I'd like to do:
Query my users and find only those that contain a certain String in their name (or email address) and add them to an array.
Get all of my users and add them to an array.
The relevant part of my data for this question looks like this:
As you can see, I'm using the simplelogin of Firebase (later I'd like too add Facebook login) and I'm storing my users by their uid.
A part of my rules file looks like this:
"registered_users": {
".read": true,
".write": true,
".indexOn": ["name"]
So everybody should have read and write access to this part of my data.
I also read the "Retrieving Data" part of the Firebase iOS Guide on their website and according to that guide, my code on getting all the users names and email addresses should work, at least I think so. But it doesn't. Here is my code:
func getUsersFromFirebase() {
let registeredUserRef = firebaseRef.childByAppendingPath("registered_users")
registeredUserRef.queryOrderedByChild("name").observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
if let email = snapshot.value["email"] as? String {
println("\(snapshot.key) has Email: \(email)")
if let name = snapshot.value["name"] as? String {
println("\(snapshot.key) has Name: \(name)")
I noticed, that in the firebase guide, they always used the type ChildAdded and not Value, but for me Value makes more sense. The output with Value is nothing and the output with ChildAdded is only one user, namely the one that is logged in right now.
So my questions are:
Can I do this query with my current data structure or do I have to get rid of storying the users by their uid?
If yes, how would I have to change my code, to make it work?
If no, what would be the best way to store my users and make querying them by name possible?
How can I query for e.g. "muster" and get only the user simplelogin:1 (Max Mustermann)?
I hope my description is detailed enough. Thx in advance for your help.
The weird thing is, that the "Retrieving Data" guide says, that querying and sorting the following data by height is possible.
Querying code:
And isn't that exactly the same that I intent to do?
I have run into similar situations where I wanted to pull out data from child nodes.
The first thing I can recommend is to not think of Firebase query's as SQL queries as they are not. They are like a light duty query.
Secondly, you need to flatten your data if you want to query, as a query only goes one level deep (can't really query data in child notes)
Lastly - if you don't want to flatten your data, one conceptual option to answer your question;
If possible, ObserveSingleEventOfType:FEventTypeValue on the
registered users node. This will read all of the registered users into a snapshot.
Iterate over the snapshot and read each user into an array (as dictionary objects)
Then use NSPredicate to extract an array of users that you want.
I've run numerous tests and performance wise, it's negligible unless you have thousands of users.
Hope that helps!
To answer your questions
1) Yes, you can query with your current structure. A query can go 1 child deep, but not within a child's children.
2) If yes, how would I have to change my code, to make it work?
Here's a quickie that queries by a users last name:
Firebase *usersNodeRef = your users node 'registered_users'
FQuery *allUsersRef = [usersNodeRef queryOrderedByChild:#"lastName"];
FQuery *specificUserRef = [allUsers queryEqualToValue:#"aLastName"];
[specificUser observeEventType:FEventTypeChildAdded withBlock:^(FDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
NSDictionary *dict = snapshot.value;
NSString *key = snapshot.key;
NSLog(#"key = %# for child %#", key, dict);
How can I query for e.g. "muster" and get only the user simplelogin:1 (Max Mustermann)?
In your uses node structure, the users are store in nodes with a key.. the key is the simplelogin:1 etc. snapshot.key will reveal that. So it's key/value pair deal...
value = snapshot.value
key = snapshot.key

Any (or best) way to get records from CloudKit that aren't on the device?

I have the following predicate:
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "NOT (recordID in %#)", recordIDs)
-- recordIDs is an array of CKRecordID objects corresponding to the CKRecords on the device
...that produces a runtime error about the predicate. If I change the predicate format string to something else, the query runs fine. I have the "Query" checkbox checked for all the metadata for this record type in CloudKit.
According to CKQuery documentation:
Key names used in predicates correspond to fields in the currently evaluated record. Key names may include the names of the record’s metadata properties such as "creationDate” or any data fields you added to the record.
According to CKRecord documentation, these are the available metadata for querying:
recordID, recordType, creationDate, creatorUserRecordID, modificationDate, lastModifiedUserRecordID, recordChangeTag
You can use the creation date:
NSPredicate(format: "creationDate > %#", dateLastFetched)
After you pull the records down to the device and save them, save the dateLastFetched and use it for subsequent fetches.
Edit: Be sure to enable the creationDate query index on the CloudKit dashboard (it is not enabled by default like many other indexes)
This is an old question, so I'm not sure if it existed at the time, but the correct way to do this now is to use Apple's built-in server change token support.
Making a giant query including all existing record ID's on the device is going to be slow, and picking a date is going to be imprecise.
The right way to do this is to use CKFetchRecordZoneChangesOperation and pass in a CKServerChangeToken using the operation's configurationsByRecordZoneID property.
The first time you call, pass a nil change token. As records are received, CloudKit will call recordZoneChangeTokensUpdatedBlock with the latest change token. Persist the latest token so the next time you need records from the server, you can just pass in your most recent token and get only what's changed since then.
Enable the meta data index by clicking here:

Google Contacts: Unique Contacts?

I am building an application that I will need to distinguish the Google Contacts from each other. I am just wondering, as long as google sends contacts as First Name/Last Name/mail.. etc (Example) without a unique ID, what will be the first approach to distinguish each contacts?
1) Should I create an ID based on the user's fields? -> by a minimal change, it can break down.
2) Should I create an ID based on First Name + Last Name? -> but most people can have duplicate contacts on their page, would that be a problem? Or married contacts, which can create a little mess.
The reason I am asking this I am trying to create relations and I need to store the data somewhere like that [person=Darth Vader, subject=Luke Skywalker, type=father(or son)], so I need a fast algorithm that can make a mapping for each contact and retrieve the related contacts fast.
I believe they do send back an ID. From the return schema:
<link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/>
You could use the full HREF value as the ID, or parse out the contactID from the end of the URL, whichever you like better.
