iOS tableview appearing empty in UiBuilder - ios

I'm using a long tableview. All of the cells are visible when I run the simulation but in the UIBuilder, only the top visible cells are showing. When I scroll further down through the table in UIBuilder, the cells are blank. This has only been an issue since I updated Xcode. Has anyone run into this issue before? I'm currently using Xcode version 7.1.1

This is a recent bug in interface builder. As a work around, change the size of the view controller in simulated metrics from inferred to freeform and increase the height until a cells render their content.


iOS 11 expanding navbar stops expanding after scroll up

I have implemented two different tableviews. The first uses a UIViewController and a UITableView. The second uses a UITableViewController with static cells.
I currently have prefersLargeTitles = true. On the first view controller, the navbar expands as I drag down the table as expected. However, after I scroll up making the navbar shrink, letting go and pulling down on the table again does not expand the navbar and it seems to be "stuck" after that.
This is not an issue on the second controller that uses a UITableViewController.
This issue does not occur on the simulator, but has occurred on two different iPhone 7's (iOS 11.2 beta 4, iOS 11.1.2)
As you can see below, after I go to scroll back down after scrolling up, there is a slight jolt then it sticks. The navbar no longer expands after this point (it does collapse still).
Here is an example of what should occur and happens with the UITableViewController.
Is this an iOS 11 issue?

Set max height of UITableView

on the iPhone 5s it seems as though the last item of a specific list shown using UITableView goes slightly off screen and unable to select. Is their any simple way to prevent the tableview from displaying contents offscreen besides checking overtime data is reloaded and the current height of the view?
EDIT: This is all done programmatically and all other tableviews display correctly on the 5s I have tried fiddling with constraints but could not see a difference.
It sounds like your issue has to do with constraints. I'm not sure whether you're using a storyboard to build the view or not, but probably what you need to do is constrain the table view to the bottom of its superview.

Xcode TableView Cell dynamic heights with UITableViewAutoDimension

So, I have an issue that seems to have cropped up after having updated the Xcode program on my Mac. I have a tableView that houses an image and subsequent comments underneath, which are initially offscreen until you scroll down and then they load up. The issue I seem to be having is that the cells wont adjust their heights respectively unless I first scroll down to get them loaded, scroll up and then down again. Only then will the UITableViewAutoDimension seem to take effect.
Any suggestions? My auto-laying is exactly how it should be to accommodate dynamic heights of UILabels.
Let me know if more information is needed.
Cheers in advance.
So after about 10 hours of pulling my hair out and literally debugging to sh*t, I found that I had 'use size classes' selected along with 'use auto constraints' which was completely destroying any chance of the table cells from resizing first time. I switched 'use size classes' off in the interface builder document and it seems to have resolved the issue. All I can say is thank f**k! 👍

TableView and CollectionView position & size automatically gets change in Storyboard in iOS

I have searched alot but found nothing on this issue.... :(
I have added a CollectionView and two TableView in a storyboard.
Every thing was working perfectly fine.
Now the Problem is both TableViews and CollectionView is automatically gets change their position & size and moved in storyboard's left upper corner.
Almost hide themselves.
When i drag them one by one and change layout / position, they again change their position and size when i select any other object(Button/Label) on storyboard.
Here is the Screen shoot i just take of my storyboard.
I have removed / deleted the storyboard and congifure it again from start but the problem is same :(
what is this all happening.... I don't know what to do here?
Please help me on this issue.
CollectionView is just behing that misplaced TableView in storyboard's left upper corner.
Haven't worked much with XCode version 6, but this issue maybe arising due to AutoLayout or the new view size properties introduced in Xcode 6 & above. Try disabling AutoLayout.

iOS 7 tableview no longer auto scrolling when keybaord appears

I am working on an app which I have just released an iOS7 version of. In the app I have a table view that contains text feilds in each cell. The problem is that when I tab to edit a feild that is near the bottom of the screen the keyboard appears and I cant see what I'm typing. I fixed this in iOS6 by simple listening for the event of the keybaord appearing and changing the size of the tableview so that it no longer extended to the bottom of the screen, but instead only reached to the top of they keyboar. The table view would then "automatically" scroll so that the cell was visable. This worked fine in iOS6 but as soon as I made the switch to iOS7 this no longer works... it no longer "automatically scrolls" when I change the size of the table. Does anyone know if there is a property that I need to set or something to "re-enable" this functionality?
