Vaadin: How do make a button align to the top right of my page? - vaadin

I need to align a button to the right of my page in a vertical layout.
Please tell me method to do this.
private Button createBackButton() {
Button bButton = new Button("Back");
bButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
return bButton;

In order to align your button to the top-right of your VerticalLayout, use VerticalLayout's setComponentAlignment() method. Also note that the VerticalLayout itself needs to be big enough so that the button can even have some space to move around in there so it looks like it's being aligned to the top-right. By default the VerticalLayout will just get as big as the components inside it. You need to give it a bigger size using setWidth() and setHeight(), or make it take up the whole space as its parent component/layout using setSizeFull() (note that the parent layout, if any, also needs to be big enough so it has space inside it too).
So the code would look like:
VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout();
Button backButton = createBackButton();
Hope that helps.


Vaadin: TextArea scrolling doesn't work

I have something similar to this code:
TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
Panel dataPanel = new Panel("Panel", textArea);
textArea.setValue(... some very long text...);
The problem is that this TextArea appears without vertical scrollbar (and mouse-wheel scrolling also doesn't work), although inner text is longer than TextArea height (I can navigate lower using cursor and keyboard down arrow).
How do I enable scrolling in this component?
A bit weird, but as per the documentation if you disable word-wrapping in a text-area, you'll get the vertical scroll-bar:
Word Wrap
The setWordwrap() sets whether long lines are wrapped ( true - default) when the line length reaches the width of the writing area. If the word wrap is disabled (false), a vertical scrollbar will appear instead. The word wrap is only a visual feature and wrapping a long line does not insert line break characters in the field value; shortening a wrapped line will undo the wrapping.
The following code sample illustrates this behaviour with Vaadin 8.0.6. Please note my class extends Panel to match your sample but at this point you can eliminate it:
public class PanelWithScrollableTextField extends Panel {
public PanelWithScrollableTextField() {
TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
IntStream.range(1, 100).forEach(value -> buffer.append(value).append("\r\n"));
P.S. I know it's a bit weird to grasp, but panels are used to scroll surfaces that are larger then the panel size, so if we'd get it working, you'd be scrolling the text area itself, not its content. You can see below a sample to better understand what I mean:
public class PanelWithScrollableTextField extends Panel {
public PanelWithScrollableTextField() {
TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
textArea.setHeight("500px"); // fixed size with height larger than the panel
setHeight("100px"); // fixed height smaller than the content so we get a scroll bar
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
IntStream.range(1, 100).forEach(value -> buffer.append(value).append("\r\n"));
You can change it CSS also like below .
.v-textarea { overflow-y: auto ! important;}

Horizontally centering a popup window in Vaadin

I have added a popup window to my main UI as follows:
Window component = new Window();
Now, I want my popup to be centered horizontally and e.g. 40 pixels from the top of the screen. As far as I can see Vaadin has 4 methods for positioning my window.
component.setPosition(x, y)
None of these are really what I want. I was hoping at first that setPositionY might help me. This does allow me to get the right distance from the top, but the x-position is now set to 0, where I wanted it to be centered.
The setPosition might have helped if I was able to calculate what the x-position should be, but this would require me to know the width of the component in pixels, but component.getWidth just tells me 100%.
Next I tried to use CSS styling on the component, writing and explicit css rule and adding it to the component with addStyleName. It seems though that Vaadin overrides whatever I wrote in my css with its own defaults...
Any ideas how to get my Window component positioned correctly?
I used the methods getBrowserWindowWidth() and getBrowserWindowHeight() from the com.vaadin.server.Page class for this.
I centered my "log" window horizontally in the lower part of the browser window with
(int) (Page.getCurrent().getBrowserWindowWidth() * 0.02),
(int) (Page.getCurrent().getBrowserWindowHeight() * 0.65)
Solution 1: Use SizeReporter
Indeed, setPositionY() will reset the window's centered property to false. As the width of your pop-up and that of your browser window are not know before they appear on the screen, the only way I know to get those values is to use the SizeReporter add-on. Its use is quite straightforward:
public class MyUI extends UI {
private Window popUp;
private SizeReporter popUpSizeReporter;
private SizeReporter windowSizeReporter;
protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
Button button = new Button("Content button");
VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(button);
popUp = new Window("Pop-up", layout);
popUpSizeReporter = new SizeReporter(popUp);
windowSizeReporter = new SizeReporter(this);
private void centerPopUp(ComponentResizeEvent event) {
int popUpWidth = popUpSizeReporter.getWidth();
int windowWidth = windowSizeReporter.getWidth();
if (popUpWidth == -1 || windowWidth == -1) {
popUp.setPositionX((windowWidth - popUpWidth) / 2);
This piece of code will be okay as long as you don't resize the pop-up. If you do, it will not be automatically recentered. If you replace addResizeListenerOnce() by addResizeListener() then it will automatically recenter the pop-up but you'll get some "UI glitches" as the add-on sends resize events almost continually while you're resizing your pop-up...
You could try to do it using CSS, but I personally avoid CSS as much as I can with Vaadin :).
You'll need to recompile the widgetset after you've added the add-on as a dependency.
Solution 2: Use com.vaadin.ui.JavaScript
I won't vouch for the portability of this solution but I guess it will work on most modern browsers.
public class MyUI extends UI {
private Window popUp;
protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
Button button = new Button("Content button");
VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(button);
popUp = new Window("Pop-up", layout);
// Add a JS function that can be called from the client.
JavaScript.getCurrent().addFunction("centerWindow", args -> {
popUp.setPositionX((int) ((args.getNumber(1) - args.getNumber(0)) / 2));
// Execute the function now. In real code you might want to execute the function just after the window is displayed, probably in your enter() method.
JavaScript.getCurrent().execute("centerWindow(document.getElementsByClassName('window-center')[0].offsetWidth, window.innerWidth)");

Disable scroll to focused button

Hi a have two buttons at the bottom of the screen and each time I open this screen, view is scrolled to the bottom to show those focused buttons, is there any method to disable this behaviour and firstly display top of the screen?
You have to add a focusable field to the top of your screen. Its up to you how you want to achieve this, but generally you can put a NullField as the first view of your screen.
The NullField should receive the initial focus for you, but note a user can still scroll back to it as with any other view. So it might look like your focus is "lost" depending on how your design looks.
public class MyScreen extends MainScreen
public MyScreen()
add(new NullField()); // Nullfield to be initially focused
// Screen content with focusable button at the bottom
add(new LabelField("Label"));
ButtonField button = new ButtonField("Button");
button.setMargin(1000, 0, 0, 0);

Vaadin label gets hidden if other layout component is set to expand

If I use following code to create a UI using Vaadin,
protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
HorizontalLayout horizontalLayout = new HorizontalLayout();
horizontalLayout.addComponent(new Label("Why am I not shown?"));
Button button = new Button("expanding button");
horizontalLayout.setExpandRatio(button, 1);
horizontalLayout.setWidth(100, Unit.PERCENTAGE);
The label I added to horizontalLayout is not shown in the created UI. Why is that? What I expect to happen in this case is the label to take its required width and the button to take the rest of the width. But the label is not shown at all.
Please don't ask me why I want to expand the button. This is just a MCVE and my real UI is somewhat more complex.
The Button has undefined size by default. So space will be shared by the 100% sized Label (by default) with expand ratio of 0 and the excess space of the Button cell with expand ratio 1. So all space is given to the excess space of the button.
Set the Label to have a undefined size with label.setSizeUndefined() and will work as you expect.
Note that relative sized components can lost all his space when using a expand ratio.
For example:
HorizontalLayout horizontalLayout = new HorizontalLayout();
Label l1 = new Label("one");
Label l2 = new Label("two");
Label l3 = new Label("three");
horizontalLayout.setExpandRatio(l2, 1);
Will show only label "two".

How do I remove bottom padding that appears below a TextBox in Windows Phone when tapped?

I am attempting to implement a chat view in Windows Phone 8. When a user taps my TextBox at the bottom of my View, the view shifts vertically as the keyboard appears, but an additional amount of padding appears at the bottom of the view. I have seen this happen in other apps as well.
Here is my app:
Here is an equivalent app (Whatsapp) that has clearly solved the problem.
Anyone have any ideas on how to correct this issue in a way that won't break my view? My attempts to manually modify padding when Focused/Unfocused have not been successful.
Good news! I have managed to figure out a fix for this. The below code stops the page from being moved up at all and then adds a margin to the bottom of the text box to place it above the keyboard. The value below of 417 seems to work well for me but you can change this to whatever you like. Using this method also stops other content being pushed off screen like the conversation as it will be fully scrollable while the keyboard is active.
private void TextBox_GotFocus_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var rootFrame = Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame;
rootFrame.RenderTransform = new CompositeTransform() { TranslateY = +0 };
TextInput2.Margin = new Thickness(12, 0, 12, 417);
private void TextBox_LostFocus_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var rootFrame = Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame;
rootFrame.RenderTransform = new CompositeTransform() { TranslateY = +0 };
TextInput2.Margin = new Thickness(12, 0, 12, 12);
You can always try to give bottom margin with negative value. example give -40px and see.
If you're using Grid, set Height to "Auto" where the TextBox is.
Set InputScope="Default".
