Why doesn't my Tab Bar show up in the simulator? - ios

I have a tab bar controller that controls 4 view controllers. When I run the simulator, the tab bar doesn't show up. I created the tab bar controller in a single page application by dragging it from the object library, then creating segues with ctrl-drag for views that had already been created.
I do not have a navigation controller.

The problem was that I did not have the Tab Bar Controller selected as Is Initial View Controller in the Attributes Selector. After checking this box, the tab bar showed up at the bottom of the simulator.


Why does my Navigation Bar disappear in Xcode?

I have a navigation bar on my Table View Controller. When I run the simulator and navigate from the menu via UIButton, the navigation bar appears on the controller. However when I navigate to another page using a navigation bar, then return to the Table View, the navigation bar disappears.
I provided a screen shot of my main storyboard.
The main storyboard from my Xcode project
You should create your segue to the navigation Controller, not to the tablet, that way, you will have your bar.

View controller problems with old navigation bar and tab bar controller

I have a view controller which was attached to a navigation controller at one point in time. it is still showing some ghost of the navigation bar? It is also showing the Tab Bar but there is not tab bar item shown on it?
any ideas how to fix this, or is it a delete and remake?
Its either the alpha of the rootVC or you have. tab bar controller on the second one. Check your identity inspector on both views

Tab bar not showing on sub pages during runtime

I have a UITabBarController with 4 tabs, suppose A,B,C and D. I have a table view in page A. On clicking on any of the rows, E page opens.
The problem is that on creating show segue from view controller A to E, the tab bar appears below in E in storyboard, whereas during runtime no tab bar is visible on E. Please could anyone help me out in this.
I can add tab bar item to tab bar of subview as below:
This is the view hierarchy :
Note : I want to the tab bar of the main A-D tabs in all sub pages of A-D
I want to show you two images in different conditions. Maybe it's not a answer but will help you in some manner.
!) I have tab bar controller connected with navigation controller. That Tab bar has two items. "Top Rated" view has a button that connected to other view controller. Check right hand side attribute section for this bottom bar is none.
2)Same condition for second image but this time I changed the bottom bar option of this view controller(check attribute section). Now the view controller has tab bar item.
But this will not show in run time because this is not connected with tab bar controller. One more thing you can easily put tab bar item on new view controller that are not connected with navigation and tab bar controller, but when you run it will not there.
This will help you. Try to set navigation inside of tab bar controller. Give tab bar item to navigation controller. Like:
Output is:
When button clicked:
In that manner you can tab bar in all views.
Update 2:
Here I have Navigation then Home view then the above process with tab bar controller and its working fine.
Updated Output:
When button clicked:

tab bar disppears in view from another controller ios

I have two controllers . A HomeVC and a UITabBar VC with 5 tabs. Each Tab has a view associated with it added in storyboard. Default landing page for the application is the view related to first tab. In each of the five tab views , there is a button named "menu" which takes me to the view related to HomeVC. Now, the problem is , when I press menu button and go to HomeVC's view, the tab bar does not appear. Is there a way to retain the tab bar in my Home VC's view with no tab selected?
You just have to embed your UITabBar ViewController in a Navigation Controller.

tab bar goes when going between views

I am developing a tabbed bar application using storyboards.
I am attempting to put in a back button one a view - but when I press to go back (from one view to another) the tab bar vanishes.
How can I ensure the tab bar stays there?
Just make sure you're adding the UITabBar to the main Navigation Controller or View Controller of Navigation Hierarchy.
You need to select Tab Bar on the Navigation Controller Bottom Bar under the Attributes Inspector, then set the bottom bar to Inferred for the rest of your pages (or Tab Bar if you want it to be different on any pages)
