I'm brand new to ruby and am currently building a rails application that needs to pull from a Tumblr blog. I have read through several questions here, online tutorials and Tumblr's API docs and after two weeks, I'm stuck.
I make the call using Tumblr in my controller
require 'json'
require 'tumblr_client'
client = Tumblr::Client.new :consumer_key => 'consumerkey'
#post = client.posts 'crossfitinterchange.tumblr.com', :type => 'text', :limit => 1, :filter => 'html'
Then this is returned (short snippet)
{"blog"=>{"title"=>"Today's Workout", "name"=>"crossfitinterchange", "posts"=>118, "url"=>"http://crossfitinterchange.tumblr.com/", "updated"=>1444971275, "description"=>"", "is_nsfw"=>false, "ask"=>false, "ask_page_title"=>"Ask me anything", "ask_anon"=>false, "share_likes"=>true, "likes"=>0}, "posts"=>[{"blog_name"=>"crossfitinterchange", "id"=>131266609424, "post_url"=>"http://crossfitinterchange.tumblr.com/post/131266609424/friday-oct-16th-wod", "slug"=>"friday-oct-16th-wod", "type"=>"text", "date"=>"2015-10-16 04:54:35 GMT", "timestamp"=>1444971275, "state"=>"published", "format"=>"html", "reblog_key"=>"OWmgAbMO", "tags"=>[], "short_url"=>"http://tmblr.co/ZE0_uk1wG6O4G", "recommended_source"=>nil, "recommended_color"=>nil, "highlighted"=>[], "note_count"=>0, "title"=>"Friday Oct 16th WOD", "body"=>"<p>[STRENGTH]</p>\n\n<p>5 x 3 Push Press to find 3RM</p>\n\n<p>* complete 5 ring rows after each set</p>\n\n<p><br/>\n[CONDITIONING]</p>\n\n<p>7 mins EMOM:</p>\n\n<p>5 sit ups<br/>\nME Thrusters (115/80#) for duration of round</p>\n\n<p><br/>\n- REST 2 mins -</p>\n\n<p><br/>\n2 mins AMRAP Box Jump Overs (24/20")</p>\n\n<p><br/>\nScore is total Thrusters + Box Jump Overs</p>", ...
In my view I have
<% #post.each do |p| %>
<%= p.title %>
<%= p.body %>
<% end %>
I get an error that title and body are undefined.
I'm getting the JSON returned via the API, now how do I grab the title and body of the post?
Your #post object contains JSON data. So, you don't need to loop through that i.e. no need to use .each on that object.
To grab the title and the body from the #post JSON object, you should do:
title = #post['blog']['title']
body = #post['blog']['body']
I have a form that sends a post request to an API. The API is a tmux session running eight different variations of a python scraper script on ports :8000-8008 of the server.
Currently, I am unable to do more than one search at a time because I have no way of changing which port I send the request to without manually changing the port code. Thus we have to wait on the current script finishing, which takes about 5 minutes each time.
Is there a way of recording the button press so that every time a search is performed, we cycle through each script running on each of the eight ports :8000-8008?
So far I have tried changing the port number to a global variable and trying to iterate through the ports, however, even if I get this working it will run into problems with multiple users. Also, I will be splitting this function in two for a sidekiq session so passing data between the functions is going to cause problems.
<%= form_tag leads_path, :method => 'get' do %>
<%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search] %>
<%= submit_tag "Submit" %>
<% end %>
class Lead < ApplicationRecord
def self.get_leads(params,current_user)
response = HTTParty.post("http://super.secret.ip:8001",
body: [ { "q" => "#{params}", "max_results" => 3, "max_reviews" => 3 } ].to_json)
records = (response.parsed_response || []).map do |google_places_id, reviews|
google_places_id: google_places_id,
website: reviews.any? ? reviews.first['website'] : nil,
reviews: reviews.map { |review| { stars: review['stars'].to_f, text: review['text'] } },
avg_stars: reviews.any? ? reviews.inject(0) { |sum, review| sum + review['stars'] }.to_f / reviews.size : 0
end.filter { |record| record[:website] }
records.each do |record|
#lead = Lead.create!(places_id: record[:google_places_id], website: record[:website], rating: record[:avg_stars], user_id: current_user )
record[:reviews].each do |review|
#lead.reviews.create!(stars: review[:stars], text: review[:text].gsub("'", "\\\\'"), lead_id: #lead.id)
I'm trying to create a simple two-page web-app that allows users to search for words, then display their definitions on a new page.
The problem is that when searching for a word, I'm not getting any response back from my model file.
I think the problem is trying to convert the JSON request to a hash, then accessing/displaying the hash in the view (not sure how to go about this).
<%= form_tag("/search", method: "get") do %>
<%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search], :class => "search-form" %>
<%= submit_tag nil, :class => "search-glass", :src => "search-icon.png", :type => "image" %>
<% end %>
def search
#word = Word.search(params[:search])
render layout: "application", template: "words/index"
class Word
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
attr_accessor :search
def self.search(search)
# Get back JSON response
response = Wordnik.word.get_definitions(search)
# Parse JSON to an array of hashes?
hash_result = JSON.parse(response)
When searching for a single word, I'm getting the following error (screenshot):
Any help is greatly appreciated.
When you call Wordnik.word.get_definitions(search), an Array of Hashes is returned, not a JSON string. Remove the line:
hash_result = JSON.parse(response)
Also having your API key publicly available on Github is probably not a good idea.
Ruby on Rails newbie whose confused and frustrated :) I've spent over a day on this and think I've probably just confused myself.
Basically, I'm trying to render a partial in a view. Here's what I have specifically:
A form with 2 basic fields: Category and SubCategory. SubCategory changes depending on what the user selected in Category. I'm using "JQuery" with the assets pipeline enabled. This part works:
id_value_string = $(#).val()
if id_value_string == ""
# if the id is empty remove all the sub_selection options from being selectable and do not do any ajax
$("select#contact_info_subcategory_id option").remove()
row = "" + "" + ""
# Send the request and update sub category dropdown
tmp = '/subcategories/for_categoryid/' + id_value_string + '.json'
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
url: tmp,
timeout: 2000,
error: (XMLHttpRequest, errorTextStatus, error) -> alert "Failed to submit : " + errorTextStatus + " ;" + error,
success: (data) ->
# Clear all options from sub category select
$("select#contact_info_subcategory_id option").remove()
# put in a empty default line
row = "" + "" + ""
# Fill sub category select
$.each(data, (i, j) ->
row = "" + j.name + ""
It generates a json response correctly.
When the form loads, in addition to Category and SubCategory, I also have 2 text fields - previous_value and current_value; however, if
SubCategory == "Full"
then I hide previous_value and current_value and need to insert a partial with new fields.
I'm having no problem hiding previous_value and current_value fields with JQuery works and looks like this (this is inserted into the code above):
id_text_string = $("#contact_info_subcategory_id option:selected").text()
if id_text_string == "Full"
I created a div called "test" in my form where I want to insert the new fields if SubCategory is "Full" and of course, inserting this line into the contact_infos.js.coffee doesn't work:
$('#test').html('<%= escape_javascript render("contact_infos/_full_name_info") %>')
as all I get on the page is the string "<%= escape_javascript render("contact_infos/_full_name_info") %>"
I've tried the following but can't get any to work:
1. creating a new.json.erb file with the following code:
<% self.formats = ["html"] %>
test = {
"html":"<%= raw escape_javascript(render :partial => 'contact_infos/full_name_info',
:content_type => 'text/html')}
This json file never triggered. My controller has this line:
format.json { render json: #contact_info }
Is this the best way to do this? If yes, what can I try next?
2. I saw a posting yesterday (I can't find it now - was on another computer) about creating a javascript variable (I called it fullnamefield) in the application.html.erb layout file as well as adding the js variable to the new.html.erb view, which I did. I also added this line to the contacts_infos.js.coffee:
and it worked!! EXCEPT that then when I went to any other area of the site, I got an error.
3. As a workaround, I thought about trying to change the json that my jquery produces to a js and then trying to trigger the new.js.erb. I ran into trouble trying to convert the ajax call. I could create "json" and also "text" dataTypes but not script (not sure why).
So... any ideas/help? I've really been searching and I'm frustrated enough that I'm considering just creating all the fields and hidings/showing them as needed from JQuery, which would be so simple to implement but is just wrong.
UPDATE: Attempt 4 (or is it 40?):
What you wrote got me thinking... I think I'm close but not there yet.
In my _form.html.erb, I added to the Subcategory field data-remote, data-url and data-type:
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :category_id %>
<%= collection_select(:contact_info, :category_id, Category.all, :id, :name, options ={:prompt => "--Select a Category--"}) %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :subcategory_id %>
<%= collection_select(:contact_info, :subcategory_id, Subcategory.find_all_by_category_id(#contact_info.category_id), :id, :name, options ={:prompt => "--Select a SubCategory"}, "data-remote" => true, "data-url" => "/contact_infos/get_full_fields", "data-type" => :json ) %>
Then in the contact_infos_controller.rb I added:
def get_full_fields
#full_name = FullName.new
respond_to do |format|
In my routes.rb I modified contact_infos by adding collection do...
resources :contact_infos do
collection do
get 'get_full_fields'
I created contact_infos\get_full_fields.js.erb:
var full_fields_form = $('<%= j(render(:partial => "contact_infos/full_name_info"))%>');
Now when I test this in the browser with debugger and change SubCategory to "Full" I can see that it runs correctly (I think) in that I'm getting this back:
Request URL:http://localhost:3000/contact_infos/get_full_fields?contact_info%5Bsubcategory_id%5D=3
Request Method:GET
Status Code:200 OK
The "Type" is showing up as "text/javascript." The Response tab is just showing the javascript code but nothing is happening/triggering. Even when I place just a
in the js file nothing happens.
Any ideas why?
Why not do it the same way you get subcategory data? Create a view containing the partial (and corresponding controller action) and call it via ajax when you want to display that content.
I'm using a select field in a Rails app that is NOT tied to a related model, but stores integer values for a static series of options , i.e.,
<%= select (:this_model, :this_field, [['Option1',1],['Option2',2],['Option3',3],['Option4',4]] ) %>
In a show/ index view, if I want to display the option text (i.e. Option1, Option2, etc) rather than the integer value stored in the database, how do I achieve this?
Thanks for helping a noob learn the ropes!
Based on Thorsten's suggestion below, I implemented the following. But it is returning nil, and I can't figure out why.
Invoice model:
##payment_status_data = { 1 => "Pending Invoice" , 2 => "Invoiced" , 3 => "Deposit Received", 4 => "Paid in Full"}
def text_for_payment_status
Invoice show view:
Payment Status: <%= #invoice.text_for_payment_status %>
In the console:
irb > i=Invoice.find(4)
=> [#<Invoice id: 4, payment_status: 1 >]
irb > i.text_for_payment_status
=> nil
I've tried defining the hash with and without quotes around the keys. What am I missing?
something like this would work:
<%= form_for #my_model_object do |form| %>
<%= form.label :column_name "Some Description" %>
<%= form.select :field_that_stores_id, options_for_select({"text1" => "key1", "text 2" => "key2"}) %>
<% end %>
If you later want to display the text you can get it from a simple hash like this:
{"key1" => "text 1", "key2" => "text2"}[#my_object.field_that_stores_id]
But you better store this hash somewhere in a central place like the model.
class MyModel < ActiveRecord
##my_select_something_data = {"key1" => "text 1", "key2" => "text2"}
def text_for_something_selectable
Then you can use it in your views like
There are many possible variations of this. But this should work and you would have all information in a central place.
Ok, I used something similar for our website. We need to store return_headers for rma. Those need to store a return reason as a code. Those codes are defined in an external MS SQL Server Database (with which the website exchanges lots of data, like orders, products, and much more). In the external db table are much more return reasons stored than I actually need, so I just took out a few of them. Still must make sure, the codes are correct.
So here goes he model:
class ReturnHeader < AciveRecord::Base
##return_reason_keys = {"010" => "Wrong Produc",
"DAM" => "Damaged",
"AMT" => "Wrong Amount"}
def self.return_reason_select
def return_reason
Model contains more code of course, but that's the part that matters. Relevant here is, that keys in the hash are strings, not symbols.
In the views i use it like this:
In the form for edit:
<%= form_for #return_header do |form| %>
<%= form.label :nav_return_reason_code "Return Reason" %>
<%= form.select :nav_return_reason_code, options_for_select(ReturnHeader.return_reason_select, #return_header.nav_return_reason_code) %>
<% end %>
(Maybe no the most elegant way to do it, but works. Don't know, why options_for_select expects a hash to be "text" => "key", but that's the reason, why above class level method returns the hash inverted.)
In my index action the return reason is listed in one of the columns. There I can get the value simply by
#return_headers.each do |rh|
If you have trouble to get it run, check that keys a correct type and value. Maybe add some debug info with logger.info in the methods to see what actual data is used there.
I am starting to learn Ajax with rails.
I have a catalog index page with a text_field_tag querying db if it finds similar "section" results.
<label>Search by Section:</label>
<%=text_field_tag :section %>
<%= observe_field(:section,
:frequency=> 0.1,
:update=> "article_list",
:url=>{ :action => :get_article_list }) %>
<div id="article_list"></div>
def index
def get_article_list
#section = request.raw_post.split(/&/).first
#catalogList = "<ol>"
Catalog.find(:all, :conditions => ["section = ?", #section]).each do |catalog|
#catalogList += "<li>" + catalog.title + "</li>"
#catalogList += "</ol>"
render :text => #catalogList
request.raw_post renders something like:
so I use
to get the section query ("xml"). It works, however how can I do if the query have a whitespace. (like "Open Source") In fact, I have Open Source sections in my db, but request.raw_post.split(/&/).first renders Open%20Source. How can I manage this? Did I have to use a full text search engine to achieve it or there is another way?
Thanks a lot for your explanation!
Look over your logs, in them you will see the post and the params being passed. You should not need to do your own query-string splitting. You should be able to use params[:section] to get the post data.
As your comment implies, there's something missing. Your observe_field needs to tell the Rails helper what to do. Check out: http://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/PrototypeHelper/observe_field. Anyhow, you'll want to do something like:
observe_field(... # lots of parameters
:with => 'section'
And that should give you params[:section].