ASP.Net MVC Application URL Schema -

I have inherited an existing ASP.Net MVC C# web application solution.
Currently, there are two separate Web Application projects.
An Admin site - used to managed the content of the public facing site.
The public facing site
Currently, the public facing site is not in production; only the Admin site is deployed on Windows Server 2012 running IIS 8.0 using the client's domain e.g.
The client would like the public facing site and the admin site to be accessibile via the same domain:
Admin: or
Is there any way to achieve this given the two sets of functionality are currently encapsulated in different Web Applications?
I'm wondering if:
Is there a way to achieve the above with sub-domains or some other feature of IIS
Or if its best to move all the Admin functionality into an MVC Area within a single Web Application
Discussions on the pros/cons of each approach (or links to resources) would be most appreciated.

I would rather move admin site and public facing site in single web app in separate area as OP said.
You can use host-header facility in IIS to adjust root domain url to (or such).
advantage of such approach is maintenance will be easier as code base is part of single vsnet solution, Assuming public facing site will have lot more content/controller/views and admin site will have less of those, there is no point in maintaining separate .SLN for admin.


Do I need separate domain for MVC Web API?

I am facing one problem.
I have 1 Presentation Layer Project using ASP.NET MVC. There is another project for Database interaction for MVC Web API.
Question: Do I need two domains ? One for ASP.NET MVC Project and another for MVC Web API project ?
Two domains? No. However, given that you have two projects you will need two separate deployment locations. That means they'll either need to live at different subdomains (i.e. and or under different virtual directories of the same domain/subdomain (i.e. and You could put one of them in the root of the domain (i.e. for the MVC site and then for the Web Api, but you need to be careful at the point, as the Web.config for your MVC site will apply to any virtual directories under it, i.e. your Web Api.

How to share the same MVC3 View in 2 different websites?

I am creating an MVC3 web application. It has an Administrator side and a Client Side. They will be hosted on SEPERATE servers. The client side will be available ONLIE via internet and the Admin will be an INTRANET application. There are certain views which will be used by both the the public and the admin areas. Where should I put them. Do I have to create 2 copies of the views in both applications or should I put it somewhere common and share it?
This definetly can give you a good start point.

How to run Wordpress with MVC app as virtual on Azure

I'm wondering how to run a Wordpress and virtual MVC application under the WP on Azure. I found a lot of articles about this but it is not working and Azure SDK is changing all the time, there is no actual informations.
Am I able to connect to the Azure Web Role IIS server remotely?
If you have any questions, please ask before answering.
Update by Jim O'Neil comment
Yes I mean ASP.NET MVC. "Not working" means taht WP on Azure by this and ASP.NET MVC app works separatelly but together doeasn't. When I try add ASP .NET MVC as VirtualApplication by this tutrial VM on Azure is always in Busy state.
I need have an WP deployed on my domain and ASP.NET MVC app at This should work on the Azure platform and could be reached by Virtual application feature of IIS. Then I hope that the Azure Web role is usable for this.
Do you have any idea?
If you really want to run wordpress website as and ASP.NET MVC app as then you could need to be little more creative to get it working. It is a doable task but need good understanding of Windows Azure platform, how Web Role works as well as PHP/WordPress knowledge.
I can point out some ideas on how you could do it but you would need to venture out to try and test. What you really need to create a ASP.NET Web Role with PHP support and have Wordpress configured to it. This could be done at runtime or you can put together worldpress along with the PHP itself so when you deploy your application whole wordpress is configured as package. Now in the same web role you add virtual diurectory and have MVC app running as application there.
Keep in mind that whole web role will have one single web.config so you would need to make it work with both ASP.NET PHP application and then MVC application. Tough task to handle these two and will take time to put together.
The other easier option is to have PHP running inside a ASP.NET MVC application and in the PHP folder setup your Wordpress application. This setup is easily configurable but it will change the location for wordpress and MVC app other way around.
Overall I really think you should rethink what you really want at the last because your objective just does not match with a need to have wordpress and ASP.NET MVC running together. If you just want to try for experiment, it sure is a great project and make you learn a lot.
This question is asked earlier # SO also but had same response i.e why?
I am not sure about on azure, but on IIS7 we have WP and the URL Rewriter setup as the default website and then deploy and ASP apps to virtual directories and turn off the URL Rewriter in those subdirectories. Works beautifully. Downside is that PHP runs like a dog on IIS compared to ASP/ We are switching to using WP on LAMP and then continuing to run our ASP/.net apps on IIS7. Downside is that the WP after switch over may effect our SEO a little. IIS is www and WP will be ww3.
You might check your URL Rewrite rules if any.
You can create a website in Azure using a wordpress template VM.
You can also use which has an image available in Azure, this means you can use a SQL database rather than a MYSQL database which may help.
You can have one VM being your MVC app pointing to and you could have the worpress in a separate VM with say
This would make maintenance easier I think

Pre-Existing Code or Template for Intranet User Provisioning (i.e. role assignment) in MVC3

When you create a new MVC project in Visual Studio, you get an AccountController that supports user self-registration and self-help changing passwords. This is great as a basic first step for a public internet site. But for an intranet site where an admin is responsible for creating users and assign them roles, is there any equivalent pre-existing template to start from?
To clarify, I am looking for a template that continues to use basic auth and that continues to use the ASP.Net membership and role services, as does the internet template, but provides UIs for user and role management that are intended for use by an administrator. The site is going to be on the internet but is not going to be "public" per se. There will be one or more sys-admin accounts that will have the ability to provision other users. The site will hosted by a yet-to-be-selected hosting provider.
Yes, it's called the Intranet Application. I know, who would think an Intranet application was an Intranet application?
MVC3 has 3 templates, Empty, Internet Application and Intranet Application.

Multiple applications on the same URL/Port (IIS)

I'm developing an ASP.Net MVC application in C#, and it is hosted in an IIS server. Right now the client asked me to have a CMS on the same app url, that will be used to serve the public pages.
I have looked for ASP.Net MVC CMS apps and could not find anything that would be easily integrated with the current application, so I choose to do it by changing the server configuration.
What I need is:
Custom App:
Any other URL, including "index" (
Can I do it using any kind of Rewrite rule? Or IIS configuration? What is the best solution?
Thanks in advance!
On IIS6, there is a feature called 'host headers', that does exactly this: several websites may share the port 80, and the request goes to one of the sites its URL points to. (this one is about IIS 7)
