Invalid or missing Program/ProgramArguments? No solution found - ios

I'm having a very hard time trying to solve this annoying issue.
I created a COCOA static library in XCode that worked flawlessly until some days ago. Now, when i try to TEST it, i receive the following error:
"Invalid or missing Program/ProgramArguments".
I already tried to fix this problem performing the operations pointed out here
Invalid or missing Program/ProgramArguments
and here
When I clean Xcode DerivedData I can't run my app in iOS Simulator
without any success (XCode 7.2).
Can someone help please?

solution: I updated from XCode 7.2 to XCode 7.3 and suddenly everything started to work fine again.


FirebaseUI/PhoneAuth/FirebasePhoneAuthUI/FUICodeField.xib:-1: Failed to find or create execution context for description

After updating Xcode to 10.3 I get the bellow error (which I see has something to do with firebase):
The page which accompanies it is:
Why is this error happening and how can I fix it?
What I have tried:
updating pods
restarting Xcode
I solved this after looking at the answer on this question: Storyboard broken after updating Xcode to version 10.3 (10G8) & app no longer is running
Restarted the mac, problem solved.

Can run successfully but can't archive?

I'm trying to archive one of my projects but I keep getting an error even though I can run the simulator perfectly fine. This is the error that I keep receiving
This is interesting because I can run my app with no problem but when it comes to archiving, I seem to run into a seg fault. Any help would be appreciated :-) Thank you!
Solved the problem by updating Xcode from 7.2 -> 7.3.1

After Xcode 7.2 beta, project not working on 7.1

After using Xcode 7.2 beta, I turned back to my project in Xcode 7.1, and the app crashes on startup, I get this:
If i comment this line, I get a random error somewhere else. The app was working perfectly, I am sorry there isn't much to explain, but I really dont know whats causing this error.
I tried deleting Derived data and still the problem persists.
It seems like you have a breakpoint causing you some troubles.
Type "br del" in the console (lldb), type "Y" and enter to delete all breakpoints.

Xcode6 - ibtool failed with exit code 255

I read all previous answers for this question but nothing helped to me.
I wanted to learn Swift but even empty projects shows this error after build:
Command /Volumes/Xcode/ failed with exit code 255
I use Xcode6-Beta4.
When I try to click Storyboard, Xcode crashes.
Checked my previous applications - same problem with storyboard. But on Xcode5 they work perfectly.
What I tried/checked
I have no special symbols in the name/id/etc.
Provisioning profile is connected successfully.
Choosing another device/target in Deployment Info didnt help too
Clean/Rebuild/Restart/Reboot/Waiting for hour and smoking didnt help.
So I give up and really need your help.
You can do one thing may be this will work for you.
Delete that app from simulator or reset content of your simulator then try to run.
I had the same problem and my solution was to change the /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist content back to 10.10, because I'm using OS X Yosemite Public Beta.
I had the same problem with Xcode 9 beta and iOS 11 beta. Deleting the app and then reinstalling fixed the issue.
Just switch simulator and it works!! its an issue from the xCode! you can reset the simulator or switch to another simulator and it will work

iOS Simulator failed to install the application - nothing has worked

I been trying to figure out the problem for this and cannot figure it out. Every time I run my Xcode project in the simulator I get an iOS Simulator failed to install the application error. I have tried resetting the content and settings in the simulator and that has not worked. I have tried running other projects in the simulator and they work fine. One thing I did do right before it stopped working was add a font into the plist. I am not sure if that is the problem but here is my current plist (maybe i accidentally deleted something?):
I just figured it out, I was missing the Executable file Thanks!
