<FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h> not found in Parse - ios

Hello I am trying to include Parse into my iOS application but unfortunately there were a lot changes made in iOS 9.
I have downloaded the Parse starter project and have Parse up and running and have also included the Facebook SDK in my project, but my problem I have is in my "PFFacebookUtils.h". It keeps giving me and error saying that " file not found".
These are all the libraries I have. Under ParseFacebookUtils.framework there is a file named PFFacebookUtils.h, I get that file not found" in there. Does anyone have any experience with using Facebook and Parse for iOS 9? Thanks for help!

remove the ParseFacebookUtils.framework from your project :)
Another(better) way is to use cocoapods and you'll forget about such problems.


How to use Swift Pod in Unity exported iOS App

I have reach experience in iOS native app development, My company have a unity app. Unity app developer exported the app for iOS and shared with me. I wanted to use my own created cocoa-pod library (which I have already using in my another iOS App) into Unity iOS project.
So Unity developer exported by File -> Build Settings, choose iOS and click Build, and now I am trying integrated pod (which is written in Swift 4.2) into Unity exported of iOS project.
I have taken medium post and many more reference, I have implemented the same as conclusive direction. Please look the attached screenshot below.
Reference - https://medium.com/ios-os-x-development/swift-and-objective-c-interoperability-2add8e6d6887
Please look the below screenshot for autogenerated file
Now when I am going to import this autogenerated header file to make connection between Objective C to Swift, then it is showing error as attached screenshot below
Please help me to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.
One thing that has hung me up on this in the past is if you get an error during the initial build, then sometimes it doesn't create the -swift.h file and then subsequent builds also get an error that it's missing. Make sure you've deleted your derived data and cleaned the build folder to reset so everything gets built from the beginning.

'Branch.h' file not found Xcode error for Ionic 3 app

When I am trying to build my Ionic 3 app in ios device from Xcode, I am getting the following error.
'Branch.h' file not found
The error appears in file BranchSDK.h inside the Plugins folder of IOS.
There are old threads on Github regarding this error but I am unable to solve it.
Please try following solution:
Please make sure that you are opening xcworkspace instead of xcodeproj.
Please remove the existing SDK integration, start a fresh and make sure to use the latest version. You can follow this link for more details:
Delete derived data from Xcode as suggested in this link.
Config.xml is an important part of your project configuration, please make sure to cross confirm it from the Branch Dashboard. Please follow our troubleshooting guidelines to make sure you are not missing anything.
In case following solution does not works for you please write to support#branch.io.

Why am I getting 'Braintree/BTUICTAControl.h' file not found error on Braintree manual integration?

I get the following build error after implementing step number four "Add the Braintree SDK code to project" from the Manual Integration Without CocoaPods guide.
braintree_ios/Braintree/UI/Braintree-Payments-UI.h:3:9: 'Braintree/BTUICTAControl.h' file not found
Tested in
New Objective-C iOS app project.
In Xcode 6.1 (6A1042b) and 6.3 (6D543q)
How can I fix this build error?
I work on the Braintree iOS SDK.
I believe using the name Braintree instead of Braintree SDK for the framework target name will resolve this particular issue. I recently updated the manual docs accordingly.
We recommend that you integrate using CocoaPods if at all possible, as it handles all this complexity for you.
Note also that I've responded on the issue you posted on GitHub. Let's resolve this there. Thanks!
Have you tried manually downloading the zip file and not using git?
Try following the second bullet point from the first step.

installing AWS ios sdk in swift project

I'm trying to add the AWS SDK to my xcode project that is written in swift.
I followed these steps: http://mobile.awsblog.com/post/Tx2AA7ZHB1FK0G1/Version-2-of-the-AWS-SDK-for-iOS-Developer-Preview to create a Bridge-Header file, and add the SDK itself to my project.
The problem is that when I try to build the app I get an error now... the Bridge Header cannot be imported because one of the files in the AWS SDK (AWSModel.h) has an error. This file tries to import Mantle/Mantle.h, and the error reads "Mantle/Mantle.h file not found"
do I need to add this file to my project as well? If so, how would I go about doing that? The only frameworks I'm using are Facebook SDK, and I would like to add AWS as well.
There is a working sample app on GitHub. You should follow README and see if you can compile the app. It should help you understand how to set up the project.

iOS Afnetworking 2.0 AfSecurityPolicy.m showing an error while building the project

I am following a tutorial at http://www.raywenderlich.com/30445/afnetworking-crash-course for iOS AfNetworking. The tutorial follows the old version of AfNetworking, but I have managed to migrate it to the new AfNetworking (2.0). After following the JSON request I had no error. As soon as I hit the run button to run the app, I get the following error due to AFSecurityPolicy.m at two places.
"No visible #interface for 'NSArray' declares the selector 'firstObject'".
Here is a screenshot of the error:
Initially, the security framework was not included, so I included it in case the error was due to that. But, after adding SecurityFramework the error is still there.
Now I am kind of lost since I searched the web and didn't find any problem similar to this. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
[NSArray -firstObject] is new to iOS 7, your target architecture is probably set too old. AFNetworking 2.0 only supports iOS 6 and iOS 7.
From The Question It Seems that you Been using OSX foundation.framework rather that ios cocoa touch Foundation.framework
As in Osx console apps the NSArray dont have the property of first Object
you can use the
array[0] for the instance if error still persist better switch to ios sdk for further use.
In order to get your old code running you need to use AFNetworking old version pod, that used to work properly.
For that you need to edit in your "Podfile" in TextEditor
change " pod 'AFNetworking' " to " pod 'AFNetworking','~> 1.3.1' " (you need to use your verison of AFNetworking that was working fine)
Then run "pod update" on terminal
