Can I populate GET requests safely? - url

I am adding random get requests to URLs.
Can I do this safely? Or is is possible I might break a site by doing this?

You should be fine if you handle the input properly.
So for example with PHP:
if($_GET['booofooo'] == "value1") {
// do something
} elseif($_GET['booofooo'] == "value2") {
// do something
} elseif($_GET['booofooo'] == "value3") {
// do something
} else {
// error
Also, make sure to use escape the data if you're going to put it in your database.


Issue with CRMContainer in Twilio Flex

I built a simple plugin that shows in the CRMContainer the url of my CRM given some attributes parameters (if they are passed by), during inbound tasks this works fine, but the problem is that during outbound calls the behaviour is not the one expected, this is the piece of code:
flex.CRMContainer.defaultProps.uriCallback = (task) => {
return task
? `https://mycrm.zzz/${task.attributes.clicar}/${task.attributes.contacth}/`
: 'https://mycrm.zzz/contacts/';
I would need an additional condition that tells the code, if this is an outbound voice call to always show a default url.
I tried adding an if/else that checks if task.attributes.direction is outbound, but Flex says this is undefined.
Any tip?
The problem is that you aren't checking for the existence of the task. Your original code had this:
flex.CRMContainer.defaultProps.uriCallback = (task) => {
return task
? `https://mycrm.zzz/${task.attributes.clicar}/${task.attributes.contacth}/`
: 'https://mycrm.zzz/contacts/';
Which returns the URL with the task attributes in it only if the task exists, because of the ternary conditional.
So, when you try to use the attributes you need to make sure the task exists. So taking your code from the last comment, it should look like this:
flex.CRMContainer.defaultProps.uriCallback = (task) => {
if (task) {
if (task.attributes.direction === 'outbound'){
return `https://mycrm.zzz/${task.attributes.clicar}/${task.attributes.contacth}/`;
} else {
return `https://mycrm.zzz/contacts/`
} else {
return 'https://mycrm.zzz/contacts/';

Jenkins Active Choices Parameter plugin not working as expected

I have a hidden parameter in Jenkins called platformType. I want to display choices based on the parameter platformType. I created the following groovy script but it doesn't work
if (platformType.equals("android")) {
return ['7.0', '6.0']
} else (platformType.equals("ios")) {
return ['10.0', '9.0']
Pls see the screenshot below
quite sure you did not specify the platformType as a parameter to platformVersion or you have other error in your code..
without error handling you just don't see it.
in your script you can catch the exception like this:
try {
if (platformType.equals("android")) {
return ['7.0', '6.0']
} else if(platformType.equals("ios")) {
return ['10.0', '9.0']
}catch(e){ return [e.toString()] }
in this case you'll see the error in your choice field
Looks you are missing if in the else part.
It is supposed to be:
if ('android' == platformType) {
return ['7.0', '6.0']
} else if ('ios' == platformType) {
return ['10.0', '9.0']
} else return []

Gatling - Retrieve part of json and check equality

I'm using Gatling tool to load test my service.
I have following response from my server(just an example):
"result: {
"288249": {
"allowEdit": 1,
"cells": [
"rollupId": "288249",
"description": "Gatling description: 93"
"rollupId": "288249",
"description": "Gatling description: 83"
What I need is loop thought all $.result.288249.cells[*].description fields and verify that there's a value, which is equal to what I have in one of my session objects.
It should look similar to following pseudo code:
Is there are method, which I can use in similar way ?
Thanks in advance!
I think, I've found the solution
jsonPath("$.result.*.cells[?(#.description == '${mySessionValue}')]")
This should do the work.
You can loop thru as follows
$.each($.result, function(index,obj){
$.each(obj['cells'], function(innerInd, innerObj){
if( ${mySessionValue} == innerObj['description'] )

How to handle if else in Dart Future

I need to get Google Drive a folder's fileId. If the folder does not exist, I need to create a folder with that name and return fileId. With fileId, I need to do other works.
The Google Drive API in Dart is ok for me, I can create a folder with Dart. The question is about Future.
The code is as follow:
if(result.items.length == 0) {
driveclient.File file = new driveclient.File.fromJson({"title":"TEST", "mimeType": "application/"});
drive.files.insert(file).then((result2) {
} else {
return result.items[0].id;
When TEST exists, the id is returned. But if TEST doesn't, the function error because no return.
How to do that?
Thanks in advance.
You need to return the future from the then method you call in line 4:
if(result.items.length == 0) {
driveclient.File file = new driveclient.File.fromJson({"title":"TEST", "mimeType": "application/"});
return drive.files.insert(file).then((result2) {
} else {
return result.items[0].id;
then() returns a new future there completes with the value returned from the method you give as parameter to the method. then() is also smart enough to resolve all nested future's so you will always handle a value inside a then() method and never a instance of Future.

jquery validation code isn't working proper

i cant get the issue in my code , every thing working proper but issue is that when user click or focus first time on textbox correct img show .. this is incorrect but i cant solved this problem when user typing then after completing wher user correct type then show otherwise not shown . can any one help me regarding this issue . my complete jquery and html or css code are available in this link pls check and solved my issue
my code link
i think error on this function but icant get the issue
$('#step1 #fName').focus(function(){
if($('#step1 #fName').hasClass('error_Aplha')==true)
$('#step1 #fntick').removeClass('block');
else {
$('#step1 #fntick').addClass('block');
if($('#step1 #fName').hasClass('error_Aplha')==true)
$('#step1 .fname_error').fadeIn(100).delay(2000).fadeOut(1000);
$('#step1 #fntick').removeClass('block');
else {
$('#step1 .fname_error').removeClass('block');
$('#step1 #fntick').addClass('block');
thanks in advance
Wow, that's a lot of code for a simple task. Change it so the checks are only done in the .keyup() and .blur() events of the INPUT elements.
Not 100% sure what the intended behaviour is, but this will probably get you going:
$(document).ready(function(e) {
var errorAlpha = function() {
var reg = /^([A-Za-z]+)$/;
var check = $(this).val();
if (reg.test(check) == true && check.match(reg) != null) {
} else {
$('#step1 #fName, #step1 #lName').on('keyup blur', errorAlpha);
