YouTube subscribe link - hyperlink

I am a new coder/web designer and i am trying to add a the youtube logo that when clicked confirm subscription to the users channel
i have a php file with the following coding within...
<div id="youtube">
<img src="/images/YouTube.png />
this links to confirm subscription and the image directory is correct
however the problem is that whenever i add this into the coding it stuffs everything up!
if you go to any page and right click and go 'inspect element' you will see that the like box for facebook has a box around it which has the room for the youtube picture link
but it doesnt work, as said, when i add it in everything just clumps up together and/or the menu clumps up and goes all weird

You had two problems by the looks of things. The first issue was your include filename was wrong and the second was that you missed the closing inverted comma "
This was on the img src= tag

Try to change your id to something else - like <div id="youtube-confirm">
The youtube id might be reserved in FB script and it messes up your and their stuff


Jump to part of page through URL

Consider the following link:
I need to somehow manipulate the URL so that when it's clicked, it jumps straight to the Order Book section of the webpage.
I've tried finding the ID for that part and appending it the URL, but that wouldn't work because the ID isn't generated when you enter the page through the normal URL.
Does anyone know how to manipulate the link so it jumps straight to the Order Book part?
To be clear, I do not want to use JS. I want to have a pure link which I can click and will take me to the Order Book.
I need this so I could take a screenshot of the chart using a node module called Pageres.
If anyone has any different idea as of how to download the chart of the Order Book to a png, it'd be awesome (Or even more generally, download a chart of any cryptocurrency's Order Book to a png, using any website).
Many thanks,
Using javascript, you can handle the click in the following way:
<a id="fake_link" class="fake-link" href="">Click me</a>
var elem = document.getElamentById("fake_link");
window.location = "YOUR NEW LOCATION";
In the general case, all you need is add the id of the part of the page that you want to go to. The section you mention starts with:
<div class="row" id="rowTable">
So all you have to do is add #rowTable to your URL:
That will instruct the browser to look for the part of the page with the id that you mention.
But you are right, the id part of the page is generated after it is loaded. In your case it only works if you change the URL with the page already loaded.
You could try using an intermediate page with a bit of javascript that will first load the page, then jump to the part you want.
You can use the location.hash property in java script to grab the hash of the current page
use is like this:
var hash = window.location.hash;
if(hash == "#tabChartOrderBook"){
//function to switch tab
I wrote this for your url
and as I said in code your url hash is #tabChartOrderBook

Why is my external link rendered as internal link?

I have a form that let people enter various links on my website like: http, https and ftp. When someone enters "", "" and "" and renders these in a view like this:
#foreach (var link in Model.Keyword.References)
I get the following output:
This looks fine but when I hover "" the real link is: "localhost:1973/".
When I hover the https and ftp links I get the correct output:
I found out that the http links requires two "forward slashes" when I submit them via a form. So instead of "http:" you get "http://". I would like to know why https and ftp links do not need these extra slashes. I would also like to know a good solution for this because I don't think I should force an user to use these extra slashes.
The slashes in the URL are always required. It could be that your browser does some correction to the invalid url. Try to put in the addressbar of your browser and it will try to correct it in most browsers.
As for a good solution, I think you should only accept the domain without http://. You can put some small text underneath the input that shows "Example: ''", so that the user knows the protocol in the front is not needed.
You can then use JQUERY/REGEX to validate and trim off any protocol stuff someone might add mistakingly.

Facebook like button stripping some URL fragments

I have several facebook "like" buttons on the same page which link to anchors of that page. They're specified like this:
<div class="fb">
<fb:like href="<?php echo $share_url; ?>"
send="false" layout="button_count"
width="90" show_faces="false"
font="lucida grande"></fb:like>
where $share_url is like The majority of the like buttons work fine, however some of them get the #some-anchor part stripped off, so the like button just links to /food.
Some of the fragments that get dropped are:
etc. There is nothing that I can see that is different from ones that aren't lost:
etc. The examples of missing fragments I listed are the first three like buttons rendered on the page, but there are others which come after like buttons which work properly.
I've tried replacing the # with %23 to no avail.
This issue can be replicated straight on the page that gives you like button codes: just enter and note that when clicking the button it shows in the flyout. Then enter and notice how it works properly.
What the heck is going on here?
#butternut-squash-soup no longer works! It's like there's some kind of blacklist at play here? I have no clue.

Twitter's share ignores my data-url and data-text

Whatever I set data-url or data-text to, twitter just fetches the URL of the page the sharing button exists in and shows as the tweet-text.
example :
<a target="_blank" href=""
data-count="none" class="twitter-share-button" data-url=""
data-text="BLABLABLA" style="opacity:0">TWEET</a>
<a target="_blank" href=""
data-count="none" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="<?php echo
urlencode('')?>" data-text="BLABLABLA" style="opacity:0">TWEET</a>
in both cases, clicking on the link opens a new window with the twitter sharing box that includes the URL of my website and ignores the attributes I set.
Something should have gone dangly wrong. help appreciated !
please tell me if you need more info to be posted.
You can use the query parameter "url" with the twitter share link ""
When looking for the URL twitter button follow this priority:
Look for url in the share link query string
If not found, look for the data-url attribute of the Tweet Button anchor tag
If not found, look for the rel="canonical" link tag in the head of the document
If not found use the URL of the webpage
I have faced same issue - when using link as described in manual's example it didnt work.
this NOT works:
<a class="twitterBtn smGlobalBtn" target=_blank href="" data-text="my_title" data-url="my_url" data-hashtags="my_hash" data-via="my_name" data-related="my_name">Tweet</a>
but this WORKS:
<a class="twitterBtn smGlobalBtn" target=_blank href="">Tweet</a>
Don't know why twitter ignores data- attributes, but when params are inside the link as GET params - everything works fine.
Hope this will be helpful for someone in future)
I fixed this by moving script widgets.js before button markup and turning off async mode, like this:
<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-text="H..." />
twitter-share-button class also important.

Facebook tags dont render when generated dynamically using Jquery

To give you a simple use case - on my website, I display the comments posted by the facebook users. For each comment I display the facebook users photo using the fb:profile-pic tag and a fb like button.
This page renders properly and everything displays well. Now when the users want to read older comments, they click on the "More" link
Using Jquery, I pull the older comments and in the javascript build the content adding the fb:profile-pic and the fb:like tags
But these tags dont show up. Do we need to reload it or something.
Thanks for your help
First make sure the FBML is being inserted into the DOM with an inspector. If so, all you need to do is tell Facebook to convert the FBML tags to HTML tags so your browser can render it. With the Graph API you call FB.XHTML.parse using the Javascript SDK. Here's an example from my code:
$('#list').append('<fb:name uid="4"></fb:name>');
how do I do that - like right now I
build my entire string say
comment="<div>I love
Then I would do
$("#myswipes").html(comment); So how
would I reload.
you can use $.ajax(), say
url: 'some/url.php',
success : function(comment){
some/url.php should be in the server that can correctly render and return this line, <div>I love icecream<br/><fb:profile-picuid='xxx'></fb:profile-pic></div>
