Capistrano: How can I leave a git repository on live/deployed - ruby-on-rails

Ok, Using capistrano 3.2 with Rails 4.2.
Put simply I want to have each release on the live server to have an intact git repo with it. I know Cap uses git to clone the files but afik it deletes the .git folder by default. I swear I had this working before on earlier versions of Capistrano but no amount of Docs or Googling is finding the right setting. Or if I had an odd version of Cap
And before I get jumped on with "Version control on live? Never make changes to live, develop on your dev server you idiot!?"
Having an active git repo on live is invaluable if something changes out of your control, or if there is an emergency you have no choice but to monkey patch. Because now you have the change shown up by git and you can commit it, and push it back into your central repo and have it go up stream neatly. Its saved my ass before and means I don't have to copy by hand what I know has fixed the "live" issue.
Anyway, justification over. Anyone know how?
I apologies for the simple question, I think it's unlucky google fu which has left me without an answer from searching for this. Searching "Capistrano leave git on live" or other such terms are swamped with using git to deploy.
Cheer in advance.

This would be non-trivial. Capistrano uses git archive piped through tar to create the release folder. Hypothetically, you could override the task which does this, but you would probably spend more effort than it would be worth. I would highly recommend that you look at just creating a workflow where you commit a hotfix and push again. We use a prod branch at which the production deploy points, thus you could commit the change to the prod branch and cap production deploy, then merge your change back down to your development branch.
If you do choose to try and override this, look at the Capistrano source for the git tasks. It uses the Git Strategy class, so you would need to subclass and override it, then override the task to use your class. Capistrano is basically just a subclass of Rake, so look for documentation around overriding a Rake task, e.g. Overriding rails' default rake tasks.
Good luck!


Rails keeping git versions correctly

I hope this is an ok question for StackOverflow. If it isn't, let me know. Thanks!!
I have my first Rails app about to go production. I'm using GIT and Github for version control. And I'm using CAP to deploy to our own servers.
We have one server for Staging and one for Production.
So, lets say it's day one of production. And I'm also coding new features on my iMac. So, I'm making changes and saving to GIT, Github and staging.
But, then the users run into a small error that I need to make a quick fix on production.
Well, I've already started making major changes to the code and I don't want to put that into production.
How would I make the quick fix the users need?
Thanks for the help!
Ill assume you have a prod branch and a devel branch, and the tip of prod is what has been released to prod.
You can;
1. git stash all your current work if you havent committed it yet.
2. git checkout prod
3. Create a new branch for your hot fix, fix it, merge it back to prod and release it.
4. git checkout devel and git stash apply your stash if you need to.
5. git merge prod into your devel branch so it has the hot fix you just deployed.
If you dont have separate branches for prod and devel, now might be a good time to set them up :)
See the section 6.3 Stashing of the progit book.
You may create a branch for fixies, fix a bug there, and update your application on production server with this branch. In some moment you will merge them (branches).

Can Heroku work as version control?

I am working with this school project (webapp in RoR) in group of 10 and we get into this fight.
One says we should use Heroku as our web host because it does version control with git.
The other says it's cool to use Heroku as web host, but it doesn't not store old code and keep track of changes, so we should set up our own github/assembla-git.
Who is right?
Heroku uses git for deploy. So you can use it as version control too.
But I would not recommend it. When you push to heroku it's mean deploy to production. But your code can be not ready for it. Not tested yet, feature not fully implemented and etc.
You can add 2 remote for your repository.
git push origin master # github
git push heroku master
So I would recommend you use heroku as webhost and github as version control
There is nothing wrong with using Heroku as your main Git repository. I have dozens of projects that are set up this way.
Heroku is definitely not going to arbitrarily delete code or commits in your repository.
Of course, anything you push to the master branch will actually be deployed, but you are free to push other branches if you want (Heroku will simply ignore those).
The advantage of using GitHub in addition to Heroku is that you get a bunch of extra functionality on top of just the bare Git repository, such as a web-based UI and collaboration tools like pull requests, etc. Keep in mind that GitHub for private repositories is a paid service, however. There are also competitors to GitHub such as Bitbucket which offers private repositories for free for small teams.
But if you are already familiar with Git and don’t feel like you need any extra functionality on top of it, you might as well just go with Heroku. There’s something to be said for simplicity, as well.

Using Git with a Redmine hosted on Heroku

I have a question. I am using Redmine for a issue tracking system for my upcoming project and I recently did the install on Heroku and I was wondering if there was a good way to use Git via a github repository to do issue tracking (ie. I can make a commit, do a refs #issue_number and it would associate that commit with the issue I'm tracking). I know there is some way to do it with svn, but we want to use git for the project. I heard that heroku is unable to do Redmine with git from someone since you need a 'bare' and 'minimum' directory? (or something similar to that) Is this true? or is there a guide out there (I've been googling 'git with heroku and redmine' and other variants for the last little bit with no luck) on installing git to associate it with my github repository for my heroku based Redmine?
Thanks in advanced!
Just to clarify, you have mentioned that you are using GitHub, Redmine, and Heroku, and want to relate commits to issue numbers within Redmine.
I believe that Heroku will not come into this, but what you want to look at is a post-receive hook for your repository on GitHub.
The best direction I can give you is to follow this documentation, but select the "Redmine" post-receive hook, and set it up according to the detailed instructions that they provide.
The documentation for the hook explicitly states the following:
Commits which are related to Redmine issues are detected by matching '#IssueNo' in the commit message (i.e "fixing bug #234" is related to issue #234)
which I believe is the functionality that you are after. Please correct me if I am wrong.

GIT deleted my local files

I have a pretty big problem. I am going through a Ruby on Rails tutorial, and they have suggested that I use GIT for version control. I have never used it before, and through the tutorial I don't think I used it right. Here is some back story.
I created a new project, and then I created a new Github repository. I named them the same thing, and I pushed my project to that repository. I then looked at Github, and all of my project files were there. I then went through a few chapters of the tutorial, and followed there instructions for pushing files to GIT. After awhile I realized, that none of my files were being uploaded. I didn't really care, so I went on with the tutorial. Still pushing files to GIT even though they were not showing up.
My Github repository only had the few files from when I first created it, the project on my local machine has a MANY more files. In the last chapter of the tutorial I was able to follow, it told me to do these commands:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Finish layout and routes"
$ git checkout master
$ git merge filling-in-layout
Once I did those commands, my project located on my local machine lost ALL of the files I created in the last couple of days. My guess is that Github replaced my files from my local machine with the files on Github (Just the files created when I started the project)
I think I have been adding files to GIT on my local machine since the folder '~/.git/logs/HEAD' has all of the commits I made, with what looks like GIT file numbers.
Any help would save me so many hours.
Thanks, -Chris
You committed some changes, then got the old version and reverted to it by issuing "git merge filling-in-layout". (you created a branch "filling-in-layout")
whatever you do DO NOT -> git reset --hard <- DO NOT.
what does "git branch" say?
do this:
git checkout master (or one of the others)
and look which one is yours. ;)
Erase github from your mind. It is irrelevant. The git repository is on your machine, inside your rails app folder. That is the beauty of git. So everything you have ever committed to git while working from that folder is there. It's possible you made some mistake along the way, or that the tutorial instructed you incorrectly, but you can look through all your commits with "git log", and then just go back to the point where things were good: checkout that commit (thus recreating the situation as it was at that moment), and pick up again from there.
Pedagogically I would suggest that you not try to learn git and rails simultaneously. They are both big and interesting, but they are completely orthogonal (that's fancy talk for "they have nothing to do with one another"). If you want to learn rails, learn rails. If you want to learn git, learn git. Just a suggestion.

Git + Capistrano = Automatic Release Notes Generator?

We use git (github) and capistrano (like 99% of the Rails shops out there) to deploy our app to production.
What I'd like to do is, after every cap * deploy generate a text file containing all the git commit comments since the last deploy. I can then take that list of commit comments, clean it up, and put it somewhere for consumption.
"git log" has plenty of options for fetching log messages, but I don't see an easy way in capistrano to return the current and previous commits, or even the last date/time a deployment occurred, so I can pass that to git log
Thoughts? I can't be the first one doing this... Thanks!
If capistrano doesn't do this, you can wrap it in another script/tool, say, release.
When you launch release, it records the commit, compares it with the previously recorded commit, calls a release notes generator script/tool, and then calls capistrano.
