Scale google signin button on iOS w/ constraints - ios

I am trying to add google login to my iOS application. The app will go to my nodejs server (using passport to hit google to login). Long story short I do not need to use the Google iOS sdk for login as I am not going from my to directly to google.
But I do need a correctly styled google signin button. I found the branding guidelines here:
And they have a download for the iOS icons and a sketch file. The problem I am running into how do I use that button image and have it scale correctly based on constraints? IE if I set the image as the background and size the button to be whatever size I want in my view the G+ will also stretch.
But if I don't set as a background I cannot make the button the correct width.
Is there a way to make the button whatever width I want without stretching the G+ logo?
Next up would be how to get Roboto Text in there as well...

Try Image Slicing. Below is the steps:
Select the image you add in the asset catalog.
Choose Horizontel in Slicing section of the Attributes Inspecter.
Input 35 for Left field, input 5 for Right field. Below is what the slicing looks like:
Set the image as a button background in Storyboard or nib.
Now resize the button, the logo will not be streched.


how to add previous,play/stop,next in windows 10 minimizes

how to add Previous,Play/Stop,Next into my electron app same as in Spotify
I don't know how to make or do that
Thumbnail Toolbars in Electron
To set thumbnail toolbar in your application, you need to use BrowserWindow.setThumbarButtons.
Add a thumbnail toolbar with a specified set of buttons to the thumbnail image of a window in a taskbar button layout. Returns a Boolean object indicates whether the thumbnail has been added successfully.
The documentation follows, not a lot to explain there.

What is the right height for login with Google button?

According to examples in Google Sign-In Branding Guidelines the height of the login button has to be 46px, but the height of the button component in the Angular Material is 36px (So I suppose it is correct button height in Material design overall).
So, what is the correct size for login with google button in my site on material design?
The sign-in guidelines are not Material Design, but they allow for changing the button according to the application design (emphasis mine):
Matching your own app's style
Using the standard Google Sign-In button is strongly recommended as it enables Google users to more
quickly identify the Google option. If you need to to adapt the button
to match your app design or translate the text "Sign in with" or "Sign
in", follow these guidelines.
You can scale the button as needed for different devices and
screen sizes, but you must preserve the aspect ratio so that the
Google logo is not stretched.

UINavigationBar font replication

I am trying to create a custom share button to implement into my xcode project instead of just typing in the word "share" into the bar item's title in the attributes inspector. I am creating a small image instead with a little image followed by the word "share." Since I am creating the image on my PC I want to replicate or come close to the default "item" button font:
Does anyone know the default font used on iphones? And what size i should make the image to be around the same size as the button in the image?
Helvetica-Neue and soon San Francisco with IOS 9
See more here:

Adjust WinRT WebView content to control

im trying to fit a Facebook likebox in a webview on a Windows Store APP.
I have done it fine on Android and IOS, just setting the likebox url as html string to the webview.
But in WinRT it shows the box on the upper left corner and A LOT of white space, so the box is really small, i can zoom in to fit it well by hand.
Android and IOS just fit the box in the webview.
Is there any way i can fit it well? also i need to disable user scroll, i only want the user to be able to click the like button.
Thanks in advance.

Small red round delete buttons

How can I create one of these small red round delete buttons like in the safari app (at the top and left of a tab)?
Is it a default UIButton with an image or an pre-defined button of the iOS SDK?
I got it somewhere
I think there is no such pre-defined button of the iOS SDK
