Constraints Not Working Properly - ios

I have fiddled with the constraints for a while and for some reason on a view bigger than the view in the main storyboard looks awful. Right now it's on reset to suggested constraints. Those are my constraints below, I'm not sure what's going on. Is there something wrong with my Xcode or am I doing something wrong?

The button stretches because you pinned it to the top and to the bottom. So on a larger screen the distance from the top and the bottom stays the same which means that the button is stretched.
Keeping the size of the button
The keep the size of the bottom an center is vertically und horizontally you have to give a width and a height constraint and a centerY and centerX constraint:
Keeping the aspect ratio of the button
EDIT: This is a cleaner solution suggested by Sega-Zero:
To scale the button according to the screen size but keep its aspect ratio you have to set an equal width constraint (with a multiplier) between button an its superview, an aspect ratio constraint and centerY and centerX constraints:


Image view autolayout to pin 60pt from horizontal edges, but auto scale height?

I'm trying to figure out an approach to the following:
I have a square image, I want to align it horizontally and vertically in the centre of the screen and constrain it in a way where its left and right edges are 60pt from screen edges.
I got thus far, but am now getting an error from XCode about top and bottom image constraints. How can I make it so image keeps its square ratio and auto resizes based on screen size?
Example, images width became 294pt in screenshot below, yet height remained unchanged, where as it should change to 294 pt as well.
You need to add 3 more constraints.
Vertically align your view to superview
Horizontally align your view to superview
Set aspect ratio of your view to 1:1 (Important)
On the whole you should have 5 constraints. The screenshot is given below.
this error occurs when auto layout did not find enough information about a component on the storyboard. as you did it here you only provide the trailing and leading constraint so now it asks for height and width.
if you want the same height on every device selects the height constraints that will fix the heigh 300.
Or simply you can do this set the alignment constraint to Center vertically and horizontally and then add top and leading constraints

Xcode how to make flexible constraint in Autolayout

hello everyone I've get stuck in Auto-layout issues
I have login storyboard that contains three Items Image-view , Stack-view , Button like the first image below
I've tried to add constraints using two ways:
The first way I've added "pinned" constraint to Image-view as shown in Photo1 below but when I've changed to landscape the Image was disappeared as the second photo below.
please notice I haven't got any warnings
The second Way I've tried by wrap the Image-view using view then i added
"Pinned" constraint to view
finally i added fixed width & height to Image-view and Horizontal & vertical in container but I've got this result as third and fourth photo
what should i do to make my Image-view Adaptive for all Screens ?
As when changing to landscape screen height changing a lot. the problem with your design with Autolayout is it's not adaptive with landscape and portrait mode because you are give fixed hight and width to your layout.
to make your image-view Adaptive for all screens give your image-view height to superview height in percentage so when in landscape mode height will change your image-view will still gets the height from superview height in exact same percentage.
have a look at this demo hope this will help.
First drop UIImageView into ViewController.
Give it a top constraint and Align it horizontally to it's SuperView.
As now it's only required height and width.
Then Ctrl drag from ImageView to itself and select aspect ratio. give
a aspect ration 1:1 (it's just telling storyboard if any of height or
width is available i want the other to be the same like if width is
given then height should be the same as width, vice versa for height) as you may want
perfect square shape for your profile ImageView.
Now Ctrl drag from ImageView to SuperView and select Equal height.
As now your ImageView got the height to SuperView Height.
give your ImageView proportional height (percentage, Aspect
Ration or Multipiler) to SuperView how much you wanted to give like
At the end your UIImageView will get the height proportional to SuperView height, vice versa for width.

How to achieve this layout with auto layout ?

I m trying to create attached layout, I have added a superview and four subviews each view is aligned to one of the sides, to achieve the + sign in the middle .
Constraints I have added are: aspect ration to each subview and leading trailing margins, along with this also have added a width constraints to left bottom view.
But obviously this isn't working on smaller screen and everything gets messed up, not sure what exact constraints should i add so that I get the desired result on variable screen sizes.
create a superview with required aspect ration.
Add four subviews and make all equal width and equal height.
Pin each superview like "top, left" "top, right" "bottom, left" ""bottom, right""
Give one sub view with ratio according to superview width like if u want 10 px padding horizontally then give 320:155
And Height of one view according to their width.
Find the sample code made for this.
You should use proportional height and width for the views, for eg:
For the Top Left view align Top Left view's top to top of the superview and similarly do this for leading. And now make width proportional to half the width of the super view minus half of the separation between the two views.
In short: Top left view's leading = superview's leading
Top left view's top = superview's top
Top left view's width = superview's width/2 - separation/2
Top left view's height = superview's height/2 - separation/2
Similarly do this for the rest of the views and you will be good to go, and your views will be fine on every device

How can I give constraints some margin from the center of superView

I am using auto layout. I have one UIView that takes place at 20px margin from the center of the superview.
Right now I have given the Top Space to superview that i have make in the iPhone 6+ Xib. but when i run in the iPhone 4 simulator it goes to too much down.
Any idea
If you want the view to be placed relative to the center of the superview, you should be using centerX and/or centerY constraints, not a constraint to the top of the superview. In IB, if you choose the "Vertical Center in Container" constraint to center the view vertically, you can edit that constraint to change its constant value which will offset the view from the center by whatever number you choose.

Interface Builder: How To Set Only The Height As An Aspect Ratio

When trying to set the constraints of a UIView in the interface builder. When I control drag it gives me the option to set a static height, width, or aspect ratio.
However adding this adds constraints to the width and height.
However I only want the height to be based on an aspect ratio (while the width is equal to the superview width). Can you suggest how I can set a height only aspect ratio constraint?
Leave width and height constrained by aspect ratio.
Select your view and click the "Pin" button at the lower right of the canvas (it looks like a square TIE fighter). In the "Spacing to nearest neighbor" section, add constraints for leading and trailing space to the superview. Set them to -16 if "Constrain to margins" is checked. Otherwise, use zero. These constraints are what will make your view as wide as the superview.
You'll also need to set a constraint that defines the Y position of the view (top space to superview, vertical center in superview, whatever makes sense for your layout).
