I'm trying to configure bitbucket (Mercurial) and Jenkins.
I installed the Bitbucket Jenkins plugin:
on Bitbucket, I configure a new webhook:
and I can see that a called is done everytime I pushed my commits:
Event: repo:push
Details: 2 minutes ago
Error: 500
On Jenkins Logs I can see that a JSON is received:
Received commit hook notification for
"scm": "hg",
"uuid": "{6c2bcf03-9371-4a6b-bef4-XXXXXXXX}",
"is_private": true,
"full_name": "XXXXXXX/XXXXXXdy09",
"name": "XXXX-dy09",
"type": "repository",
"links": {
"html": {
"href": "https://bitbucket.org/XXXXXXX/YYYYYYs-dy09"
"avatar": {
"href": "https://bitbucket.org/XXXXXXXXXX/YYYYYYYYYdy09/avatar/32/"
"self": {
"href": "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/XXXXXXXXXX/YYYYYYYYYYYdy09"
"owner": {
"display_name": "XXXXXXX",
"uuid": "{bca96c46-239a-4dd7-885e-XXXXXXX}",
"links": {
"html": {
"href": "https://bitbucket.org/XXXXXXXXXXX/"
"avatar": {
"href": "https://bitbucket.org/account/XXXXXXXXXX/avatar/32/"
"self": {
"href": "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/users/XXXXXXXXXXXX"
"username": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
"type": "user"
but nothing is happening, any job is triggered.
Jenkins Job conf:
Any idea why my job is not triggered?
Thx in advance
ok, I'm going to ask my own asnwer.
it seems Mercurial is not supported at this moment.
in the following link:
you could see:
if ("git".equals(scm)) {
//more code
} else {
// TODO hg
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported SCM type " + scm);
so, not possible using the bitbucket plugin.
there are many workarounds you can find on internet.
We are operating a TFS 2018 Update 2 in our enviroment.
We are sending the example json found here to our server and it is getting accepted successfully:
"properties": {
"sampleId": 7,
"customInfo": "Custom status information",
"startedDateTime": {
"$type": "System.DateTime",
"$value": "2017-09-19T14:50:26.7410146Z"
"weight": {
"$type": "System.Double",
"$value": 1.75
"bytes": {
"$type": "System.Byte[]",
"$value": "dGhpcyBpcyBzYW1wbGUgYmFzZTY0IGVuY29kZWQgc3RyaW5n"
"globalId": {
"$type": "System.Guid",
"$value": "1e788cb9-9d3d-4dc6-ac05-822092d17f90"
"state": "succeeded",
"description": "Sample status succeeded",
"context": {
"name": "sample-status-1",
"genre": "vsts-samples"
"targetUrl": "http://fabrikam-fiber-inc.com/CI/builds/1"
But the response doesn't look like in the documentation. Instead it looks like this:
"id": 6,
"state": "succeeded",
"description": "Sample status succeeded",
"context": {
"name": "sample-status-1",
"genre": "vsts-samples"
"creationDate": "2019-12-11T16:14:05.0574648Z",
"updatedDate": "2019-12-11T16:14:05.0574648Z",
"createdBy": {
"displayName": "...",
"url": "https://.../_apis/Identities/0b85e078-130d-4cb8-a450-17c5c7efccec",
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": "https://.../_api/_common/identityImage?id=0b85e078-130d-4cb8-a450-17c5c7efccec"
"id": "0b85e078-130d-4cb8-a450-17c5c7efccec",
"uniqueName": "...",
"imageUrl": "https://.../_api/_common/identityImage?id=0b85e078-130d-4cb8-a450-17c5c7efccec"
"targetUrl": "http://fabrikam-fiber-inc.com/CI/builds/1",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "https://.../_apis/git/repositories/35fe73eb-7af1-4bba-bf04-545611fcac1d/pullRequests/58/statuses/6"
"repository": {
"href": "https://.../_apis/git/repositories/35fe73eb-7af1-4bba-bf04-545611fcac1d"
The properties are gone. What could be wrong?
Could it be a somehow completely missleading documentation?
To troubleshoot your issue, please check the following items:
Check whether the Status updated on the pull request after running the POST request.
Press F12 in your browser, and send the POST request to check the statuses to see whether you can get properties in the response body.
Check your TFS edition by going to Administration Console -- Application Tier, or checking the About on the web portal. The issue can not be reproduced in TFS 2018.2 on our side.
Is there any possibility for conversion from dwg to dgn using forge design automation api? If yes then what will be the best way to do that? Any suggestion would be helpful.
Yes, you can use the -DGNEXPORT command in your script to accomplish this.
I was trying to get a concrete codes for this question as it requires some tricks and support of seed file on Design Automation. By engineer team's help, now it is working.
Assume we test with Postman. If you are working with v2 of Design Automation, the scripts below demo the usage.
"HostApplication": "",
"RequiredEngineVersion": "23.1",
"Parameters": {
"InputParameters": [{
"Name": "HostDwg",
"LocalFileName": "$(HostDwg)"
"OutputParameters": [{
"Name": "Result",
"LocalFileName": "result.dgn"
"Instruction": {
"CommandLineParameters": null,
"Script":"(command \"_-DGNEXPORT\" \"_V8\" (strcat (getvar \"DWGPREFIX\")
\"result.dgn\") \"_Master\" \"Standard\" (strcat (getvar \"LOCALROOTPREFIX\")
"Version": 1,
"Id": "CreateActByLISP"
"#odata.type": "#ACES.Models.WorkItem",
"Arguments": {
"InputArguments": [
"Resource": "http://forge-test.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/test.dwg",
"Name": "HostDwg",
"StorageProvider": "Generic"
"OutputArguments": [
"Name": "Result",
"StorageProvider": "Generic",
"HttpVerb": "POST",
"Resource": null
"ActivityId": "CreateActByLISP",
"Id": ""
If working with v3 of Design Automation, the script would be as below. Note: the engine needs 23.1 (Autodesk.AutoCAD+23_1)
"commandLine": [
"$(engine.path)\\accoreconsole.exe /i $(args[HostDwg].path) /s $(settings[script].path)"
"parameters": {
"HostDwg": {
"verb": "get",
"description": "Host drawing to be loaded into acad.",
"localName": "$(HostDwg)"
"Result": {
"verb": "post",
"description": "Results",
"localName": "result.dgn"
"engine": "Autodesk.AutoCAD+23_1",
"appbundles": [],
"settings": {
"script": {
"value": "(command \"_-DGNEXPORT\" \"_V8\" (strcat (getvar \"DWGPREFIX\") \"result.dgn\") \"_Master\" \"Standard\" (strcat (getvar \"LOCALROOTPREFIX\") \"Template\\\\V8-Imperial-Seed3D.dgn\"))\n"
"description": "PlotToPdf for all layouts.",
"id": "myexportdgn"
"activityId": "{{your nick name}}.myexportdgn+{{activity alias}}",
"arguments": {
"HostDwg": {
"url": "http://forge-test.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/test.dwg"
"Result": {
"verb": "put",
"url": "<your upload url>"
Anyone know how I can get the separate logs (for each pipeline stage) as the Blue Ocean shows. I need to attach them to Jira but I can not find them.
Any idea?
I'm doing the same thing with the global pipeline library I'm building. This is good for cases where you just want to email the logs of a particular failed stage. Here's how hope it helps. On the sample pipeline below a job named test is executed once (build #1)
pipeline {
agent any
stage("Compile") {
steps {
script {
echo "Compiling..."
stage("Test") {
steps {
script {
echo "Testing..."
stage("Build") {
steps {
script {
echo "Building..."
Access the API to see execution details. Notice that each object of this JSON includes the attributes id and result.
"actions": [],
"displayDescription": null,
"displayName": "Compile",
"durationInMillis": 341,
"id": "6",
"input": null,
"result": "SUCCESS",
"startTime": "2018-11-24T18:14:16.196+0800",
"state": "FINISHED",
"type": "STAGE",
"causeOfBlockage": null,
"edges": [
"_class": "io.jenkins.blueocean.rest.impl.pipeline.PipelineNodeImpl$EdgeImpl",
"id": "15",
"type": "STAGE"
"firstParent": null,
"restartable": true
"actions": [],
"displayDescription": null,
"displayName": "Test",
"durationInMillis": 246,
"id": "15",
"input": null,
"result": "SUCCESS",
"startTime": "2018-11-24T18:14:16.693+0800",
"state": "FINISHED",
"type": "STAGE",
"causeOfBlockage": null,
"edges": [
"_class": "io.jenkins.blueocean.rest.impl.pipeline.PipelineNodeImpl$EdgeImpl",
"id": "24",
"type": "STAGE"
"firstParent": "6",
"restartable": true
"actions": [],
"displayDescription": null,
"displayName": "Build",
"durationInMillis": 270,
"id": "24",
"input": null,
"result": "SUCCESS",
"startTime": "2018-11-24T18:14:17.188+0800",
"state": "FINISHED",
"type": "STAGE",
"causeOfBlockage": null,
"edges": [],
"firstParent": "15",
"restartable": true
Use result to check the status of a stage (SUCCESS, FAILED, ABORTED, etc...)
Use id to get into a particular stage, for this example the logs of Test stage which has an id of 15.
you can find the rest api document through this url:
still need to notice this in their document.
The Blue Ocean REST API is a "private API" designed for the Blue Ocean user interface.
It may change without notice at any time.
I'm evaluating atlassian-connect-express and just created an app
boilerplate with "atlassian-connect new", and then deployed it via ngrok
to my Jira dev account.
That works fine, but when I try to use the file "credentials.json" with
my account data, the plug starts with the error message:
Failed to register with host https‍://michael%40...:[My
password]#connect-ace.atlassian.net (401)
Add-on not registered; no compatible hosts detected
I get a similar message when I go to the url connect-ace.atlassian.net
Here my atlassian-connect.json
"key": "my-add-on",
"name": "Ping Pong",
"description": "My very first add-on",
"vendor": {
"name": "Angry Nerds",
"url": "https://www.atlassian.com/angrynerds"
"baseUrl": "https://xxxxxxx.ngrok.io",
"links": {
"self": "https://xxxxxxxx.ngrok.io/atlassian-connect.json",
"homepage": "https://xxxxxxx.ngrok.io/atlassian-connect.json"
"authentication": {
"type": "jwt"
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "/installed"
"scopes": [
"modules": {
"generalPages": [
"key": "hello-world-page-jira",
"location": "system.top.navigation.bar",
"name": {
"value": "Hello World"
"url": "/hello-world",
"conditions": [{
"condition": "user_is_logged_in"
"key": "hello-world-page-confluence",
"location": "system.header/left",
"name": {
"value": "Hello World"
"url": "/hello-world",
"conditions": [{
"condition": "user_is_logged_in"
and my credatials.json
"hosts": {
"connect-ace.atlassian.net": {
"product": "jira",
"username": "michael#---",
"password": "---password---"
How can I get my dev account working with connect-ace?
Two things to check:
1 - Check the if the credentials.json has correct values. host url should start with https://. Password is the api token generated from here.
"hosts": {
"https://<your atlassian site name>.atlassian.net": {
"product": "jira",
"username": "<jira user name>",
"password": "<Token created from https://id.atlassian.com/manage/api-tokens>"
2- Enable development mode at Settings -> Apps -> Manage Apps -> Settings. (This is required if the app is not published in marketplace)
This error is a default from atlas-connect
Print error image
In atlasssian-connect.json
replace this :
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "/installed"
for this:
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "installed"
Have you tried spawning your own cloud instance and testing it there? If not yet, try creating one here. Once successfully registered, in your credentials.json, change "connect-ace" with your baseUrl/sitename and with the right credentials, it should automatically install it for you.
Can someone give an example of how to use the gitRepo type of volume in Kubernetes?
The doc says it's a plugin, not sure what that means. Could not find an example anywhere and i don't know the proper syntax.
especially is there parameters to pull a specific branch, use credentials (username, password, or SSH key) etc...
Going through the Kubernetes code this is what I figured so far:
- name: data
repository: "git repo url"
revision: "hash of the commit to use"
But can't seen to make it work, and not sure how to troubleshoot this issue
This is a sample application I used:
"kind": "ReplicationController",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "tess.io",
"labels": {
"name": "tess.io"
"spec": {
"replicas": 3,
"selector": {
"name": "tess.io"
"template": {
"metadata": {
"labels": {
"name": "tess.io"
"spec": {
"containers": [
"image": "tess/tessio:0.0.3",
"name": "tessio",
"ports": [
"containerPort": 80,
"protocol": "TCP"
"volumeMounts": [
"mountPath": "/tess",
"name": "tess"
"volumes": [
"name": "tess",
"gitRepo": {
"repository": "https://<TOKEN>:x-oauth-basic#github.com/tess/tess.io"
And you can use the revision too.
PS: The repo above does not exist anymore.
gitRepo is now deprecated
going through the code this is what i figured:
- name: data
repository: "git repo url"
revision: "hash of the commit to use"
after fixing typos in my mountPath, it works fine.