Need app preview video for all devices - ios

To create an app preview video, it is easiest if the developer records the screen of all type of devices, when using the app.
What if I have only one type of device, an iPhone 5? If I create app preview video and upload only for the iPhone 5, what will happen when someone with some other device, like iPhone 6, tries to see my app?
Will he able to see as replacement video, the video for iPhone 5, or no video will be in App Store to see because video is strictly device-specific?

Sorry for the very very very late reply.
The reason you have to upload different screenshots for different devices is so the user gets the most optimized screenshots. If you only have one device, try to record the simulator at 100% scale on each device so you can get the app preview on every device.


Apple rejected my app because of iPad, but my app is only for iPhone

My app is a streaming player that I pushed to AppStore Connect
In Xcode, I don't check iPad :
And Apple said :
I tried despite everything to run it on iPad Simulator on Mac, and I found no crash. The button player is OK, both on iOS 12 and 13
What's the solution ?
Building for iPhone is not meaning that it is ONLY for iPhone! iPad users still can download iPhone apps (except they need some especial feature of the phone like CoreTelephony) and Apple's testers always test apps on iPad. So try to fix the bug (that is probably not related to the device). The issue is that you Play button is not working, not the device.
you are providing screenshot for iPad also in iTunes connect to make sure if your app is only iPhone then you must add a screenshot for iPhone no need to add a screenshot for iPad just leave them empty

Will uploading iPhone X screenshots to App Store Connect prevent 5.5" screenshots showing in App Store?

So, I couldn't find an answer to this easily, but here's the longer version of the question.
As iPhone X screenshots are optional, iPhone Xs will use the 5.5" screenshots in the App Store if none are available. However if I add just one screenshot for iPhone X, will they still show the 5.5" pictures as well? or will the App Store now show just that one image?
On a similar vein, am I correct in thinking that I need to upload a preview video separately for both iPad and iPhone, or can I use the same video for both?

Can't use Xcode Simulator for Itunes Connect Screenshots

I am making an app that uses the phone's camera to identify objects and then translate them into Spanish. I'm trying to setup the app store page and Itunes Connect says I need 5.5-inch screenshots for the page, but I don't have an iPhone plus and I can't take screenshots using the Xcode Simulator because the simulated phone doesn't have a camera, so my app's screen is blank. What can I do?
Best way to run app on highest resolution iPhone simulator. And later export those images using 5.5 inch width and height. Hope it helps.
You can do using any simple tool like preview on mac os
Also you can upload simple splash screen with correct resolution and update in future with correct images when you get the device

Can I submit only 1 video preview in App Store?

Excuse me, i am a newbie here
i want to ask about submitting App Store
Can I submit an app without any of app preview or only 1 app preview video ? because i dont have all iphone devices, only have 1 devices...
You should note this points :
If your App supports iPad you need to upload at least one screenshot of iPad
If your App supports iPhone than you need to upload at least one screenshot for all iPhone devices including iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 6 & iPhone 6+
Regarding uploading video preview it is optional
If you want to submit App preview you need to create preview as per dimensions mentioned in Apple guidelines (See more :
Hope it will help you.
You should have at least one image (splash screen image also works here) for every device at iTunes.
1 image is compulsory.
You can take screen shots of your simulator as well.
You don't need all iPhone devices... simulator works fine as well. Or you can always "fake it" with some image editing app.
There are even many tools to help you with this process, such as:

How do screenshots work in the app store?

I'm coming from Android development with Google Play where every screenshot you upload (for small res to high res to tablets) were available for viewing regardless of which device/platform you're viewing the app listing page from.
I just launched my first iOS App Store app and it seems this is not the case.
If I view the App Store listing on my desktop, I only see the iPhone
4-inch screenshot I uploaded.
If I view the App Store listing on my iPhone 5s I also only see the
iPhone 4-inch screenshot.
I was assuming it was going to be like Google Play where I can see all of the available screenshots regardless of which device/platform I was on.
Anyway, this is bad for me since I uploaded different screenshots for each device size/type and uploaded 4 very important screenshots only to the iPhone 4.7-inch category.
Here are my questions:
Is the iPhone 4-inch the "default" screenshots to show, for example - when viewing the app listing on a desktop computer?
Is it good practice to upload the same bunch of screenshots to every single size category? This is what I feel I need to do.
Is the iPhone 4-inch the "default" screenshots to show, for example - when viewing the app listing on a desktop computer?
Is it good practice to upload the same bunch of screenshots to every single size category? This is what I feel I need to do.
The screenshots required should only reflect what the app can support.
Here is Apple's docs regarding the screenshots and requirements:
I've spent way too time in that document lately :)
