JQM Accordion gets highlights on long press. - jquery-mobile

I am new to Jquery Mobile, and getting a strange behaviour. When I long press any of my item accordion it get highlight and remain highlighted even though I switch to other accordion item. here how it is looking enter image description here


Ranorex: button.Click() does not work as expected

I'm using Ranorex (v10.1.6) for a Desktop Application written mostly in C#. On a Form there is a table with rows and cells. When clicking on a date cell, it should reveal a button to open the calendar. Therefore I require first a click on the table cell which should make the calendar button visible, after which I then can click the calendar button.
Problem: The click() event does not make the button visible. It seems that the click event does for a fraction of a second make the calendar button visible, but then it disappears again.
It seems that the click event does after the click something different which hides the calendar button again. I also tried to accomplish the same with the Mouse Click, and Mouse.ButtonDown(System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left) followed by Mouse.ButtonUp(System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left), but this didn't work either.
Anything else I could try to get this to work?

Vaadin Accordion with Button in summary

In my Vaadin 14 app, I want to add an Accordion component that has several components in its summary (which is always displayed), among which a Button. Clicking in the summary normally toggles the display of the AccordionPanel content. How can I prevent the AccordionPanel to collapse/expand when the button in the summary is clicked?
Objects are created simply as follows:
Accordion accordion = new Accordion();
MyPanel panel = new MyPanel();
with MyPanel constructor simply calling setSummary() with a layout containing the button.
I found the answer in this thread on the forum.
It turns out you can prevent the propagation of the button click with this hack:
button.getElement().addEventListener("click", click -> {
//do nothing
This seems like a core functionality that the framework should provide out of the box, but this ticket is still open.
Adding this to your view:
will disable all clicks on all the accordions toggle and accordion summary. However you will need to include a button or trigger for opening and closing the accordion. I don't know if this is what you want?

How to set keyboard hover in select2

How to set keyboard hover in select2. I have mouse hover and work fine, but keyboard no? When i use arrow down and press enter he select secound element and thats work fine, but no hover effect.

iOS Voiceover support for combobox widgets

Typically a combobox widget is an input field that launches an associated popup with a bunch of suggestions in the popup. In desktop browsers using keyboard, while the focus stays with the input field, pressing Up/Down arrow keys, the selection within the popup can be changed. Pressing ENTER key populates the input field with current selection in the popup and closes the popup.
For accessibility purpose, the input field is marked role="combobox", the popup is linked with the input field via aria-owns. The AT are indicated the current selection via aria-activedescendant.
While this setup works great in desktop browsers with tools like JAWS/NVDA etc., there seems to be a major issue with voiceover on iOS. On swiping the finger, the virtual cursor moves to the next element in the page from the input field, though I would expect with aria-owns set, the focus to move to the first suggestion item or to the popup.
Any suggestions on how such a combobox widget can be made accessible in iOS with voiceover?
PS: The popup and input field are not siblings in the DOM order.
It sounds like you are creating a custom combobox. If you use the native <select>/<option> elements, the combobox works correctly on ios/voiceover. If you are creating your own, follow the guidance on https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#combobox. You mentioned several ARIA attributes so perhaps you're already following the advice on that page.
Swiping right with voiceover will move the focus to the next element in the DOM. If your dropdown list is hidden, then focus won't move to it. Double tapping on your <input> should display the dropdown list.

Using jQuery UI effects when dropping items between tabs

I have a jQuery UI tab control. It contains blocks that can be sorted. They can also be dropped on other tabs. When a block is dropped on another tab, I want to use the slide effect to hide the block from the current tab before displaying it on the new tab.
Here is a demonstration of the problem on jsfiddle (Follow the directions on the jsFiddle link to duplicate the problem)
The jsFiddle demo initially shows a working state for the problem. It uses the standard .hide() method to hide a block. But when using the "slide" effect with hide(), unexpected results occur. The block is not animated. Instead, after the animation interval of 1000ms the block just disappears from the tab and then is placed in an unexpected position on the new tab.
The expected behavior is that the block will slide to the left and be moved from the "Full" tab to the "Empty" tab.
