ReferenceError: Metadata for "GoogleMaps.GMSGeometryDistance" found but symbol not available at runtime - ios

I'm using the nativescript-google-maps-utils plugin in a NativeScript JavaScript project to access GoogleMapsUtils functions (GMSGeometryDistance, GMSGeometryInterpolate, and GMSGeometryHeading) so that I can traverse a polyline. The Android equivalents work fine on Android devices, and the iOS functions listed work on an iOS simulator, but on an iOS device I get the exception,
ReferenceError: Metadata for "GoogleMaps.GMSGeometryDistance" found but symbol not available at runtime.
I've been chasing this for the better part of a day and still don't have any leads; I'd welcome any insight.
It's worth mentioning I've done the usual removal of the platforms, hooks, and node-modules folders and rebuilt, with no change in the error.
Here's the first line of code that triggers the error:
let lineDistance = GMSGeometryDistance(latlngs[i], latlngs[i + 1]);
[edit 2]
Still chasing this... I gather from this issue that I need to create a file with a list of exported symbols, and this issue kind of suggests how that could be done, but I'm not understanding how that applies to this situation.
That is, the question at hand now is how can I determine the symbols from the iOS GoogleMapsUtils static library? This is becoming more of an iOS and Xcode question that NativeScript or JavaScript.
[edit 3]
Sigh... I did get this working using the answer I provided below, but now that same approach is no longer working. No idea why :-(
[edit 4]
I re-reviewed the links I referenced above and included the STRIPFLAGS option and now the code works properly. I revised the answer to include this, and to edit build.xcconfig rather than the project file.

After another day's investigation I was able to get this working. Here's what it took.
Navigate to /platforms/iOS/Pods/GoogleMaps/Maps/Frameworks/GoogleMaps.framework/
Run nm --defined-only GoogleMaps | grep " T " | cut -f 3 -d' ' | egrep -v '^$|GoogleMaps'
Notice the names of the symbols. In my case each one I needed was the function name prefixed with an underscore
Create the file exportedSymbols.txt in /app/App_Resources/iOS
Add the symbols to the file. In my case the contents is:
Edit the file app/App_Resources/iOS/build.xcconfig and add these two lines
STRIPFLAGS=$(inherited) -s {PROJECT_DIR}/../../app/App_Resources/iOS/exportedSymbols.txt
EXPORTED_SYMBOLS_FILE = ${PROJECT_DIR}/../../app/App_Resources/iOS/exportedSymbols.txt
So far this is working in my tests on both iOS simulators and devices.


error: (type 1): cannot open file for reading 'ugmm8a.pfb' in LaTeX (font depreciated)

I have been trying to compile my latex code in, but it keeps giving the errors as follows, and it does not point in which line of the code the error is located in:
It seems like a font issue there and here is the raw log of the error:
! error: (type 1): cannot open file for reading 'ugmm8a.pfb'
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
I need to solve this error to get my output document.
The urw-garamond fonts works just fine with texlive2021, you just need the ugmr8a.pfb from
(... however it might give better results not to use such a legacy font if you're already using lualatex, overleaf has many good fonts installed
I have found the solution to this problem by myself.
Turns out the solution was just to change the Compiler (TeX Live) version of the project from 2021 to 2016 (since the 'ugmm8a.pfb' font got depreciated in the later version).
Hence I had to press the Menu option in the Top Left of my project, and then change the "TeX Live version" from 2021 to 2016 as shown in the screenshot below:
And after this one change when I recompiled, my document was successfully outputted without any errors.
As an additional info to people who are facing similar issues check this post by on how to add new fonts that do not exist on their server to your project:

How to use subdirectories in a dart .polymer 1 project?

I generate a new Dart.Polymer1.0 in Webstorm. It has a default element <main-app> in directory \web.
I create a new element <t-file>, also in \web, which is used/called by <main-app>. All works fine.
I then move <t-file> into a subdirectory of web - \web\view\t_file.html.
WebStorm is happy - I can CTRL-B to t_file.html etc. There are no warnings or complaints. But the app shows a blank page when it runs (= not running!)
I move <t-file> back up to be a sibling of <main-app>, and it works again.
I must be missing something, but what is it?
I have "found the answer".
1) Close the project in Webstorm, and reopen it - it then works.
2) Do not remove imports that webstorm says are unused - because they are! In 'main-app.dart' I had
import 'package:rm5/view/t_file.dart';
which was greyed-out. But it must be there for it to work.

Xcode "no such file or directory" if filename contains $$ sign?

Using xcode 6 and including files with names like Some$$Class.h and Some$$Class.m leads to problems. Xcode shows to error:
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/test/Some$ClassX.m'
clang: error: no input files
How can I force Xcode to handle files with $$in its name correctly?
There is a very! dirty hack.
If you look to the error message, you can see that the build process of Xcode replaces the $$ of Some$$Class.m with a single $. (Obviously there is no problem with Some$$Class.h) It is an escape sequence.
Some$$Class.m -> Some$Class.m
Therefore you can use Some$$$$Class.m to get Some$$Class.m.
Simply add an (empty) File with the name Some$$$$Class.m to your project to show Xcode that it exists. You have to do this once.
Generate your Some$$Class.m as you did as many times as you want.
When building Xcode will believe that it compiles and links Some$$$$Class.m, but in fact compiles and builds Some$$Class.m.
But you should really, really avoid these names. If the files are generated automatically it should be possible to rename them automatically.

Localize iOS App name in Unity

I'm'developing a Unity3D game that shows a different (localized) app name in the iPhone's home screen according to the user local language. Note that:
I already know how to localize the iOS app name by editing the Xcode project (create a InfoPlist.string file, localize it, add the CFBundleDisplayName key to it, etc.)
I also know how automatically localize an Android app name within the Unity editor (add a values-XX.xml file with the app_name property onto Assets/Plugins/Android/res/ folder, etc.)
The question is: how can I automatically localize my iOS app name within the Unity Editor so that I don't need to perform the error-prone task 1. every time I build the project?
I think that PostprocessBuildPlayer should be the way to go, however I haven't found any documentation on how to parse it and/or modify the Xcode project file correctly to achieve this.
Long time ago I ran into trouble when I tried to modify info.plist via the Build Player Pipeline especially when doing it in Append mode. It works only once and then subsequent builds fail with "The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format." (s. Unity forum posts like this one and my blog posting about this problem) So I decided to take the alternative way combining a customised build with an Xcode Build Pre-action.
Three steps are required:
(1) Xcode setup:
In Xcode go to Edit Scheme / Build / Pre-actions. Then click the + sign to add a New Run Script Action.
In Provide build settings select Unity-iPhone.
Paste . ${PROJECT_DIR}/ (note the dot and blank at the beginning, is ensures that the script is executed in the caller's shell)
So it should look like this:
(2) Script
Within your script you have access to all environmet variables from Xcode (s. Xcode Build Setting Reference) and you can manipulate Info.plist using the defaults command (man page). Here is a sample I used to add gyroscope to the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities:
# Code snippet used in Unity-iPhone scheme as "Build Pre-Action"
logger "Start adding keys to info.plist"
defaults write $my_domain $status_bar_key -boolean NO
if [ `defaults read $my_domain UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities | grep "gyroscope" | wc -l` = "0" ]; then
defaults write $my_domain UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities -array-add "gyroscope"
logger "Keys added to info.plist successfully"
(3) Build Pipeline:
Put the following code in a static editor class to create a new menu item Tools / My iOS Build with shortcut cmd+alt+b:
static string IOSBuildDir= "Develop";
[MenuItem("Tools/My iOS Build %&b")]
public static void IOSBuild () {
string[] levels = { "Assets/Scenes/Boot.unity",
// ...
string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory ();
path += "/" + IOSBuildDir + "/Info.plist";
if (File.Exists (path)) {
Debug.Log ("Removing file " + path);
File.Delete (path);
BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer (levels, "Develop", BuildTarget.iPhone,
I know this is no perfect solution but it's the only one I found to work stable. Two drawbacks:
Step (1) has to be repeated after major Xcode format changes
New scenes have to be appended in the editor class code in step (3)

Help in using OpenCV - Errors of type: identifier not found

Am a beginner to OpenCV and have gone so far as to work out the hello world samples, inverting, color conversion(RGB->greyscale ) etc programs working.
However i am stuck at the Programs that use cvCanny, cvPyr and other such feature detectors.Would really be thankful if the tiny prblem was sorted out .
I get the Error: error C3861: 'cvPyrDown': identifier not found
error C3861: 'cvCanny': identifier not found
I've included the imgproc and features2d headers yet the problem persists.
What am I missing out ?
Do you have your "Additional input directories" property set correctly?
Mine, configured by cmake, looks like this:
Btw. CMake is a nice tool if you are dealing with libraries that contains many include files, line OpenCV.
You can also check two other things:
After compiling OpenCV2.2 from sources, did you built "INSTALL" project in the OpenCV VS solution?
If you are using c++ headers, you might prefer c++ version of those functions,
in the cv namespace:
That sounds like a link error rather than any problems with include. Are you sure you are linking with cv.lib?
You need to add the $(OPENCV_ROOT)/lib directory to the linker path so it knows where to search for the files.
From the description, I assume you're using Visual Studio? If so, you have two options for doing so.
Add it to this project under Project -> Properties -> Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories.
Add it for all projects: Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories -> Library files. And then add folders there.
