Invalid Binary in ItunesConnect on Xamarin Project - ios

My Issue
Supported by the Xamarin guidance here,_testing,_and_metrics/app_distribution_overview/publishing_to_the_app_store/ I used the App Loader tool (recently downloaded version 3) and uploaded my .ipa file. Everything indicates success but after a few minutes, it moves from “uploaded” to “invalid binary”
I have checked stackoverflow and done a few suggestions ive double-checked all my image files and the build for 64 bit etc. Any help you can provide is appreciated.
Well since I dont have a 10 reputation I cannot post pics and i can only do one link, so I am going to upload this to my blog, I appreciate any help i can get please.
See complete issue explained here -

I've hit this issue twice, including a few days ago. In both cases the cause was that I included a bundle resource file (of my own proprietary format and definition) with the *.app extension. For some reason, Apple's validation choked on this. The hint was that the auto-generated email sent by iTunes Connect said something about requiring the zip extension. Red herring error message, but it jogged my memory that *.app is a "special" extension I can't use for my own stuff.
Just to be clear, this *.app file that caused an issue was buried inside my overall *.ipa file and its *.app directory. So you still need the standard format, you just need to be careful not to use Apple's extensions for your own proprietary data.


What is the difference in and .framework?

I am attempting to extend some functionality to a plugin designed for use in Unreal Engine 4. Using the documentation available and reviewing the solution I've encountered something I do not understand and cannot figure out a way to research it.
In this plugin, the original developer has 2 different files *, in each of these files there are some binary files, module maps, and *.h files. These *.h files are able to include iOS modules.
I have been able to create .framework builds using Xcode, unfortunately, the do not seem to contain the same format as the * file.
I apologize for the vague question; I'm new to iOS and I'm quite stumped, any leads whatsoever would be appreciated! (code available on request but it's really quite boilerplate) is just a zip archive of the Xcode products that takes the following form:
> YourFramework.embeddedframework/
> YourFramework.framework/
After you link it and build, you can verify that the unzipping worked by checking here:
/Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_4.17/Engine/Intermediate/UnzippedFrameworks/

Executable File in Xcode 6

I finished creating a basic mobile app on Xcode and I want to be able to generate an executable file (much like a jar executable) that has compiled all my related files and can launch my app on another computer without Xcode. I've looked at other resources online that have directed me to the picture below and I think the highlighted file is my executable (correct me if I'm wrong) but when I double click it I get an alert telling me that "this application is not supported on this type of Mac".
Any insight on how I can generate an executable or find one automatically generated by Xcode would be helpful. Thanks in advance!

Files security in XCode project

I am trying to build an iOS application which has a PDF file emdebbed in it, and I don’t want the user to access or find it by unpacking the IPA file. I found that if I UNCHECK the “Add to Target” check box (when I drag and drop the PDF file into my project), the PDF file will be hidden and no one can see it after showing the IPA contents.
My question is, should I be worry from this case, in another word, if I unchecked this option, will I face any issue in publishing my application or in deploying/supporting any of my targeted devices, or should I be worry from any issue may face the users in reading this PDF through my application?
I did some research regarding this point, but I couldn’t find any good or clear answer, I appreciate any help in this.
If you uncheck the "Add to target" button it means that the .pdf file will not be packed to the .ipa file and it will not be accessible at all when someone downloads your app. So this is definitely not an option for what you want to achieve. It is better to encrypt the pdf file and decrypt it on runtime if you dont want it to be accessed when someone unpacks the .ipa file.
How important is your security? You could just zip it, then name the file something other than "*.zip".
However that would not stop someone who was determined. You would be advised then to use real encryption.
But even that would not stop a truly-determined attacker, who might use a jailbroken device to capture your PDF while it was loaded in your program's memory.
You can make it difficult to get at your PDF, but if you can get at it from your App, then I myself could get at it if I downloaded your app to my device.

iOS issue found during validation - invalid characters

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I found a post where someone had a similar issue and a solution was found, however, I'm still running into a wall:
Invalid Binary File after uploading on ITunesConnect
The exact error I get is the same, i.e. "Your package contains a file 'App ' with a name that contains invalid characters. Avoid using control characters in the file names." at SoftwareAssets/SoftwareAsset (MZItmspSoftwareAssetPackage)
I'm almost 100% certain all I need to do is find the offending file named "Icon .png" (the space before the .png is what messes everything up, I'm assuming) but I can't seem to find it. In the above post, looking into hidden files and folders was suggested but I'm not sure how to go about this as I've never done it before.
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
If you are using external font, or external libraries sometimes they have an exe file named icon, go to your external folders and make sure you delete that file, you've probably been searching for images that's why you haven't found the exe file

Trying to publish an AIR for iOS app using Flash CS5.5, but no ipa is being produced

I've finally obtained an iOS developer license, I've managed to publish a hello world, basic kind of app, get an IPA file and install it on my iphone.
However, now i'm trying something more complex, including using imported libraries. I start the publish process as usual, no error is produced but i'm not getting a message that the ipa is ready.
When i look at the target directory I have folders named like 'AOTBuildOutput5264907783565294361.tmp' with files in them.
Looks like it crashes in the middle, but I get no error message to debug!
Please help me find out where I can read these error messages or provide some other kind of insight!
Thanks in advance
I've occasionally run into problems like this. It usually occurs when I'm trying to publish the app from my dropbox folder whilst it is trying to sync.
I can only assume that the problem happens because another application is accessing that file (in my case dropbox).
So make sure nothing else is trying to sync to that folder. Hope that helps.
I ended up moving my development folder to somewhere else in my filesystem and everything went fine. I guess having hebrew charachters in the path didn't work so well for the compiler.
