I am trying to build VLC through its source code and it gives me this error everytime I run ./configure
configure: error: Requested 'libavcodec >= 55.0.0' but version of
libavcodec is 54.35.0. Pass --disable-avcodec to ignore this error.
I have executed the command apt-get build-dep vlc and still I get this error. Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong ?
You can try to use the contrib system to build your own copy of libavcodec instead of using the one in your system. See the [The "Contrib" method] in https://wiki.videolan.org/UnixCompile/
I am trying to compile Opencv on Ubuntu 18.04. I installed many dependencies packages but when I run make I get the error:
grfmt_jpeg2000.cpp:59:10: fatal error: jasper/jasper.h: No such file or directory
#include <jasper/jasper.h>
compilation terminated.
I had already jasper installed and installed libjasperreports-java. However the file jasper.h cannot still be found in my system. Is there any library I can install with apt install to get that file? Or am I missing any other library?
I tried also downloading the opencv_contrib to install extra moduels of openCV but first of all jaspar is not present and secondly setting the build with
cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../opencv_contrib/modules ../openCV
returns the error:
Make Error at cmake/OpenCVModule.cmake:352 (message):
Duplicated modules NAMES has been found
while CMakeError.log contains many errors of the type:
Build output check failed:
Regex: 'command line option .* is valid for .* but not for C\+\+'
Output line: 'cc1plus: warning: command line option ‘-Wstrict-prototypes’ is valid for C/ObjC but not for C++'
I installed drake binary in my ubuntu 16.04 xenial by
curl -o drake.tar.gz https://drake-packages.csail.mit.edu/drake/continuous/drake-latest-xenial.tar.gz
sudo tar -xvzf drake.tar.gz -C /opt
And I find_package(drake) in my cmake and try to do optimization.
But I got the following error
/opt/drake/include/drake/common/autodiff.h:15:1: error: static assertion failed: Drake requires Eigen >= v3.3.3.
static_assert(EIGEN_VERSION_AT_LEAST(3, 3, 3)
/opt/drake/include/drake/common/autodiffxd.h:232:69: error: ‘MakeAutoDiffScalar’ was not declared in this scope
return MakeAutoDiffScalar(m_value * other, m_derivatives * other);
I think I am including right Eigen which is located in
How could I fix it?
By the way in the Mac, it works well with the same code.
It may be that you've (either directly or indirectly) called find_package(Eigen) before you did so on Drake, in which case CMake may be finding your system Eigen rather than the Drake-provided version; this is noted here (sorry that it's not yet in a more obvious location):
If you do find_package(drake) first, then it should allow find_package(Eigen) to work later on.
If that doesn't work, could you post a link to your code in a GitHub repository, or can you make a minimal reproduction issue?
For jbrowse I use fink to install libpng, but I still can't get it working. It spits out this error message:
configure: error: libpng not found. Please install libpng and try
again. Or if it is already installed (e.g. in /usr/X11), pass the
include and link paths to configure like so: ./configure
CXXFLAGS=-I/usr/X11/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/X11/lib
+ cd ../..
+ set -x
+ bin/wig-to-json.pl --key 'Image - volvox_microarray.wig' --wig docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox_microarray.wig --category
'Pre-generated images' --out sample_data/json/volvox
I don't really know what this error message means and when I type in the terminal
./configure CXXFLAGS=-I/usr/X11/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/X11/lib
It gives me an error that ./configure: No such file or directory.
I am a Novice at command line. Someone please help!
I am attempting to rebuild my development/test environment on a new laptop running windows7 32 bit. imageMagick is one of the modules I had installed in an (ancient) version on my old laptop. I have downloaded and installed perl from dwimperl, which is v5.14.2 and had a couple modules install, and several did not.
cpanm Image::Magick - failed
cpanm DB_File - failed
cpanm Time::HiRes - failed
I searched around and found a discussion on magick failing to install on v5.12, but couldn't tell if that was supposed to have been fixed, or if I need to attempt to recreate the fix discussed for 5.12
should I try installing perl from Strawberry? looks like it is a little newer v5.18 ?
is there something I can tweak and re-run cpan installs?
I installed the binaries from imagemagick, from Link first, then cpan again, and cpan still fails....
This is the top part of the build log down to where it really goes south and starts kicking out errors:
cpanm (App::cpanminus) 1.6941 on perl 5.014002 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
Work directory is C:\Users\dtbaker/.cpanm/work/1377281741.8420
You have make C:\Dwimperl\c\bin\dmake.exe
You have LWP 6.03
Falling back to Archive::Tar 1.80
Searching Image::Magick on cpanmetadb ...
--> Working on Image::Magick
Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/J/JC/JCRISTY/PerlMagick-6.86.tar.gz
-> OK
Unpacking PerlMagick-6.86.tar.gz
Entering PerlMagick-6.86
META.yml/json not found. Creating skelton for it.
Configuring PerlMagick-6.86
Running Makefile.PL
################################### WARNING! ###################################
# It seems that you are trying to install Perl::Magick on a MS Windows box with
# perl + gcc compiler (e.g. strawberry perl), however we cannot find ImageMagick
# binaries installed on your system.
# Please check the following prerequisites:
# 1) You need to have installed ImageMagick Windows binaries from
# http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php#windows
# 2) We only support dynamic (DLL) ImageMagick binaries
# note: it is not possible to mix 32/64-bit binaries of perl and ImageMagick
# 3) During installation select that you want to install ImageMagick's
# development files (libraries+headers)
# 4) You also need to have ImageMagick's directory in your PATH
# note: we are checking the presence of convert.exe and/or identify.exe tools
# 5) You might need Visual C++ Redistributable Package installed on your system
# see instructions on ImageMagick's Binary Release webpage
# We are gonna continue, but chances for successful build are very low!
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lMagickCore-6.Q16
Writing Makefile for Image::Magick
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
-> OK
Checking dependencies from MYMETA.json ...
Checking if you have ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0 ... Yes (6.62)
Building and testing Image-Magick-6.86
cp Magick.pm blib\lib\Image\Magick.pm
AutoSplitting blib\lib\Image\Magick.pm (blib\lib\auto\Image\Magick)
C:\Dwimperl\perl\bin\perl.exe C:\Dwimperl\perl\lib\ExtUtils\xsubpp -typemap C:\Dwimperl\perl\lib\ExtUtils\typemap -typemap typemap Magick.xs > Magick.xsc && C:\Dwimperl\perl\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e mv -- Magick.xsc Magick.c
gcc -c -s -O2 -DWIN32 -DPERL_TEXTMODE_SCRIPTS -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT -DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS -fno-strict-aliasing -mms-bitfields -s -O2 -DVERSION=\"6.86\" -DXS_VERSION=\"6.86\" "-IC:\Dwimperl\perl\lib\CORE" -D_LARGE_FILES=1 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H Magick.c
Magick.xs:60:31: error: magick/MagickCore.h: No such file or directory
Magick.xs:167: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'MagickRealType'
Magick.xs:188: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'ImageInfo'
Magick.xs:210: error: 'MagickNoiseOptions' undeclared here (not in a function)
however we cannot find ImageMagick binaries installed on your system.
Is ImageMagick is in your path, as recommanded in the 4) point? Open cmd.exe and type convert -v or convert.exe -v. If you don't see informations about Image Magick (Windows have a built-in convert command), it is very likely you have to add it to your path.
You also have to check points 1), 3), and 5). After that try again to run installation process through cpanm.
Trying to install for Citrus Perl, I discovered on debugging through the Perl part of the install that the mingw64 install had not included 'pexports.exe'. Downloading that from https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/MinGW/Extension/pexports/
and placing it in the mingw64 directory was necessary to solve the problem of a long list of library export symbols not found.
Prior to that I had also set the environment variables CPATH, C_INCLUDE_PATH, and CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH to point to the "include" directory of the ImageMagick install include directory in C:\Program Files (x86). (When you install ImageMagick you should check the box to install also for Strawberry Perl.)
I am trying to build the OpenCV samples which come with the source package and I get the following:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:10 (ocv_check_dependencies):
Unknown CMake command "ocv_check_dependencies".
I did install OpenCV using
cmake .
sudo make install
and I got a tutorial snippet working (thus I suppose it is installed correctly as a library). However, compiling the samples does not work.
I guess I have to somehow configure CMake to have “ocv_check_dependencies” - but how? I am lost!
Actually for OpenCV 2.4.4 beta the root CMakeList.txt file says:
OCV_OPTION(BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build all examples"
-DBUILD_EXAMPLES=ON worked just fine for me.
I got it.
In order to build the samples one has to change the default configuration for cmake by providing it via -D. What I did wrong was that I tried to execute cmake from within the samples directory.
The proper way to build the samples is invoking cmake like so (from within the root directory of the unpacked archive):
which will turn samples ON. One can proceed using make, make install than. The samples can be found in bin after building.
See also FAQ
How to compile OpenCV sample code ?
# For OpenCV 3
cd /path/to/opencv/samples/cpp/
g++ -ggdb `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv` facedetect.cpp -o facedetect
Works for me.
googled from this link
mydragonisland's build instructions almost worked for me; with a minor reordering and including accents:
g++ facedetect.cpp -o facedetect `pkg-config --libs opencv`
The macro 'ocv_check_dependencies' is defined in: your_path_to/opencv/cmake/OpenCVModule.cmake
# ensures that all passed modules are available
foreach(d ${ARGN})
if(d MATCHES "^opencv_[^ ]+$" AND NOT HAVE_${d})
The top level CMakeLists.txt contains 'include' commands for files from opencv/cmake/ . Which is why the macro is available when you compile by calling cmake from the root of the opencv sources.
error message context:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:10 (ocv_check_dependencies):
Unknown CMake command "ocv_check_dependencies".
This error message happens because cmake can't find the definition of ocv_check_dependencies
That's why the console said Unknown CMake command
If cmake cannot find where ocv_check_dependencies is defined
Just like #Nick Hockings Said:
ocv_check_dependencies is a macro defined in Your/OpenCV/path/OpenCVModule.cmake
foreach(d ${ARGN})
if(d MATCHES "^opencv_[^ ]+$" AND NOT HAVE_${d})
The fastest way is to copy this snippet above to your CMakeList.txt file right above where ocv_check_dependencies is
Therefore, cmake can finally understand what it is
That should do the trick, i hope no one else will bother with this question in the future
I got similar errors. My approach is as following:
1) cd xxx/samples 2) mkdir build 3) cd build 4) cmake .. 5) make
Now it works. We could not build individual project under their source files.
Following steps works for me.
Export toolchain path.
cd opencv-3.3.0/samples
cross_cmake &&
cd opencv-3.3.0/samples/cpp/