Why Google Chrome for iOS can't work with Facebook JS SDK correctly? - ios

I read a post here. And I'm encountering this issue too. When I use FB.ui({method:'share'}) to share the content, the popup is not correctly working. But when I switched to the "old-school" way, putting a link: http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=... it works fine.
I am just wondering why as a very popular browser, Chrome doesn't support this? Is there any technical reason for this?


For google firebase dynamic link, wiith preview page off (efr=1), the link always redirect you to app store even if the app is installed

Seems a few people had the issues too, but didn't figure a solution yet. For example I am having exactly the same this one.
Also according to this a reliable way to test if the universal link set up properly or not is to test the link in the notes app, which works for me. (Also works if I send the message with the link to myself.) However I can't open the app directly in most chat apps (eg. slack, discord) nor safari. On the other hand they works with the preview page on.
Anyone had a fix / workaround? Or that's just how it is (saw this might be issues with app trying to open the link in there build in browser and prevent redirecting somehow ?)
Any help or suggestion will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I had the same issue, enabling both universal links and custom url schemes for my dynamic link solved the issue.
Dynamic Links -> Edit Link -> Define link behavior for iOS
This is the setup:

React Native - iOS is not recognizing Branch Links

We are trying to analyze where the users come from with branch's getLatestReferringParams in React Native, however in iOS the params for ['+clicked_branch_link'] is always undefined when the actual sessions comes from a branch link, this problem is only happening with iOS (it's working with Android), and we have also tested trying to open this link via Chrome in the iPhone and it worked. I'm not completely sure if it's related to something going on with Safari or with the OS versions. Any guideline would be very welcome. Thanks Here is a small snippet of the code we are trying to implement
const lastParams = await branch.getLatestReferringParams()
const comesFromBranchLink = lastParams['+clicked_branch_link'] # Giving us undefined when it comes from a branch link
const isAReferralLink = lastParams['~feature'] === 'referral'
Edit: We tested again and basically it doesn't recognize the branch link, only if it comes from Google Chrome.
Alex from Branch.io here: this sounds like a possible configuration issue with Universal Links.
I see you have also submitted a ticket to our Integrations team, which is the quickest way to get a solution. I will make sure we follow up here with an update when the issue has been resolved!

AngularJS data-binding not working on iOS Safari Only for Heroku App

In my current MEAN stack project, everything functions fine on desktop Safari, Chrome, and mobile Chrome, but in mobile Safari for iOS, data-binding shows as text (e.g. {{data.total}} as opposed to $25). To make matters worse, when I open the app from iOS Safari served from localhost, it also works properly.
I've tried rolling back my Heroku app and the problem persists, even when I go back to a version from when I'm sure it looked good on an iPhone. I've checked it out on others' iPhones, and gotten the same negative result. I can't find this problem elsewhere on the internet, nor am I sure what I should be looking for as the problem seems to be with Heroku or iOS.
Here's the live page: http://minneapolish3-beta.herokuapp.com/reddress. This has me very much stumped, but I'm pretty green. If you find it not working on other platforms, I'd love to know about that as well.
(Naturally, I can't well spin up a CodePen example as the problem is only occurring in the wild.)
A friend introduced me to the Safari Web Inspector for mobile which allwed me to see warnings, alerts, etc.
It turns out that my Google Maps API call, via http://, was causing the page to break on mobile Safari. When I changed it to https:// everything worked! Thanks go to Bonus Kun whose answer to another question helped expedite my solution.

External javascript file not loading in iOS Chrome Mobile App (using Cordova)? Works fine in Android

Any ideas here? I am using Google Polymer with Vulcanize in order to comply with Google's Content Security Policy and not use any inline Javascript in my index.html file, but while it appears to work on Android, it is broken when I try to run it in an iOS emulator.
Is there some iOS specific thing with external javascript files that I should know about? Or any ideas as to why this is happening? Any documentation or something would be helpful, I am only slightly familiar with iOS.
Even a way to get some sort of debugging screen working with xcode would be lovely. I'm using the cordova log plugin to try to get my console.logs to do anything, but nothing is showing up, so I'm just inferring that my external javascript isn't loading.

iOS Facebook Popup Window is going everything about:blank

I have a Problem. On Android, Chrome Mobile Devices when i open my website from the Facebook APP my popup is working. e(Popunder)... But when i open the same on my IPhone, iOS, it redirects automatic to about:blank!
Does anyone know this problem?
1) My Website has got an Popunder script on it from Adcash. 2) When i open the site on iOS, Android, or Desktop the pounder is working very fine. 3) When i open the site on Android, Chrome, etc. from the Facebook inApp is working fine.
But !!!
When i open the site from iOS(IPhone) from the Facebook inApp it will redirect to about:blank empty page...
Do you understand know the problem? I tried many weeks to solve this issue but i don't know why it is so.
I've come across this issue.
On iOS only, and on either Facebook or Twitter's in-app browser
Tap on an article/link
Within the article, tap on a link that goes to a different domain and has a target=_blank attribute
The window is now white with the url set to about:blank
This issue is cross-product and not only Facebook's end.
The only method to address this issue was to change the target attribute from _blank to _self.
I'm trying to see if other people have had this issue or even addressed anywhere else, but this post is the closest I've come across to seeing it addressed.
