App begin to crash on iOS 9.1 with Parse - ios

I was using Parse with iOS 8.4 and Xcode 6.4 successfully. The parse version which I was using 1.7.5. Recently, I have updated my pods to latest and parse version is now 1.9.1 and also project settings to compile for 9.1. Secondly, I am using Xcode 7 now.
Everything compiles good and build is successful. However, when I am trying to run the application I get below error.
dyld: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_PFACL
Referenced from: /Users/ankur/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/5924BE2D-5302-4140-B9C1-4E1D671B3C1F/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/9C046EDE-986D-4A6E-B461-38D7F859F5C7/
Expected in: flat namespace
in /Users/ankur/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/5924BE2D-5302-4140-B9C1-4E1D671B3C1F/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/9C046EDE-986D-4A6E-B461-38D7F859F5C7/
I looked for PFACL and it is part of PODS. I can find it under PODS.
Not sure what is wrong here but looks like something missing?
Thanks for the help

After waiting for so long and unable to receive an answer, I posted this on Parse Git page here After getting a response, I investigated further and found that earlier version was able to run without [Parse enableLocalDatastore] however with newer version the moment I put that extra line of code the app is running perfectly. Though there are no errors while compiling the app in both cases.
I thought to share it here with the community so in case someone else face the similar problem it is helpful for them to try it.
Thanks for helping, the problem is sorted


React native Google Signin Issue in Ios

I am using this library For Google-signin : react-native-google-signin
After Integration of the library in ios I am getting an error while running in a real device:
in file
No member named '__rip' in '__darwin_arm_thread_state64
Note: It is running fine in simulator. I am getting the error only when running in real devices.
I had this issue when I tried to run from xcode on a physical device...I saw this solution on github and it worked for me
Change this line:
return (void*)context->PC_FROM_UCONTEXT;
return NULL;
Check below steps which required to do in xCode:
1) In Libraries folder RNGoogleSignin.xcodeproj is there or not. If not, then drag from node module folder.
2) Add libRNGoogleSignin.a lib into Link Binary in Build Phase.
Hope it will solve your issue.
I was getting the same error as you when I was trying to run an out of box React Native app on my iPhone X. Which I am running Mojave on a MacBook Pro using Xcode 10.
I had no issues running a base React Native app in simulator but have an issue running it with a physical device. While looking in the libraries, I was not able to find RNGoogleSignin.xcodeproj that Nirmalsinh motioned.
So, after some digging I found this thread.
It looks like there is a serious bug with Xcode 10 and React Native.
They suggest to take line 78 where it throws the error and just return null and it fixes that error. As below.
ucontext_t *context = reinterpret_cast<ucontext_t *>(ucontext_in_void);
return NULL;
Don't know why that line would throw and error or what that context is actually for, but returning NULL allows me to compile it on the physical device.
Don't know if this fixes your problem, but it might help others who stumbled on to this like I have.
And if it is because its missing RNGoogleSignin.xcodeproj, then there needs to be another way to add that library in as it was there in my folder. Unfortunately, I don't know where you could find it to install it.

Lexical or Preprocessor Issue React Native

I'm trying to test my React Native v0.40.0 application on my physical iPhone 6s device. I've been having a ton of issues and not sure why. When building the application, it says it succeeds but shows a fatal error 'cxxreact/JSBundleType.h' file not found under Buildtime errors and the application doesn't get installed onto my phone. Additionally, I managed to install it once a few days ago, but was having issues making api calls since the call was being made to localhost so I believe the fetch() calls weren't resolving correctly. I found this article but the AppDelegate.m file is different now so I don't know how to make the modification that everyone is suggesting. Any ideas?
I hit this issue and found answers no where...I wish a had a better solution for you but what worked for me was running react-native upgrade and resetting everything :/

Invalid or missing Program/ProgramArguments? No solution found

I'm having a very hard time trying to solve this annoying issue.
I created a COCOA static library in XCode that worked flawlessly until some days ago. Now, when i try to TEST it, i receive the following error:
"Invalid or missing Program/ProgramArguments".
I already tried to fix this problem performing the operations pointed out here
Invalid or missing Program/ProgramArguments
and here
When I clean Xcode DerivedData I can't run my app in iOS Simulator
without any success (XCode 7.2).
Can someone help please?
solution: I updated from XCode 7.2 to XCode 7.3 and suddenly everything started to work fine again.

Alamofire error: Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1 No such file or directory & umbrella header for Pods-Alamofire-umbrella.h

i'm trying to Archive my app according to Apple's "App Distribution Guide", app is operating fine both on simulator and iPhone, no errors found. But when i just click Archive, two errors always happen:
one says:
Swift Compiler Warning: Umbrella header for module 'Alamofire' does not include header 'Pods-Alamofire-umbrella.h'.
second says:
/Users/applejwo/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Cloud-eixkwmelyvsoqvabyduxipaohojy/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/Cloud/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/Alamofire.framework: No such file or directory
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
the second error sometimes may disappear, i also don't know why?
i have tried every possible solution stated in "command/usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1- code sign error", but errors are still there.
my dev environment is: simulator 8.4, iPhone 5s iOS 8.4, Xcode 6.4 (6E35b), swift, Alamofire 1.2.3, cocoa pods 0.37.2
Thanks very much in advance!
This is a blockheaded mistake to make, but in case anybody else is equally blockheaded: The Alamofire framework has two versions, one for iOS and one for OSX. From the Alamofire doc:
Select the top Alamofire.framework for iOS and the bottom one for OS X.
Selecting the wrong one will let the project build correctly on the simulator, but will produce the exit code 1 error when trying to archive.
After days of looking on Github and stackoverflow, it seems the problem of cocoapods, pls see here;
My solution is updating the cocoapods to 0.38.0.beta.2, But just not enough to me, as it reports errors again;
So i reinstalled my pods Alamofire and swiftyJSON.
Finally errors are fixed, project Achieved successfully! I don't know why, but hope the solution works for you, it's really depressing by stuck at the final step to AppStore.
I am getting these two problems using Xcode 7 beta 2 and using Swift 2.0. I'm also using the swift-2.0 branch of Alamofire.
I was able to get rid of the second error by revoking my certificate and creating a new one. I happen to have just transferred to a new Mac and I restored it from a Time Machine backup of my old work computer, so I guessed that the code signing errors came from that.
The first error, I still have and I have no idea how to fix it. Will update this answer when I do.

'Cordova/CDVViewController.h' not found when Archiving in Xcode (from Worklight)

I'm suffering this error message when trying to Archive my app prior to submission to the App Store.
The full error is:
In file included from /Users/Kevin/Documents/workspace/SongLink2/apps/SLPhone/iphone/native/Classes/CDVMainViewController.m:14:
In file included from Classes/CDVMainViewController.h:15:
/Users/Kevin/Documents/workspace/SongLink2/apps/SLPhone/iphone/native/WorklightSDK/include/MainViewController.h:34:9: fatal error: 'Cordova/CDVViewController.h' file not found
#import <Cordova/CDVViewController.h>
1 error generated.
I'm using Worklight 6.2 to generate the project having added both Android and iPhone environments). I then switch to Xcode 6 to Run my app. This is successful for Run but fails when I Product->Archive with the error.
I've recently upgraded everything to:
IBM Worklight Studio
Xcode 6.0.1 (6A317)
... but with no success.
I've tried:
Changing Header>Search Paths: but this had no effect. This also suggest reinstalling Cordova but I'm unsure how to do this in a Worklight environment.
Perform Product->Clean with no effect. This discussion also suggested running ./update_cordova_subproject /path/to/your/project but I don't know where Worklight installed cordova to try it.
Many discussions suggest Xcode->Preferences->Locations->Advanced and make sure it's set to Unique... but I'm already set to this value.
similar: but this didn't seem to get resolved
Please help me on my last step to app store submission!
In looking at the Header Search Path(s) I noticed I'd introduced an extra double quote which was causing Xcode some confusion! Once I removed that it worked fine.
Many thanks
I experienced this problem and the solution was a classic XCode mystery incantation to add to your search path:
Found on this website:
