Branching, Merging and Re-merging in tfs - tfs

I am new to TFS. I read some articles on branching and merging features in TFS.
I wanted to know for my scenario how the branching and merging features of TFS can be used.
I have a Development branch. There are 2 features branches also created based on Development branch. Some developers have checked-in their code in Feature 1 and Feature 2 branch. Now, Feature 1 branch is merged in Development branch and Feature 2 branch is yet to be merged in Development branch.
How will the Feature 2 branch get the code of Feature 1 branch.
Will get latest version work for this?
Some of my friends suggested that first Feature 2 branch will need to get merged in Development branch and then the Development branch should be merged back to Feature 2 branch.
Its quite confusing for me as I want that once I have checked-in my Feature branch, it should always get latest code from the Development branch.
Can someone help me on this?

After you merge Feature 1 to DEV you then have to merge DEV to feature 2 branch


TFS branch structure to use: flat or hierarchic

I'm wave between using an hierarchic or a flat branch structure.
Hierarchic structure is more logical and is considered the standard.
The cons of hierarchic structure is that I can merge 1.4 DEV2 to 1.5 without touching the 1.4 only with baseless merge.
On the other hand flat structure allows doing force merge from any branch to any branch whithout losing change history.
You need to figure out which branch strategy works for your team. Download TFS branching and merging strategies at website below:
This picture introduces you to some of the branching plans and strategies covered by the guidance and a matrix that allows you to focus on the most relevant plan, you can check it:
Before branching, it's suggested to read TFS branching and merging strategies first to figure out which branch strategy works for your team. It seems you'll have more branches if you have new version, which is not suggested. In your scenario, it's not needed to have a new branch of 1.5 OG, you can only have one OG branch, when develop test their code in the development branch, he can merge back the code to OG branch and check in. Then each changeset in OG branch is a version.

TFS2012: Move changesets (with history) to a new branch

I recently introduced TFS to a project team that had not been using version control. Our structure is pretty simple:
MAIN branch for production-ready code
DEV branch for (complete) test-ready code
Feature branches for incomplete code not ready for testing
As I said, this team is not used to using version control. Over the holidays a well-motivated team member decided he would try to work on a feature, however he did this directly in DEV and made a number of check-ins. His feature is not complete so I don't want it polluting DEV for now, but I don't want to lose the history of changesets.
The obvious way is to make a new branch off the last changeset before his feature, merge the rest to the new branch, and rollback DEV. However, I'm afraid I'll lose the history of changes and be left with just a single "merge" changeset in the new branch.
If this is the case, is there a way to simply move all the changesets after a certain changeset into a new branch and keep the history?
EDIT: Basically I want to turn this:
DEV ---(1)--(2)--(3)--(4)--(5)--(6)--
into this:
DEV ---(1)--(2)--(3)----------------
NEW (4)--(5)--(6)--
This is not supported in TFVC ( nor any other SVCS). If you were using Git is TFS there would be hope, but not here. Your suggested solution is your only avenue.

How to move the code from Dev to QA branches in TFS?

Dev branch has the code that is deployed to the development environment and where development happens, QA branch is what gets deployed to the QA environment so QAs can test.
My question is:
After I am done working on the code in the Dev environment and has checked it into the Dev branch. What is the easiest way to move the changeset (or the code I have changed in Dev) from the Dev branch to the QA branch?
You appear to be very new to Source Control and Branching and Merging process. The process of moving one changeset (or a range of changesets) from a branch to another is called merging.
I suggest you look into Merge Folders and Files on MSDN that explains how to perform a merge.
Other excellent resources that might aid your understanding are the Wrox ALM and TFS books and the ALM Rangers Branching and Merging Guidance (in increasing in technical level order).

TFS Branch Merge on different branches

I've the following structure on TFS:
- $Dev Branch 1
- $Integration Branch 2
I would like to merge the changes on Dev Branch 1 to Integration Branch 2 so that build guys can kickoff Hudson build of this Integration Branch.
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Team, and when I try to merch Dev Branch1 I can only see Base on Target Branch drop down.
Could anyone please advise how and if it's possible to merge between Dev and Integration branches above.
There are a couple of ways to do this but neither are that great. For the first method you will need to install the TFS 2010 power tools
Use a shelve set. Start the merge from dev to base, resolve any conflicts. Do not check in the merge, instead shelve the changes. Then from the command line use tfpt unshelve "my shelve set" /migrate /source:$/teamProject/dev /target:$/teamProject/integration. This will migrate the shelved changes to the integration branch without having to commit the changes to the base branch.
Perform a baseless merge between dev and integration. You can do this by using the command tf merge $/teamProject/dev $/teamProject/integration /baseless /recursive once the baseless merge has established a branching relationship then you can do further merges through the UI. Be warned though that a baseless merge won't know about any files or folders that have been renamed or moved so you will need to make sure you take this in to account.
Personally I'd go for option 1 if it's a one time thing. If it's going to be something you think you'll need to do regularly then I'd do the baseless merge when all 3 branches are in sync I.e. just after you've merged from dev to base to integration. This should minimise any issues with the baseless merge.
You might also want to take a look at your branching strategy so that you don't need to perform complex merging operations very often. If you use an integration branch then it should have a direct relationship with any branches you need to integrate. Check out the ALM rangers branching guidance.
You can only merge to where the branch was created from. You would have to merge from Dev to Base and then again from Base to Integration.
If you want to merge from Dev to Integration directly then your Integration branch should be created as a branch from Dev not Base.

TFS Branch-Per-Feature Strategy That Fits Multiple Environments With Independent Feature Timetables

There are several/many questions regarding TFS branching strategy, but I am haven't been able to come up with a strategy that fits with my scenario. My TFS project consists of a single solution that contains a Web Project, a Business Layer Project, and a Data Layer Project. The project is a portal of reports. Reports are largely isolated in subfolders within the project. There are however some features across the entire project such as session management. Over a given period of time, the workflow may occur as follows:
Stable snapshot of code.
Development of Report A begins.
Development of Report B begins.
The project with the inclusion of Report A needs to be pushed to our qa environment.
The project with the inclusion of Report A and Report B needs to be pushed to our qa environment.
The project with only the inclusion of Report B needs to be pushed to our prod environment.
So basically, each report is on a completely independent timetable. I need to be able to independently publish a branch of code to our different environments. Currently, we don't have branching - we just don't add a link to a new feature if the project gets published when a report isn't ready but is included in the project. Not the best scenario.
My initial go at a branching strategy was to have Main sit between the QA and prod environments, basically as just a container to merge before branching to a production branch for a production publish. Each report would be developed on a branch from main. For both our test and qa environments, a branch from main would be created and the appropriate development branch(es) would be merged into this "proposed updates" branch. This doesn't work though because I am merging development/feature branches into a branch that isn't the parent branch. I can't have Main at this level because a Report may be in development for weeks while another may be on a timetable that has it developed and pushed through the process to production in only a few days. My "proposed update" branches for test and qa need to be able to be independently created from a merging of only the appropriate dev branch(es).
My only experience with branching/merging is a main+dev pair of branches, so I'm very out of my element here. How can I setup my branching in such a way that I am able to merge features in on independent timetables without getting stuck and code being published to an environment before it is ready?
If it matters, we are on TFS 2008 right now and hope to go to TFS 2010 soon. This is an immediate need to get going on our current TFS 2008 server though.
I'm not exactly clear on everything; reading comprehension and all.
As I understand it, your current process is Dev -> Test -> QA -> Production. Devs work on code, push it to an environment where they can test on it. Once satisfied, they push it to QA, and when code passes it moves into production.
In addition, you have several "teams" (1 or more devs) that must work on separate reports, each of which must eventually be moved through the above process into Production. Teams may be working on code that is distinct from all others, or teams may find they cannot move their code forward until other teams reach stability.
If I were in charge of branching for this solution, I would recommend the following.
First, create a Production branch. This branch only contains production code. Only your QA team touches this branch.
Next, create a QA branch. This branch is also maintained solely by QA teams. They manually merge test code into this branch, run their quality assurance tests, then merge with Production. Every time they merge with Production, or test code is accepted into QA, a label is applied to the branch. If test code fails, the branch is reverted back to the prior label.
Development teams manage their own branches. They are created by branching from QA at the latest label. This assures they are working with the latest approved code. Developers work with and test on this branch. If teams have a dependency on each other, they should work on the same branch, unless it becomes clear that creating secondary branches from their shared Dev branch would be easier. Once a Dev branch meets the milestones set for the developers, QA should be informed that the branch is ready for merging with QA for testing.
Alternatively, depending on how complex development is, you might even consider uniting the QA and Production branches. Often, it is a simple matter to add a label to a branch to indicate a stable, production worthy build. It also keeps the branching strategy as simple as possible, which is always a good thing.
I think you should look at the Branching Guidance put together by the VS ALM Rangers.
This should alswer all of your questions. You are looking at quite an advanced branch plan. I also have some good practical guidance on my blog. I know that I am talking about Scrum teams, but it is basicaly Feature branching based on the Guidance.
If you get a chance please vote over
at the new "Visual Studio ALM"
StackExchange over in Area51 as we are
trying to setup a place dedicated to
answering these questions with the
Visual Studio ALM MVP's and Visual
Studio ALM Rangers on hand to answer
your questions.
[I know this question is old but this may help others that come across this question]
Most "branch per feature" teams use one "main" branch and break away from the branch per environment approach. Environment releases can be handled by clearly labeling each environmental release on the MAIN branch.
The QA release is the result of merging all features/issue branches considered fully tested and ready for QA into MAIN. As bugs are found, new bug branches are branched off of MAIN, which are fixed and merged back to MAIN. When all QA releases are deemed ready for production, a PROD build is made from MAIN. In short MAIN is the one source of truth for code.
If you need to work ahead, an integration-test branch (TEST) can be used to determine what features are "production ready," but feature/issue branches should be merged to MAIN on a case-by-case basis, rather than in bulk from the TEST branch.
Hotfixes can be branched from the PROD label, then fixed, tested and merged back to MAIN for a new PROD release.
I'm going to refer you to a great video on Branch per Feature. It focuses on GIT, but the strategies do not depend on GIT and can be used just as effectively on TFS SCC:
