F# Write Mapped Input to Output - f#

I am new to F# and am starting with a simple project to get going.
I have large txt files that I process - usually about 10 million records. What I want to do is read the file, filter out some specific rows, map the fields to only take a subset of the columns from the original file, and then output the result.
The 2 questions I have are:
How do I filter based on the map. The file has about 30 fields.
How do I take the output of the map and write it to a new TXT file
//Open the file
let lines = seq {use r = new StreamReader(kDir + kfName )
while not r.EndOfStream do yield r.ReadLine() }
//Filter the file
let sFilt = "Detached Houses,Upper Middle"
let out1 = lines
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.Contains(sFilt))
//Write out the filtered file - this works great
//val out1 : seq<string>
File.WriteAllLines("c:\\temp\\out1.txt", out1 )
//Here is where I have an issue
//I am trying to just get 2 of the columns to an output file
//val out2 : seq<string * string> - this has a different patter than out1
let out2 = out1 |> Seq.map (fun x2 -> x2.Split[|','|])
|> Seq.map (fun x3 -> x3.[0], x3.[3])
I get the following error on this line - I know the out1 and out2 are different. How can I resolve this difference?
Error message:
Possible overload: 'File.WriteAllLines(path: string, contents: IEnumerable<string>) : unit'. Type constraint mismatch. The type seq<string * string> is not compatible with type IEnumerable<string>
The type 'string' does not match the type 'string * string'.

What you can do is map back to a seq<string> from your seq<string*string>.
Seq.map (fun (str1, str2) -> sprintf "%s, %s" str1 str2)
You can just add that to your existing chain of map operations
let out2 =
|> Seq.map (fun x2 -> x2.Split[|','|])
|> Seq.map (fun x3 -> x3.[0], x3.[3])
|> Seq.map (fun (str1, str2) -> sprintf "%s, %s" str1 str2)
Then, once again, you have a sequence of strings which you can write to your file.

fun x3 -> x3.[0], x3.[3] creates a tuple of strings string * string. You need to concat them, e.g. fun x3 -> sprintf "%s,%s" x3.[0] x3.[3] (if you want the comma in the output) or just fun x3 -> x3.[0] + x3.[3].

Its also possible that you want to use the CsvProvider if the file is properly structured. No reason for handling any IO if file is properly structured.
Then you get typed data, column names etc "for free"...
If it is not entirely well structured you might also use CsvParser for some less strictness in reading/handling the file.
Take a look at:


F# Writing to file changes behavior on return type

I have the following function that convert csv files to a specific txt schema (expected by CNTKTextFormat Reader):
open System.IO
open FSharp.Data;
open Deedle;
let convert (inFileName : string) =
let data = Frame.ReadCsv(inFileName)
let outFileName = inFileName.Substring(0, (inFileName.Length - 4)) + ".txt"
use outFile = new StreamWriter(outFileName, false)
|> Seq.map(fun kvp ->
let row = kvp.Value |> Series.observations |> Seq.map(fun (k,v) -> v) |> Seq.toList
match row with
| label::data ->
let body = data |> List.map string |> String.concat " "
outFile.WriteLine(sprintf "|labels %A |features %s" label body)
printf "%A" label
| _ ->
failwith "Bad data."
|> ignore
Strangely, the output file is empty after running in the F# interactive panel and that printf yields no printing at all.
If I remove the ignore to make sure that there are actual rows being processed (evidenced by returning a seq of nulls), instead of an empty file I get:
val it : seq<unit> = Error: Cannot write to a closed TextWriter.
Before, I was declaring the StreamWriter using let and disposing it manually, but I also generated empty files or just a few lines (say 5 out of thousands).
What is happening here? Also, how to fix the file writing?
Seq.map returns a lazy sequence which is not evaluated until it is iterated over. You are not currently iterating over it within convert so no rows are processed. If you return a Seq<unit> and iterate over it outside convert, outFile will already be closed which is why you see the exception.
You should use Seq.iter instead:
|> Seq.iter (fun kvp -> ...)
Apart from the solutions already mentioned, you could also avoid the StreamWriter altogether, and use one of the standard .Net functions, File.WriteAllLines. You would prepare a sequence of converted lines, and then write that to the file:
let convert (inFileName : string) =
let lines =
|> Seq.map(fun kvp ->
let row = kvp.Value |> Series.observations |> Seq.map snd |> Seq.toList
match row with
| label::data ->
let body = data |> List.map string |> String.concat " "
printf "%A" label
sprintf "|labels %A |features %s" label body
| _ ->
failwith "Bad data."
let outFileName = inFileName.Substring(0, (inFileName.Length - 4)) + ".txt"
File.WriteAllLines(outFileName, lines)
Update based on the discussion in the comments: Here's a solution that avoids Deedle altogether. I'm making some assumptions about your input file format here, based on another question you posted today: Label is in column 1, features follow.
let lines =
File.ReadLines inFileName
|> Seq.map (fun line ->
match Seq.toList(line.Split ',') with
| label::data ->
let body = data |> List.map string |> String.concat " "
printf "%A" label
sprintf "|labels %A |features %s" label body
| _ ->
failwith "Bad data."
As Lee already mentioned, Seq.map is lazy. And that's also why you were getting "Cannot write to a closed TextWriter": the use keyword disposes of its IDisposable when it goes out of scope. In this case, that's at the end of your function. Since Seq.map is lazy, your function was returning an unevaluated sequence object, which had closed over the StreamWriter in your use statement -- but by the time you evaluated that sequence (in whatever part of your code checked for the Seq of nulls, or in the F# Interactive window), the StreamWriter had already been disposed by going out of scope.
Change Seq.map to Seq.iter and both of your problems will be solved.

Equivalent of repeated takeWhile calls: does this function have a "standard" name?

I have a scenario where the standard List.groupBy function isn't what I want, but I don't know the right name for this function so it's making it hard to search for.
I have a list of items of type 'T, and a 'T -> 'k key-producing function. The items are already somewhat "grouped" together in the list, so that when you map the list through the key function, its result will tend have the same key in a row several times, e.g. [1; 1; 1; 2; 2; 1; 1; 3; 3; 3; 1; 1]. What I want is to get a list of lists, where the inner list contains all the items for which the key-producing function returned the same value -- but it should NOT group the different sequences of 1's together.
In other words, say my data was a list of strings, and the key-producing function was String.length. So the input is:
["a"; "e"; "i"; "to"; "of"; "o"; "u"; "and"; "for"; "the"; "I"; "O"]
The output I'm looking for would be:
[["a"; "e"; "i"]; ["to"; "of"]; ["o"; "u"]; ["and"; "for"; "the"]; ["I"; "O"]]
To think of it another way: this is like taking the first item of the list and storing the result of calling the key function. Then you'd use takeWhile (fun x -> keyFun x = origKeyFunResult) to generate the first segment. Then when that takeWhile stops returning values, you record when it stopped, and the value of keyFun x on the first value that didn't return the original result -- and go on from there. (Except that that would be O(N*M) where M is the number of sequences, and would devolve into O(N^2) in many cases -- whereas it should be possible to implement this function in O(N) time).
Now, I can write that function pretty easily. That's not the question. What I want to know is whether there's a standard name for this function. Because I thought it would be called groupBy, but that's something else. (List.groupBy String.length would return [(1, ["a"; "e"; "i"; "o"; "u"; "I"; "O"]); (2, ["to"; "of"]), (3, ["and"; "for"; "the"])], but what I want in this case is for the "a/e/i", "o/u", and "I/O" lists to remain separated, and I don't want the value that the key-generating returns to be in the output data).
Maybe there isn't a standard name for this function. But if there is, what is it?
I'm a little late and it seems that you have found a solution, and it seems that there doesn't exists a single function i F# that can handle the problem.
Just for the challenge I tried to find some usable solutions and came up with the following (whether they are efficient or not is up the reader to deside):
open System
module List =
/// <summary>
/// Generic List Extension:
/// Given a comparer function the list will be chunked into sub lists
/// starting when ever comparer finds a difference.
/// </summary>
let chunkByPredicate (comparer : 'T -> 'T -> bool) list =
let rec func (i : int, lst : 'T list) : 'T list list =
if i >= lst.Length then
let first = lst.[i]
let chunk = lst |> List.skip(i) |> List.takeWhile (fun s -> comparer first s)
List.append [chunk] (func((i + chunk.Length), lst))
func (0, list) |> List.where (fun lst -> not (List.isEmpty lst))
// 1. Using List.fold to chunk by string length
let usingListFold (data : string list) =
printfn "1. Using List.fold: "
|> List.fold (fun (acc : string list list) s ->
if acc.Length > 0 then
let last = acc.[acc.Length - 1]
let lastLength = last.[0].Length
if lastLength = s.Length then
List.append (acc |> List.take (acc.Length - 1)) [(last |> List.append [s])]
List.append acc [[s]]
[[s]]) ([])
|> List.iter (printfn "%A")
printfn ""
// 2. Using List.chunkByPredicate
let usingListChunkByPredicate<'a> (predicate : 'a -> 'a -> bool, data : 'a list) =
printfn "2. Using List.chunkByPredicate: "
|> List.chunkByPredicate predicate
|> List.iter (printfn "%A")
printfn ""
let main argv =
let data = ["a"; "e"; "i"; "to"; "of"; "o"; "u"; "and"; "for"; "the"; "I"; "O"]
usingListFold data
usingListChunkByPredicate<string>((fun first s -> first.Length = s.Length), data)
let intData = [0..50]
usingListChunkByPredicate<int>((fun first n -> first / 10 = n / 10), intData)
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore

How to read float data from a file in F#

I have a file with float numbers and I want to read it and save the values in an array to do some math operations. Then I need to print the new array in another file. All the ways that I found reads the file as a string and I also don't know how to convert string to a float array.
If we could assume that each float in the file on its own line then you could do something like this:
open System
open System.IO
let readFloats filePath =
let strs = File.ReadLines(filePath) // Read file line by line
strs |> Seq.map (fun str -> System.Double.TryParse(str)) // TryParse returns pair (Boolean * float value). Boolean is true if string parsed correctly
|> Seq.filter (fun (success, _) -> success) // filters out wrong (not parsed strings)
|> Seq.map snd // transforms sequence of pairs (bool * float) into float only

Convert a sequence of dictionary keys to a set

The following code lists the set of keys found in a dictionary sequence (each dict is basically a row from a database). (I want to convert the keys to a set so I can compare 2 db tables)
for seqitem in tblseq do
let keyset = seqitem.Keys |> Set.ofSeq // works correctly
printfn ">>> List: %A; Item Type: %A" keyset
Rather than print the keyset however I want to return it from a function but am having a problem with type inference. Tried the following but it does not work;
What I want to do is return these values as either an array of list (rather than print them)
let get_keyset tblseq =
tblseq |> Seq.iter (fun x ->
x.Keys |> Set.ofSeq
What am I missing here?
Using Seq.map as ildjarn suggests is one option (you may want to add Array.ofSeq to the end to get array of sets as you say in your qurestion).
An alternative approach is to use array comprehension:
let get_keyset (tblseq:seq<System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<_, _>>) =
[| for x in tblseq -> x.Keys |> Set.ofSeq |]
The notation [| .. |] says that you want to create an array of elements and the expression following -> specifies what should be produced as an element. The syntax is essentially just a nicer way for writing Seq.map (although it supports more features).
You can also use this syntax for creating sets (instead of calling Set.ofSeq). In this case, it doesn't make much sense, because Set.ofSeq is faster and sorhter, but sometimes it is quite neat option. It allows you to avoid type annotations, because you can get key of a dictionary using KeyValue pattern:
let get_keyset tblseq =
[| for x in tblseq ->
set [ for (KeyValue(k, v)) in x -> k ] |]
Use Seq.map rather than Seq.iter:
let get_keyset tblseq =
|> Seq.map (fun (x:Dictionary<_,_>) -> x.Keys |> set)
|> Array.ofSeq

Handy F# snippets [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
There are already two questions about F#/functional snippets.
However what I'm looking for here are useful snippets, little 'helper' functions that are reusable. Or obscure but nifty patterns that you can never quite remember.
Something like:
open System.IO
let rec visitor dir filter=
seq { yield! Directory.GetFiles(dir, filter)
for subdir in Directory.GetDirectories(dir) do
yield! visitor subdir filter}
I'd like to make this a kind of handy reference page. As such there will be no right answer, but hopefully lots of good ones.
EDIT Tomas Petricek has created a site specifically for F# snippets http://fssnip.net/.
Perl style regex matching
let (=~) input pattern =
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(input, pattern)
It lets you match text using let test = "monkey" =~ "monk.+" notation.
Infix Operator
I got this from http://sandersn.com/blog//index.php/2009/10/22/infix-function-trick-for-f go to that page for more details.
If you know Haskell, you might find yourself missing infix sugar in F#:
// standard Haskell call has function first, then args just like F#. So obviously
// here there is a function that takes two strings: string -> string -> string
startsWith "kevin" "k"
//Haskell infix operator via backQuotes. Sometimes makes a function read better.
"kevin" `startsWith` "K"
While F# doesn't have a true 'infix' operator, the same thing can be accomplished almost as elegantly via a pipeline and a 'backpipeline' (who knew of such a thing??)
// F# 'infix' trick via pipelines
"kevin" |> startsWith <| "K"
Multi-Line Strings
This is pretty trivial, but it seems to be a feature of F# strings that is not widely known.
let sql = "select a,b,c \
from table \
where a = 1"
This produces:
val sql : string = "select a,b,c from table where a = 1"
When the F# compiler sees a back-slash followed by a carriage return inside a string literal, it will remove everything from the back-slash to the first non-space character on the next line. This allows you to have multi-line string literals that line up, without using a bunch of string concatenation.
Generic memoization, courtesy of the man himself
let memoize f =
let cache = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<_,_>(HashIdentity.Structural)
fun x ->
let ok, res = cache.TryGetValue(x)
if ok then res
else let res = f x
cache.[x] <- res
Using this, you could do a cached reader like so:
let cachedReader = memoize reader
Simple read-write to text files
These are trivial, but make file access pipeable:
open System.IO
let fileread f = File.ReadAllText(f)
let filewrite f s = File.WriteAllText(f, s)
let filereadlines f = File.ReadAllLines(f)
let filewritelines f ar = File.WriteAllLines(f, ar)
let replace f (r:string) (s:string) = s.Replace(f, r)
"C:\\Test.txt" |>
fileread |>
replace "teh" "the" |>
filewrite "C:\\Test.txt"
And combining that with the visitor quoted in the question:
let filereplace find repl path =
path |> fileread |> replace find repl |> filewrite path
let recurseReplace root filter find repl =
visitor root filter |> Seq.iter (filereplace find repl)
Update Slight improvement if you want to be able to read 'locked' files (e.g. csv files which are already open in Excel...):
let safereadall f =
use fs = new FileStream(f, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)
use sr = new StreamReader(fs, System.Text.Encoding.Default)
let split sep (s:string) = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(s, sep)
let fileread f = safereadall f
let filereadlines f = f |> safereadall |> split System.Environment.NewLine
For performance intensive stuff where you need to check for null
let inline isNull o = System.Object.ReferenceEquals(o, null)
if isNull o then ... else ...
Is about 20x faster then
if o = null then ... else ...
Active Patterns, aka "Banana Splits", are a very handy construct that let one match against multiple regular expression patterns. This is much like AWK, but without the high performance of DFA's because the patterns are matched in sequence until one succeeds.
open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let (|Test|_|) pat s =
if (new Regex(pat)).IsMatch(s)
then Some()
else None
let (|Match|_|) pat s =
let opt = RegexOptions.None
let re = new Regex(pat,opt)
let m = re.Match(s)
if m.Success
then Some(m.Groups)
else None
Some examples of use:
let HasIndefiniteArticle = function
| Test "(?: |^)(a|an)(?: |$)" _ -> true
| _ -> false
type Ast =
| IntVal of string * int
| StringVal of string * string
| LineNo of int
| Goto of int
let Parse = function
| Match "^LET\s+([A-Z])\s*=\s*(\d+)$" g ->
IntVal( g.[1].Value, Int32.Parse(g.[2].Value) )
| Match "^LET\s+([A-Z]\$)\s*=\s*(.*)$" g ->
StringVal( g.[1].Value, g.[2].Value )
| Match "^(\d+)\s*:$" g ->
LineNo( Int32.Parse(g.[1].Value) )
| Match "^GOTO \s*(\d+)$" g ->
Goto( Int32.Parse(g.[1].Value) )
| s -> failwithf "Unexpected statement: %s" s
Maybe monad
type maybeBuilder() =
member this.Bind(v, f) =
match v with
| None -> None
| Some(x) -> f x
member this.Delay(f) = f()
member this.Return(v) = Some v
let maybe = maybeBuilder()
Here's a brief intro to monads for the uninitiated.
Option-coalescing operators
I wanted a version of the defaultArg function that had a syntax closer to the C# null-coalescing operator, ??. This lets me get the value from an Option while providing a default value, using a very concise syntax.
/// Option-coalescing operator - this is like the C# ?? operator, but works with
/// the Option type.
/// Warning: Unlike the C# ?? operator, the second parameter will always be
/// evaluated.
/// Example: let foo = someOption |? default
let inline (|?) value defaultValue =
defaultArg value defaultValue
/// Option-coalescing operator with delayed evaluation. The other version of
/// this operator always evaluates the default value expression. If you only
/// want to create the default value when needed, use this operator and pass
/// in a function that creates the default.
/// Example: let foo = someOption |?! (fun () -> new Default())
let inline (|?!) value f =
match value with Some x -> x | None -> f()
'Unitize' a function which doesn't handle units
Using the FloatWithMeasure function http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee806527(VS.100).aspx.
let unitize (f:float -> float) (v:float<'u>) =
LanguagePrimitives.FloatWithMeasure<'u> (f (float v))
[<Measure>] type m
[<Measure>] type kg
let unitize (f:float -> float) (v:float<'u>) =
LanguagePrimitives.FloatWithMeasure<'u> (f (float v))
//this function doesn't take units
let badinc a = a + 1.
//this one does!
let goodinc v = unitize badinc v
goodinc 3.<m>
goodinc 3.<kg>
OLD version:
let unitize (f:float -> float) (v:float<'u>) =
let unit = box 1. :?> float<'u>
unit * (f (v/unit))
Kudos to kvb
Scale/Ratio function builder
Again, trivial, but handy.
//returns a function which will convert from a1-a2 range to b1-b2 range
let scale (a1:float<'u>, a2:float<'u>) (b1:float<'v>,b2:float<'v>) =
let m = (b2 - b1)/(a2 - a1) //gradient of line (evaluated once only..)
(fun a -> b1 + m * (a - a1))
[<Measure>] type m
[<Measure>] type px
let screenSize = (0.<px>, 300.<px>)
let displayRange = (100.<m>, 200.<m>)
let scaleToScreen = scale displayRange screenSize
scaleToScreen 120.<m> //-> 60.<px>
Transposing a list (seen on Jomo Fisher's blog)
///Given list of 'rows', returns list of 'columns'
let rec transpose lst =
match lst with
| (_::_)::_ -> List.map List.head lst :: transpose (List.map List.tail lst)
| _ -> []
transpose [[1;2;3];[4;5;6];[7;8;9]] // returns [[1;4;7];[2;5;8];[3;6;9]]
And here is a tail-recursive version which (from my sketchy profiling) is mildly slower, but has the advantage of not throwing a stack overflow when the inner lists are longer than 10000 elements (on my machine):
let transposeTR lst =
let rec inner acc lst =
match lst with
| (_::_)::_ -> inner (List.map List.head lst :: acc) (List.map List.tail lst)
| _ -> List.rev acc
inner [] lst
If I was clever, I'd try and parallelise it with async...
F# Map <-> C# Dictionary
(I know, I know, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary isn't really a 'C#' dictionary)
C# to F#
(dic :> seq<_>) //cast to seq of KeyValuePair
|> Seq.map (|KeyValue|) //convert KeyValuePairs to tuples
|> Map.ofSeq //convert to Map
(From Brian, here, with improvement proposed by Mauricio in comment below. (|KeyValue|) is an active pattern for matching KeyValuePair - from FSharp.Core - equivalent to (fun kvp -> kvp.Key, kvp.Value))
Interesting alternative
To get all of the immutable goodness, but with the O(1) lookup speed of Dictionary, you can use the dict operator, which returns an immutable IDictionary (see this question).
I currently can't see a way to directly convert a Dictionary using this method, other than
(dic :> seq<_>) //cast to seq of KeyValuePair
|> (fun kvp -> kvp.Key, kvp.Value) //convert KeyValuePairs to tuples
|> dict //convert to immutable IDictionary
F# to C#
let dic = Dictionary()
map |> Map.iter (fun k t -> dic.Add(k, t))
What is weird here is that FSI will report the type as (for example):
val it : Dictionary<string,int> = dict [("a",1);("b",2)]
but if you feed dict [("a",1);("b",2)] back in, FSI reports
IDictionary<string,int> = seq[[a,1] {Key = "a"; Value = 1; } ...
Tree-sort / Flatten a tree into a list
I have the following binary tree:
___ 77 _
/ \
______ 47 __ 99
/ \
21 _ 54
\ / \
43 53 74
Which is represented as follows:
type 'a tree =
| Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
| Nil
let myTree =
(Node (Nil,21,Node (Node (Node (Nil,32,Nil),39,Nil),43,Nil)),47,
Node (Node (Nil,53,Nil),54,Node (Nil,74,Nil))),77,Node (Nil,99,Nil))
A straightforward method to flatten the tree is:
let rec flatten = function
| Nil -> []
| Node(l, a, r) -> flatten l # a::flatten r
This isn't tail-recursive, and I believe the # operator causes it to be O(n log n) or O(n^2) with unbalanced binary trees. With a little tweaking, I came up with this tail-recursive O(n) version:
let flatten2 t =
let rec loop acc c = function
| Nil -> c acc
| Node(l, a, r) ->
loop acc (fun acc' -> loop (a::acc') c l) r
loop [] (fun x -> x) t
Here's the output in fsi:
> flatten2 myTree;;
val it : int list = [21; 32; 39; 43; 47; 53; 54; 74; 77; 99]
LINQ-to-XML helpers
namespace System.Xml.Linq
// hide warning about op_Explicit
#nowarn "77"
module XmlUtils =
/// Converts a string to an XName.
let xn = XName.op_Implicit
/// Converts a string to an XNamespace.
let xmlns = XNamespace.op_Implicit
/// Gets the string value of any XObject subclass that has a Value property.
let inline xstr (x : ^a when ^a :> XObject) =
(^a : (member get_Value : unit -> string) x)
/// Gets a strongly-typed value from any XObject subclass, provided that
/// an explicit conversion to the output type has been defined.
/// (Many explicit conversions are defined on XElement and XAttribute)
/// Example: let value:int = xval foo
let inline xval (x : ^a when ^a :> XObject) : ^b =
((^a or ^b) : (static member op_Explicit : ^a -> ^b) x)
/// Dynamic lookup operator for getting an attribute value from an XElement.
/// Returns a string option, set to None if the attribute was not present.
/// Example: let value = foo?href
/// Example with default: let value = defaultArg foo?Name "<Unknown>"
let (?) (el:XElement) (name:string) =
match el.Attribute(xn name) with
| null -> None
| att -> Some(att.Value)
/// Dynamic operator for setting an attribute on an XElement.
/// Example: foo?href <- "http://www.foo.com/"
let (?<-) (el:XElement) (name:string) (value:obj) =
el.SetAttributeValue(xn name, value)
OK, this has nothing to do with snippets, but I keep forgetting this:
If you are in the interactive window, you hit F7 to jump back to the code window (without deselecting the code which you just ran...)
Going from code window to F# window (and also to open the F# window) is Ctrl Alt F
(unless CodeRush has stolen your bindings...)
Weighted sum of arrays
Calculating a weighted [n-array] sum of a [k-array of n-arrays] of numbers, based on a [k-array] of weights
(Copied from this question, and kvb's answer)
Given these arrays
let weights = [|0.6;0.3;0.1|]
let arrs = [| [|0.0453;0.065345;0.07566;1.562;356.6|] ;
[|0.0873;0.075565;0.07666;1.562222;3.66|] ;
[|0.06753;0.075675;0.04566;1.452;3.4556|] |]
We want a weighted sum (by column), given that both dimensions of the arrays can be variable.
Array.map2 (fun w -> Array.map ((*) w)) weights arrs
|> Array.reduce (Array.map2 (+))
First line: Partial application of the first Array.map2 function to weights yields a new function (Array.map ((*) weight) which is applied (for each weight) to each array in arr.
Second line: Array.reduce is like fold, except it starts on the second value and uses the first as the initial 'state'. In this case each value is a 'line' of our array of arrays. So applying an Array.map2 (+) on the first two lines means that we sum the first two arrays, which leaves us with a new array, which we then (Array.reduce) sum again onto the next (in this case last) array.
[|0.060123; 0.069444; 0.07296; 1.5510666; 215.40356|]
Performance testing
(Found here and updated for latest release of F#)
open System
open System.Diagnostics
module PerformanceTesting =
let Time func =
let stopwatch = new Stopwatch()
let GetAverageTime timesToRun func =
Seq.initInfinite (fun _ -> (Time func))
|> Seq.take timesToRun
|> Seq.average
let TimeOperation timesToRun =
GetAverageTime timesToRun
let TimeOperations funcsWithName =
let randomizer = new Random(int DateTime.Now.Ticks)
|> Seq.sortBy (fun _ -> randomizer.Next())
|> Seq.map (fun (name, func) -> name, (TimeOperation 100000 func))
let TimeOperationsAFewTimes funcsWithName =
Seq.initInfinite (fun _ -> (TimeOperations funcsWithName))
|> Seq.take 50
|> Seq.concat
|> Seq.groupBy fst
|> Seq.map (fun (name, individualResults) -> name, (individualResults |> Seq.map snd |> Seq.average))
DataSetExtensions for F#, DataReaders
System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll adds the ability to treat a DataTable as an IEnumerable<DataRow> as well as unboxing the values of individual cells in a way that gracefully handles DBNull by supporting System.Nullable. For example, in C# we can get the value of an integer column that contains nulls, and specify that DBNull should default to zero with a very concise syntax:
var total = myDataTable.AsEnumerable()
.Select(row => row.Field<int?>("MyColumn") ?? 0)
There are two areas where DataSetExtensions are lacking, however. First, it doesn't support IDataReader and second, it doesn't support the F# option type. The following code does both - it allows an IDataReader to be treated as a seq<IDataRecord>, and it can unbox values from either a reader or a dataset, with support for F# options or System.Nullable. Combined with the option-coalescing operator in another answer, this allows for code such as the following when working with a DataReader:
let total =
|> Seq.map (fun row -> row.Field<int option>("MyColumn") |? 0)
|> Seq.sum
Perhaps a more idiomatic F# way of ignoring database nulls would be...
let total =
|> Seq.choose (fun row -> row.Field<int option>("MyColumn"))
|> Seq.sum
Further, the extension methods defined below are usable from both F# and from C#/VB.
open System
open System.Data
open System.Reflection
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
/// Ported from System.Data.DatasetExtensions.dll to add support for the Option type.
[<AbstractClass; Sealed>]
type private UnboxT<'a> private () =
// This class generates a converter function based on the desired output type,
// and then re-uses the converter function forever. Because the class itself is generic,
// different output types get different cached converter functions.
static let referenceField (value:obj) =
if value = null || DBNull.Value.Equals(value) then
unbox value
static let valueField (value:obj) =
if value = null || DBNull.Value.Equals(value) then
raise <| InvalidCastException("Null cannot be converted to " + typeof<'a>.Name)
unbox value
static let makeConverter (target:Type) methodName =
.GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Static)
.MakeGenericMethod([| target.GetGenericArguments().[0] |]))
|> unbox<Converter<obj,'a>>
|> FSharpFunc.FromConverter
static let unboxFn =
let theType = typeof<'a>
if theType.IsGenericType && not theType.IsGenericTypeDefinition then
let genericType = theType.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
if typedefof<Nullable<_>> = genericType then
makeConverter theType "NullableField"
elif typedefof<option<_>> = genericType then
makeConverter theType "OptionField"
invalidOp "The only generic types supported are Option<T> and Nullable<T>."
elif theType.IsValueType then
static member private NullableField<'b when 'b : struct and 'b :> ValueType and 'b:(new:unit -> 'b)> (value:obj) =
if value = null || DBNull.Value.Equals(value) then
Nullable<_>(unbox<'b> value)
static member private OptionField<'b> (value:obj) =
if value = null || DBNull.Value.Equals(value) then
Some(unbox<'b> value)
static member inline Unbox =
/// F# data-related extension methods.
module FsDataEx =
type System.Data.IDataReader with
/// Exposes a reader's current result set as seq<IDataRecord>.
/// Reader is closed when sequence is fully enumerated.
member this.AsSeq =
seq { use reader = this
while reader.Read() do yield reader :> IDataRecord }
/// Exposes all result sets in a reader as seq<seq<IDataRecord>>.
/// Reader is closed when sequence is fully enumerated.
member this.AsMultiSeq =
let rowSeq (reader:IDataReader) =
seq { while reader.Read() do yield reader :> IDataRecord }
seq {
use reader = this
yield rowSeq reader
while reader.NextResult() do
yield rowSeq reader
/// Populates a new DataSet with the contents of the reader. Closes the reader after completion.
member this.ToDataSet () =
use reader = this
let dataSet = new DataSet(RemotingFormat=SerializationFormat.Binary, EnforceConstraints=false)
dataSet.Load(reader, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges, [| "" |])
type System.Data.IDataRecord with
/// Gets a value from the record by name.
/// DBNull and null are returned as the default value for the type.
/// Supports both nullable and option types.
member this.Field<'a> (fieldName:string) =
this.[fieldName] |> UnboxT<'a>.Unbox
/// Gets a value from the record by column index.
/// DBNull and null are returned as the default value for the type.
/// Supports both nullable and option types.
member this.Field<'a> (ordinal:int) =
this.GetValue(ordinal) |> UnboxT<'a>.Unbox
type System.Data.DataRow with
/// Identical to the Field method from DatasetExtensions, but supports the F# Option type.
member this.Field2<'a> (columnName:string) =
this.[columnName] |> UnboxT<'a>.Unbox
/// Identical to the Field method from DatasetExtensions, but supports the F# Option type.
member this.Field2<'a> (columnIndex:int) =
this.[columnIndex] |> UnboxT<'a>.Unbox
/// Identical to the Field method from DatasetExtensions, but supports the F# Option type.
member this.Field2<'a> (column:DataColumn) =
this.[column] |> UnboxT<'a>.Unbox
/// Identical to the Field method from DatasetExtensions, but supports the F# Option type.
member this.Field2<'a> (columnName:string, version:DataRowVersion) =
this.[columnName, version] |> UnboxT<'a>.Unbox
/// Identical to the Field method from DatasetExtensions, but supports the F# Option type.
member this.Field2<'a> (columnIndex:int, version:DataRowVersion) =
this.[columnIndex, version] |> UnboxT<'a>.Unbox
/// Identical to the Field method from DatasetExtensions, but supports the F# Option type.
member this.Field2<'a> (column:DataColumn, version:DataRowVersion) =
this.[column, version] |> UnboxT<'a>.Unbox
/// C# data-related extension methods.
[<Extension; AbstractClass; Sealed>]
type CsDataEx private () =
/// Populates a new DataSet with the contents of the reader. Closes the reader after completion.
static member ToDataSet(this:IDataReader) =
/// Exposes a reader's current result set as IEnumerable{IDataRecord}.
/// Reader is closed when sequence is fully enumerated.
static member AsEnumerable(this:IDataReader) =
/// Exposes all result sets in a reader as IEnumerable{IEnumerable{IDataRecord}}.
/// Reader is closed when sequence is fully enumerated.
static member AsMultipleEnumerable(this:IDataReader) =
/// Gets a value from the record by name.
/// DBNull and null are returned as the default value for the type.
/// Supports both nullable and option types.
static member Field<'T> (this:IDataRecord, fieldName:string) =
/// Gets a value from the record by column index.
/// DBNull and null are returned as the default value for the type.
/// Supports both nullable and option types.
static member Field<'T> (this:IDataRecord, ordinal:int) =
Handling arguments in a command line application:
//We assume that the actual meat is already defined in function
// DoStuff (string -> string -> string -> unit)
let defaultOutOption = "N"
let defaultUsageOption = "Y"
let usage =
"Scans a folder for and outputs results.\n" +
"Usage:\n\t MyApplication.exe FolderPath [IncludeSubfolders (Y/N) : default=" +
defaultUsageOption + "] [OutputToFile (Y/N): default=" + defaultOutOption + "]"
let HandlArgs arr =
match arr with
| [|d;u;o|] -> DoStuff d u o
| [|d;u|] -> DoStuff d u defaultOutOption
| [|d|] -> DoStuff d defaultUsageOption defaultOutOption
| _ ->
printf "%s" usage
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
let main (args : string array) =
args |> HandlArgs
(I had a vague memory of this technique being inspired by Robert Pickering, but can't find a reference now)
A handy cache function that keeps up to max (key,reader(key)) in a dictionary and use a SortedList to track the MRU keys
let Cache (reader: 'key -> 'value) max =
let cache = new Dictionary<'key,LinkedListNode<'key * 'value>>()
let keys = new LinkedList<'key * 'value>()
fun (key : 'key) -> (
let found, value = cache.TryGetValue key
match found with
|true ->
keys.Remove value
keys.AddFirst value |> ignore
(snd value.Value)
|false ->
let newValue = key,reader key
let node = keys.AddFirst newValue
cache.[key] <- node
if (keys.Count > max) then
let lastNode = keys.Last
cache.Remove (fst lastNode.Value) |> ignore
keys.RemoveLast() |> ignore
(snd newValue))
Creating XElements
Nothing amazing, but I keep getting caught out by the implicit conversion of XNames:
#r "System.Xml.Linq.dll"
open System.Xml.Linq
//No! ("type string not compatible with XName")
//let el = new XElement("MyElement", "text")
let xn s = XName.op_Implicit s
let el = new XElement(xn "MyElement", "text")
//or even
let xEl s o = new XElement(xn s, o)
let el = xEl "MyElement" "text"
Pairwise and pairs
I always expect Seq.pairwise to give me [(1,2);(3;4)] and not [(1,2);(2,3);(3,4)]. Given that neither exist in List, and that I needed both, here's the code for future reference. I think they're tail recursive.
//converts to 'windowed tuples' ([1;2;3;4;5] -> [(1,2);(2,3);(3,4);(4,5)])
let pairwise lst =
let rec loop prev rem acc =
match rem with
| hd::tl -> loop hd tl ((prev,hd)::acc)
| _ -> List.rev acc
loop (List.head lst) (List.tail lst) []
//converts to 'paged tuples' ([1;2;3;4;5;6] -> [(1,2);(3,4);(5,6)])
let pairs lst =
let rec loop rem acc =
match rem with
| l::r::tl -> loop tl ((l,r)::acc)
| l::[] -> failwith "odd-numbered list"
| _ -> List.rev acc
loop lst []
Naive CSV reader (i.e., won't handle anything nasty)
(Using filereadlines and List.transpose from other answers here)
///Given a file path, returns a List of row lists
let ReadCSV =
>> Array.map ( fun line -> line.Split([|',';';'|]) |> List.ofArray )
>> Array.toList
///takes list of col ids and list of rows,
/// returns array of columns (in requested order)
let GetColumns cols rows =
//Create filter
let pick cols (row:list<'a>) = List.map (fun i -> row.[i]) cols
|> transpose //change list of rows to list of columns
|> pick cols //pick out the columns we want
|> Array.ofList //an array output is easier to index for user
|> ReadCSV
|> List.tail //skip header line
|> GetColumns [0;3;1] //reorder columns as well, if needs be.
Date Range
simple but useful list of dates between fromDate and toDate
let getDateRange fromDate toDate =
let rec dates (fromDate:System.DateTime) (toDate:System.DateTime) =
seq {
if fromDate <= toDate then
yield fromDate
yield! dates (fromDate.AddDays(1.0)) toDate
dates fromDate toDate
|> List.ofSeq
toggle code to sql
More trivial than most on this list, but handy nonetheless:
I'm always taking sql in and out of code to move it to a sql environment during development. Example:
let sql = "select a,b,c "
+ "from table "
+ "where a = 1"
needs to be 'stripped' to:
select a,b,c
from table
where a = 1
keeping the formatting. It's a pain to strip out the code symbols for the sql editor, then put them back again by hand when I've got the sql worked out. These two functions toggle the sql back and forth from code to stripped:
// reads the file with the code quoted sql, strips code symbols, dumps to FSI
let stripForSql fileName =
|> (fun s -> Regex.Replace(s, "\+(\s*)\"", ""))
|> (fun s -> s.Replace("\"", ""))
|> (fun s -> Regex.Replace(s, ";$", "")) // end of line semicolons
|> (fun s -> Regex.Replace(s, "//.+", "")) // get rid of any comments
|> (fun s -> printfn "%s" s)
then when you are ready to put it back into your code source file:
let prepFromSql fileName =
|> (fun s -> Regex.Replace(s, #"\r\n", " \"\r\n+\"")) // matches newline
|> (fun s -> Regex.Replace(s, #"\A", " \""))
|> (fun s -> Regex.Replace(s, #"\z", " \""))
|> (fun s -> printfn "%s" s)
I'd love to get rid of the input file but can't even begin to grok how to make that happen. anyone?
I figured out how to eliminate the requirement of a file for these functions by adding a windows forms dialog input/output. Too much code to show, but for those who would like to do such a thing, that's how I solved it.
Pascal's Triangle (hey, someone might find it useful)
So we want to create a something like this:
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
Easy enough:
let rec next = function
| [] -> []
| x::y::xs -> (x + y)::next (y::xs)
| x::xs -> x::next xs
let pascal n =
seq { 1 .. n }
|> List.scan (fun acc _ -> next (0::acc) ) [1]
The next function returns a new list where each item[i] = item[i] + item[i + 1].
Here's the output in fsi:
> pascal 10 |> Seq.iter (printfn "%A");;
[1; 1]
[1; 2; 1]
[1; 3; 3; 1]
[1; 4; 6; 4; 1]
[1; 5; 10; 10; 5; 1]
[1; 6; 15; 20; 15; 6; 1]
[1; 7; 21; 35; 35; 21; 7; 1]
[1; 8; 28; 56; 70; 56; 28; 8; 1]
[1; 9; 36; 84; 126; 126; 84; 36; 9; 1]
[1; 10; 45; 120; 210; 252; 210; 120; 45; 10; 1]
For the adventurous, here's a tail-recursive version:
let rec next2 cont = function
| [] -> cont []
| x::y::xs -> next2 (fun l -> cont <| (x + y)::l ) <| y::xs
| x::xs -> next2 (fun l -> cont <| x::l ) <| xs
let pascal2 n =
set { 1 .. n }
|> Seq.scan (fun acc _ -> next2 id <| 0::acc)) [1]
Flatten a List
if you have something like this:
let listList = [[1;2;3;];[4;5;6]]
and want to 'flatten' it down to a singe list so the result is like this:
it can be done thusly:
let flatten (l: 'a list list) =
seq {
yield List.head (List.head l)
for a in l do yield! (Seq.skip 1 a)
|> List.ofSeq
List comprehensions for float
This [23.0 .. 1.0 .. 40.0] was marked as deprecated a few versions backed.
But apparently, this works:
let dl = 9.5 / 11.
let min = 21.5 + dl
let max = 40.5 - dl
let a = [ for z in min .. dl .. max -> z ]
let b = a.Length
(BTW, there's a floating point gotcha in there. Discovered at fssnip - the other place for F# snippets)
Parallel map
let pmap f s =
seq { for a in s -> async { return f s } }
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.Run
