Mobile Ads on Facebook for iOS - ios

Does anyone know if Facebook strips the link that you input when setting up a Mobile App Install ad? Our Mobile App is not integrated with Facebook's SDK so I was hoping to track downloads from our paid ads through the iTunes Connect platform.

Yes, they strip it! You should try with a service between your app and Facebook like GearAds which is useful for your problem


Implementing AppleID login as a webview in a native app

Is is possible for a native iOS app to have AppleID signup implemented as a webview? Or will it result in rejection during the review process?
If it is possible, have you come across such apps that are there in the AppStore?
I found the information about AppleJS and WKWebView solution here ( but it seems it's only related to the web, while my question relates exclusively to native mobile solution.
Thanks in advance for any tips
It's not recommended for native iOS app to have AppleID signup implemented as a webview. Apple may Reject your app.
Use Authentication Services for Apple Platforms.

Facebook messenger iOS apple pay

I am checking if facebook messenger will open up apple pay option. I tried but safari supports apple pay, but not a web browser inside facebook messenger.
Is there a way to go around it today.
Thanks in advance!
I'm fairly sure the answer is no, since it's specific to Safari.

Google Analytics for iOS App shows sessions from android device

I have distributed an app outside the apple app store.
To distribute the app, i have taken help from the following link.
I have also integrated Google analytics into my app which shows 1 session started on an android device.
I have following questions
How is this possible, Is this google analytics bug, or something else?
Is there any way to prevent this?

Can I use Facebook advertising for an iOS app without having the SDK integrated?

I have my app already sent for App Store review few days ago. I just noticed that Facebook advertising requires the Facebook SDK to be integrated with the app. Is it a compulsory step? Or can I use Facebook advertising without having the Facebook SDK?
From Facebook
Can I run mobile app ads without using the SDK?
Yes, we allow anyone to run mobile app install ads from our Ads Create Tool simply by dropping the link to their Apple App Store or Google Play URL. For mobile app engagement ads, you will need to register your app, but can also run ads without the SDK.
However, without installing and using the SDK, Facebook will not be able to provide install or app event reporting, and thus you will not have the option to use more advanced bidding options (oCPM, CPA) or see performance beyond clicks.

facebook mobile app install ads track the install routes

Is there a way to know if my app was installed over the facebook Mobile App install Ads using the Facebook SDK ?
The publish install is called every time my app getting installed but I want to know if the app is being installed via the Facebook ads service.
Thank you.
It seems to be possible, I found this (
Tracking can come through integration of a Facebook or Third Party SDK:
An application does not require a Facebook login option in order to be promoted using Mobile App Install Ads, but the app must first be registered with Facebook. In order to track installs at the ad level, developers must install the most recent Facebook Software Development Kit (3.0 or greater for iOS, and the latest SDK for Android) or work with a 3rd-party mobile measurement provider.
