Recently,I have been going through lectures and texts and trying to understand how SVM's enable use to work in higher dimensional space.
In normal logistic regression,we use the features as it is..but in SVM's we use a mapping which helps us attain a non linear decision boundary.
Normally we work directly with features..but with the help of kernel trick we can find relations in data using square of the features..product between them this correct?
We do this with the help of kernel.
Now..i understand that a polynomial kernel corresponds to a known feature vector..but i am unable to understand what gaussian kernel corresponds to( i am told an infinite dimensional feature vector..but what?)
Also,I am unable to grasp the concept that kernel is a measure of similiarity between training is this a part of the SVM's working?
I have spent lot of time trying to understand these..but in vain.Any help would be much apppreciated!
Thanks in advance :)
Normally we work directly with features..but with the help of kernel trick we can find relations in data using square of the features..product between them this correct?
Even using a kernel you still work with features, you can simply exploit more complex relations of these features. Such as in your example - polynomial kernel gives you access to low-degree polynomial relations between features (such as squares, or products of features).
Now..i understand that a polynomial kernel corresponds to a known feature vector..but i am unable to understand what gaussian kernel corresponds to( i am told an infinite dimensional feature vector..but what?)
Gaussian kernel maps your feature vector to the unnormalized Gaussian probability density function. In other words, you map each point onto a space of functions, where your point is now a Gaussian centered in this point (with variance corresponding to the hyperparameter gamma of the gaussian kernel). Kernel is always a dot product between vectors. In particular, in function spaces L2 we define classic dot product as an integral over the product, so
<f,g> = integral (f*g) (x) dx
where f,g are Gaussian distributions.
Luckily, for two Gaussian densities, integral of their product is also a Gaussian, this is why gaussian kernel is so similar to the pdf function of the gaussian distribution.
Also,I am unable to grasp the concept that kernel is a measure of similiarity between training is this a part of the SVM's working?
As mentioned before, kernel is a dot product, and dot product can be seen as a measure of similarity (it is maximized when two vectors have the same direction). However it does not work the other way around, you cannot use every similarity measure as a kernel, because not every similarity measure is a valid dot product.
just a bit of introduction about svm before i start answering the question. This will help you get overview about svm. Svm task is to find the best margin-maximing hyperplane that best separates the data. We have soft margin representation of svm which is also known as primal form and its equivalent form is dual form of svm. Dual form of svm makes the use of kernel trick.
kernel trick is partially replacing the feature engineering which is the most important step in machine learning when we have datasets that are not linear (eg. datasets in shape of concentric circles).
Now you can transform this dataset from non-linear to linear by both FE and kernel trick. By FE you can square each of the features in this dataset and it will transform into linear dataset and then you can apply techniques like logisitic regression which work best for linear data.
In kernel trick you can use the polynomial kernel whose general form is (a + x_i(transpose)x_j)^d where a and d are constants and d specifies the degree, suppose if the degree is 2 then we can say it is quadratic and likewise. now lets say we apply d =2 now our equation becomes (a + x_i(transpose)x_j)^2. lets the we 2 features in our original dataset (eg. for x_1 vector is [x_11,x__12] and x_2 the vector is [x_21,x_22]) now when we apply polynomial kernel on this we get we get 6-d vectors. Now we have transformed the features from 2-d to 6-d.Now you can see intuitively that higher your dimension of data better would svm work because it will eventually transform that features to a higher space. Infact the best case of svm is if you have high dimensionality, then go for svm.
Now you can see both kernel trick and Feature Engineering solve and transforms the dataset(concentric circle one) but the difference is we are doing FE explicitly but kernel trick comes implicitly with svm. There is also a general purpose kernel know as Radial basis function kernel which can be used when you don't know the kernel in advance.
RBF kernel has a parameter (sigma) if the value of sigma is set to 1, then you get a curve that looks like gaussian curve.
You can consider kernel as a similarity metric only and can interpret if the distance between the points is less, higher will be the similarity.
I read about SVM and the case when we take as a kernel Gaussian kernel, and as I understood in the case of Gaussian kernel, it only cares about that if point is near to the some point, then the "color" of these points will be the same. And if I'll ask him to give me a "color" of a point which are far away from data points then he will answered me 0, which will means something like "I don't know". And I know that if I'll ask the predictor the color of that point, he will return b. The proof is below
Can we say that in case of Gaussian kernel b is equal to 0?
No, if we see the final decision function of SVM with Gaussian kernel as given below:
and Gaussian function is as follows:
we can see the 'sigma' parameter and 'signum' function here. The end result would be greater than zero for one class and vice versa.
So to find a plane (instead of a line for linear case) that separates these two classes, we need to adjust the values of b and sigma. These values vary from problem to problem. Hence, not necessarily be zero.
Researchers have utilized different optimization algorithms to get optimum values, i.e. Particle Swarm Optimization, Grey Wolf Optimization etc.
For example, the value of 'sigma' inflicts overfitting problem, and small value results in the under-learning problem. So it should be optimized.
For more information, you can read following open access article as an example.
The Impact of Different Kernel Functions on the
Performance of Scintillation Detection Based on
Support Vector Machines
I have used both PSO and GWO optimization algorithms to optimize key parameters of Least square support vector machine given below in my open-access research article:
Optimization of LSSVM parameters reference
I am a beginner in machine learning. So any help or suggestion would be of great help.
I have read that putting weights on features and Predicting is a very bad idea. But what if few features needs to be weighted.
In a classification problem let's say it's a common norm that age is most dependent, how do I give weights to this feature. I was thinking to normalize it but with a variance of 1.5 or 2 (other features with variance 1), I believe that this feature will have more weight. Is this fundamentally wrong ? If wrong any other method.
Does it effect differently for classification and regression problems ?
If we are talking specifically about random forests (as you tagged) then you can use the Weighted Subspace Random Forest algorithm (in R wsrf package). The algorithm determines a weight for each variable and then uses these during the model building.
The informativeness of a variable with respect to the class is
measured by an information gain ratio. The measure is used as the
probability of that variable being selected for inclusion in the
variable subspace when splitting a specific node during the tree
building process. Therefore, variables with higher values by the
measure are more likely to be chosen as candidates during variable
selection and a stronger tree can be built.
Generally if a feature has more Importance compared to other features and the model is Dense enough, with enough training sample, your model will automatically give it more Importance by optimizing weight matrices to account for that because we have partial derivatives in back propagation which calculate change by each connection, so it learns to give more importance to that feature on itself. If you don't normalize it, but scale it to a higher scale, you might have overstated it's important.
In practice a neural network works best if the inputs are centered and white. That means that their covariance is diagonal and the mean is the zero vector. This improves optimization of the neural net, since the hidden activation functions don't saturate that fast and thus do not give you near zero gradients early on in learning.
If you do scale just one feature up by a small value, it may or may not have desired effects, but the higher probability is of saturated gradients, so we avoid it.
I am new to machine learning field and right now trying to get a grasp of how the most common learning algorithms work and understand when to apply each one of them. At the moment I am learning on how Support Vector Machines work and have a question on custom kernel functions.
There is plenty of information on the web on more standard (linear, RBF, polynomial) kernels for SVMs. I, however, would like to understand when it is reasonable to go for a custom kernel function. My questions are:
1) What are other possible kernels for SVMs?
2) In which situation one would apply custom kernels?
3) Can custom kernel substantially improve prediction quality of SVM?
1) What are other possible kernels for SVMs?
There are infinitely many of these, see for example list of ones implemented in pykernels (which is far from being exhaustive)
Cosine similarity
Rational quadratic
Inverse multiquadratic
Additive Chi^2
Min/Histogram intersection
Generalized histogram intersection
Log (CPD)
Power (CPD)
2) In which situation one would apply custom kernels?
Basically in two cases:
"simple" ones give very bad results
data is specific in some sense and so - in order to apply traditional kernels one has to degenerate it. For example if your data is in a graph format, you cannot apply RBF kernel, as graph is not a constant-size vector, thus you need a graph kernel to work with this object without some kind of information-loosing projection. also sometimes you have an insight into data, you know about some underlying structure, which might help classifier. One such example is a periodicity, you know that there is a kind of recuring effect in your data - then it might be worth looking for a specific kernel etc.
3) Can custom kernel substantially improve prediction quality of SVM?
Yes, in particular there always exists a (hypothethical) Bayesian optimal kernel, defined as:
K(x, y) = 1 iff arg max_l P(l|x) == arg max_l P(l|y)
in other words, if one has a true probability P(l|x) of label l being assigned to a point x, then we can create a kernel, which pretty much maps your data points onto one-hot encodings of their most probable labels, thus leading to Bayes optimal classification (as it will obtain Bayes risk).
In practise it is of course impossible to get such kernel, as it means that you already solved your problem. However, it shows that there is a notion of "optimal kernel", and obviously none of the classical ones is not of this type (unless your data comes from veeeery simple distributions). Furthermore, each kernel is a kind of prior over decision functions - closer you get to the actual one with your induced family of functions - the more probable is to get a reasonable classifier with SVM.
Popular kernel functions used in Support Vector Machines are Linear, Radial Basis Function and Polynomial. Can someone please expalin what this kernel function is in simple way :) As I am new to this area I don't clear understand what is the importance of these kernel types.
Let us start from the beggining. Support vector machine is a linear model and it always looks for a hyperplane to separate one class from another. I will focus on two-dimensional case because it is easier to comprehend and - possible to visualize to give some intuition, however bear in mind that this is true for higher dimensions (simply lines change into planes, parabolas into paraboloids etc.).
Kernel in very short words
What kernels do is to change the definition of the dot product in the linear formulation. What does it mean? SVM works with dot products, for finite dimension defined as <x,y> = x^Ty = SUM_{i=1}^d x_i y_i. This more or less captures similarity between two vectors (but also a geometrical operation of projection, it is also heavily related to the angle between vectors). What kernel trick does is to change each occurence of <x,y> in math of SVM into K(x,y) saying "K is dot product in SOME space", and there exists a mapping f_K for each kernel, such that K(x,y)=<f_K(x), f_K(y)> the trick is, you do not use f_K directly, but just compute their dot products, which saves you tons of time (sometimes - infinite amount, as f_K(x) might have infinite number of dimensions). Ok, so what it meas for us? We still "live" in the space of x, not f_K(x). The result is quite nice - if you build a hyperplane in space of f_K, separate your data, and then look back at space of x (so you might say you project hyperplane back through f_K^{-1}) you get non-linear decision boundaries! Type of the boundary depends on f_K, f_K depends on K, thus, choice of K will (among other things) affect the shape of your boundary.
Linear kernel
Here we in fact do not have any kernel, you just have "normal" dot product, thus in 2d your decision boundary is always line.
As you can see we can separate most of points correctly, but due to the "stiffness" of our assumption - we will not ever capture all of them.
Here, our kernel induces space of polynomial combinations of our features, up to certain degree. Consequently we can work with slightly "bended" decision boundaries, such as parabolas with degree=2
As you can see - we separated even more points! Ok, can we get all of them by using higher order polynomials? Lets try 4!
Unfortunately not. Why? Because polynomial combinations are not flexible enough. It will not "bend" our space hard enough to capture what we want (maybe it is not that bad? I mean - look at this point, it looks like an outlier!).
RBF kernel
Here, our induced space is a space of Gaussian distributions... each point becomes probability density function (up to scaling) of a normal distribution. In such space, dot products are integrals (as we do have infinite number of dimensions!) and consequently, we have extreme flexibility, in fact, using such kernel you can separate everything (but is it good?)
Rough comparison
Ok, so what are the main differences? I will now sort these three kernels under few measures
time of SVM learning: linear < poly < rbf
ability to fit any data: linear < poly < rbf
risk of overfitting: linear < poly < rbf
risk of underfitting: rbf < poly < linear
number of hyperparameters: linear (0) < rbf (2) < poly (3)
how "local" is particular kernel: linear < poly < rbf
So which one to choose? It depends. Vapnik and Cortes (inventors of SVM) supported quite well the idea that you always should try to fit simpliest model possible and only if it underfits - go for more complex ones. So you should generally start with linear model (kernel in case of SVM) and if it gets really bad scores - switch to poly/rbf (however remember that it is much harder to work with them due to number of hyperparameters)
All images done using a nice applet on the site of libSVM - give it a try, nothing gives you more intuition then lots of images and interaction :-)
I have some problems with understanding the kernels for non-linear SVM.
First what I understood by non-linear SVM is: using kernels the input is transformed to a very high dimension space where the transformed input can be separated by a linear hyper-plane.
Kernel for e.g: RBF:
K(x_i, x_j) = exp(-||x_i - x_j||^2/(2*sigma^2));
where x_i and x_j are two inputs. here we need to change the sigma to adapt to our problem.
(1) Say if my input dimension is d, what will be the dimension of the
transformed space?
(2) If the transformed space has a dimension of more than 10000 is it
effective to use a linear SVM there to separate the inputs?
Well it is not only a matter of increasing the dimension. That's the general mechanism but not the whole idea, if it were true that the only goal of the kernel mapping is to increase the dimension, one could conclude that all kernels functions are equivalent and they are not.
The way how the mapping is made would make possible a linear separation in the new space.
Talking about your example and just to extend a bit what greeness said, RBF kernel would order the feature space in terms of hyperspheres where an input vector would need to be close to an existing sphere in order to produce an activation.
So to answer directly your questions:
1) Note that you don't work on feature space directly. Instead, the optimization problem is solved using the inner product of the vectors in the feature space, so computationally you won't increase the dimension of the vectors.
2) It would depend on the nature of your data, having a high dimensional pattern would somehow help you to prevent overfitting but not necessarily will be linearly separable. Again, the linear separability in the new space would be achieved because the way the map is made and not only because it is in a higher dimension. In that sense, RBF would help but keep in mind that it might not perform well on generalization if your data is not locally enclosed.
The transformation usually increases the number of dimensions of your data, not necessarily very high. It depends. The RBF Kernel is one of the most popular kernel functions. It adds a "bump" around each data point. The corresponding feature space is a Hilbert space of infinite dimensions.
It's hard to tell if a transformation into 10000 dimensions is effective or not for classification without knowing the specific background of your data. However, choosing a good mapping (encoding prior knowledge + getting right complexity of function class) for your problem improves results.
For example, the MNIST database of handwritten digits contains 60K training examples and 10K test examples with 28x28 binary images.
Linear SVM has ~8.5% test error.
Polynomial SVM has ~ 1% test error.
Your question is a very natural one that almost everyone who's learned about kernel methods has asked some variant of. However, I wouldn't try to understand what's going on with a non-linear kernel in terms of the implied feature space in which the linear hyperplane is operating, because most non-trivial kernels have feature spaces that it is very difficult to visualise.
Instead, focus on understanding the kernel trick, and think of the kernels as introducing a particular form of non-linear decision boundary in input space. Because of the kernel trick, and some fairly daunting maths if you're not familiar with it, any kernel function satisfying certain properties can be viewed as operating in some feature space, but the mapping into that space is never performed. You can read the following (fairly) accessible tutorial if you're interested: from zero to Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces in twelve pages or less.
Also note that because of the formulation in terms of slack variables, the hyperplane does not have to separate points exactly: there's an objective function that's being maximised which contains penalties for misclassifying instances, but some misclassification can be tolerated if the margin of the resulting classifier on most instances is better. Basically, we're optimising a classification rule according to some criteria of:
how big the margin is
the error on the training set
and the SVM formulation allows us to solve this efficiently. Whether one kernel or another is better is very application-dependent (for example, text classification and other language processing problems routinely show best performance with a linear kernel, probably due to the extreme dimensionality of the input data). There's no real substitute for trying a bunch out and seeing which one works best (and make sure the SVM hyperparameters are set properly---this talk by one of the LibSVM authors has the gory details).