Disable scroll to focused button - blackberry

Hi a have two buttons at the bottom of the screen and each time I open this screen, view is scrolled to the bottom to show those focused buttons, is there any method to disable this behaviour and firstly display top of the screen?

You have to add a focusable field to the top of your screen. Its up to you how you want to achieve this, but generally you can put a NullField as the first view of your screen.
The NullField should receive the initial focus for you, but note a user can still scroll back to it as with any other view. So it might look like your focus is "lost" depending on how your design looks.
public class MyScreen extends MainScreen
public MyScreen()
add(new NullField()); // Nullfield to be initially focused
// Screen content with focusable button at the bottom
add(new LabelField("Label"));
ButtonField button = new ButtonField("Button");
button.setMargin(1000, 0, 0, 0);


Vaadin: How do make a button align to the top right of my page?

I need to align a button to the right of my page in a vertical layout.
Please tell me method to do this.
private Button createBackButton() {
Button bButton = new Button("Back");
bButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
return bButton;
In order to align your button to the top-right of your VerticalLayout, use VerticalLayout's setComponentAlignment() method. Also note that the VerticalLayout itself needs to be big enough so that the button can even have some space to move around in there so it looks like it's being aligned to the top-right. By default the VerticalLayout will just get as big as the components inside it. You need to give it a bigger size using setWidth() and setHeight(), or make it take up the whole space as its parent component/layout using setSizeFull() (note that the parent layout, if any, also needs to be big enough so it has space inside it too).
So the code would look like:
VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout();
Button backButton = createBackButton();
Hope that helps.

Add a UIView to a ScrollView for paging

How can I have a UIScollView content be the content from a UIView? I want to design the app layout in a UIView and then lay that view into a UIScrollView that is connected to a UIPageControl for pagination. So when the user swipes to the side, the next view is displayed. I have a sort of idea on how I would accomplish this, but I want to get it right without wasting a lot of time.
Heres my DetailViewController:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using UIKit;
using Foundation;
using CoreGraphics;
using CloudKit;
namespace RecordStorePro
public partial class DetailViewController : UIViewController
public Record DetailRecord { get; set; }
public DetailViewController (IntPtr handle) : base (handle)
public void SetDetailRecord (Record record)
if (DetailRecord != record) {
DetailRecord = record;
// Update the view
ConfigureView ();
void ConfigureView ()
// Update the user interface for the detail item
if (IsViewLoaded && DetailRecord != null) {
//label.Text = DetailRecord.Album;
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
// Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
NavigationItem.SetLeftBarButtonItem (new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Stop, (sender, args) => {
}), true);
ConfigureView ();
//this.scrollview.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Gray;
// set pages and content size
scrollview.ContentSize = new SizeF ((float)(scrollview.Frame.Width * 2), (float)(scrollview.Frame.Height));
//this.scrollview.AddSubview ();
this.scrollview.Scrolled += ScrollEvent;
private void ScrollEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.pagecontrol.CurrentPage = (int)System.Math.Floor(scrollview.ContentOffset.X / this.scrollview.Frame.Size.Width);
public override void DidReceiveMemoryWarning ()
base.DidReceiveMemoryWarning ();
// Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.
So when I swipe the screen, I want a subview that contains some labels and textfields to come in and replace the original labels and textfields. It works properly so far except I can't figure out how to add the subview, and make it size appropriately to different screen sizes.
Heres the problem Im facing now, the views laying in the ScrollView act funny and are about 44f too tall so they let me drag up and down. i tried setting all kinds of constraints as well as manually setting them to -44 smaller with no help. heres a picture of the problem now:
Heres the screenshot of my constraints set.
View A:
View B:
Nib view:
To do this, you might want to try these steps:
The view that shows the first page will be called View A. The view that shows the second page will be called View B.
Add both views to the Scroll View.
Control-drag from View A to the Scroll View in the sidebar.
Hold down Shift and select Top Space to Superview, Bottom Space to Superview, and Leading Space to Superview. Next, press Return to add those constraints.
Make sure those constraints’ constants are set to 0.
Control-drag from View B to the Scroll View in the sidebar.
Hold down Shift and select Top Space to Superview, Bottom Space to Superview, and Trailing Space to Superview. Next, press Return to add those constraints.
Control-drag from View A to View B in the sidebar.
Select Horizontal Spacing. Make sure its constant is 0 and its Second Item is View A.Trailing and its First Item is View B.Leading.
Control-drag from View A to View B in the sidebar. Select Equal Widths. Make sure the Constant is 0.
Control-drag from View A to the Scroll View in the sidebar. Select Equal Widths. Make sure the constant is set to 0.
In the inspector, check “Paging Enabled.”
Adding subScrollView with no pagingEnabled to each page and controls into subScrollView works! If you add controls directly to scrollview with paging enabled, it seems gesture recogniser's first responder is always scrollview so your controls never gets the event and behave like a disabled!
UIScrollView has a property called “pagingEnabled”
In Interface Builder, resize the scroll view to allow for some space below it for the page control. Next, drag in a UIPageControl from the library, centered below the scroll view. Resize the UIPageControl to take up the full width of the view.

Two titile bars on a single screen in BlackBerry

I am trying to build a screen in BlackBerry. In which there should be a second title bar just below the original title bar. Also the second title bar should be fixed and it should not be scrolled with vertical scroll.
Need some advice on this issue.
You can add the second title and the original title bar on a VerticalFieldManager. Then just set that VerticalFieldManager as title, as it's possible to set any Field, Manager instance as title.
Check public void setTitle(Field title) and following example.
public class DemoScreen extends MainScreen {
public DemoScreen() {
// Prepare a Custom Title
VerticalFieldManager myTitle = new VerticalFieldManager(style);
// Set background color.
// Add any numbers/types of field
myTitle.add(new LabelField("First line."));
myTitle.add(new LabelField("The second line."));
// Set the Title

create popup screen in blackBerry

I want to create a popup screen in BlackBerry like the screen appear on long click (see the picture)
My screen contain 3 items
image description
image description
image description
Can any one help me by an example or link to do this popup?
Use the below code and call the GetPopup wherever you want to show the pop up screen
final class Getpopup extends PopupScreen
EditField edf;
AutoTextEditField edf1;
HorizontalFieldManager hfm;
public Getpopup()
super( new VerticalFieldManager());
LabelField lf = new LabelField("Contact Info", LabelField.FIELD_HCENTER);
SeparatorField sf = new SeparatorField();
edf1= new AutoTextEditField("Name:","" ,20,EditField.NO_NEWLINE);
edf = new EditField("Number:",ThirdScreen.get3);
VerticalFieldManager vfm =new VerticalFieldManager(VerticalFieldManager.FIELD_HCENTER);
hfm=new HorizontalFieldManager(HorizontalFieldManager.FIELD_HCENTER);
ButtonField bf1 = new ButtonField("Save", ButtonField.FIELD_HCENTER);
ButtonField bf2 = new ButtonField("Cancel", ButtonField.FIELD_HCENTER);
Find the code here to create creating-borderless-transparent-popup screen in blackberry
If your looking for custmizing the Buttons as appeared in image then visit custom-image-buttonfield-in-blackberry
You have to make use of GridFieldManager.java for the layout you have used, Also you can customize your own layout.
Create a PopupDialog class which extends Dialog and then in the constructor, add the Buttons. If you would like your buttons to look like the above image, extend a field or button field and in paint method, draw the button and then the button text below the button. Add this custom button control in the PopupDialog.

Hide and Collapse menu using Vaadin

Does any one know about how to create hide and collapse content using vaadin api.
All components inherit the setVisible() method which can trigger visibility on and off. This means all components and component containers at least. This happens without animations, though.
If you like some animations, you have to rely to add-ons, e.g. Henrik Paul's Drawer does some kind of hide and show animations.
Is this what you were thinking about?
I achieved it by using TabSheet functionality of vaadin.I created two tabs '+' and '-' whenever user clicks on '-' Tab It am setting the TabSheet height to 100% and whenever the user clicks on the '+' Tab I am setting the height of the TabSheet to 20% (visible height of the tabsheet) so whatever the content in the TabSheet will be hided in user perspective.
// Create an empty tab sheet.
TabSheet tabsheet = new TabSheet();
// Defining Vertical Layout for Tab 1 content
final VerticalLayout verLayout1 = new VerticalLayout();
// Tab 2 content
VerticalLayout verLayout2 = new VerticalLayout();
tabsheet.addTab(verLayout1, "+", null);
tabsheet.addTab(verLayout2, "-", null);
* Method to handle tab sheet hide/show event
* #return TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeListener
public TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeListener listenerForTab() {
_logger.info("Entering in to tabChangeListener of WizardUtil");
// Instance of TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeListener
TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeListener listener = new TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeListener() {
public void selectedTabChange(SelectedTabChangeEvent event) {
TabSheet tabsheet = event.getTabSheet();
Tab tab = tabsheet.getTab(tabsheet.getSelectedTab());
// Tab content displayed on setting height to the tab sheet
if(tab.getCaption().equals("+")) {
} else {
_logger.info("Exiting from tabChangeListener of WizardUtil");
return listener;
