Do I need separate domain for MVC Web API? -

I am facing one problem.
I have 1 Presentation Layer Project using ASP.NET MVC. There is another project for Database interaction for MVC Web API.
Question: Do I need two domains ? One for ASP.NET MVC Project and another for MVC Web API project ?

Two domains? No. However, given that you have two projects you will need two separate deployment locations. That means they'll either need to live at different subdomains (i.e. and or under different virtual directories of the same domain/subdomain (i.e. and You could put one of them in the root of the domain (i.e. for the MVC site and then for the Web Api, but you need to be careful at the point, as the Web.config for your MVC site will apply to any virtual directories under it, i.e. your Web Api.


Is it possible to integrate two .NET Applications (1 WebForm and 1 MVC) into one domain

I originally programmed two separate. NET applications (1 WebForm and 1 MVC 5) that originally were going to be on separate domains. I'm now trying to integrate both applications on a single portal on a single domain that will likely be a MVC Web Application. Ideally I would like to use subdomains to keep them separate.
I've figured that there's 2 options to make this happen but even then I don't know if #1 is even feasible.
1) Host each application on separate subdomains (ex: and while having the main portal on the default domain (
2) Rewrite the WebForm application into a MVC application and just merge the two projects.
I'm open to any and all suggestions

ASP.Net MVC Application URL Schema

I have inherited an existing ASP.Net MVC C# web application solution.
Currently, there are two separate Web Application projects.
An Admin site - used to managed the content of the public facing site.
The public facing site
Currently, the public facing site is not in production; only the Admin site is deployed on Windows Server 2012 running IIS 8.0 using the client's domain e.g.
The client would like the public facing site and the admin site to be accessibile via the same domain:
Admin: or
Is there any way to achieve this given the two sets of functionality are currently encapsulated in different Web Applications?
I'm wondering if:
Is there a way to achieve the above with sub-domains or some other feature of IIS
Or if its best to move all the Admin functionality into an MVC Area within a single Web Application
Discussions on the pros/cons of each approach (or links to resources) would be most appreciated.
I would rather move admin site and public facing site in single web app in separate area as OP said.
You can use host-header facility in IIS to adjust root domain url to (or such).
advantage of such approach is maintenance will be easier as code base is part of single vsnet solution, Assuming public facing site will have lot more content/controller/views and admin site will have less of those, there is no point in maintaining separate .SLN for admin.

Web Services in ASP.NET MVC 4 Application

I've a web site developed using MVC 4 application. I'm new to .net platform & I want to add web service which would return me operating system name of users device based on certain input.
Assuming I've logic to capture OS information using inputted data, how do I go forward in building this web service?
Do I need to have a complete separate solution file which will have a web service or in existing MVC 4 application itself, should I create a new project which would be of type "WCF Service Application"? Again I don't know much about WCF service either, if I use it, how would the URL be accessible, etc?
Can anyone give me some insights?
Note: I've also a separate REST web service which is a completely separate solution with separate projects but deployed on same IIS.
Thanks in Advance!
You don't need to create a WebAPI project just for what you described (i'm assuming one or a few end points).
Simply use MVC controllers that return JSON for example, this way you deal with a single framework.
Reasons to move to Web API is if you need support for CORS, need content negotiation for results etc. From what you are describing it's completely fine to stay with MVC.

azure wcf and mvc under same subdomain

i have my project up and running via Azure with two WebRoles. a MVC project and a WCF. I would like to know if it's possible to have both web applications under same subdomain. is that possible? or will i end up with having 2 subdomains (one subdomain for mvc and one subdomain for wcf)?
Idealy you put each of the projects under different cloud services. Two cloud service, two projects (mvc and wcf). They have two different * addresses.

Hosting WCF Services in ASP.NET MVC Web Application

I have an ASP.NET MVC 1.0 webapp, which serves as a front-end site for our external API. More specifically, it has a Control Panel for our API clients, documentation, etc.
Now I want to move our actual API (which is a set of WCF services) inside this project, so that, for example, would be served by ASP.NET MVC runtime, wherease would be served by an appropriate WCF service.
Granted, this can be done by adding a services/1.0 virtual folder in IIS, but I really want these two parts to be inside one project.
Is this doable at all? If yes, how do I integrate these two beasts?
Turns out MVC/WCF isn't the issue. Services hosted within the MVC app are activated just fine (I guess IIS bypasses the MVC runtime for .svc requests).
The issue was more to do with services in Areas, and requests for .svc files not going through the route table.
I've asked a more specific question addressing the actual problem here.
Expose WCF services that belong to an Area in MVC app at a routed path
