Using Git with a Redmine hosted on Heroku - ruby-on-rails

I have a question. I am using Redmine for a issue tracking system for my upcoming project and I recently did the install on Heroku and I was wondering if there was a good way to use Git via a github repository to do issue tracking (ie. I can make a commit, do a refs #issue_number and it would associate that commit with the issue I'm tracking). I know there is some way to do it with svn, but we want to use git for the project. I heard that heroku is unable to do Redmine with git from someone since you need a 'bare' and 'minimum' directory? (or something similar to that) Is this true? or is there a guide out there (I've been googling 'git with heroku and redmine' and other variants for the last little bit with no luck) on installing git to associate it with my github repository for my heroku based Redmine?
Thanks in advanced!

Just to clarify, you have mentioned that you are using GitHub, Redmine, and Heroku, and want to relate commits to issue numbers within Redmine.
I believe that Heroku will not come into this, but what you want to look at is a post-receive hook for your repository on GitHub.
The best direction I can give you is to follow this documentation, but select the "Redmine" post-receive hook, and set it up according to the detailed instructions that they provide.
The documentation for the hook explicitly states the following:
Commits which are related to Redmine issues are detected by matching '#IssueNo' in the commit message (i.e "fixing bug #234" is related to issue #234)
which I believe is the functionality that you are after. Please correct me if I am wrong.


Capistrano: How can I leave a git repository on live/deployed

Ok, Using capistrano 3.2 with Rails 4.2.
Put simply I want to have each release on the live server to have an intact git repo with it. I know Cap uses git to clone the files but afik it deletes the .git folder by default. I swear I had this working before on earlier versions of Capistrano but no amount of Docs or Googling is finding the right setting. Or if I had an odd version of Cap
And before I get jumped on with "Version control on live? Never make changes to live, develop on your dev server you idiot!?"
Having an active git repo on live is invaluable if something changes out of your control, or if there is an emergency you have no choice but to monkey patch. Because now you have the change shown up by git and you can commit it, and push it back into your central repo and have it go up stream neatly. Its saved my ass before and means I don't have to copy by hand what I know has fixed the "live" issue.
Anyway, justification over. Anyone know how?
I apologies for the simple question, I think it's unlucky google fu which has left me without an answer from searching for this. Searching "Capistrano leave git on live" or other such terms are swamped with using git to deploy.
Cheer in advance.
This would be non-trivial. Capistrano uses git archive piped through tar to create the release folder. Hypothetically, you could override the task which does this, but you would probably spend more effort than it would be worth. I would highly recommend that you look at just creating a workflow where you commit a hotfix and push again. We use a prod branch at which the production deploy points, thus you could commit the change to the prod branch and cap production deploy, then merge your change back down to your development branch.
If you do choose to try and override this, look at the Capistrano source for the git tasks. It uses the Git Strategy class, so you would need to subclass and override it, then override the task to use your class. Capistrano is basically just a subclass of Rake, so look for documentation around overriding a Rake task, e.g. Overriding rails' default rake tasks.
Good luck!

Building site on Heroku

I'm beginner on rails, heroku and git, but I've done all installation stuffs.
I created two projects on, but I don't know how to change them from my PC (the way I looked from help doesn't work such as "$ git push heroku master").
So, how can I edit one of my herokuapp in different computers?
As I understand, I need git commands to bound my projects on PC to herokuapp, and commands to update projects from heroku to my PC (mostly 2 different Win 7 and sometimes iMac). Am I right? Does anybody can tell me how it's works?
Thank you
If you haven't ever used a version control system before you might be in for a steep learning curve.
Git allows you to manage source revision across distributed repositories. In your case, it might make sense to set up a GitHub account and create a git repository there, then use that as your master repository. You use git to pull code from the master repository to your local machine, where you make your changes. You commit your changes to your local repository and then push these changes to the master repository.
On your heroku account you then git pull from the master repository to retrieve the changes you made.
This brushes over a lot of detail that you need to know. I suggest you start googling git tutorials and read up about how git works and how it's intended to be used.
If you are totally new to git and heroku i would suggest you to go through this

Is it possible to work on a rails project by two developers working on different OS but on same rails version

I have this confusion and perhaps it may be basic question. I am planning to work on a Rails project along with a friend who stays in a different location.
We have identified Heroku as our deployment platform and Bitbucket for SCM related activities.
Both me and my friend are new to rails but we are familiar with web development in general.
I m working on a Windows box while he is on a Mac. We both have the same rails version including the gems. However, I'm not sure really sure how do we manage the source code and code integration. The reason I say this is because, when we try to commit the entire code from our systems a few platform specific rails file gets uploaded on the server, thereby rendering the deployment useless.
So my question is if I am on Windows and my friend is on Mac, whats the recommended way of working together on a single RAILS project and deploy it on a common platform to get the same desired functionality.
Yes, by using the source control management (SCM) you selected when you set up your repository.
For instance, if you use git, you would copy your repository using git clone (the command is provided via the bitbucket interface by clicking on clone), make your changes, and then git push your changes back into the repository.
When you want to code next, execute a git pull command to get the latest repo changes and then work and git push your changes back to the repo.
For examples see Bitbuckets fantastic tutorial.
As a side note, bitbucket also supports mercurial, although I haven't used it.
As far as your actual issue, each person will need to make sure the platform dependent files are excluded from your repository. If you're using git, see the git book specifically the section on .gitignore and git rm

Can Heroku work as version control?

I am working with this school project (webapp in RoR) in group of 10 and we get into this fight.
One says we should use Heroku as our web host because it does version control with git.
The other says it's cool to use Heroku as web host, but it doesn't not store old code and keep track of changes, so we should set up our own github/assembla-git.
Who is right?
Heroku uses git for deploy. So you can use it as version control too.
But I would not recommend it. When you push to heroku it's mean deploy to production. But your code can be not ready for it. Not tested yet, feature not fully implemented and etc.
You can add 2 remote for your repository.
git push origin master # github
git push heroku master
So I would recommend you use heroku as webhost and github as version control
There is nothing wrong with using Heroku as your main Git repository. I have dozens of projects that are set up this way.
Heroku is definitely not going to arbitrarily delete code or commits in your repository.
Of course, anything you push to the master branch will actually be deployed, but you are free to push other branches if you want (Heroku will simply ignore those).
The advantage of using GitHub in addition to Heroku is that you get a bunch of extra functionality on top of just the bare Git repository, such as a web-based UI and collaboration tools like pull requests, etc. Keep in mind that GitHub for private repositories is a paid service, however. There are also competitors to GitHub such as Bitbucket which offers private repositories for free for small teams.
But if you are already familiar with Git and don’t feel like you need any extra functionality on top of it, you might as well just go with Heroku. There’s something to be said for simplicity, as well.

Whats the best way to work with Github and multiple computers?

I am developing some school grading software and decided to use Github to host the project. After building some code on my Ubuntu box I pushed it to Github and then cloned it down to my MacBook Pro. After editing the code on the MBP I pushed it back to Github. The next morning I tried to update my repo on the Ubuntu box with a git pull and it gave me all kinds of trouble.
Whats the best way to work in this situation? I don't want to fork my own repo and I don't really want to send myself emails or pull requests. Why can't I just treat Github like a master and push/pull from it onto all of my personal repos on different computers?
I'll assume your problem was that the machine on which you first created the repo crapped out when you tried to issue the git pull command.
When you clone an existing git repository (like you did on your 2nd machine, the MacBook Pro), you're automatically set up to so your git pull commands will automatically merge the remote with your local changes.
However, when you initially create a repo and then share it on a remote repository, you have to issue a few commands to make things as automated as a on cloned repo.
# GitHub gives you that instruction, you've already done that
# git remote add origin
# GitHub doesn't specify the following instructions
git config branch.master.remote origin
git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master
These last few instructions configure git so future git pull's from this repo will merge all remote changes automatically.
The following is a bit of shameless self-promotion. If you use Ruby, I have created a Ruby-based tool that lets you deal with all these kinds of things with git remote branches. The tool is called, unsurprisingly, git_remote_branch :-)
If you don't use Ruby, my tool is probably gonna be too much of a hassle to install. What you can do is look at an old post on my blog, where most of the stuff grb can do for you was explicitly shown. Whip out your git notes file :-)
You can also add multiple SSH public keys.
