How to implement Blowfish CBC algorithm PKCS5 Padding in iOS [duplicate] - ios

I have googled a lot but enable to get Blowfish ECB algorithm with PKCS5 padding in Objective-C.
I have tried code from here but it is not giving me proper encrypted data. Even I have tried codes from here but it is not with PKSC5 padding.
Unfortunately I have to use Blowfish (no other option) to convert following JAVA code in Objective-C
String objVal=<the json>;
SecretKeySpec lKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(lKey.getBytes("UTF8"),"Blowfish");
Cipher lCipher = Cipher.getInstance("Blowfish/ECB/PKCS5Padding");
lCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, lKeySpec);
byte[] lPassword = objVal.getBytes("UTF8");
byte[] lEncryptPassword = lCipher.doFinal(lPassword);
String lEncryptString = new BASE64Encoder().encode(lEncryptPassword);
StringBuffer nString = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < lEncryptString.length(); i++) {
int a = lEncryptString.charAt(i);
if (a != 13 && a != 10 && !lEncryptString.substring(i, i + 1).equals(" ")){
return nString.toString();
Then the encrypted json is encoded:
String returnData=<encrypted json>
byte[] inputBytes = returnData.getBytes();
returnData  = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(inputBytes);
Any one has tried and tested solution for Blowfish ECB algorithm with PKSC5 padding.
Thank you in advance.
I know this question is already (several times) asked but either not answered or not with PKCS5 padding

Example code:
Add Security.framework
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonCryptor.h>
+ (NSData *)doBlowfish:(NSData *)dataIn
key:(NSData *)key
iv:(NSData *)iv
error:(NSError **)error
CCCryptorStatus ccStatus = kCCSuccess;
size_t cryptBytes = 0;
NSMutableData *dataOut = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:dataIn.length + kCCBlockSizeBlowfish];
ccStatus = CCCrypt( kCCEncrypt_or_kCCDecrypt,
if (ccStatus == kCCSuccess) {
dataOut.length = cryptBytes;
else {
if (error) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:#"kEncryptionError"
dataOut = nil;
return dataOut;
NSError *error;
NSData *key = [#"Blowfish" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSString *stringOriginal = #"TestData";
NSData *dataOriginal = [stringOriginal dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];;
NSLog(#"key %#", key);
NSLog(#"stringOriginal %#", stringOriginal);
NSLog(#"dataOriginal %#", dataOriginal);
NSData *dataEncrypted = [Test doBlowfish:dataOriginal
options:kCCOptionPKCS7Padding | kCCOptionECBMode
NSLog(#"dataEncrypted %#", dataEncrypted);
NSString *encryptedBase64String = [dataEncrypted base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0];
NSLog(#"encryptedBase64String %#", encryptedBase64String);
NSData *dataToDecrypt = [[NSData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:encryptedBase64String options:0];
NSData *dataDecrypted = [Test doBlowfish:dataToDecrypt
options:kCCOptionPKCS7Padding | kCCOptionECBMode
NSLog(#"dataDecrypted %#", dataDecrypted);
NSString *stringDecrypted = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:dataDecrypted encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"stringDecrypted %#", stringDecrypted);
key 426c6f77 66697368
stringOriginal TestData
dataOriginal 54657374 44617461
dataEncrypted ba5eb956 7e73ae1a b5513ea1 75a14019
encryptedBase64String ul65Vn5zrhrdmeYV9B5rQA==
dataDecrypted 54657374 44617461
stringDecrypted TestData


Decrypting iOS with Objective c and SwiftUI

I am planning to implement the AES encryption in my application and for this I went through an informative tutorial by Rob Napier :
It was a wonderful read and I was able to encrypt few strings using :
NSString * const
kRNCryptManagerErrorDomain = #"net.robnapier.RNCryptManager";
const CCAlgorithm kAlgorithm = kCCAlgorithmAES128;
const NSUInteger kAlgorithmKeySize = kCCKeySizeAES128;
const NSUInteger kAlgorithmBlockSize = kCCBlockSizeAES128;
const NSUInteger kAlgorithmIVSize = kCCBlockSizeAES128;
const NSUInteger kPBKDFSaltSize = 8;
const NSUInteger kPBKDFRounds = 10000; // ~80ms on an iPhone 4
// ===================
+ (NSData *)encryptedDataForData:(NSData *)data
password:(NSString *)password
iv:(NSData **)iv
salt:(NSData **)salt
error:(NSError **)error {
NSAssert(iv, #"IV must not be NULL");
NSAssert(salt, #"salt must not be NULL");
*iv = [self randomDataOfLength:kAlgorithmIVSize];
*salt = [self randomDataOfLength:kPBKDFSaltSize];
NSData *key = [self AESKeyForPassword:password salt:*salt];
size_t outLength;
NSMutableData *
cipherData = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:data.length +
result = CCCrypt(kCCEncrypt, // operation
kAlgorithm, // Algorithm
kCCOptionPKCS7Padding, // options
key.bytes, // key
key.length, // keylength
(*iv).bytes,// iv
data.bytes, // dataIn
data.length, // dataInLength,
cipherData.mutableBytes, // dataOut
cipherData.length, // dataOutAvailable
&outLength); // dataOutMoved
if (result == kCCSuccess) {
cipherData.length = outLength;
else {
if (error) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:kRNCryptManagerErrorDomain
return nil;
return cipherData;
// ===================
+ (NSData *)randomDataOfLength:(size_t)length {
NSMutableData *data = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:length];
int result = SecRandomCopyBytes(kSecRandomDefault,
NSAssert(result == 0, #"Unable to generate random bytes: %d",
return data;
// ===================
// Replace this with a 10,000 hash calls if you don't have CCKeyDerivationPBKDF
+ (NSData *)AESKeyForPassword:(NSString *)password
salt:(NSData *)salt {
NSMutableData *
derivedKey = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:kAlgorithmKeySize];
result = CCKeyDerivationPBKDF(kCCPBKDF2, // algorithm
password.UTF8String, // password
[password lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding], // passwordLength
salt.bytes, // salt
salt.length, // saltLen
kPBKDFRounds, // rounds
derivedKey.mutableBytes, // derivedKey
derivedKey.length); // derivedKeyLen
// Do not log password here
NSAssert(result == kCCSuccess,
#"Unable to create AES key for password: %d", result);
return derivedKey;
But while decrypting I am not able to decrypt properly and I am getting null in the scenario: For your reference the decrypt code is :
+ (NSData*)decryptData:(NSData*)data key:(NSData*)key error:(NSError **)error
if (key.length != 16 && key.length != 24 && key.length != 32) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:#"keyLengthError" code:-1 userInfo:nil];
return nil;
CCCryptorStatus ccStatus = kCCSuccess;
int ivLength = kCCBlockSizeAES128;
size_t clearBytes = 0;
NSMutableData *dataOut = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:data.length - ivLength];
NSLog(#"Data Out String Decrypt%#", dataOut);
ccStatus = CCCrypt(kCCDecrypt,
data.bytes + ivLength,
data.length - ivLength,
if (ccStatus == kCCSuccess) {
dataOut.length = clearBytes;
else {
if (error) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:#"kEncryptionError" code:ccStatus userInfo:nil];
dataOut = nil;
return dataOut;
Where I am getting wrong in this scenario? I have been trying for few days to sort it out. Can someone please help me?
the method given in the example you mentioned refers Rob Napiers Github Repo.
Just testet it with your given password, salt, etc.. and it just works!
Yes understood, you want to throw out password: and iv: as well the salt: parameter when decrypting and go only with key:. Well you need at least iv: to do that. But again as Rob commented to your other question, don't re-invent the wheel.
The method i linked above is just working fine with your parameters for decrypting. The only difference to your code is that password, iv and salt are given to decrypt.
apart from the idea you want to develop something that can decrypt without a password you will have to digg deeper into how CCKeyDerivationPBKDF() (CommonKeyDerivation.h) is working.
Edit: As you asked to have a way to pack and unpack your salt, iv and cypher thats pretty simple with NSData.
+ (NSData *)packWithSalt:(NSData*)salt IV:(NSData*)iv Cypher:(NSData*)tocypher {
//adding Salt + IV + Cipher text
NSMutableData *combi = [NSMutableData data];
//[combi appendBytes:salt.bytes length:16];
//[combi appendBytes:iv.bytes length:16]; //16
//[combi appendBytes:tocypher.bytes length:tocypher.length];
[combi appendData:salt];
[combi appendData:iv];
[combi appendData:tocypher];
return combi;
+ (NSData*)cypherUnpackToSalt:(NSMutableData**)salt andIV:(NSMutableData**)iv fromPackData:(NSData*)pack {
void *sBuff[16] = {};
void *iBuff[16] = {};
NSUInteger len = pack.length - 16 - 16; //keep length flexible
void *pBuff = malloc(sizeof(Byte)*len); //needs dynamically size of buff
[pack getBytes:sBuff range:NSMakeRange(0, 16)];
[pack getBytes:iBuff range:NSMakeRange(16, 32)];
[pack getBytes:pBuff range:NSMakeRange(32, len)];
[(*salt) replaceBytesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 16) withBytes:sBuff];
[(*iv) replaceBytesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 16) withBytes:iBuff];
NSMutableData *unpack = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:len];
[unpack replaceBytesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, len) withBytes:pBuff];
return unpack;
it should be pretty simple to integrate the encryption and decryption from these two methods.
Proof of concept: Can we pack all together? and Unpack again?
NSData *salt = [CryptAES randomDataOfLength:16];
NSData *iv = [CryptAES randomDataOfLength:16];
NSData *chunk = [CryptAES packWithSalt:salt IV:iv Cypher:plaintextData];
NSLog(#"salt=%# iv=%# pack=%# ",[salt base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0], [iv base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0], [chunk base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0] );
NSMutableData *unSalt = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:16];
NSMutableData *unIv = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:16];
NSData *unchunk = [CryptAES cypherUnpackToSalt:&unSalt andIV:&unIv fromPackData:chunk];
NSString *plainAgain = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:unchunk encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"salt=%# iv=%# unpack=%#",[unSalt base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0], [unIv base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0], plainAgain );
So your decryption method will still need parameters for a password.
Which is not perfect but as you should never throw around encrypted data together with its password - that should be ok - you just keep the handling of a password on the user side. I mean otherwise the whole encryption is useless!

Objective c RSA with OAEP padding sha256 prior ios 10

I am working on an encryption method in the iPhone with the RSA encryption method, so far i could achieve getting the encryption string with this method, the string is successfully decrypted by the server.
SecKeyRef keyRef = [self addPublicKey:pubKey];
SecKeyAlgorithm algorithm = kSecKeyAlgorithmRSAEncryptionOAEPSHA256;
if (!keyRef) {
return nil;
BOOL canEncrypt = SecKeyIsAlgorithmSupported(keyRef, kSecKeyOperationTypeEncrypt, algorithm);
if (canEncrypt) {
CFErrorRef error = NULL;
NSData *encryptedData = (NSData *)CFBridgingRelease(
SecKeyCreateEncryptedData(keyRef, algorithm, (__bridge CFDataRef) content, &error)
if (encryptedData) {
return encryptedData;
NSError *err = CFBridgingRelease(error);
NSLog(#"Ocurrió un error %#", err.localizedDescription);
return nil;
This method works for ios 10 and newer, what i need is to know how to set the algorithm in prior ios versions, my code is the following
SecKeyRef keyRef = [self addPublicKey:pubKey];
if (!keyRef) {
return nil;
size_t cipherBufferSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(keyRef);
uint8_t *cipherBuffer = malloc(cipherBufferSize * sizeof(uint8_t));
memset((void *)cipherBuffer, 0*0, cipherBufferSize);
NSData *plainTextBytes = content;
size_t blockSize = cipherBufferSize - 11;
size_t blockCount = (size_t)ceil([plainTextBytes length] / (double)blockSize);
NSMutableData *encryptedData = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:0];
for (int i=0; i<blockCount; i++) {
int bufferSize = (int)MIN(blockSize,[plainTextBytes length] - i * blockSize);
NSData *buffer = [plainTextBytes subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(i * blockSize, bufferSize)];
OSStatus status = SecKeyEncrypt(keyRef,
(const uint8_t *)[buffer bytes],
[buffer length],
if (status == noErr){
NSData *encryptedBytes = [NSData dataWithBytes:(const void *)cipherBuffer length:cipherBufferSize];
[encryptedData appendData:encryptedBytes];
if (cipherBuffer) {
return nil;
if (cipherBuffer) free(cipherBuffer);
So far i can see that in the version of ios 10 you can set the algorithm with this line
SecKeyAlgorithm algorithm = kSecKeyAlgorithmRSAEncryptionOAEPSHA256;
my question is, how do i get that algorithm in the early version of ios, the second code i post can't be decrypted.
Thanks for your help
If you are using OAEP padding with SecKeyEncrypt, you can only use kSecPaddingOAEP, which is SHA1. Unfortunately you cannot use OAEP SHA256 with SecKeyEncrypt.

Decrypt SJCL cipher text in Objective-C

I am receiving data encrypted with SJCL into an iOS app where I need to decrypt it. The other end is using SJCL with the AES CCM mode which is not supported by the Apple's CommonCrypto so I use the VPCCMCrypt library for this. It is not possible to make any changes to the other side sending the SJCL cipher text.
Here are my methods to decrypt:
+ (NSData *)decryptSjcl:(NSDictionary *)cipher password:(NSString *)password {
if (cipher == nil || password == nil) {
return nil;
int version = [cipher[#"v"] intValue];
NSString *iv = cipher[#"iv"];
uint iter = [cipher[#"iter"] unsignedIntValue];
uint ks = [cipher[#"ks"] unsignedIntValue];
uint ts = [cipher[#"ts"] unsignedIntValue];
NSString *mode = cipher[#"mode"];
NSString *adata = cipher[#"adata"];
NSString *algorithm = cipher[#"cipher"];
NSString *salt = cipher[#"salt"];
NSString *ct = cipher[#"ct"];
if (version != 1 || ! [#"aes" isEqualToString:algorithm]) {
return nil;
NSData *rawIv = [[NSData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:iv options:0];
NSData *rawSalt = [[NSData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:salt options:0];
NSData *rawAdata = [[NSData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:adata options:0];
NSData *cipherData = [[NSData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:ct options:0];
NSData *key;
NSMutableData *decipheredData = nil;
if ([#"ccm" isEqualToString:mode]) {
key = [Cryptor sjclAesKeyForPassword:password salt:rawSalt iterations:iter keySize:ks];
decipheredData = [Cryptor decryptAesCcmData:cipherData iv:rawIv key:key adata:rawAdata tagSize:ts];
return decipheredData;
SJCL key generation:
+ (NSData *)sjclAesKeyForPassword:(NSString *)password salt:(NSData *)salt iterations:(uint)iterations keySize:(uint)keySizeBits {
NSMutableData *derivedKey = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:keySizeBits / 8];
int result = CCKeyDerivationPBKDF(kCCPBKDF2,
[password lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding],
NSAssert(result == kCCSuccess, #"Unable to create AES key for password: %d", result);
return derivedKey;
AES CCM decryption:
+ (NSMutableData *)decryptAesCcmData:(NSData *)cipherData iv:(NSData *)iv key:(NSData *)key adata:(NSData *)adata tagSize:(uint)tagSizeBits {
VPCCMCrypt *ccm = [[VPCCMCrypt alloc] initWithKey:key
tagLength:tagSizeBits / 8];
[ccm decryptDataWithData:cipherData
finishedBlock:^(NSData *data) {
NSString *result = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"Decrypted SJCL message: %#", result);
errorBlock:^(NSError *error) {
return nil;
All the input data from the SJCL is correctly parsed (IV, salt, key size, tag size, PBKDF iterations, cipher text) and decoded to NSData from their Base64 encoded representation. Password is used the same. All data including the created AES key are not nil.
At the end it fails inside the VPCCMCrypt verifying the CCM tag (tags are different). Is there something wrong with the code above? Is there any other iOS/Objective-C/Swift library to decrypt AES CCM or even better the SJCL? I am not interested in a JavaScript wrapper of the SJCL library.
For testing I am using simple encrypted data from the SJCL's demo page.
As said in comments the SJCL send 16 bytes IV instead of max 12 bytes for the CCM mode and then internally clamps it to max 12 bytes when deciphering. Here is the updated decrypt method:
+ (NSData *)decryptSjcl:(NSDictionary *)cipher password:(NSString *)password {
if (cipher == nil || password == nil) {
return nil;
int version = [cipher[#"v"] intValue];
NSString *iv = cipher[#"iv"];
uint iter = [cipher[#"iter"] unsignedIntValue];
uint ks = [cipher[#"ks"] unsignedIntValue];
uint ts = [cipher[#"ts"] unsignedIntValue];
NSString *mode = cipher[#"mode"];
NSString *adata = cipher[#"adata"];
NSString *algorithm = cipher[#"cipher"];
NSString *salt = cipher[#"salt"];
NSString *ct = cipher[#"ct"];
if (version != 1 || ! [#"aes" isEqualToString:algorithm]) {
return nil;
NSMutableData *rawIv = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:iv options:0];
NSMutableData *rawSalt = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:salt options:0];
NSMutableData *rawAdata = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:adata options:0];
NSMutableData *cipherData = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:ct options:0];
NSData *key;
NSData *decipheredData = nil;
if ([#"ccm" isEqualToString:mode]) {
key = [Cryptor sjclAesKeyForPassword:password salt:rawSalt iterations:iter keySize:ks];
// Clamp the SJCL IV - They use a 16 byte IV for CCM mode which is against specification and they do a funky
// clamping. CCM mode IV should be max 13 bytes long. They almost always clamp it to 13 bytes but save the whole
// 16 bytes in their JSON container.
// for (L=2; L<4 && ol >>> 8*L; L++) {}
// if (L < 15 - ivl) { L = 15-ivl; }
// iv = w.clamp(iv,8*(15-L));
int64_t ivl = rawIv.length;
int64_t ol = cipherData.length - (ts / 8);
int64_t L = 2;
for (L = 2; L < 4 && ol >> 8*L; L++) {}
if (L < 15 - ivl) {
L = 15 - ivl;
NSRange subrange = NSMakeRange(0, (NSUInteger)(15 - L));
decipheredData = [Cryptor decryptAesCcmData:cipherData iv:[rawIv subdataWithRange:subrange] key:key adata:rawAdata tagSize:ts];
else {
decipheredData = nil;
return decipheredData;
One last missing thing is verifying the TAG, I am unable to do that. Any ideas?
SJCL doesn't use the whole (128/192/256bit) IV in AES-CCM mode, but the demo page shows it. Try it with less bytes.
Here you can find how the IV length calculation works:
for (L=2; L<4 && ol >>> 8*L; L++) {}
if (L < 15 - ivl) { L = 15-ivl; }
iv = w.clamp(iv,8*(15-L));

Trying to encrypt a string using my private key in iOS gives me a -4 error

I'm not an expert about this at all, so I've found a wrapper on github called RSA and tried to use it.
What I need to do is simply encrypt a string using my private key.
This is the method used to do the encryption:
- (NSString *)rsaEncryptWithData:(NSData*)data usingPublicKey:(BOOL)yes {
if (yes) {
[self getKeyRefFor:publicTag];
} else {
[self getKeyRefFor:privateTag];
SecKeyRef key = self.publicKeyRef;
size_t cipherBufferSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(key);
uint8_t *cipherBuffer = malloc(cipherBufferSize * sizeof(uint8_t));
memset((void *)cipherBuffer, 0*0, cipherBufferSize);
NSData *plainTextBytes = data;
size_t blockSize = cipherBufferSize - 11;
size_t blockCount = (size_t)ceil([plainTextBytes length] / (double)blockSize);
NSMutableData *encryptedData = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:0];
for (int i=0; i<blockCount; i++) {
int bufferSize = (int)MIN(blockSize,[plainTextBytes length] - i * blockSize);
NSData *buffer = [plainTextBytes subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(i * blockSize, bufferSize)];
OSStatus status = SecKeyEncrypt(key,
(const uint8_t *)[buffer bytes],
[buffer length],
if (status == noErr){
NSData *encryptedBytes = [NSData dataWithBytes:(const void *)cipherBuffer length:cipherBufferSize];
[encryptedData appendData:encryptedBytes];
if (cipherBuffer) {
return nil;
if (cipherBuffer) free(cipherBuffer);
return [encryptedData base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0];
If I use my public key to encrypt, everything is working fine, but if I try to use my private key then the OSStatus variable returns a -4 (Function or operation not implemented.).
Any help would be really appreciated, since I really don't know what to do.
I ended up using the MIHCrypto framework to create a key pair and to sign my messages.
Is this easy:
- (NSData *)signMessageData:(NSData *)data withKey:(MIHRSAPrivateKey *)privKey {
NSError *signingError = nil;
NSData *signatureData = [privKey signWithSHA256:data error:&signingError];
if (signingError != nil) {
NSLog(#"Error: %#", signingError.localizedDescription);
return signatureData;

HMAC SHA 384 on iOS

My code looks like this (using CommonCrypto/CommonHMAC.h):
- (NSString*) preperingCryptedData: (NSString*) data withKey: (NSString*) key {
NSData* dataToHash = [data dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSData* keyData = [key dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"Utility: preperingCryptedData - Data to Crypt: %# and key %#\n...\n...\n...\n",dataToHash,keyData);
NSMutableData *dataHash = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:CC_SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH];
CCHmac(kCCHmacAlgSHA384, keyData.bytes, keyData.length, dataToHash.bytes, dataToHash.length, dataHash.mutableBytes);
NSString* readyString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:dataToHash encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"Utility: preperingCryptedData call, result :%#\n...\n...\n...\n",readyString);
return readyString;
When I used code from: Here I got my string decoded without the Key. What am I doing wrong? How it's possible to encode message without the key?
There are two problem with the code:
1) You are using dataToHash as the output instead of dataHash.
2) dataHash is not a UTF8 data representation so it can not be successfully converted into a NSString.
Agree with the accepted answer. Provide working code.
- (NSString *)sha384:(NSString*)data withKey:(NSString *)key {
NSData* dataToHash = [data dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSData* keyData = [key dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
unsigned char digest[CC_SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH];
CCHmac(kCCHmacAlgSHA384, keyData.bytes, keyData.length, dataToHash.bytes, dataToHash.length, digest);
NSString *sha384Str;
NSMutableString *output = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:CC_SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2];
for(int i = 0; i < CC_SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++)
[output appendFormat:#"%02x", digest[i]];
sha384Str = output;
return sha384Str;
