LaunchScreen & Splash Screen - ios

I started remodeling an app I am working on.
I wanted to change its launch screen image
So I went ahead and replaced the images that are in in LaunchScreen.xib file
The LaunchScreen.xib file launches the new image but leaves a blank white line where the status bar should be. (this white line is not part of the image)
How can I fix that ?

Double check your constraints. Or just remove all of them, just to be sure. Then stretch your UIImageView so it would take the whole size of the view and add constraints again. Should help.

To every strange ios problem, there is an even stranger solution
the solution for me was to set the constraint of the top layout guide to none other than -64...
The reason for it, besides accounting for the 20 pixels of the status bar, i also need to account for the 44 pixels of the navigation bar


White Area in Display Using XIB still shows white space despite Safe Area Guide Being Set

Okay so I have a XIB File that I used to show a view that has an image and a couple buttons. I initially had an issue that made the picture to stretched out which I was able to fix by setting the safe area layout constraints to all sides and setting the constant to 0.
However now that I have done that there is a white space above my content view and I am not sure how to make it disappear.
I have attached the screenshots of what my current constraints look like . Maybe someone sees something that I do not.
See the white bar at the top
From Your ViewController-> Attribute Inspector just check 'Under Opaque Bars' . Like following picture. please share your view stack if its not work .

iPhone X - UIPageControl Black Bar

I have already added the correct size Launch Screen to the project, and the remainder of the app is working correctly, it is only the instances of a UIPageViewController where a black bar appears on only the bottom, not the top, of the screen. What is the solution as I don't know of any attributes that can be modified to fix this.

iPhone X tool bar issue at the bottom

My app works well on all device except for iPhone X.
On iPhone X the tool bar on the bottom is shown like as shown in image
But I want to show it like shown in second image
But when ever I shift the tool bar up so that it will show properly on iPhone X then it also move upwards in other devices.
How should I solve this problem.
Actually the bottom bar of my view is inside another view thats why it is not extending accordingly.
So simply putting the bottom bar outside, on the main view and adjusting the constraint simply resolve my issue.
In my case My toolbar's bottom constraint was attached to superview's bottom. Changing it to Safe Area bottom resolved the issue for me

Limit AutoresizingMask height stretch

I made this screen
Screen on iPhone 4s(9.3)
It looks fine on that device, however when i test this same screen with iPhone6(9.3) it looks like this. Since i cannot post more than 2 links, i merged the third image with the second one
Screen on iPhone 6(9.3) with the Third Image
As you can see, that gray view, doesn't fill the white space beetwen that same gray view and the first bottom button(lojas). Notice that i don't have the autoresizing height stretch on(that vertical arrow inside the blocks). If i turn that on, this happens
Third Image inside the Second Image
See that, the gray view goes over the buttons, i don't want that.
My question is, how can i solve this? Is there a way to make the gray view stop above the Lojas Buttom at the bottom? Thanks for your time!
OBS: I CANNOT use autolayout.
EDIT: Got the problem solved
I just changed the View as option in Interface Builder, changed it to 7.0 and later, so it gave me the "real appareance" of the app.
I changed the View as option inside the Interface Builder so i could see how the app really look like and set the iOS Deltas to 0, made the changes based on that.

Legacy iOS app not stretching properly

I have a layout issue. I'm trying to make a legacy 3.5in app work on iPhone 5. As soon as I give it the Default-568h#2x.png splash image, the whole app gets aligned to the top of the screen, leaving a huge white gap at the bottom. The autosizing struts and such seem to be set properly (not using Autolayout at the moment), but the thing doesn't stretch to fill the screen. I'm not sure where to look next. I just want my poor tab bar to be at the bottom!
Since you're not using AutoLayout, now is a great time to start. Xcode 5 makes setting constraints a simple exercise.
I suspect that your tab bar frame is hard-coded to certain x, y, width, height coordinates which work well on the 3.5" screen. You can also see how your view renders on taller screens by pressing this button in the Xcode 5 Interface Builder:
