How to make a 360 panorama app using DJI Mobile SDK like DronePan? - ios

I saw DronePan's app on Facebook recently. DronePan is a simple app to control DJI's Inspire 1 to take a cool 360 panorama, it's really awesome. You can check its video:, so I am excited about it and want to make an iOS app like it too. I google it and figure out that DronePan is using DJI Mobile SDK to make the app. Now I am wondering if someone can give me some clues to start this project? Like using which API of the DJI SDK can I make the Inspire 1 to rotate the camera to take photos? Thanks!

Good topic! The panorama feature is quite popular for the drones’ app recently. I just get started to play with DJI Mobile SDK for 2 weeks, google it and found DJI SDK’s github page. It’s really helpful for the starters like us. In the page, I found the Creating a Panorama Application tutorial, I recommend you to check it! You can use
DJI Mobile SDK’s Intelligent Navigation Waypoint missions and Joystick to control the aircraft’s camera to rotate and take photos. For the joystick feature, please check DJIGimbal.h file, there is a method called:
-(void) setGimbalPitch:(DJIGimbalRotation)pitch Roll:(DJIGimbalRotation)roll Yaw:(DJIGimbalRotation)yaw withResult:(DJIExecuteResultBlock)block;
By using it, you can send command to control the aircraft to rotate the gimbal manually. The tutorial also teach you how to stitch the photos you take and using OpenCV library to generate them into a panorama.
Hope this help!


Azure Media Services - Captions on iOS - Native not AMP

I'm trying to get captioning working on iOS and Android. Android seems relatively straight forward but I can't seem to figure out how (nor do the docs really tell you) to setup WebVTT captions like you can easily do with Windows 10 UWP and AMP.
On Android I am just doing videoView.AddSubtitleSource and it appears to work. On iOS I'm at a loss. From what I can tell it appears that it's possible to load captions not embedded in the file, but I can't find any example of how it works with MediaSelectionOptions and specifying a stream or similar.
I've done this in my own custom renderer in Xamarin Forms but I'm fine converting it from swift or Objective C if needed.
Anyone get this working or know how?
If your interest is iOS native player, check this tutorial video from Apple: (about 20 min into it)
If your interest is Safari based player, check the examples here: (3 of the examples include webVTT)
The issue with iOS and Safari not playing back VTT side car files appears to be fixed now in the latest iOS release. Not sure exactly when it was fixed, but I'm on 14.7.1 and the following sample is working now,en,;Spanish,es,;French,fr,;Italian,it,

Programatically upload a video to Youtube

I am currently trying to programmatically upload a video from an iOS device to Youtube, but all of the information I am finding is incredibly dated.
I have explored the Google API Cocoapod, but the documentation around using it is rather weak, so I could not find a good starting point.
Other answers on here lead off to four year old projects that are now broken.
Hoping someone can point me to a current example, tutorial or other documentation on how to upload through iOS.
I have never done this but I m sure following link will help you.
1.Upload Videos to YouTube with iPhone custom App
2.Uploading Video with iPhone
3.YouTube Data API.
4. Upload Video on you tube.

Integrating Live Photos in my app

I have some live photos that I am trying to use in my app. I am kind of confused on how to integrate them so I can use it in the app. I currently have an image view, but how do I add the live photo to it?
There is really no simple out-of-the-box API from Apple to integrate Live Photo in iOS apps.
That being said, there's an interesting article that has been going around lately which will explain what Live Photo is under the hood and how you can use it.
PHLivePhoto & PHLivePhotoView are available in iOS 9.1+
These should be all you need to support Apple's Live Photos in your app.

integrating Facebook SDK with cocos2d iOS

I have a cocos2D game with which I would like to add a Facebook share option.
Something very simple in the lines of "so and so solved puzzle number 22 in myGame etc."
I have downloaded and installed the new Facebook SDK and worked with the helloFacebook example.
The problem is that all these samples are written for UIKit and not cocos2D.
I tried to modify the code to make it work with cocos but it started getting complicated.
Is there a way to add simple integration with cocos2D. I don't need anything fancy just sharing to a wall the name of the app and puzzle number solved.

Is it possible to take a photo with an iPad from a web page?

I'm building a web intranet app that will track inventory and I would like to be able to take a photo of each item using the built in camera from an iPad. Is this possible?
I've done a similar thing with barcodes using an app, but I haven't found anything that will do the same with a photo yet.
This stack overflow question may help:
HTML5 Camera Access Through Browser in iOS
#user295691 writes:
In IOS6 apple supports this via the < input type=file > tag. I
couldn't find a useful link in Apple's developer documentation, but
there's an example here
You can use PhoneGap framework to achieve this. JavaScript is used as bridge between Web app and Native functionality.
