Accessing static class variable in foreach context in vala - vala

I originally wanted to use static in method but, since it does not exists in vala, i'm trying to have a static object.
The only problem is that i got this error
utils.vala:112.11-112.57: error: invocation not supported in this context
Synapse.Utils.spec_char_map (_chrs[0], _chrs[1]);
For above code
namespace Synapse
namespace Utils
static Gee.HashMap spec_char_map;
public static void map_special_chars (ref string query) {
if (null == spec_char_map)
spec_char_map = new Gee.HashMap<char, char> ();
var spec_char_table = "ъ=-,Ь=-,Ъ=-,ь=-";
foreach (var spec_char in spec_char_table.split (","))
var _chrs = spec_char.split ("=");
spec_char_map (_chrs[0], _chrs[1]);
What is this error for, why I can't make use of my Hashtable in the foreach context ? Is there a simpler solution for what i want to do ?

This is not the correct syntax to put something in a hashmap. Use:
spec_char_map.set (_chrs[0], _chrs[1]);
spec_char_map[_chrs[0]] = _chrs[1];
Also, consider using GLib.Once to create a thread-safe initialiser.


How can i use user define fucntion to set default value for domain class variable in grails

Here Cycle is a domain class
class Cycle {
int lenght = 42
String[] monitor = new String[length]
static mapping = {
monitor defaultValue:"defaultstrval(length)"
def defaultstrval(int length)
String[] defaultval =new String[length]
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
return defaultval
Is Domain class only accept sql function.I really need help with good example.
Rather than using the mapping closure to call your function you can simply call the function from your variable assignment like so
String[] monitor = defaultstravel(length)

Interception Using StructureMap 3.*

I've done interception using Castle.DynamicProxy and StructureMap 2.6 API but now can't do it using StructureMap 3.0. Could anyone help me find updated documentation or even demo? Everything that I've found seems to be about old versions. e.g. StructureMap.Interceptors.TypeInterceptor interface etc.
HAHAA! I f***in did it! Here's how:
public class ServiceSingletonConvention : DefaultConventionScanner
public override void Process(Type type, Registry registry)
base.Process(type, registry);
if (type.IsInterface || !type.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("service")) return;
var pluginType = FindPluginType(type);
var delegateType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(pluginType, pluginType);
// Create FuncInterceptor class with generic argument +
var d1 = typeof(FuncInterceptor<>);
Type[] typeArgs = { pluginType };
var interceptorType = d1.MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
// -
// Create lambda expression for passing it to the FuncInterceptor constructor +
var arg = Expression.Parameter(pluginType, "x");
var method = GetType().GetMethod("GetProxy").MakeGenericMethod(pluginType);
// Crate method calling expression
var methodCall = Expression.Call(method, arg);
// Create the lambda expression
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, methodCall, arg);
// -
// Create instance of the FuncInterceptor
var interceptor = Activator.CreateInstance(interceptorType, lambda, "");
registry.For(pluginType).Singleton().Use(type).InterceptWith(interceptor as IInterceptor);
public static T GetProxy<T>(object service)
var proxyGeneration = new ProxyGenerator();
var result = proxyGeneration.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTarget(
(Castle.DynamicProxy.IInterceptor)(new MyInterceptor())
return (T)result;
The problem here was that SM 3.* allows interception for known types, i.e. doing something like this:
expression.For<IService>().Use<Service>().InterceptWith(new FuncInterceptor<IService>(service => GetProxyFrom(service)));
But what if you'd like to include the interception logic inside your custom scanning convention where you want to intercept all instances of type with specific signature (types having name ending on 'service', in my case)?
That's what I've accomplished using Expression API and reflection.
Also, I'm using here Castle.DinamicProxy for creating proxy objects for my services.
Hope someone else will find this helpful :)
I find the best place to go for any new versions is directly to the source.
If it's written well, then it will include test cases. Thankfully structuremap does include test cases.
You can explore the tests here
In the meantime I've written an example of an Activator Interceptor, and how to configure it.
static void Main()
ObjectFactory.Configure(x =>
.InterceptWith(new ActivatorInterceptor<Form1>(y => Form1Interceptor(y), "Test"));
public static void Form1Interceptor(Form f)
//Sets the title of the form window to "Testing"
f.Text = "Testing";
How to use a "global" filter using PoliciesExpression
static void Main()
ObjectFactory.Configure(x =>
x.Policies.Interceptors(new InterceptorPolicy<Form>(new FuncInterceptor<Form>(y => Intercept(y))));
private static Form Intercept(Form form)
//Do the interception here
form.Text = "Testing";
return form;

Get private variable by reflection in dart

I would like to get private variable in an object in dart.
This variable has no getter so I want to do this with reflection.
I try many way but nothing works to me.
For exemple, when I do this:
var reflection = reflect(this);
InstanceMirror field = reflection.getField(new Symbol(fieldName));
I get an error:
No getter for fieldName.
It's normal because the variable hasn't getter.
How can I get this variable ?
EDIT with a test code:
Here is my reflect test (test variable is a reflectClass(MyClass))
reflectClass(Injector).declarations.keys.forEach((e) => test.getField(e, test.type.owner))
I get this error:
Class '_LocalInstanceMirror' has no instance method 'getField' with
matching arguments.
If I do this:
reflectClass(Injector).declarations.keys.forEach((e) => test.getField(e))
I get:
Class 'DynamicInjector' has no instance getter
Same thing with values of declarations.
The error message you got is actually correct. The class has a getter for this field.
Dart implicitly creates getters for all and setters for all non-final/non-const fields.
It seems access to private members isn't yet supported in Dart2JS.
Here an example how to access private fields:
(example from
import 'dart:mirrors';
class ClassWithPrivateField {
String _privateField;
void main() {
ClassMirror classM = reflectClass(ClassWithPrivateField);
Symbol privateFieldSymbol;
Symbol constructorSymbol;
for (DeclarationMirror declaration in classM.declarations.values) {
if (declaration is VariableMirror) {
privateFieldSymbol = declaration.simpleName;
} else if (declaration is MethodMirror && declaration.isConstructor) {
constructorSymbol = declaration.constructorName;
// it is not necessary to create the instance using reflection to be able to
// access its members with reflection
InstanceMirror instance = classM.newInstance(constructorSymbol, []);
// var s = new Symbol('_privateField'); // doesn't work for private fields
// to create a symbol for a private field you need the library
// if the class is in the main library
// var s = MirrorSystem.getSymbol('_privateField', currentMirrorSystem().isolate.rootLibrary);
// or simpler
// var s = MirrorSystem.getSymbol('_privateField', instance.type.owner);
for (var i=0; i<1000; ++i) {
instance.setField(privateFieldSymbol, 'test');
print('Iteration ${instance.getField(privateFieldSymbol)}');
using dson or serializable you can do it in next way:
library example_lib;
import 'package:dson/dson.dart';
// this should be the name of your file
part 'example.g.dart';
class Example extends _$ExampleSerializable {
var _privateVar;
main() {
var example = new Example();
example['_privateVar'] = 'some value';
print('example._privateVar: ${example._privateVar}');
print('example["_privateVar"]: ${example["_privateVar']}");

OntModel interface has no listHierarchyRootProperties method

Jena's OntModel has a method listHierarchyRootClasses that returns an iterator over the classes in this ontology model that represent the uppermost nodes of the class hierarchy. But why does OntModel have no method of the same function for the semantic properties? There is a property hierarchy as well, so why developers make a listHierarchyRootProperties?
I have solved this by using listAllOntProperties method, but it is a workaround, and does not look good. I don't understand why is it necessary. What is the reason?
Jena is an open-source project. You are more than welcome to submit a patch with the additional functionality you would like to see in the library. Please submit patches via the Jira account.
To answer your direct question: there's no particular reason why there's no equivalent for the property hierarchy. However, property inheritance isn't as widely used as as class inheritance in OWL, and in all the years since I wrote listHierarchyRootClasses, you're the first person I can remember asking about the property hierarchy.
Here is my workaround, which produces alphabetically sorted hierarchy (tree) of semantic properties. The getPropertyTreeModel() method returns a model for an ice:tree component and the parameter domContent is not important (it is for my special needs):
protected static DefaultTreeModel getPropertyTreeModel(OntModel ontModel, Document domContent) {
System.out.println("Creating property model...");
DefaultMutableTreeNode rootTreeNode = getRoot();
DefaultTreeModel treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(rootTreeNode);
Iterator i = getAlphabeticalIterator(ontModel.listAllOntProperties().filterDrop(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(Object o) {
return !((OntProperty) o).listSuperProperties(true).toList().isEmpty();
while (i.hasNext()) {
joinResource(rootTreeNode, (OntProperty), new ArrayList(), OntProperty.class, domContent);
return treeModel;
private static Iterator getAlphabeticalIterator(ExtendedIterator ei) {
List l = ei.toList();
Collections.sort(l, new Comparator<OntResource>() {
public int compare(OntResource o1, OntResource o2) {
return (o1.getLocalName().compareTo(o2.getLocalName()));
return l.iterator();
private static DefaultMutableTreeNode getRoot() {
DefaultMutableTreeNode rootTreeNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode();
ClassNodeUserObject rootObject = new ClassNodeUserObject(rootTreeNode);
return rootTreeNode;
private static void joinResource(DefaultMutableTreeNode parent, OntResource res, List occurs, Class c, Document domContent) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode branchNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode();
SemanticNodeUserObject branchObject = (c.equals(OntClass.class))
? new ClassNodeUserObject(branchNode) : new PropertyNodeUserObject(branchNode);
// optimalizace: v pripade prazdneho souboru bez parsovani, aktualizace barev
if (domContent != null) {
setColorToNode(branchObject, domContent);
// rekurze
if (res.canAs(c) && !occurs.contains(res)) {
ExtendedIterator ei = (c.equals(OntClass.class)) ? ((OntClass) res).listSubClasses(true)
: ((OntProperty) res).listSubProperties(true);
for (Iterator i = getAlphabeticalIterator(ei); i.hasNext();) {
OntResource sub = (OntResource);
joinResource(branchNode, sub, occurs, c, domContent);

Bind registered name to component instance in structuremap

I am about to switch from Windsor to Structuremap for an existing project with ~100 registered components (mostly singletons).
All components inherit from a common base class that provides logging and health tracking and for this reason, contains a "Name" property used to identify component instances.
With Windsor, it was possible to set the component's Name property to the name that was used to register the component in the IOC container (We used a Facility for this).
My question: Is something like this possible with Structuremap?
(I dream of a call to c.For<IFoo>.Use<Bar>.Named("Doe") that magically results in instanceOfBar.Name = "Doe" somewhere.)
Here is what I tried:
using System;
using StructureMap;
using StructureMap.Interceptors;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
interface IServiceA { }
interface IServiceB { }
class Base
public string Name { get; set; }
class ComponentA : Base, IServiceA { }
class ComponentB : Base, IServiceB
public ComponentB(IServiceA serviceA)
this.ServiceA = serviceA;
public IServiceA ServiceA { get; private set; }
class SetNameInterceptor : TypeInterceptor
public bool MatchesType(Type type) { return true; }
public object Process(object target, IContext context)
// *** Any other way? This does not work...
string name = context.BuildStack.Current != null ? context.BuildStack.Current.Name : context.RequestedName;
((Base)target).Name = name;
return target;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Container container = new Container(c =>
c.RegisterInterceptor(new SetNameInterceptor());
var b = container.GetInstance<IServiceB>();
// both Fail:
Debug.Assert(((ComponentB)b).Name == "B");
Debug.Assert(((ComponentA)((ComponentB)b).ServiceA).Name == "A");
The above obviously does not work, I tried several variations but had no luck. The registered name of the target object does not seem to be consistently reachable via IContext.
My second best approach would be to define a new "NamedComponent(...)" extension method that resolves to Named(name).WithProperty(x => x.Name).EqualTo(name), but I wonder if this can be avoided to keep component registration as "structuremap-like" as possible?
Am I missing something?
I've never used WithProperty before but if it works the way I'd expect it should do the trick for you.
I think I would favor using EnrichWith though. Something like:
c.For<IFoo>().Use<Foo>().Named(name).EnrichWith(f => f.Name = name);
EnrichWith is a bit more explicit about what it's doing IMO, and lets you call any code on your instance before returning it to the caller. I like that this lets you do a straightforward assignment as well.
There is also a more complex handler you can use with EnrichWith that gives access to the context of the request - this would allow you to do something like this:
.EnrichWith((c, i) => {
i.Name = c.RequestedName;
return i;
This may be overkill for your situation but the contextual awareness can be pretty useful.
