Netmask returned in rt_msghdr2 in invalid format - ios

I want to parse the routes returned by the kernel when invoking the sysctl function with the arguments: { CTL_NET, PF_ROUTE, 0, AF_INET, NET_RT_DUMP2, 0 }.
After doing that I get several routing messages, in all of them I have found the issue: the struct sockaddr* at index RTAX_NETMASK doesn't contain a valid struct sockaddr.
The code to extract the addresses from the struct rt_msghdr2 returned by sysctl is the following:
// ROUNDUP Taken from route.c
#define ROUNDUP(a) \
((a) > 0 ? (1 + (((a) - 1) | (sizeof(uint32_t) - 1))) : sizeof(uint32_t))
struct rt_msghdr2* routeMsg = (struct rt_msgdr2*)buffer;
struct sockaddr* sockAddrArray[RTAX_MAX];
memset(sockAddrArray, 0, sizeof(sockAddrArray));
struct sockaddr* currentSockAddr;
currentSockAddr = (struct sockaddr*)(routeMsg + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < RTAX_MAX; i++) {
if (routeMsg->rtm_addrs & (1 << i)) {
sockAddrArray[i] = currentSockAddr;
currentSockAddr = (struct sockaddr *)(ROUNDUP(currentSockAddr->sa_len) + (char *)currentSockAddr);
else {
sockAddrArray[i] = NULL;
Even though the routeMsg states that it has a netmask, when I check the contents I find that it has something like this:
sockAddrArray[RTAX_NETMASK]->sa_len = 0
sockAddrArray[RTAX_NETMASK]->sa_type = \xff
sockAddrArray[RTAX_NETMASK]->sa_data = { \xff, \xff, \0, ...}
The weird thing is that the matching route on the host (based on the network and gateway addresses) has the netmask which matches too well to the direct content of the of the netmask sockaddr.
Of course, I cannot trust anything else that comes after the RTAX_NETMASK in the array as it will be incorrectly parsed.
Does someone know why this happens?


I am trying to find the distance of a node from the root of a binary tree

I am trying to find the distance of a node from the root of a binary tree but I am getting right answer up to only 3 branches only. like for the node(4) I am getting 3 and for the node (9) and node(10) I am getting 3
using namespace std;
struct node
int data;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
node(int val)
data = val;
left = NULL;
right = NULL;
int find_node(node* root,int n)
static int length=1;
if (root== NULL)
return 0;
if (root->data==n)
return length;
// find_node(root->left,n);
// find_node(root->right,n);
return length;
int main ()
struct node* root = new node(1);
root->left = new node(2);
root->right = new node(3);
root->left->left = new node(4);
root->left->right = new node(5);
root->right->left = new node(6);
root->right->right = new node(7);
root->right->right->right = new node(9);
root->right->right->right->right = new node(10);
cout <<find_node(root,10);
return 0;}
When your code reaches the first leaf node (with data 4), the following assignment will assign 1:
Because the expression resolves to 1+(0||0), i.e. 1. And so 1 is returned.
The caller (at the node with data 2) will thus receive this 1, and so the above statement will yield 2, since it resolves to 1+(1||......), which is 2 -- the second operand of || is not evaluated.
The parent caller (at the node with data 1), will thus receive this 2. The assignment there resolves to 1+(2||.....), which is again 2 -- realise that || is a logical operator, so it can only evaluate to a boolean value (i.e. 0 or 1).
The issues
In summmary:
You should not use || as it can only evaluate to 0 or 1, losing the actual value from recursion that you need.
You should not use a static variable. For one, it would not reset if you would make a second call to this function from the main program code. Instead, every recursive call should just "mind its own business" and return the depth of n from the given root. The caller should add 1 to that if n was found.
int find_node(node* root, int n)
if (root == NULL)
return 0;
if (root->data == n)
return 1;
int length = find_node(root->left, n);
if (!length)
length = find_node(root->right, n);
if (!length)
return 0;
return 1 + length;

How can I get load address of an iOS app?

I would like to offer the option in my app to send stack trace of catched NSException by email. However, addresses are relocated so I would need the loaded base address for the trace to be meaningful.
Is there a way to get this? The closest I did get is taking the pointer of a known function, which is something (I can calculate base address from it, after all), but is there a more straightforward way?
What I have done in the past is log the mach header addresses within the log file, that the (server-based) symbolication tool can then use. The log file contained both log messages and the crash log.
// Dump the load addresses of AppName and libXxx.dylib to help tools/
uint32_t numImages = _dyld_image_count();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numImages; i++) {
const struct mach_header *header = _dyld_get_image_header(i);
const char *name = _dyld_get_image_name(i);
const char *p = strrchr(name, '/');
if (p && (strcmp(p + 1, "AppName") == 0 || strcmp(p + 1, "libXxx.dylib") == 0)) {
loginf(#"module=%s, address=%p", p + 1, header);

Ask user for path for fopen in C?

This is my function. It's working absolutely fine; I just can't get one more thing working.
Instead of the static fopen paths, I need the user to write the path for the files. I tried several things but I can't get it working. Please help
int FileToFile() {
FILE *fp;
FILE *fp_write;
char line[128];
int max=0;
int countFor=0;
int countWhile=0;
int countDo = 0;
fp = fopen("d:\\text.txt", "r+");
fp_write = fopen("d:\\results.txt", "w+");
if (!fp) {
else {
while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) != NULL) {
countFor = 0;
countWhile = 0;
countDo = 0;
fputs(line, stdout);
if (line[strlen(line)-1] = "\n") if (max < (strlen(line) -1)) max = strlen(line) -1;
else if (max < strlen(line)) max = strlen(line);
char *tmp = line;
while (tmp = strstr(tmp, "for")){
tmp = line;
while (tmp = strstr(tmp, "while")){
tmp = line;
while (tmp = strstr(tmp, "do")){
fprintf(fp_write, "Na tozi red operatora for go ima: %d pyti\n", countFor);
fprintf(fp_write, "Na tozi red operatora for/while go ima: %d pyti\n", countWhile - countDo);
fprintf(fp_write, "Na tozi red operatora do go ima: %d pyti\n", countDo);
fprintf(fp_write, "Maximalen broi simvoli e:%d\n", max);
Have a look at argc and argv. They are used for command-line arguments passed to a program. This requires that your main function be revised as follows:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
The argc is an integer that represents the number of command-like arguments, and argv is an array of char* that contain the arguments themselves. Note that for both, the program name itself counts as an argument.
So if you invoke your program like this:
myprog c:\temp
Then argc will be 2, argv[0] will be myprog, and argv[1] will be c:\temp. Now you can just pass the strings to your function. If you pass more arguments, they will be argv[2], etc.
Keep in mind if your path contains spaces, you must enclose it in double quotes for it to be considered one argument, because space is used as a delimiter:
myprog "c:\path with spaces"

Data appearing as Ethernet Trailer in self made SKB

Im trying to make a custom skb in a linux kernel module and then send it over the network.
I succeed in making a SKB but when I send it over the network it does not reach the destination.
If I run wireshark on the local machine that is sending my SBK over the network, it shows my packet. However if I examine the contents of my packet, it shows that the data is being placed as 'Ethernet Trailer'
Also, if I remove all data from my SKB and only send a Header-only SKB, it still does not reach its destination
Here is the code:
u_int32_t local_ip;
u_int32_t remote_ip;
struct udphdr *udph;
struct iphdr *iph;
struct ethhdr *eth;
unsigned short udp_len;
char remote_mac[6];
char local_mac[6];
Allocate a skb:
int header_len = sizeof(*iph) + sizeof(*udph) + sizeof(*eth);
skb = sock_wmalloc(sock->sk, /*payload len*/ len + header_len + LL_RESERVED_SPACE(pfr->ring_netdev->dev), 0, GFP_KERNEL);
Since I am using skb_push, I move down data and tail all the way down:
len + header_len + LL_RESERVED_SPACE(pfr->ring_netdev->dev));
Push UDP header:
skb_push(skb, sizeof(*udph));
Reset the transport_pointer accordingly:
Set and populate udp header:
udph = udp_hdr(skb);
udph->source = htons(5123);
udph->dest = htons(5123);
udp_len = 14;
udph->len = htons(udp_len);
udph->check = 0;
local_ip = htonl(0xCB873F2A); /**/
remote_ip = htonl(0xCB873F29); /**/
udph->check = csum_tcpudp_magic(local_ip,
udp_len, IPPROTO_UDP,
csum_partial(udph, udp_len, 0));
if (udph->check == 0) {
printk("mangled checksum\n");
udph->check = CSUM_MANGLED_0;
Now to push IP header:
skb_push(skb, sizeof(*iph));
Reset the network_pointer:
Set and populate the network header:
iph = ip_hdr(skb);
put_unaligned(0x45, (unsigned char *)iph);
iph->tos = 0;
ip_len = 40;
put_unaligned(htons(ip_len), &(iph->tot_len));
//iph->id = htons(atomic_inc_return(&ip_ident));
iph->frag_off = 0;
iph->ttl = 64;
iph->protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
iph->check = 0;
put_unaligned(local_ip /*"\xC0\xA8\x00\x01"*/, &(iph->saddr));
put_unaligned(remote_ip /*"\xC0\xA8\x00\x01"*/, &(iph->daddr));
iph->check = ip_fast_csum((unsigned char *)iph, iph->ihl);
Push the Ethernet Header:
eth = (struct ethhdr *) skb_push(skb, ETH_HLEN);
Reset the mac_pointer accordingly:
set and populate the mac_header:
skb->protocol = eth->h_proto = htons(ETH_P_IP);
remote_mac[0] = 0x4C;
remote_mac[1] = 0x72;
remote_mac[2] = 0xB9;
remote_mac[3] = 0x24;
remote_mac[4] = 0x14;
remote_mac[5] = 0x1E;
local_mac[0] = 0x00;
local_mac[1] = 0x1E;
local_mac[2] = 0xE3;
local_mac[3] = 0xED;
local_mac[4] = 0xD4;
local_mac[5] = 0xA9;
memcpy(eth->h_source, remote_mac, ETH_ALEN);
memcpy(eth->h_dest, remote_mac, ETH_ALEN);
Set device and protocol:
skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IP);
skb->dev = pfr->ring_netdev->dev;
skb->priority = sock->sk->sk_priority;
goto out_free;
Now send it
if (dev_queue_xmit(skb) != NETDEV_TX_OK) {
err = -ENETDOWN; /* Probably we need a better error here */
goto out;

how do i decode, change, then re-encode a CORBA IOR file (Visibroker) in my Java client code?

I am writing code to ingest the IOR file generated by the team responsible for the server and use it to bind my client to their object. Sounds easy, right?
For some reason a bit beyond my grasp (having to do with firewalls, DMZs, etc.), the value for the server inside the IOR file is not something we can use. We have to modify it. However, the IOR string is encoded.
What does Visibroker provide that will let me decode the IOR string, change one or more values, then re-encode it and continue on as normal?
I've already looked into IORInterceptors and URL Naming but I don't think either will do the trick.
Thanks in advance!
When you feel like you need to hack an IOR, resist the urge to do so by writing code and whatnot to mangle it to your liking. IORs are meant to be created and dictated by the server that contains the referenced objects, so the moment you start mucking around in there, you're kinda "voiding your warranty".
Instead, spend your time finding the right way to make the IOR usable in your environment by having the server use an alternative hostname when it generates them. Most ORBs offer such a feature. I don't know Visibroker's particular configuration options at all, but a quick Google search revealed this page that shows a promising value:
Specifies the host name used by this server engine.
The default value, null, means use the host name from the system.
Hope that helps.
Long time ago I wrote IorParser for GNU Classpath, the code is available. It is a normal parser written being aware about the format, should not "void a warranty" I think. IOR contains multiple tagged profiles that are encapsulated very much like XML so we could parse/modify profiles that we need and understand and leave the rest untouched.
The profile we need to parse is TAG_INTERNET_IOP. It contains version number, host, port and object key. Code that reads and writes this profile can be found in gnu.IOR class. I am sorry this is part of the system library and not a nice piece of code to copy paste here but it should not be very difficult to rip it out with a couple of dependent classes.
This question has been repeatedly asked as CORBA :: Get the client ORB address and port with use of IIOP
Use the FixIOR tool (binary) from jacORB to patch the address and port of an IOR. Download the binary (unzip it) and run:
fixior <new-address> <new-port> <ior-file>
The tool will override the content of the IOR file with the 'patched' IOR
You can use IOR Parser to check the resulting IOR and compare it to your original IOR
Use this function to change the IOR. pass stringified IOR as first argument.
void hackIOR(const char* str, char* newIOR )
size_t s = (str ? strlen(str) : 0);
char temp[1000];
const char *p = str;
s = (s-4)/2; // how many octets are there in the string
p += 4;
int i;
for (i=0; i<(int)s; i++) {
int j = i*2;
char v=0;
if (p[j] >= '0' && p[j] <= '9') {
v = ((p[j] - '0') << 4);
else if (p[j] >= 'a' && p[j] <= 'f') {
v = ((p[j] - 'a' + 10) << 4);
else if (p[j] >= 'A' && p[j] <= 'F') {
v = ((p[j] - 'A' + 10) << 4);
cout <<"invalid octet"<<endl;
if (p[j+1] >= '0' && p[j+1] <= '9') {
v += (p[j+1] - '0');
else if (p[j+1] >= 'a' && p[j+1] <= 'f') {
v += (p[j+1] - 'a' + 10);
else if (p[j+1] >= 'A' && p[j+1] <= 'F') {
v += (p[j+1] - 'A' + 10);
cout <<"invalid octet"<<endl;
temp[i] = 0;
// Now temp has decoded IOR string. print it.
// Replace the object ID in temp.
// Encoded it back, with following code.
int temp1,temp2;
int l,k;
for(k = 0, l = 4 ; k < s ; k++)
temp1 &= 0x0F;
temp2 = temp2 & 0xF0;
temp2 = temp2 >> 4;
if(temp2 >=0 && temp2 <=9)
newIOR[l++] = temp2+'0';
else if(temp2 >=10 && temp2 <=15)
newIOR[l++] = temp2+'A'-10;
if(temp1 >=0 && temp1 <=9)
newIOR[l++] = temp1+'0';
else if(temp1 >=10 && temp1 <=15)
newIOR[l++] = temp1+'A'-10;
newIOR[l] = 0;
//new IOR is present in new variable newIOR.
Hope this works for you.
