integrating Facebook SDK with cocos2d iOS - ios

I have a cocos2D game with which I would like to add a Facebook share option.
Something very simple in the lines of "so and so solved puzzle number 22 in myGame etc."
I have downloaded and installed the new Facebook SDK and worked with the helloFacebook example.
The problem is that all these samples are written for UIKit and not cocos2D.
I tried to modify the code to make it work with cocos but it started getting complicated.
Is there a way to add simple integration with cocos2D. I don't need anything fancy just sharing to a wall the name of the app and puzzle number solved.


IOS 14 Admob ads implementation App Tracking Transparency

I'm using Unity and Google Mobile Ads 8.7.0 to implement ads in my game. I've read Google Prepare for IOS here But confused where and how to implement the required source codes.
The file states that we should place -void requestIDFA in our XCODE project. Few videos on YouTube has placed the code in their AppDelagate.h script.
But Admobs SDK 8.7.0 dosent include an AppDelagate.h file. Where should I place the -void (requestIDFA) script from Google. Will anywhere suffice or must there be a specific place you implement it.
You're probably the one who asked me on my YouTube video, and I answered you.
However the simplest solution is to use the Unity package iOS 14 Advertising Support, you find it in the package manager.

How to properly integrate Unity + Vuforia into an existing native iOS Project?

We have created a project with Unity 2017.3 and Vuforia 6.0.114 and need to integrate it into a native iOS App with already existing AppDelegate and existing ViewContollers. We still want to launch our own AppDelegate and starting ViewController but on some point later the Unity+Vuforia-Controller shall be entered.
We are familiar with the process of integrating a Unity App into a native iOS App itself and we made everything work fine as long as there is no Vuforia involved.
The problem is that Vuforia itself subclasses Unity's Controller (in by using the IMPL_APP_CONTROLLER_SUBCLASS(VuforiaNativeRendererController) mechanism.
This is actually the same way we subclass our own iOS native App, thus we have a conflict. We can either start our part and take control of Unity or let Vuforia do it.
The question now is: Is it possible to somehow further subclass Vuforia or something similar? And if so, how could this be achieved?
We recently hit that exact same road bump. Using this method to integrate the Unity app into our existing native iOS project, we managed to bypass the renderer issue. Just make sure you turn off Auto Graphics API in Unity's player settings and use OpenGLES2 instead of Metal
I know this question is old, but pops-up in search and there is a solution.
Here's guide on Using Vuforia Engine with Unity as a Library (UaaL)

How to make a 360 panorama app using DJI Mobile SDK like DronePan?

I saw DronePan's app on Facebook recently. DronePan is a simple app to control DJI's Inspire 1 to take a cool 360 panorama, it's really awesome. You can check its video:, so I am excited about it and want to make an iOS app like it too. I google it and figure out that DronePan is using DJI Mobile SDK to make the app. Now I am wondering if someone can give me some clues to start this project? Like using which API of the DJI SDK can I make the Inspire 1 to rotate the camera to take photos? Thanks!
Good topic! The panorama feature is quite popular for the drones’ app recently. I just get started to play with DJI Mobile SDK for 2 weeks, google it and found DJI SDK’s github page. It’s really helpful for the starters like us. In the page, I found the Creating a Panorama Application tutorial, I recommend you to check it! You can use
DJI Mobile SDK’s Intelligent Navigation Waypoint missions and Joystick to control the aircraft’s camera to rotate and take photos. For the joystick feature, please check DJIGimbal.h file, there is a method called:
-(void) setGimbalPitch:(DJIGimbalRotation)pitch Roll:(DJIGimbalRotation)roll Yaw:(DJIGimbalRotation)yaw withResult:(DJIExecuteResultBlock)block;
By using it, you can send command to control the aircraft to rotate the gimbal manually. The tutorial also teach you how to stitch the photos you take and using OpenCV library to generate them into a panorama.
Hope this help!

Old app with no Xib and storyboard. Make ios9 compatible

Iam new to developer forum and in need of help. So thought why not get help from fellow developers. I have a app (Photo Sharing App) that was bought from a developer and now I want to make it ios9 compatible and want to have a app with more effects and features like ; masking, layers, crop, resize, stickers etc....
Had a developer look at it and he told me this about the app.
"— App Code is Static. (no xibs and no storyboard used). All code written programatically. >> if to make compatible to iOS9 have to re-structure re-code all the structure to match with latest app requirement storyboard,auto layout etc… (current code is static for each devices need to make dynamic).
— App not working for new xcode 7.
— Application working in older version of Xcode 6.4. When tried to run on Xcode 7 it shows error not compiling at all. with changes managed to apply fix and run on new Xcode. But it still hangs on iOS 9
— facebook invite friend not working >> current code has older implementation of Facebook to show just friend with invite list which is now not allow by Facebook. Have to now check for this invite feature how it is working now and what are the steps needed to implement if working. "
The question: Is it any easy solution to make it work or do we need to make the app from scratch. Any one who can guide me to right direction. Where should I start and what can be done. Is it much work related to getting it IOS9 compatible? Any script/codes available on the net/github? iam just a amateur and on starting level so please consider it.
Have heard that can make a launch screen with storyboard so no need to make the app from scratch and just let the lauchscreen be dynamic to work with the app for flexible layout. How is that possible?
Thanks a lot
There is no need to remake all views with storyboard or xibs. You just need to add Default images for 3.5 and 4 inches iPhones. Also, you need to fix all errors, update frameworks and libs, recode deprecated methods, make the app compile for 64 bit architecture.

Unity and Facebook - iOS won't post, android does

having a bit of an issue that I haven't been able to find anywhere. I've created a game using Unity and the Facebook SDK for Unity. It works great in the editor, great when pushed to android....But when I try an iOS install, it won't post onto my timeline or anyone else's and invites don't work....But the android version does.
It brings up the dialog like it should, looks like it's about to invite/post, then just goes back to the game.
I'm using Unity 4.3.4, Facebook SDK for Unity 5.0.3 and Xcode 5.1.
Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: Some additional news. Facebook SDK for Unity has a tutorial attached to it where they have a pre-built project called Friend Smash to show you how the SDK works. I just ran the completed project through Xcode and pushed it to my iPhone and have experienced the EXACT same issue. Invite appears to be sent (even appears on the screen saying "request sent") and it appears to post my score to Facebook, but again nothing appears on Facebook.
Looks like this was my stuff up.
Looks like my request wasn't being given a Post ID. In checking my code, I had written "actionlink", instead of "link" in the "onBragClicked" method which fouled up the process....Yet somehow didn't screw up my android build.
Anyway, thanks for viewing.
