retrieving maxResult in worklogs using jira JQL issue - jira

I have a simple jql query that gives me all the issues and work logs. The worklogs however seem to cap at 20. How can I force it to retrieve all ? E.g
http://website/rest/api/2/search?jql=project in (Project) and issueFunction in workLogged("after 2015/10/12 before 2015/10/17") &startAt=0&maxResults=1000&fields=worklog
How can I force that the max results for work log is for example 100 instead of 20. I am unable to find any references on how to change the max when it is inner node.

At the moment you cannot force Jira to return all worklogs. The 20 cap is a known issue at Atlassian and awaits fixing. News can be found at the bug ticket:
There are possibilities to use SQL to query your Jira database for the worklog data:
Directly, which can be considered deprecated because of the risks:
"Zero security ... could potentially slow the Jira system access ... inefficient queries"
Via a third-party plugin
" 'SQL for JIRA', a new plugin for JIRA which supports standard SQL against the JIRA API"
I can't guarantee that either works for you but it is a starting point until the bug is fixed.

I had the same issue and I could get all the worklogs separately without any maxResult limits using the following link:


How to filter issues with specific priority in jira rest API

I am using JIRA GET /rest/api/3/search And I want to filter issues by their priority, but using this URL does not work."Low" I am really new, so sorry if my question is very basic.
I tried different filters but it is returning all the results
You're almost there; just use "Low" without quotes:
And as additional resource on Priority field and all other JQL operators&fields, you can check this Atlassian documentation page.

Jira Restful api to get any completed sprint Comitted and delivered data

I am writing a Java command like program to fetch Scrum information using Jira Rest API. I am not seeing any restful api to find a given completed sprint Committed and Delivered Story points or velocity chart information.
Can anyone help me out with what service I have to call to get it ?
I am using a raw rest call using basic authentication.
Unfortunately the answer varies for the Jira installation type
Jira Cloud
There's no direct way to get data about a sprint through the api, but I believe POST /rest/api/3/expression/eval would be your best option. From there you could find all the issues from your intended sprint with a JQL like Sprint=4, and then tally the story points. It's not perfect, but the best I'm aware of.
Jira Server/Data Center
Based on your version you may have to take the same approach as for Cloud, however some older versions of Jira have the Agile API which would probably speed things along

JQL to get blocked Issues

Is there a native JQL (not a plugin) that returns tickets that have linked issues listed as "is blocked by" (so I can see all my blocked tickets).
All I have found is linkedIssues() but that can require a specific issue ID to search for which is entirely unhelpful.
I am using Jira Cloud 7.4.
In the core JIRA JQL functionality the closest thing you have, as you've already found out, is linkedIssues() that requires a parent Issue reference.
What you need is Adaptavist ScriptRunner, they have a function called hasLinks(). There are also a handful of other add-ons that offer this functionality but like ScriptRunner, they all cost money.
Related JIRA community question
JIRA Cloud feature request
The below query is also helpful (add it in the filter setup):
project = "Project ID" AND issuetype in (story, Spike) AND Sprint = "Sprint ID" AND linkedIssue in issueHistory()
According to Esther Strom's answer on this Atlassian site, there's a new query type:
Atlassian has very recently introduced a new JQL function called issueLinkType, which can be used in filters, but also in boards.
It's not perfect; if you're already using card colors for something else, you won't be able to use this as well. It also behaves inconsistently when a ticket has links of multiple types. But if you're looking for an easy way to get a view into what might be blocked, and what might have blockers, it works pretty well.
In KQL you can specified the type of link.
For what you want to do here what you can use
issue in linkedIssues([Issue#],"is blocked by")

How to create a filter to show issues without worklog in JIRA

I am using JIRA for tracking issues and I want to show Issues without worklogs using JQL.
Any answers is much accepted. Thanks!
Try this jql query:
Timespent is empty

Jira to know how many poeple have visited an issue

I want to know how many people have visited a particular isssue in order to know its popularity( I can't trust on number of watchers of the issue) .Is there any way (JiraDB or anything) by which i can know how many people(just the count) have visited any particular issue.
The question can be modified like this : Top 10 mostly visited issues in a week or so.
Seb's earlier answer provides a possible solution for JIRA Cloud. I am not aware of any off-the-shelf product for behind-the-firewall installations of JIRA, and I do not believe that views are tracked anywhere in the JIRA database.
For behind-the-firewall instances, you could certainly write a script to parse the JIRA access logs (stored in $JIRA_HOME/logs/access_log*) to count issue accesses that way.
The JIRA access logs are stored in a format that is similar to the Apache access log format, so you just need to parse out accesses to individual issues by looking for URLs of the format "http://MYJIRA/browse/ABC-123".
Out of the box this is not possible. Jira does not log view counts for single issues.
You could have a look if there is any plugin for this at
E.g. looks like it could fit your requirements, but I personally have never heard of it.
