How to change TFS Process Template - tfs

I am about to move a local TFS project to
When the project was created, it was created with a SCRUM process template. However, only source control functionality was used (except about 20 work items which can be deleted).
I want to add them to as a project of process template type CMMI.
I am reading confusing (and seemingly conflicting) information on-line about how it is done (and if it is even possible).
Has anyone does this before (or have experience with TFS migrations in general)? Any input appreciated!

You can use TFS integration tool to process migrating Source control and work items. As you want to change the process template, you need to put the mapping file during migration. More information, you can refer to this blog:


Scrum Template Upgrades?

When you upgrade your tfs server does it automatically update the scrum template your using for existing projects or do you have to do that manually? If manually what is involved?
The team project we are working on was defined in 2012 RTM but our server is now # 2013.3. We haven't used the work items that much at this point (at little bit initially for a pilot project) but we are to push harder for our organization to use scrum so we want to make sure we are on the latest/greatest template before we start.
Your process template is not automatically updated. As long as you haven't made any changes to the original process template, upgrading is quite easy.
You enable new features by running the Configure Features Wizard in your team projects configuration page.
If the automatic update fails, you will get a message describing the errors it encountered. Now you will have to apply those updates manually which is also described on MSDN but is a bit harder.
A not so nice but easy way is to remove all work items and process data from your project and then add the newest items. Martin Hinshelwood has some great guidance on how to do this.

Change TFS Process Template

I've been looking into change the process template on a Team Project, but still have a few questions. I'm looking to move from MS Agile v5 to TeamPulse v1. There are no existing work items that we care about, so no need to move those over, however we do want to keep the existing source control history/branches.
With this in mind what is the best method to use? I am currently looking at using witadmin but am also considering TFS Integration Tools (MS or CodePlex versions). I think these are essentially my only options.
Do I need to worry about mapping existing fields to those in the new template if I don't intend to keep the current items?
Any additional advice would also be welcome.
It is not possible to explicitly change the Process Template, though it is possible to import the new work item type definitions using witadmin
I found the following answers helpful in finding a solution:
If you don't need any existing workitems I recommend to create a new team project with TeamPulse v1 and migrate only the source with the TFS Integration Tool. The problem with the witadmin solution is that you won't be able to delete the old workitem definitions and that could lead to confusions.

Determining which TFS process template is being used

How can one determining which TFS process template is being used? A few were installed and now I can't determine which one is being used by TFS.
TFS Team Project Manager on CodePlex is a free tool which will inspect all your team projects process templates (even if they're customized) and tell you which process template was most likely used to create that Team Project (and give you a % confidence in the match). You can even give it additional "source" process templates, such as your company custom process template, and it will tell you which projects were created with it.
In addition to Edward's approach:Another one, quick & dirty and without any capability to reveal any changes you might have performed, is the following:Right-Click on your TeamProject from within the Team Explorer and select "Team Project Process Guidance":
This should pop-up a webpage that will show you the Process Template that was used to create it.
If you have not modified the process templates (either the ones that are included with TFS, or any that you might have downloaded and installed) then you can export the process template as an XML file and compare against the original version.
(That link is really about modifying the process template, but steps 1-3 discuss how to export the current process template for a Team Project.)
Of course, even if you had modified the process templates slightly, using a diff tool may be able to yield results as to which process templates those were derived from.

TFS - Refresh Team Project

My team is moving to TFS and we are currently testing migration from VSS. The VSS Converter requires all TFS projects to be created prior to conversion. We have upwards of 30 projects and it is time consuming to create these.
Is there any way to refresh the source control portion of our projects between tests (returning them to their original blank state) while leaving the projects intact, thereby allowing us to run multiple conversion tests without having to recreate our project collection and projects every time?
To answer John's question below: When creating a Team Project TFS, by default, creates an empty source control folder by the same name and associates it with that Team Project. The conversion file requires that source control folder to be available.
I'm going to make some assumptions.
you're using TFS 2008 or 2010
you're not afraid of the command
line :-)
I think in this scenario the "tf destroy" command is going to be your friend.
e.g. "tf destroy $/TeamProject1/FolderToBeWiped"
You could easily write a script that wipes all of your existing folders in source control. As a word of caution, DO NOT do "tf destroy $/" as this will take out the Source Control part of the team project(s) and you'll need to create it (them) again.
As a follow-up, I finally found a way to automatically create the requisite projects. Essentially the process is to drop and recreate the collection, then generate the projects from your xml mapping file. If anyone is interested I blogged it here

How to keep links when moving work items (task, bug) between projects in TFS 2010?

Our situation:
In TFS 2010 + VS 2010 environment, we need to move source code and work items from old project to new project (new project is just for renaming and restructuring purposes, they all under one project collection).
We used TF.exe command line utility moved source code, it's good and carried history and links (changeset links to original bugs/tasks). We are happy about it.
Trouble appears when We tried to use TFS integration tool (MS recommendation) to move work items, it only carries forward attachments but no links. We need those links to link to our changeset. it's very important to us.
As I dig deeper, I know this "move" is not "real move" but creating new ID and copy the old information. Just wonder is there a way to do the move and still keep our links in bugs and tasks.
Thanks a lot
I got the following link from Link.
Have you looked at Hemi - Hemi is a tool that helps you move work items from one team project to another in Team Foundation Server.?
I think this is TF2008 - so you may be able to update the source to VS2010
