Shortcut to run all rails tests? - ruby-on-rails

I have to type
bundle exec rspec spec lib/crucible_kit/spec
every time I want to run all 700 of my rspec tests for my rails application. Is there anyway I could shorten down this to just typing "rr" to run all tests?
If so, where would I put this file in my rails application? And would I be able to push it to git branch so my teammates can use it?

Enter the code below in your command-line.
alias rr="bundle exec rspec"
It will be appended to this file ~/.bash_rc


Trouble with crontab and using whenever gem

Hi I am using the whenever gem and trying to send a daily email. For testing I set it to 2 minutes, and I have it in my schedule.rb file. It calls a task I have in a rake file. When I run bundle exec rake task_to_be_called, it runs and works. But the actual scheduling does not work. When I try to run things to find out crontab it says no such file or directory. Is there some way to get a crontab file, or do I make it? How do I test or get my scheduler to run that task?
EDIT: Thanks for the advice on sharing code and error.
In my lib/tasks/daily_email.rake I have
desc 'Daily email rake task test'
task daily_email_call: :environment do
ReportMailer.with(email: "").daily_summary_report.deliver_now
Then in my config/schedule.rb I have
every 2.minute do
rake 'daily_email_call'
When I run bundle exec rake daily_email_call it functions correctly and does the send email task. My question is how to get it to do it on the schedule. I have no crontab file. Am I even able to do this locally or would it need to be on a running server. I am using windows not Linux when I run mine locally.
There is a typo in the file name,
lib/tasks/darily_email.rake => lib/tasks/daily_email.rake
I guess this is causing the error, no such file or directory

Run single system test

To run a single test in Rails, we normally do:
rails test TEST=test/system/invitation_test.rb
But that doesn't work with system tests. Neither do this work:
rails test:system TEST=test/system/invitation_test.rb
With both those commandos above, all system tests (files) are run.
So my question is, how can I run a single system test?
As a side note, to run (all) system tests in Rails, you need to append :system to test.
rails test:system
While rails test doesn't seem to work if you want to run your system tests (you need to append test with :system), if you only want to run a single test it does seem to work:
rails test test/system/my_little_test.rb

Run Rails commands outside of console

With my large application, the Rails console takes a while to load up. Is there a way to single commands more easily?
I'd also like to be able to automate stuff, and echo "query" | rails console isn't a great way to do things.
EDIT: What about a long-running process that I can ping queries to whenever I have need?
There are two main ways to run commands outside console:
Rake task which depends on :environment
rails runner (previously script/runner), eg:
$ rails runner "query"
Both are pretty well documented on the rails guide:
Both of these methods will still take the same time as a console to fire up, but they are useful for non-interactive tasks.
Just pipe it in:
echo 'puts Article.count' | bundle exec rails c
It should now be a lot faster than when then the question was originally asked, because of Spring. It's not immediate, but still a lot faster than spinning up the whole app. Use this for the fast lane, it should run in under a second (assuming your required command is fast):
echo 'puts Article.count' | spring rails c
If you really want a single long-running process, you could easily do it by creating a controller action that simply runs whatever you POST to it, then send commands to it using curl behind an alias. The action would of course be completely insecure and should be triple-guarded against running anywhere near production, but it would be easy to setup.
Solution: bundle exec command allows us to run an executable script in the specific context of the project's bundle - making all gems specified in the Gemfile available to require in Ruby application. In addition it eventually avoids any conflicts with other versions of rake installed globally.
echo '<command>' | bundle exec rails c
for more information look at the documentation of bundler
configuration_item=$(echo 'ConfigurationManager.getKey("authentication_method")' | bundle exec rails c )
echo $configuration_item

Expose Rails App Environment to Ruby Script

Out of pure curiosity, I am wondering if it's possible (no doubt it is) to 'hook into' a Rails Application's environment. So for example, say I want to create a cron script (I don't) that operates some sort of maintenance on a Rails app, and I want to write it in Ruby and using all of the nice code that I already have, for example, User.find etc.
Is this possible, and if so, how?
I'm just curious, as I feel I would eventually want to do this for some reason or other.
I'm currently on Rails 3 with Ruby 1.9.1, in case it matters.
This is certainly possible. Here is a good writeup on how to do that: How to run a rake task from cron
Take a look at the Rails::Railtie class. If you need to run code code when you start up your app, this is a way to do it. Here's a very simple example.
From the beginning of Rails there is ./script/runner, designed exactly for such kind of problems.
In Rails 3 you call it as: ./script/rails runner "puts User.find(:all).map(&:inspect)"
Try ./script/runner --help or ./script/rails runner --help
As the argument to the runner you provide a filename or just a code.
It's often more useful than preparing a Rake task, because you can execute just one-time actions:
ssh "cd rails/app && ./script/runner -e production 'puts User.count'"
You could either use script/rails runner as suggested by Arsen7 or you could write your own script in which you load the app environment in the beginning:
require 'config/environment'
is actually everything you need.
To have your script working in a cron job, make sure that it is executable (chmod u+x) and that it starts with a correct shebang line (#!/usr/bin/env ruby or whatever is appropriate for your situation).
yeah just require these file at top of your script file
require 'config/boot.rb'
require 'config/application.rb'
Now you'll have access to your models

How to run a single test from a Rails test suite?

How can I run a single test from a Rails test suite?
rake test ANYTHING seems to not help.
NOTE: This doesn't run the test via rake. So any code you have in Rakefile will NOT get executed.
To run a single test, use the following command from your rails project's main directory:
ruby -I test test/unit/my_model_test.rb -n test_name
This runs a single test named "name", defined in the MyModelTest class in the specified file. The test_name is formed by taking the test name, prepending it with the word "test", then separating the words with underscores. For example:
class MyModelTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
test 'valid with good attributes' do
# do whatever you do
test 'invalid with bad attributes' do
# do whatever you do
You can run both tests via:
ruby -I test test/unit/my_model_test.rb
and just the second test via
ruby -I test test/unit/my_model_test.rb -n test_invalid_with_bad_attributes
Run a test file:
rake test TEST=tests/functional/accounts_test.rb
Run a single test in a test file:
rake test TEST=tests/functional/accounts_test.rb TESTOPTS="-n /paid accounts/"
(From #Puhlze 's comment.)
For rails 5:
rails test test/models/my_model.rb
Thanks to #James, the answer seems to be:
rails test test/models/my_model.rb:22
Assuming 22 is the line number of the given test. According to rails help:
$ rails test --help
You can run a single test by appending a line number to a filename:
bin/rails test test/models/user_test.rb:27
Also, please note that your test should inherit from ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest for this to work (That was my mistake):
class NexApiTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
Rails 5
I used this way to run single test file (all the tests in one file)
rails test -n /TopicsControllerTest/ -v
Another option is to use the line number (which is printed below a failing test):
rails test test/model/my_model.rb:15
In my situation for rake only works TESTOPTS="-n='/your_test_name/'":
bundle exec rake test TEST=test/system/example_test.rb TESTOPTS="-n='/your_test_name/'"
To run a single test in the actual Rails suite:
bundle exec ruby -I"railties/test" actionpack/test/template/form_options_helper_test.rb
That was a silly midnight question of mine. Rails kindly prints the command it is executing upon rake test. The rest is a cut and paste exercise.
~/projects/rails/actionpack (my2.3.4)$ ruby -I"lib:test" "/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/controller/base_test.rb"
The best way is to look directly into the guides:
cd actionmailer
bundle exec ruby -w -Itest test/mail_layout_test.rb -n test_explicit_class_layout
If you want to run a single test, you can just run them as a regular Ruby script
ruby actionmailer/test/mail_layout_test.rb
You can also run a whole suite (eg. ActiveRecord or ActionMailer) by cd-ing into the directory and running rake test inside there.
To re-run a test that just failed, copy-n-paste the failed test name into
rails test -n [test-name]
When your test suite reports this:
> rails test
ActionView::Template::Error: no implicit conversion from nil to integer
you rerun the failing test with this:
rails test -n PlayersControllerTest#test_should_show_player
If rake is running MiniTest, the option is --name instead of -n.
rake test TEST=test/unit/progress_test.rb TESTOPTS="--name=testCreate"
First, access the folder of the lib you want to test(this is important) and then run:
~/Projects/rails/actionview (master)$ ruby -I test test/template/number_helper_test.rb
Rails folder
bundle install
bundle exec ruby -I"activerecord/test" activerecord/test/cases/relation/where_test.rb
Note you need to load appropriate folder: "activerecord/test" (where you have test)
