I am using Rails ActiveJob with Sidekiq.
I have a Job that is supposed to execute after 5 seconds.
UserArrivalJob.set(wait: 5.seconds).perform_later(user, planet)
Only after 5 seconds the job still hasnt ran.
When i look in the sidekiq web interface after those 5 seconds the job is there and it says: Not yet enqueued. After about another 6 till 10 seconds the job gets enqeued and is immediatly executed.
How come that there is this delay?
When i use perform now this delay is not there.
Here is my Job:
class UserArrivalJob < ActiveJob::Base
queue_as :default
def perform(user, planet)
user.planet = planet
Read here. Basically I think your sidekiq poller runs every 10 seconds and it picks the job when it pools.
bcd was right. I set the sidekiq configuration to run the poller every 2 seconds.
environments/development.rb / environments/production.rb
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
config.average_scheduled_poll_interval = 2
I'm using sidekiq cron to run some jobs. I have a parent job which only runs once, and that parent job starts 7 million child jobs. However, in my sidekiq dashboard, it says over 42 million jobs enqueued. I checked those enqueued jobs, they are my child jobs. I'm trying to figure out why so many more jobs than expected are enqueued. I checked the log in sidekiq, one thing I noticed is, "Cron Jobs - add job with name: new_topic_post_job" shows up many times in the log. new_topic_post is the name of the parent job in schedule.yml. Following lines also show up many times
2019-04-18T17:01:22.558Z 12605 TID-osb3infd0 WARN: Processing recovered job from queue queue:low (queue:low_i-03933b94d1503fec0.nodemodo.com_4): "{\"retry\":false,\"queue\":\"low\",\"backtrace\":true,\"class\":\"WeeklyNewTopicPostCron\",\"args\":[],\"jid\":\"f37382211fcbd4b335ce6c85\",\"created_at\":1555606809.2025042,\"locale\":\"en\",\"enqueued_at\":1555606809.202564}"
2019-04-18T17:01:22.559Z 12605 TID-osb2wh8to WeeklyNewTopicPostCron JID-f37382211fcbd4b335ce6c85 INFO: start
WeeklyNewTopicPostCron is the name of the parent job class. Wondering does this mean my parent job runs multiple times instead of only 1? If so, what's the cause? I'm pretty sure the time in the cron job is right, I set it to "0 17 * * 4" which means it only runs once a week. Also I set retry to false for parent job and 3 for child jobs. So even all child jobs fail, we should still only have 21 million jobs. Following is my cron job setting in schedule.yml
cron: "0 17 * * 4"
class: "WeeklyNewTopicPostCron"
queue: low
and this is WeeklyNewTopicPostCron:
class WeeklyNewTopicPostCron
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options queue: :low, retry: false, backtrace: true
def perform
processed_user_ids = Set.new
TopicFollower.select("id, user_id").find_in_batches(batch_size: 1000000) do |topic_followers|
new_user_ids = []
topic_followers.map(&:user_id).each { |user_id| new_user_ids << user_id if processed_user_ids.add?(user_id) }
batch_size = 1000
offset = 0
loop do
batched_user_ids_for_redis = new_user_ids[offset, batch_size]
Sidekiq::Client.push_bulk('class' => NewTopicPostSender,
'args' => batched_user_ids_for_redis.map { |user_id| [user_id, 7] }) if batched_user_ids_for_redis.present?
break if batched_user_ids_for_redis.size < batch_size
offset += batch_size
Most probably your parent sidekiq job is causing the sidekiq process to crash, which then results in a worker restart. On restart sidekiq probably tries to recover the interrupted job and starts processing it again (from the beginning). Some details here:
This probably happens multiple times before the parent job eventually finishes, and hence the extremely high number of child jobs are created. You can easily verify this by checking the process id of the sidekiq process while this job is being run and it most probably will keep changing after a while:
ps aux | grep sidekiq
It could be that you have some monit configuration to restart sidekiq in case memory usage goes too high.Or it might be that this query is causing the process to crash:
TopicFollower.select("id, user_id").find_in_batches(batch_size: 1000000)
Try reducing the batch_size. 1million feels like too high a number. But my best guess is that the sidekiq process dies while processing the long running parent process.
I am trying to run a cron job in every 10 seconds that runs a piece of code. I have used an approach which requires running a code and making it sleep for 10 seconds, but it seems to make drastically degrading the app performance. I am using whenever gem, which run every minute and sleeps for 10 seconds. How can I achieve the same w/o using sleep method. Following is my code.
every 1.minute do
runner "DailyNotificationChecker.send_notifications"
class DailyNotificationChecker
def self.send_notifications
puts "Triggered send_notifications"
expiry_time = Time.now + 57
while (Time.now < expiry_time)
if RUN_SCHEDULER == "true" || RUN_SCHEDULER == true
sleep 10 #seconds
def self.process_notes
notes = nil
time = Benchmark.measure do
Note.uncached do
notes = Note.where(status: false)
notes.update_all(status: true)
puts "time #{time}"
Objective of my code is to change the boolean status of objects to true which gets checked every 10 seconds. This table has 2 million records.
I suggest using a Sidekiq background jobs for this. With the sidekiq-scheduler gem you can run ordinary sidekiq jobs schedules in whatever internal you need. Bonus points for having a web-interface to handle and monitor the jobs via the Sidekiq gem.
You would use the clockwork gem. It runs in a separate process. The configuration is pretty simple.
require 'clockwork'
include Clockwork
every(10.seconds, 'frequent.job') { DailyNotificationChecker.process_notes }
I have 2 Sidekiq workers:
# frozen_string_literal: true
class FooWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options queue: :foo
def perform
loop do
File.open(File.join(Rails.root, 'foo.txt'), 'w') { |file| file.write('FOO') }
# frozen_string_literal: true
class BarWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options queue: :bar
def perform
loop do
File.open(File.join(Rails.root, 'bar.txt'), 'w') { |file| file.write('BAR') }
Which has pretty the same functionality, both runs on different queues and the yaml file looks like this:
- foo
- bar
:concurrency: 5
The problem is, even both are running and showing in the Busy page of Sidekiq UI, only one of them will actually create a file and put contents in. Shouldn't Sidekiq be multi-threaded?
this happens only on my machine
i created a new project with rails new and same
i cloned a colleague project and ran his sidekiq and is working!!!
i used his sidekiq version, not working!
New Update:
this happens also on my colleague machine if he clone my project
if I run 2 jobs with a finite loop ( like 10 times do something with a sleep), first job will be executed and then the second, but after the second finishes and start again both will work on same time as expected -- everyone who cloned the project from: github.com/ArayB/sidekiq-test encountered the problem.
It's not an issue with Sidekiq. It's an issue somewhere in Ruby/MRI/Thread/GIL. Google for more info, but my understanding is that sometimes threads aren't real threads (see "green threads") so really just simulate threading. The important thing is that only one thread can execute at a time.
It's interesting that with only two threads the system isn't giving time to the second thread. No idea why, but it must realize it's mistake when you run it again.
Interestingly if you run your same app but instead fire off 10 TestWorkers (and tweak the output so you can tell the difference) sidekiq will run all 10 "at once".
10.times {|i| TestWorker.perform_async(i) }
Here is the tweaked worker. Be sure to flush the output cause that can also cause issues with threading and TTY buffering not reflecting reality.
class TestWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(n)
10.times do |i|
puts "#{n} - #{i} - #{Time.current}"
sleep 1
Some interesting links:
Does ruby have real multithreading?
I am new to Rails, I am using whenever to gem to run cron job.In my application, I have some jobs that can be performed by drivers.The jobs has start and end time and it can be assigned to drivers.By cron job I need to check some conditions, like a
1. job is assigned and start within 30 minutes.
2. job is unassigned and start within 30 minutes.
3. job is assigned and start within 15 minutes.
I added the conditions to .rake file and mentioned the jobs in schedule file, below I paste my code snippets.
every 1.minutes do
rake "jobs:unassigned_job_start_in_30"
every 1.minutes do
rake "jobs:assigned_job_start_in_30"
every 1.minutes do
rake "jobs:assigned_job_start_in_15"
and my rake file
desc "assigned job starts in 30 mins."
task :assigned_job_start_in_30 => :environment do
start_range = Time.now.utc.to_time.to_i+(CONFIG[:job_starts_in_time_30]*60)
end_range = start_range + (1*60)
jobs = Job.where("start_at >= :start_range AND start_at <= :end_range AND status =:status", {start_range: start_range.to_s, end_range: end_range.to_s, status: 2000} )
jobs.each do |job|
job.add_event_log(nil, 2054)
create_and_send_notification(2054, job.id, 0, nil)
desc "assigned job starts in 15 mins."
task :assigned_job_start_in_15 => :environment do
start_range = Time.now.utc.to_time.to_i+ (CONFIG[:job_starts_in_time_15]*60)
end_range = start_range + (1*60)
jobs = Job.where("start_at >= :start_range AND start_at <= :end_range AND status =:status", {start_range: start_range.to_s, end_range: end_range.to_s, status: 2000} )
jobs.each do |job|
job.add_event_log(nil, 2055)
create_and_send_notification(2055, job.id, 0, nil)
As the cron jobs performed with 1 minutes duration, so my machine goes hang.Please suggest me what is the best way to check the conditions and performed cron jobs.
The cron jobs should run in the background, so your machine shouldn't hang while running it, there might be other reasons this is happening.
An alternative, is to just have one single task that runs, that checks and creates the tasks for a separate system that runs it. One example would be Sidekiq.
On Rails 4.2 I have the following ActiveJob test :
require 'test_helper'
class ImportJobTest < ActiveJob::TestCase
def setup
#response = ImportJob.perform_later "'testing Sidekiq queue jobs'"
test "enqueued jobs" do
assert_enqueued_jobs 1
assert_enqueued_jobs 0
test "ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::SidekiqAdapter::JobWrapper" do
assert_equal ["'testing Sidekiq queue jobs'"], #response.arguments
test "a second new job has been enqueued with the given arguments" do
assert_enqueued_jobs 1
assert_enqueued_with(job: ImportJob, args: ["'queuing a second job'"], queue: 'default') do
ImportJob.perform_later "'queuing a second job'"
assert_enqueued_jobs 2
Running the test it goes green:
$ rake test test/jobs/import_job_test.rb
Started with run options --seed 35322
4/4: [===================================] 100% Time: 00:00:00, Time: 00:00:00
Finished in 0.01380s
4 tests, 7 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
but never touch the Sidekiq queue really. I get green also when Sidekiq is turned off, which I don't want. Of course running in console the queue is bitten.
How can I specify to REALLY hit the queue in test mode ?
The reason for using an API like ActiveJob is to allow you to write your code to an abstract API so you can change adapters. In other words, your ActiveJob classes should be able to move from Sidekiq to Que without making any changes to your code. Because of this, ActiveJob::TestCase uses a test adapter that makes asserting job behavior easier.
That said, if you really want to make your jobs hit a running queue, you should configure your test environment accordingly and inherit from a test class that doesn't use ActiveJob::TestHelper.