Mandrill UNSUB merge tag not adding to blacklist - mandrill

I put a merge tag in my email:
<a href="*|UNSUB:|*">Click here to unsubscribe.</ a>
It is correctly turned into a link that takes me to the landing page, but the email recipient is not added to the blacklist.
I also see the List-Unsubscribe header in the email even though I don't explicit add that - expected.
The link is like (truncated):

The problem was patience. It took several hours to register on the black list.


How to get modal dialog to send correct object in pug iteration?

In my pug file I have this chunk of code
each doc, i in docs
button.btn.btn-primary.pull-right(type='button' data-toggle='modal' data-target='#login-modal') Share
h2 Invite users
button.close(type='button' data-dismiss='modal') ×
form(name='form' onsubmit='put();' method='POST', action='/docs/share/'+doc._id)
label Who would you like to share it with? (Username)
input.form-control(name='userfriend' type='text')
input.btn.btn-primary(type='submit' value='Submit')
button.btn.btn-primary(type='button' data-dismiss='modal') Close
The problem is that although the share button does take me to docs/share/:id the id is always that of the first document in the list. This is strange because I use the doc._id property for another button and that one works. Is there something special about the modal button that doesn't allow you to use ids other than the first entry?
To be more clear, lets say there are two entries in my docs: A and B. Their ids are respectively a and b. The share button of A AND the share button of B sends a query to docs/share/a , when the share button of B should send a query to docs/share/b. Even when there are more documents, the share button always sends it to the first in the list. After deleting the first in the list, it will then send a query to the new first in the list. Any ideas on how to fix this? For background I am using NodeJS and Mongoose in coordination with this but I don't think that's necessary as other webpages work fine with the doc._id property, its only the modal button that seems to have trouble with only doc._id of the first doc in the list.
Your issue is with multiple modals on the page with the same id. This line is inside your each loop:
There's nothing unique about that id, so when you call your modal by id it will just use the first one it finds. You may have generated twenty modals on your page, but they all have the id login-modal.
Change that line to include the doc id and then make sure you add it to your modal call as well, wherever that code sits.
.modal(id= ('login-modal-' + doc._id) role='dialog')

Eloqua form has `<eloqua />` tags inside input values

Eloqua is generating forms:
But the output html looks like this:
<input value="<eloqua type='emailfield' syntax='LastName' />" class="field-size-top-large" />
I assumed that the value attribute was something that was then going to be replaced by some Eloqua JavaScript, but when I view it on the page with JavaScript, sure enough its still there:
How can I remove these tags? Is this a bug with Eloqua?
I managed to remove these. The <eloqua /> tags are inside the value field like that because they are used on Eloqua hosted pages – so for instance if the marketing team are creating a landing or targeted page inside of Eloqua, or a page that is linked to from an Eloqua email. They only work on these Eloqua pages, not in self hosted forms.
If you are going to self host these forms (for example on your own website), here are the steps you can take to remove the tags:
Click the field
Click on the merge settings button
Select None
Note that the yellow disappears
Note that there is no longer a predefined value in the field

Remove bloggers automatic 'add URL' feature to menu items

My Blogger template (klarity) automatically adds my domain name infront of any link I want to add to my menu. For example: I want to create a link to my page 'about'. All I need to do is create a list item with a link pointing towards /about.html.
This is a problem when I want to link a menu item with an external domain. So if I want to create a link between the menu item 'shop' and I cannot simply change the href of the link to because blogger adds my domain name infront of it, making it look like:
From what I understand Blogger does this through the following code: data:post.url or similar. I have looked for that kind of code and tried cutting it out but so far I have not managed to get rid of infront of every list item.
How can I remove from my menu items? This is the only solution I could think of, if there are any others please do suggest them!
So I actually figured out the problem, it was really easy:
Just change the link so that it looks like this:
My domain
Make sure you don't forget the http, otherwise you are going to get errors (thats's the mistake I made)

Why is my external link rendered as internal link?

I have a form that let people enter various links on my website like: http, https and ftp. When someone enters "", "" and "" and renders these in a view like this:
#foreach (var link in Model.Keyword.References)
I get the following output:
This looks fine but when I hover "" the real link is: "localhost:1973/".
When I hover the https and ftp links I get the correct output:
I found out that the http links requires two "forward slashes" when I submit them via a form. So instead of "http:" you get "http://". I would like to know why https and ftp links do not need these extra slashes. I would also like to know a good solution for this because I don't think I should force an user to use these extra slashes.
The slashes in the URL are always required. It could be that your browser does some correction to the invalid url. Try to put in the addressbar of your browser and it will try to correct it in most browsers.
As for a good solution, I think you should only accept the domain without http://. You can put some small text underneath the input that shows "Example: ''", so that the user knows the protocol in the front is not needed.
You can then use JQUERY/REGEX to validate and trim off any protocol stuff someone might add mistakingly.

YouTube subscribe link

I am a new coder/web designer and i am trying to add a the youtube logo that when clicked confirm subscription to the users channel
i have a php file with the following coding within...
<div id="youtube">
<img src="/images/YouTube.png />
this links to confirm subscription and the image directory is correct
however the problem is that whenever i add this into the coding it stuffs everything up!
if you go to any page and right click and go 'inspect element' you will see that the like box for facebook has a box around it which has the room for the youtube picture link
but it doesnt work, as said, when i add it in everything just clumps up together and/or the menu clumps up and goes all weird
You had two problems by the looks of things. The first issue was your include filename was wrong and the second was that you missed the closing inverted comma "
This was on the img src= tag
Try to change your id to something else - like <div id="youtube-confirm">
The youtube id might be reserved in FB script and it messes up your and their stuff
