How do screenshots work in the app store? - ios

I'm coming from Android development with Google Play where every screenshot you upload (for small res to high res to tablets) were available for viewing regardless of which device/platform you're viewing the app listing page from.
I just launched my first iOS App Store app and it seems this is not the case.
If I view the App Store listing on my desktop, I only see the iPhone
4-inch screenshot I uploaded.
If I view the App Store listing on my iPhone 5s I also only see the
iPhone 4-inch screenshot.
I was assuming it was going to be like Google Play where I can see all of the available screenshots regardless of which device/platform I was on.
Anyway, this is bad for me since I uploaded different screenshots for each device size/type and uploaded 4 very important screenshots only to the iPhone 4.7-inch category.
Here are my questions:
Is the iPhone 4-inch the "default" screenshots to show, for example - when viewing the app listing on a desktop computer?
Is it good practice to upload the same bunch of screenshots to every single size category? This is what I feel I need to do.

Is the iPhone 4-inch the "default" screenshots to show, for example - when viewing the app listing on a desktop computer?
Is it good practice to upload the same bunch of screenshots to every single size category? This is what I feel I need to do.
The screenshots required should only reflect what the app can support.
Here is Apple's docs regarding the screenshots and requirements:
I've spent way too time in that document lately :)


Apple Rejecting App - "Content cut from display and doesn't fit the iPad"

I am just really mind-boggled as to why my app has for the 10th time been rejected.
Apple states, that data/display has been cut off when using my app on an iPad. (It is optimised for iPhone, but I know Apple's policy). The keep saying the same thing. But I have attatched a picture of my app's main-screen which users will be fussed about the most. And I don't see any data cut off.
Here is a side by side comparison of my apps, on both iPad and iPhone 6S+:
I know what you're thinking, yes, the data has been, as Apple put it "cut off" but the data I am displaying is all within a UIScrollView. You simply need to scroll up in order to see all data. Regardless off the device whether it be iPhone 8+, iPhone SE or even an iPad. I just don't understand where the data is "cut-off".
This what Apple have always replied, (starting from latest reply to oldest)-
Thank you for your reply.
However, we noticed your main screen is still not optimized to be
displayed on iPad. iPhone apps must run at iPhone 2X resolution and
still be fully functional on an iPad. The user should be able to
access the same features and content without it being cut off from the
Additionally, your app does not provide a back button on the search page, >which contributes to a lower quality user experience.
We hope you will make the necessary changes to your app and resubmit for >review. We look forward to reviewing your revised app.
Best regards,
App Store Review
Thank you for resubmitting your application. Upon further review, we
found the following issues:
We noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when
reviewed on iPad running iOS 11.0.1.Specifically, we noticed portions
of your app overlapped or were cut off when displayed on an iPad.
Please see attached screenshots for details.
The screenshots they have attached so not show any "over-lapping" or data being "cut-off". For instance, they screenshot me the UITableViewController. Which boggles my mind.
Either I am missing something or it's going over my head or there is a genuine issue here?
Could someone help me out?
Thank you. It's just really infuriating.

Can I submit only 1 video preview in App Store?

Excuse me, i am a newbie here
i want to ask about submitting App Store
Can I submit an app without any of app preview or only 1 app preview video ? because i dont have all iphone devices, only have 1 devices...
You should note this points :
If your App supports iPad you need to upload at least one screenshot of iPad
If your App supports iPhone than you need to upload at least one screenshot for all iPhone devices including iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 6 & iPhone 6+
Regarding uploading video preview it is optional
If you want to submit App preview you need to create preview as per dimensions mentioned in Apple guidelines (See more :
Hope it will help you.
You should have at least one image (splash screen image also works here) for every device at iTunes.
1 image is compulsory.
You can take screen shots of your simulator as well.
You don't need all iPhone devices... simulator works fine as well. Or you can always "fake it" with some image editing app.
There are even many tools to help you with this process, such as:

How to resize png files to fit itunes connect requirement?

I'm having a little trouble submitting an screen shot in .png format to iTunes Connect. I took a screenshot of the app from the iPhone, and it's 640 x 960 pixels. This works for the 3.5 inch section in iTunes Connect, but not for other sections such as the 4-inch, which requires 640 x 1096, and the iPad, 768 x 1024.
My question - can I just leave the other sections blank - i.e., just provide the screenshot for the 3.5 inch? Does iTunes Connect handle the missing sections when displaying in the app store? It seems like it may have been doing that for previous iterations of this app (which I wasn't originally involved with)
Im pretty sure when your app gets approved you are going to get alerts form itunes connect telling you that you need to submit all the screenshots (Especially the iphone ones), even the page dont let you save changes until you upload everything.
I strongly recommend you to upload screenshots for all devices, I insist, especially iphone, so you dont have any problems and you can have a clean publish.
Theres an online tool LaunchKit where you can generate screens for all devices at once.
Hope it helps.

Cordova iPhone app appearance on iPad

So I'm working on a Cordova-based app for both iOS and Android. The iOS portion of it is meant to run only on iPhones and iPod Touches.
When I last submitted my app for reviewal, I got this rejection message from them:
2.10: iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
Thing is, here is what my app looks like in an iPad:
I hunted around for another app that is also running on the iPad at iPhone sizes, and I found FourSquare:
As far as I can tell, they're running at the same resolution.
I did a $(window).width() and .height() call in my app, and I get 320x480, which as far as I can tell is the resolution of the original iPhone.
I found this other SO question here that addresses a similar (I think) problem: 2.10 iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
But when I check my settings ([project target] > App Icons and Launch Images), "Launch Images Source" is set to LaunchImage, and "Launch Screen File" is blank. (my experience with native iOS settings and storyboards is limited, so I'm not sure if I'm correctly implementing the solution prescribed in the linked SO question).
I also found this other one here: Make an iPhone specific app work on iPad to meet Apple requirements
It talks about editing one's .plist file to remove all references to iPad. I found two entries in mine, 'CFBundleIcons~ipad' and 'Main nib file base name (iPad)', both of which have no values (the value column is empty). Should I remove those? I'd run them to try, but I'm slightly afraid I might explode something beyond repair (plus the time taken to try, submit for review, and wait for Apple to get back to me is infinity+5 seconds, and the project's already behind schedule as is :( ).

iTunes App store screenshots for applications that require hardware the simulator doesn't provide

I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions here. I have an app that requires bluetooth. I own a few Apple devices, but, I certainly don't have all of them. The usual suggestion is 'use the simulator', but since the simulator doesn't simulate bluetooth, all I get is a big 'Bluetooth unavailable', which is unattractive for the store.
Will Apple accept it if I resize them in Photoshop? I can either use the 6 or the iPad mini, but they will need to be upscaled to iPhone 6+ (potentially losing quality).
Thoughts? Will I need to hunt down users with each device and then walk them through screenshots (seems so impractical)?
Many popular apps' screenshots are heavily doctored and Photoshopped. If your screenshots are not openly deceptive, you should be fine.
e.g. one of the first apps I checked in the App Store has screenshots which are cropped, framed with custom art, and extra blurbs added on the periphery:
This one crops the image, adds a blurb on top, and even has a photograph of a phone in a user's hand:
These are both featured apps receiving prominent placement on the App Store.
