Argument Out of Range issues using FMX TListBox - delphi

I'm using a TListBox in Firemonkey, and I'm facing a strange issue when it comes to dynamically showing/hiding items. This includes both Delphi XE7 and XE8. The setup, there is a TPopupBox at the top of the form, where user chooses one of the items listed. Depending on which was chosen, the TListBox should show only certain TListBoxItems, and hide the rest. Part of this consists of resizing each list item height to 0 when not visible (otherwise it would leave an ugly gap between the items).
The problem is that very randomly and spontaneously (no pattern), selecting an item in this TPopupBox (calling OnChange which modifies visibility), produces an EArgumentOutOfRangeException at an unknown point. The code breaks in System.Generics.Collections.TListHelper.SetItemN() on the first line calling CheckItemRangeInline(AIndex); Within there, it's simply:
procedure TListHelper.CheckItemRangeInline(AIndex: Integer);
if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FCount) then
raise EArgumentOutOfRangeException.CreateRes(#SArgumentOutOfRange);
The exception continues to be raised over and over and over again with no end (starts with 4 in a row). When I use the debugger to step in, I can never manage to get it to happen.
There are a couple common procedures used here which control item visibility:
//lstTrans = TListBox
//Iterates through all items and hides everything
procedure TfrmMain.HideTransItems;
X: Integer;
for X := 0 to lstTrans.Count-1 do begin
lstTrans.ListItems[X].Visible:= False;
//Sets height of visible items to 42, invisible items to 0
procedure TfrmMain.ResetTransHeights;
X: Integer;
LI: TListBoxItem;
for X := 0 to lstTrans.Count-1 do begin
LI:= lstTrans.ListItems[X];
if LI.Visible then
LI.Height:= 42
LI.Height:= 0;
Then, when choosing something in the TPopupBox:
//cboTrans = TPopupBox
procedure TfrmMain.cboTransChange(Sender: TObject);
procedure E(AItem: TListBoxItem);
AItem.Visible:= True;
HideTransItems; //Make all list items invisible
case cboTrans.ItemIndex of
0: begin
//More calls to "E"
1: begin
//More calls to "E"
//More indexes
ResetTransHeights; //Adjust visible list item heights to be seen
(The full procedure is just a lot of the exact same types of calls, too much to post here)
Nowhere am I adding or removing items - only changing visibility
There are no events triggered which might be causing some faulty loop
The TPopupBox is located outside of the TListBox
Each TListBoxItem has one or two controls (yet it doesn't matter which ones are being shown/hidden)
Selecting an item in this TPopupBox may work one time, yet fail the next
Sometimes it occurs the first time I show/hide these items, sometimes it takes 20-30 tries
Never able to reproduce while stepping through in Debug
Why would I be receiving this exception, and how do I fix it?

Why would I be receiving this exception, and how do I fix it?
You know why you are receiving it. You are accessing an array with an index that lies outside the valid range.
The question is where that index is. If you cannot readily reproduce then you need to debug to gather diagnostics. On Windows you'd use a tool like madExcept to gather information. Most useful would be the call stack that led to the error.
If you don't have madExcept or a similar tool at hand use trace logging. Instrument your code so that it logs information that allows you to determine which access of the list is out of bounds. You'll likely end up iterating around this as you narrow down the search.
Finally, once you identify which code leads to the error, usually the problem becomes apparent.

I had the same issue when I was animating the height of a TListBoxItem.
The issue only occurred when I was changing the Height of a Selected item. I implemented Jerry Dodge's solution of setting the height to 0.01 instead of 0 which fixed the issue.
Delphi Berlin Code
{Delphi Berlin}
ItemIndex := 0;
Item := ListBox.ItemByIndex(ItemIndex);
Height := Item.Height;
FloatAnimation := TFloatAnimation.Create(nil);
FloatAnimation.Parent := Item;
FloatAnimation.PropertyName := 'height'
FloatAnimation.StartValue := Height;
FloatAnimation.StopValue := 0.01; {Setting to 0 causes "Argument out of range" if the item is selected}


Delphi, TEdit text as action trigger

I am using a TEdit to allow the user to enter a number, e.g. 10.
I convert the TEdit.Text to an integer and a calculation procedure is called.
In this calc procedure, a check was built-in to make sure no numbers below 10 are processed.
Currently I use the OnChange event. Suppose the user wants to change '10' into e.g.'50'. But as soon as the '10' is deleted or the '5' (to be followed by the 0) is typed, I trigger my warning that the minimum number is 10. I.e. the program won't wait until I have fully typed the 5 and 0.
I tried OnEnter, OnClick, OnExit, but I seem not to overcome this problem. The only solution is to add a separate button that will trigger the calculation with the new number. It works, but can I do without the button?
Use a timer for a delayed check, e.g.:
procedure TForm1.Edit1Change(Sender: TObject);
// reset the timer
Timer1.Enabled := false;
Timer1.Enabled := true;
procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
Timer1.Enabled := false;
// do your check here
Setting the timer to 500 ms should be fine for most users.
And as David suggested in the comments to the question: Do not show an error dialog, use something less intrusive instead, e.g. an error message in a label near the edit or change the background color. And also: Do not prevent the focus to be moved away from that control and do not play a sound, that's also very annoying.
For our in house software we set the background of a control to yellow if there is an error and display the error message of the first such error in the status bar and also as a hint of the control. If you do that, you probably don't even need to have the delay.
Thanks, for your help. I tried the timer option, but could not get that to work. I now have this code, which works (almost - see below), but requires the used to always type a CR:
procedure Calculate;
// this is my calculation procedure
ShowMessage('calculation running correctly');
procedure TForm1.Edit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
N : integer;
if Key = #13 then
N := StrtoInt(Edit1.Text);
if N<10 then ShowMessage('<10!') else
if N>100 then ShowMessage('>100!') else Calculate;
I used the ShowMessage() here only to see if the sample code worked. In the real program I have left that out, as you all suggested.
I also included the 'turn yellow on wrong entry' (thanks David). The only issue is that if the user runs this I get a beep from my computer. I can't see what went wrong. But what is causing the beep?

List index out of bounds in TPageControl

I am stuck with a TPageControl that exhibits some strange behaviour..
The control has 3 pages but when I do
for I:=0 to PageControl.PageCount-1 do begin
PageControl.Pages[I].TabVisible := False;
PageControl.Pages[I].Visible := Ord(iColorScale.GenerationMode) = I;
I get a 'List index out of bounds (3)' error when executing the first line of the first iteration of the loop equivalent to
PageControl.Pages[0].TabVisible := False;
Now, when I view the PageControl properties in the debugger, everything seems to be in order. The PageCount is expectedly 3, and I can see all the pages and their properties, including TabVisible of page 0, in the evaluator
I'm using Delphi XE on a windows 7 machine.. Does anyone have an idea what is going on? I'm at a loss.
tldr: set PageControl.HandleNeeded before setting TabVisible.
There is a good explanation here (by Greg Chapman): TabVisible on TabSheet and index error
For future SO reference (copy/paste):
If the PageControl's handle was destroyed (which can
happen if setting some property in the PageControl or any of its parent windows causes a call to RecreateWnd), the PageControl saves the visible tabs in a TStringList (FSaveTabs). Setting TabVisible results in a call to this routine:
procedure TTabSheet.SetTabShowing(Value: Boolean);
Index: Integer;
if FTabShowing <> Value then
if Value then
FTabShowing := True;
end else
Index := TabIndex;
FTabShowing := False;
FPageControl.DeleteTab(Self, Index);
During the call to FPageControl.DeleteTab, the PageControl will recreate its handle if necessary. In doing so, it tries to reset the visible tabs using FSaveTabs. However, it can get confused because one of the tabs that it added to FSaveTabs is now invisible (TabSheet.FTabShowing = false). This causes the IndexError. So the fix is to make sure the handle is recreated before setting TabVisible.

Delphi: TreeView elements vs. Form position changing

We have found something is seems to be a bug(?), and cause bug in our code.
Delphi XE3, Win32. Two forms, the main have button:
procedure TForm4.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
with TForm1.Create(Application) do
The Form1 is doing this:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
i, j: integer;
mn: TTreeNode;
for i := 1 to 10 do
mn := TreeView1.Items.Add(nil, 'M' + IntToStr(i));
for j := 1 to 10 do
TreeView1.Items.AddChild(mn, 'C' + IntToStr(j));
Position := poDesigned;
Caption := IntToStr(TreeView1.Items.Count);
After this I get 0 elements in caption.
But when I have a button in that form with this code...
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Caption := IntToStr(TreeView1.Items.Count);
Then I can see the good number (110 elements).
If I write TreeView1.Handleneeded after Position changing, the count is also good.
The problem is based on RecreateWnd, which calls DestroyHandles.
But they will be repaired only in Show (in the Activate event I can see good result too).
TreeView is a special control, because the tree elements are children, and the count is calculated by on them, no matter it have real sub-object list.
The main problem that ReCreateWnd called often by another methods to, so it can cause problems in another sections too, and I cannot put HandleNeeded before all .Count calculation.
(We have special base form that correct the Position to poDesigned if it was poScreenCenter to it can be positionable later. This happens after FormCreate call, in an inner method. We found this problem only with these kind of forms, but later we could reproduce it in a simple code too)
So the question is - what is the global solution to this problem?
(Did you experience this in XE5 too?)
Thank you for all help, info, doc.
The Form's HWND is getting destroyed when you set the Position. That also destroys all child HWNDs. The TreeView's HWND has not been re-created yet when you read its Count, which is why it reports 0. Calling TreeView.HandleNeeded after setting the Position forces the TreeView to re-create its HWND immediately, which will re-load any TreeNodes that had beencached internally when the TreeView's HWND was destroyed (but only if the TreeView.CreateWndRestores property is True, which it is by default).
A TreeView stores its child nodes inside of its HWND. Reading the Items.Count merely asks the HWND how many nodes it has, so if there is no HWND then the Count will be 0. TTreeView does not keep its own list of TTreeNode objects, it merely assigns them as user-defined data in the physical nodes themselves. When nodes are removed from the tree, TTreeView frees the associated TTreeNode objects. In the case of HWND recreation, TTreeView caches the TTreeNode data and then re-assigns it back to new nodes when the HWND is re-created. But again, it does not keep track of the TTreeNode objects.
What TTreeView could have done is store the current number of nodes during HWND destruction, and then have Items.Count return that value if the HWND has not been re-created yet. But alas, TTreeView does not do that. But you could implement that manually by subclassing TTreeView to intercept the CreateWnd() and DestroyWnd() methods, and then write your own function that returns the actual Items.Count when HandleAllocated is true and returns your cached value if it is false.
If the Form is visible to the user then its HWND (and the HWND of its children) will be available, since a control is not visible without an HWND, so Items.Count will be available if the TTreeView is visible to the user. If its HWND is ever destroyed while visible, the VCL will re-create the HWND immediately so the user does not see a missing control. However, if the Form (or TreeView) is not visible to the user when the HWND is destroyed, the HWND will not be re-created until it is actually needed when the Form/TreeView is made visible again.
Since you are forcing the Position to always be poDesigned at the time of Form creation, why not just set the Position to poDesigned at design-time? Otherwise, you can simply set the Position before populating the TreeView instead of afterwards, at least:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
i, j: integer;
mn: TTreeNode;
Position := poDesigned; // <-- here
for i := 1 to 10 do
mn := TreeView1.Items.Add(nil, 'M' + IntToStr(i)); // <-- first call to Add() forces HWND recreation if needed
for j := 1 to 10 do
TreeView1.Items.AddChild(mn, 'C' + IntToStr(j));
Caption := IntToStr(TreeView1.Items.Count); // <-- correct value reported
This happens in all versions of Delphi. This is simply how things work in the VCL.
On a side note, you should use Free() instead of Release(). Release() is meant to be used only when a Form needs to Free() itself, such as in an event handler, by delaying the Free() until the Form becomes idle. Since the form is already closed and idle by the time ShowModal() exits, it is safe to Free() the Form immediately.
I think you are over-reacting. You state:
The main problem that ReCreateWnd called often by another methods to, so it can cause problems in another sections too, and I cannot put HandleNeeded before all .Count calculation.
But then in comments you say that these other scenarios are:
CMCtlD3Changed CMSysColorChange BORDERSTYLE SetAxBorderStyle SetBorderIcons Dock SetPosition SetPopupMode set_PopupParent RecreateAsPopup ShowModal SetMainFormOnTaskBar
Indeed these methods will cause window recreation. But why does that matter for you? Do you routinely assign to MainFormOnTaskBar and then immediately request the count of items in your tree view? Do you change Ctl3D regularly? Are you changing BorderIcons dynamically? I very much doubt it.
So I think you need to tackle the immediate problem which relates to the timing of the setting of Position. I would deal with that by making sure that Position is set before you populate the tree view. Do that by either setting Position at design time, or simply before you populate the tree view.
Of course, there may well be other problem related to window creation. You'll need to treat them on a case by case basis. I suspect that you are hoping for some sort of magic switch that just makes this issue disappear. I don't believe that there is one. If you try to read the item count before the handle is created, then you will suffer from this problem. The solution is not to read the item count before the handle is created.

Iterating a panels controls results in an index out of bounds error. Why?

I am using Delphi 7 (Yes, I hear the guffaws). I have a tabbed notebook that I want certain controls to appear only in a sequence where the prior control is finished correctly. For each page in the notebook, I have a named sheet. And for the controls on that sheet, I use the tag property to determine whether they are visible at each step. Some steps result in one new control showing, some steps have as many as five controls popping into view. I thought to simply iterate through the controls on any tab sheet that's in view and turn off anything with a tag greater than the current step value. On the page in question, there appear to be 23 controls in all, some labels that are always in view, some edit fields that pop up into view and some arrow-shaped buttons for advancing when a newly popped up field gets changed. Seemed simple enough, except I kept generating Index out of range errors. The sequence would shut down with out a detailed error message for EurekaLog, not anything opened up that should have been. I finally 'resolved' the issue by plugging in a check for the NAME of the control I knew was last in the list and quitting the loop at that point. I also added the extra test for Kounter.tag <> zero to avoid leaving the Submit and Cancel buttons on in some routes. Ideas why the Kounter just kept on past 23?
procedure TFrmMain.VizToggleWTP;
kounter: Integer;
kontrol: TControl;
Kontrolz: Integer;
Kontrolz := sheetPrintouts.ControlCount;
for Kounter := 1 to Kontrolz
do begin
// To avoid index error, check for the Cancel Button and exit at that point
if sheetPrintouts.Controls[kounter].Name = 'BtnCancelwtp'
then Break;
if (sheetPrintouts.Controls[Kounter]) is TNXEdit
then begin
kontrol := TNXEdit(sheetPrintouts.Controls[Kounter]);
kontrol.visible := (kontrol.Tag <= wtpStep);
if (sheetPrintouts.Controls[Kounter]) is TJvShapedButton
then begin
kontrol := TJvShapedButton(sheetPrintouts.Controls[Kounter]);
kontrol.visible := ((kontrol.Tag <= wtpStep) and (kontrol.Tag <> 0));
You need to replace
for Kounter := 1 to Kontrolz do
for Kounter := 0 to Kontrolz-1 do
since the Controls array is zero-based.
For instance, if there are three controls, they are indexed 0, 1, 2 and not 1, 2, 3.

Incorrectly drawn themed checkbox in TVirtualStringTree

Checkbox handling in version 5.0.0 of VirtualTrees.pas appears broken when toThemeAware is enabled. Nodes that are csUncheckedNormal are drawn as checked + hot.
To correctly paint an unchecked, themed checkbox using DrawElement, the Details record must be : Element = teButton, Part = 3, and State = 5. However, VirtualTrees.pas ends up calling DrawElement with State = 1 when a node is set to csUncheckedNormal.
There seems to be a good deal of indirection and extra constants declared in VirtualTrees, so I'm not sure how best to fix this. Ideas welcomed...
(Even the minimal code to get a TVirtualStringTree on screen and filled with some data is a bit lengthy to post here. Aside from the basics, all that's needed to reproduce this is to enable toCheckSupport in TreeOptions.MiscOptions, and set Node.CheckType := ctTriStateCheckBox in the InitNode callback.)
Well, since I think the VirtualTreeView does not count with the VCL styles when porting to delphi XE2, this might light up to solve your problem. You have to get element details before you draw it, otherwise you'll get something like this (it's the simulation of how the VirtualTreeView paint check box states). Notice the different order and the artifacts; it's the result of the same code once with VCL styles disabled, second time enabled:
Quite strange I know, but I can't answer you why is this happening. I can just tell you that you should call the TThemeServices.GetElementDetails or optionally calculate the state index by your own to get the element rendering to work properly. You may try to use the following fix:
procedure TBaseVirtualTree.PaintCheckImage(Canvas: TCanvas;
const ImageInfo: TVTImageInfo; Selected: Boolean);
// add a new variable for calculating TThemedButton state from the input
// ImageInfo.Index; I hope ImageInfo.Index has the proper state order
State: Integer;
case Index of
0..8: // radio buttons
// get the low index of the first radio button state and increment it by
// the ImageInfo.Index and get details of the button element
State := Ord(TThemedButton(tbRadioButtonUncheckedNormal)) + Index - 1;
Details := StyleServices.GetElementDetails(TThemedButton(State));
9..20: // check boxes
// get the low index of the first check box state and increment it by
// the ImageInfo.Index and get details of the button element
State := Ord(TThemedButton(tbCheckBoxUncheckedNormal)) + Index - 9;
Details := StyleServices.GetElementDetails(TThemedButton(State));
21..24: // buttons
// get the low index of the first push button state and increment it by
// the ImageInfo.Index and get details of the button element
State := Ord(TThemedButton(tbPushButtonNormal)) + Index - 21;
Details := StyleServices.GetElementDetails(TThemedButton(State));
Details.Part := 0;
Details.State := 0;
I've tested this for all check types and it works for me.
