How to use subdirectories in a dart .polymer 1 project? - dart

I generate a new Dart.Polymer1.0 in Webstorm. It has a default element <main-app> in directory \web.
I create a new element <t-file>, also in \web, which is used/called by <main-app>. All works fine.
I then move <t-file> into a subdirectory of web - \web\view\t_file.html.
WebStorm is happy - I can CTRL-B to t_file.html etc. There are no warnings or complaints. But the app shows a blank page when it runs (= not running!)
I move <t-file> back up to be a sibling of <main-app>, and it works again.
I must be missing something, but what is it?

I have "found the answer".
1) Close the project in Webstorm, and reopen it - it then works.
2) Do not remove imports that webstorm says are unused - because they are! In 'main-app.dart' I had
import 'package:rm5/view/t_file.dart';
which was greyed-out. But it must be there for it to work.


ReferenceError: Metadata for "GoogleMaps.GMSGeometryDistance" found but symbol not available at runtime

I'm using the nativescript-google-maps-utils plugin in a NativeScript JavaScript project to access GoogleMapsUtils functions (GMSGeometryDistance, GMSGeometryInterpolate, and GMSGeometryHeading) so that I can traverse a polyline. The Android equivalents work fine on Android devices, and the iOS functions listed work on an iOS simulator, but on an iOS device I get the exception,
ReferenceError: Metadata for "GoogleMaps.GMSGeometryDistance" found but symbol not available at runtime.
I've been chasing this for the better part of a day and still don't have any leads; I'd welcome any insight.
It's worth mentioning I've done the usual removal of the platforms, hooks, and node-modules folders and rebuilt, with no change in the error.
Here's the first line of code that triggers the error:
let lineDistance = GMSGeometryDistance(latlngs[i], latlngs[i + 1]);
[edit 2]
Still chasing this... I gather from this issue that I need to create a file with a list of exported symbols, and this issue kind of suggests how that could be done, but I'm not understanding how that applies to this situation.
That is, the question at hand now is how can I determine the symbols from the iOS GoogleMapsUtils static library? This is becoming more of an iOS and Xcode question that NativeScript or JavaScript.
[edit 3]
Sigh... I did get this working using the answer I provided below, but now that same approach is no longer working. No idea why :-(
[edit 4]
I re-reviewed the links I referenced above and included the STRIPFLAGS option and now the code works properly. I revised the answer to include this, and to edit build.xcconfig rather than the project file.
After another day's investigation I was able to get this working. Here's what it took.
Navigate to /platforms/iOS/Pods/GoogleMaps/Maps/Frameworks/GoogleMaps.framework/
Run nm --defined-only GoogleMaps | grep " T " | cut -f 3 -d' ' | egrep -v '^$|GoogleMaps'
Notice the names of the symbols. In my case each one I needed was the function name prefixed with an underscore
Create the file exportedSymbols.txt in /app/App_Resources/iOS
Add the symbols to the file. In my case the contents is:
Edit the file app/App_Resources/iOS/build.xcconfig and add these two lines
STRIPFLAGS=$(inherited) -s {PROJECT_DIR}/../../app/App_Resources/iOS/exportedSymbols.txt
EXPORTED_SYMBOLS_FILE = ${PROJECT_DIR}/../../app/App_Resources/iOS/exportedSymbols.txt
So far this is working in my tests on both iOS simulators and devices.

Vapor, why is drop.config nil

swift code:
let drop = Droplet()
▿ Config
▿ node : Node
- object : 0 elements
why is drop.config nil
saying it works once you delete the secrets folder leads me to believe your using xcode and added the files directly through xcode. If this is the case, you should get the folder structure back to its original condition. Once its working properly, add the new files/folders outside of xcode, I add mine using Atom but text editor of your choice will work fine, then save the texteditor file and they will show up in your xcode project and work as expected with drop.config.
1) navigate to project folder using command
2) if using atom, type "atom ."
3) add the new files/folders and hit control + S to save
should be good to go from there
To be safe, make all future adjustments to files in texteditor as well.
This is happening only on 3.1 because swift changed a folder with the dependencies and the vapor can not find working directory.
You should upgrade to the Vapor 1.5

Missing file from computer "opencv_core249d.dll". Resolution with eclipse Version: Mars.2 Release (4.5.2).Closed

I am facing a problem with my visual studio 2013 ultimate. i would run a open cv project but iam getting a error message like this " opencv_core249d.lib" missing from ur computer. re install the program.
Solution : It works with eclipse Version: Mars.2 Release (4.5.2).
This is a missing .dll issue, not a missing lib issue. It usually occurs when the Environment Variables have not been correctly set in your Windows environment. To take care of this problem, there are 2 methods:
1) edit Environment variables
Go to ‘My Computer’ , right-click and select ‘Properties’. A window called ‘System’ will open, containing the Windows Logo on the right. On the left margin of this window, you will find a link named ‘Advance system
settings’. Click on it.
Another window called ’System Properties’ will open. On the bottom right corner of this window, click on the button named ’Environment Variables..’.
Under the ‘System variables’ column, look for a variable by the name ‘Path’. - Select ‘Path’ and click ‘Edit..’
In the ‘variable value’ row, add the following address:
\path to\opencv\build\x86\vc12\bin;
Please Note- Ensure that the new address added by you, and the address previously written in the ‘variable value’ row, are separated by a ; DO NOT REMOVE the previous environment variable addresses.
2) Manually copy the .dll files.
In case the first approach does not work for you, go to:
\path to\opencv\build\x86\vc12\bin;
You'll find all the dll files that you're looking for. Copy those files to directory where your source code is located.

Xcode 5: Set symbolic breakpoints programatically

Symbolic breakpoins are great, but it's a hassle to manually add then in xcode. Well, after you add one, you can just enable/disable them, but it would be nice to be able to do it in code... something like this:
SetBreakPointForFunction([Myclass myfunction], BreakPointActionPlaySound);
Is this possible?
Not in code exactly, but you might be able to create breakpoints during the debug build phase with a shell script (Or have the shell fire python, ruby, whatever… to do the work.)
If you peek inside the .xcodeproj folder, you'll see it has paths like:
(disclaimer, this example references xcode 5.1.1)
The contents of the files are fairly straightforward:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
type = "4"
version = "2.0">
BreakpointExtensionID = "Xcode.Breakpoint.SymbolicBreakpoint">
shouldBeEnabled = "No"
ignoreCount = "0"
continueAfterRunningActions = "No"
symbolName = "-[ActivitySpanner thresholdTimePassed]"
moduleName = "">
So, by stuffing instances of BreakpointProxy into one of these files, you might apply a library of favorite breakpoints. Duplicates could be a pain, either push and pop the file or check for the instance first.
At worst, if xcode can't be forced to re-read the xcbkptlist files when they are changed by your script, then you could have a script that manipulates the breakpoint files, and then opens the project. (Perhaps overkill, we've gotten into the territory of continuous integration tools like Jenkins now :)

Team Foundation Build Activitie "DownloadFiles" is giving error

I am customizing the default build process template in TFS 2010.
i am using "DownloadFiles" build activity and in server path i have given "$/TFS/Libraries/Foo.DLL", when i run the execute definition its throwing error as "Access to the path '\ServerName\SharedFolder\BuildName\TempFolder' is denied.".
But when i give server path as "$/TFS/Libraries" its downloading all the files in Libraries folder into shared TempFolder.
But i need do download only one file. Please help..
Thanks in advance..
Now, DownloadFiles does work for a whole folder only:
ServerPath="$/proj/path" - works great, all is downloaded to LocalPath.
ServerPath="$/proj/path/name.ext" - borked.
I've de-compiled DownloadFiles to see why: First it gets a list of server items, in our case just $/proj/path/name.ext. Then, it calculates the local path like this:
localItemPath = Path.Combine(LocalPath,VersionControlPath.MakeRelative(ServerItem, ServerPath));
In this line, the activity assumes that ServerPath is a path. If it's not, then MakeRelative will not recognize it, and the local path will be LocalPath/$/proj/path/name.ext, as the OP has observed.
Also, if ServerPath is not canonical - for example, $/proj/path/../path2, the same will happen. Solution: use VersionControlPath.GetFullPath(myNonCanonicalPath).
You need to grant the user running the build service with write permissions on the shared folder.
There are two separate Build activities, DownloadFiles for a folder ServerItem and a DownloadFile for a single file ServerItem.I'd expect it should work with DownloadFile.
